( - t T "Alt f Wfifli'J.ft T W "W W - - PtrBUSEEP BVtHY TUESDAY MfjRj?TNOf AT - XWrcnlararlrge!yte- narin, Person, Caa, welLDarham, Orange, Vance, Warren, FranUm fake eonntlns 4hfcAildiia Tnhuwi Rf it of - tftorfh Carolina l&e Kicwt prosperous section of Unsurpassed aa an Advertising Medium. Rates -r-avruaeraeai.jann8nct,npou, application. Space on local page charged double i eguUr rates.' Communications. containing: news items or di- ruEy solicited from our -reader. W r aot re i frjMjnflWe forth viwot correspondents....- U a-lrertlsements of exemters, .aiii.Jiitra.fc t . iad saiea an coon notices or eTeryccas- o xford Torchlight. Wednesday, 1 ifivABY, 2, 188?. OCK niSlXQ CITY. r Oxlofl TVritten Up by a Prora- ' tsaitoriai cor. Westeri Tobacoo loanul Oxford, December 1. Some one has truly said "There' lsa time in the life of man, which if S rtalseri at Jpie flpoli ' tideleads fon id succesi," and o if has- jproyen ; the. case with Oxford, for" it came in with its unsurpassed Yellow Tobacco at a time when it was fojelyeeded, and its course ever since pas ;been a prosperous ptie. f LPriorlto JSl, tfie Tobicc inter ; est of this place amounted to practically nothing:, owing to a want of railroad, warehonse and banking: fatilitiesJ InfAiS?-t, 1881, a railroad -wag- completed,- wmch tapped the Kaieigh &Ua3 ton; Railroad at Henderson, i distance of thirteen miles, in v ing Oxford an outlet to the outer ' -world. "With the openiug of the railroad the business public. be gan to see tn-dawn or a new - era, and in that year there, was sold about a half million pounds ot lobacco, and the sales. ot wind have steadily "increased, unti I they now amount to about .eis&t I . million pounds of Leaf Tobacco a ; year. The demand for the golden hued, or Yellow Tobacco,, has 5 I-al waya '., be en gre a TA. a ud J i rt i i stc f, always will be tor tliatiwhich , - iiats Jnmit,! as tlie supply bas , never bec-n equal to the wants oi the niahufaciuiitig Trade. North Carolina is peculiarly the-region in whieh Bright Tobacco attains -the highest state of excellence. It is designated by the terms "Gold Leaf," ''Fancy - Bright,". rUranViller Bright," e.t. f The ! section rfround Qxfordis known as the "Granville Tobacco Belt," in vhich are embraced several counties. ? The tobacco, produced in Granville county proper is said to have no equal, the - shade, flavor and texture '"being to 0 marked that the ex pert dealer, will at once, recog nize it by these qualities, bo weH established has the produc tion of; this cquntyr become; that there is never ny lack of orders on. the market for it, and hardly feVer anv limit for Brigh't Wrap- i pers and' (Cutters. The Wrap . -pers are prized for their clear ness, being almost transparent at l times, bjt at the same time hav ing what Tobacco manufacturers very much desire toughness, i I The Cutters, lor Cigarette , pur j posesi arenever adrag, for they are sought alter, by every man l.ufacturer ofCigarettss for the purpose of mixinsr with other Iobacc to add aroma to it. : " ilMrJ Augustus ; Voelcker,"va no- ? ! ted chemist ; of London, Engl and, f "jin ft' report upon Bright Tobacco, " f specially referred to that of Gran j ville County. He said: "I find ; merely traces qf nitrates tin the i jaucy Dngiii looaccu, wmcu per liaps is one of thereasons why j the tobacco Iras a very mild taste. Another and most important fact ( ,whichmy investigations ,have " brought jto light is that the 5ran ville County Tobacco con ; tains little nicotine, which I am inclined to regard as a good fea ture in this Tobacco. The coarse, strong tobacco, such as is grown in the "Palatinate, contains three or four times as much nicotine," and Dr. Voelcker further, adds, 'Granville Bright is one of the finest flavored' mild Tobaccos . I ever smoked, poor in nicotine, and albuminous compounds, the absence of swhich is v a good a nd distinguish in g characteristic;' . . 'Whi 6 Oxtdrd issituated lrf Granville County, which produces from three to fiur million pounds f of Tobacco a Jear, it is not her only source of supply, as lo bacco is sold here f rom Person, Caswell, Durham, Orange, and Vanee counties, al of Jhem- pro dttcing -Bright Tpbaccoa. I The wants f every manufacturer can Ube supplied, on -this market,rfor ; every "rade knowut to; a Bright producing section 19 w aM 1, I Having said sq much inlmy, I previous letters about the new t crop, there is nothing to impart differing irom . previous reporis. The crop sold here shows defects complained of ia the ether North Carolina markets. The red Unge does not Dredominatein Tobacco 'of this section as in spp34 others, but it is an! lmperieci crop as a whole, being very nondescrTpt: AH grades are rnJinjr higb, and every Wrapper4 and Cut ter pile .-8old finds .readytaKers at, iuij prices. Thif being a visit to the -" last of thirteen - markets in Jhe ' States of North - Carolina and i Virginia, there is nothing in my ! observation J to "lead me to look , for tho lowering of prices, 3s ; some profe$s to anticipate, In ! the face of double.,and j in; some cases treble, the amount of To bacco sdld in all the markets this ! yeary as compared with -i same time last year, an actire market, ! strong competition and-rliigb s prices are to be noted for every C grade; ',,". l5 ':' sllMU . Oxford has been no laggard in 1n enterprise, '-Before the build- ins t tne railroad in lSSLit was l a Email cannlrv tradin t has ov&i- 3,000 copulation, property valued at ovfr, $2,000, 006, five large Tobacco ware houses, twenty,-five ty thirty- i i large and welt equipped- build inga for handling Tobacco, many! elegant and handsome residences, "$10,000 btnldinjr m- course ot exec 409, ;WiicIi. will be used as an opera house and city Hill onone of the upper floors, and as a market house on the ground floors ' 1 Absolutely Pure. T This powder never' vanes. A j marvel of purity; strength and wholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of -low) vest, soon rweigvu i wiutu j ( Sold only lnlpans. KOYAL mak ing Powder Co.,1C6 Wall St.jNA. ALE OP VALUABLE REAL ES- fiv imD, lit 1 Tv. T . TTil Tinrtpreln-nprt. KX(H-lltnX Of I. 11. Davis, deceased; having obtained an order ot the Su- penor uoun lor wrauviue piuuij w " nofe on Tnestlav, February 7th, 1888, at the court house door, in the towu of oxford, to the high est bidder br way of pullic huction, (subject to the continuation of ail Superior Court) the fol lowing tracts of land belonging to the estate of the said Isaac II, Dav.s," Ueseased, and situate in said count; of Granville, that is to say. one tract known as the Wilkirson tract adjoining the lands of T. L. Hargrove and others and con taining about 333M acresr au anoiuer irai. tmon 11 aa the Yellows tract, adjoining the lands of Hi man Thorp, Kichard Smith and others con-j tainmg about 7"i acres, ine ipv uamci ii-nut will be aolrt altogether or in separate tracts to bedcsignaped'outtHMtay of sale. . , . ' The said lauds wiH be sold on the following terms to-wit : One-third of the purchase money cah, and the balance on a credit of twelve montha with fnttrest from day of sale, the defer red pxvments antt interest to be secured by bond and title to be reserved until the full payment of the purchase money and interest ANSfiA DAVIS, Ext x. of Jan. 4, 1SS8. I. H. Davis, deceased . . . -t r- ies!' CHEAP s - 45TOCK For Wiktbb and Srarso Sales 188T-8. I have s large stock of APPLE TREES Two and three years old, good varieties that I will - -: - CLOSE OUT CHIAR PLC3I, CHERBY, GSAPtV &'!. If von want "anything lu the Nursery line CHEAP, especially APPLE, send for my Illus trated Descriptive Catalogue and Special Price List of snrptus stock for W inter and Spring sales ofl8Sfoniy Address, J. VAX. LINDLET, Pomona. N. C. GO AND SEE PC II THE HARNESS MAN t J1ENDEUSON, N. C. He Will, Sell You Clien p. and Repair, s f YpuE-Harness M j W vv Wire Railing and Ornamen tal Wire Works, D SvNos. 113 St 115 vi. Howard St. K" BALTIMORE, Md. Wire railings for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Office and Balco nies, Window Guards, Tree Guards, Wire Cloth Selves, Fenders, Cages and Coal Screens, Iron 'Bed 'Steads, &Cs, .- . Kobe'rts Co, . . . .,t ts i, -J ill i : Manafaclarcrs and Wholesale Dealers in . JoSoJ'ourteenth St a : i .? " - Mr. R.11: Roberts gives his personal attention to to trade oi Granville bounty and surround ing counties, and visits this sec tion at regular intervals Hold your oraers ' . f or ; him." Goods manufactured for North Carolina , 51r. N. E. Heall, is with !us and will be pleased jo see his friends. - . febl6-ly. I A1)IE3 ' ARE : ; OFFERED plain I ; needlework at ? their own homes Li (town or country) by a wholesale house. . Profitable, genuine.' Good pay can be made. - Everything fur nished. Particulars free. - Address A rti8tie Needlework Co., 135 8th St. r-rr XTJE) Hlfi w- BEEWER, Jr., President. Pomona Hill Nunr NURSERY t i . : ' - V iii ( .IURI.IjO.. J INSURANCE. I - ALEX-; J.TEl LD, . ? Late of Cannady '& Feud, imn 0) UVI V .J r - We wisli to annonnee to tke people of Oxford and Granville county at large that a poo the dis luthm of Cannady Fetid, Insurance Agents, their business was placed in oar hands, and that we will MtuHnfiA th hnflnMI in HI nf illkniwiua , the aiiove tamed flrra represented, with several citue we cant afford to do otherwise. We give :un Vu. TORNADO LlrJjr 1 HI To be had at the standard rates: Xor Ufe ComnanT. teE WA'SniNGTOX. la one fcf the" stronr. est and most popular doing bns neKs in oar RtafV, and we are aaxkraa that our friends examine its nlans before they insure. We are willine to stand com Dartson. . , Below we give the Tth Annual Stetetaent of the Company together with one of ft most popn alar forms of policies. This company Issues all of the most approved forma of policies. ' 27TH ANNUAL ; ! O . .-' v. .. ,7 ..; - . Net Assets, Dec. 31, '85...f7 394,545.06j . . RECEIPTS DTJRKfQ THE TEAR 1886. ;tT. a and N, For PreminniB,.... $l.5C.698.70 For interest, rents. .g -4 Ac ..... 401,1 17.81 . DISBURSEMENTS. Claims hy Death 618,486.54 Matured and Disconut- ed Kndowments, 15i,7ia85 Cash Divi'lendF,Keturn t Premiums and Sur rendered Policies. .. 435,635 85 Annuities......... 4,&i3. ' Total paid Policy hol ders,.... $1,111,383 S4 Taxes.... 15,121.6 J Commuted com mis- - sion.... 65.499.13 ., Profit and Loss, 43,843.11 Dividendato Stock holders. 8,590.75 Expenses, Kent, Com missions, Salaries, TPost ge, Advertis- i, H f ing Medical Examir i tion,Ck....i.. .,..!68, 73.0 S' . 1,49,730.79 Bet Assets, Dee. SI, '85. Folieies issned In 1SSS Amount of Insurance in 1836. ! ' $7,813,631-36 5 , W. HAXTUN, Vick-Prksujest akd SecretART.; , F. S. FRENCH, Sup't, of Agencies. CYRUS MUNN, A ssisiaut Secretary. i I. C.PlERON, Actuary. D.-W. McCREADT, M. D Medical Examiner.4 ' . 'FtSStSR & THOMPSON, Attorneys. ,"..-...,'.' BOARD OF . W. A. Brewer, Jr., -James B. Johsstojt, , Wm. Haxtujt. : Thomas Ho e, Koland fl-.- Mitchell. "John H. Sherwood, Geo. N.Lawrkxck, Levi P. Mortox, -, Abiel Low, ? ; OrSTAV SCWABv Mehritt Trimble, ', Geo. A. Robbixs, i ;The New Combiaation Policy of the If ajshinrjt o it ife 0njSuran 0. , - OF. NEW YORK. :: r affords ample protection for the family of th - insured for twenty years witn annual dividends at tae ena 01 xne nrsi aim wen sunsequent year, payable in cash or applied to augment the policy at the option cf the in sured. ' : .. 1 i " ' T t onnViloa i li o in en rn nt. tr spcnrs to himself a romnetenov fnr U nrra being the full amount uaiufcd in the pbliey, together with aft accumulated dividends.- - , . . w 1 sSr'V 4 Upon the completion of the period, and pimultanepusly with the pay ment of the t apital Sum, the insured4is also at once the possessor of t full paid-up, non participating insurance for one-half which is an estate in reversion, without further cost, " l r J t It Guarniitees in strong and explicit terms advantages not found In the policy of any other company. " , . It Guarantees . . ? fi.h- I , r,.TM' ! : - The payment of $3C,000 and all aivBurAill&ted dividends; should the insur It Guarantees the uavment of dividends if the insured survive the 1. Guarantees the payment to the dividends to. its credit,' if desired, should the polity be" surrendered before the expiration of the term. I ! It Guarantees to the policy-holder f va xijjkiiv Mucjr iur .'. ! Annual Cash Dividend. , s , Under the Combirmtion Policy of TH E ' WASHINGTON, the insured , secures more protection than by any speculative scheme of insurance ever I devised, by as much as the accumulated dividends would increase the amount of the policy. j j , r Contrasted with. the policy of any company whose dividends' are defer- red 5 yt are, 10 years, 15 years, or more during which the insured risks the entire lo?s of the surplus earnings of his premiums, and magnifies the haz ards of his insurance, thi- policy of THE W ASHI.NGTON is not only in stnnsically more valuable, but is comparably superior in the ineasure of the security it affords. . ,r - t . s , ) j- 5 ' ; K I. ) The Ideal Contract. - . . ' -',-.-i tu vt-:. t n f, 9 :-'- C 4s n endeent, the Combination Policy, being' .a positive T cbntract is better for the insured than any policy ever before issued As an En dowment and Lite Insurance Policy combined, it is the "Ideal' Contract, and is superior to a "Tontine," or 'Distribution," or "Deferred Dividend Policy, by. as much as a definite feidways superior to an indefinite con- IU Liberal Zit&Z unitie1 non-forfeiteble dividend system of THE WASHINGTON, with annual cash dividends, .with, provisions for sur render rn ore liberal than the non-forfeiture law of the StAte provides, and with privileges of residence jand travel" unrestricted; with all these benefits united m the Combination Policy of the Washington, it Js con fidently recommended to the public as the nearest approach to a perfect life insurance contract devised. ; , , v I 0r orIt Is oa Brst floor of BANK BFILDINO. ' ' .' " " 1 1 1 1 i' Hoping to racrn a portion of joor patrons, FEILD 1 GENERAL 1JN5U RANGE.AGTS, OXFORD, N.'C.'-" ;bey;s.-koyster. r Late of Hall & Roy stew i. (. l.. ... I 1 1 AtldltjonaL AVe.rcpreaefttONLY Tli. VEST, be-1 the best - J i a vvi ft PODIGIES! ! 1 -. .r STATEMENT ASSETS. cnyarocKS S 659.T0J.41 onos ana Morrga- r, Real Estate . ...... 430,Mi; casa on nan 4 ana in : - j ; , l Banks and Trust Co. " 13T.S1.S Loans on collaterals 1 70, 18 7 .ea Agents' balances... 38,483,89 Add excess of mar ket value of st jck ' over. cost... Interest accrued...; Interest due and unpaid... Deferred and un paid Prem's less 20 per cent.......... Gross "Assets Dec. .111886....... :........ ; $8,269,613.60 -! LIABILITIES. , Reserved bv Y. Standard Dep't. t valuation $7,219,901.00 Claiwie irt course f ', 'f adiustment- r C7.lC9.99 Matured Endr'mts. - not yet called for j 1,863.20 Premiums paid hit ; f advance..!... 0,816. eoi Unpaid Dividends to ; Stockholders. Salaries. Rent, &c SnrplQsas regards , Policy holders.'..: ; 528.20 r 2,041.63 991.290.63 ' ' - : I! 8.269.613.60 6 No. of Policies In force.... 16.504 .71 u s m y m 0 mm . mm mm W Wi iwi T M r, ffe ffl $7,48.43jXotal amount insured...... $30.074.83 1 DIRECroiiS. Frederick R. Coudert, Nath'Ij. L. McCready, -George Newbold, James Thompson . ;t ,Bexjamix Haxtun, VVlXSON G. HFRT, U t iKDWIN.H. AIKAJ, Chas. A. Lcdixotos, ' Henry F. Hitch, "Robert Bownk, Chas. P. BRirroy, T " Payxk Petteboke, Francis G Adams, Francis Speirs, h ' Benj.J.Mc Cready.M.D. David Thomson, r i jof the Capital Sum, ana payable at death. ' i ! I'- M ' I ' " $30,000, together with ail accumulated period insured of the full sum of all cash who survives the 20 years' period, a Conditions. and wishing yon all prosperoas Kew Year, y.' -.tit , ! . 'h'i.-.; i t,o f IT MljSCElip AUyERTISEMEITrSlT Ji.CdttreirSptr MANUFACTURERS I -1 :- 7 r t . . . rr. '4 v. i S- 1 1 111 ware, . Stoves, HOUSEFURNISHINGS'- 'Refjairingdone on Rhort notice.' s Roofing, Gtlterinf, and general W.O. WoomCTT,S rabeth, Kew Jersey. J. E.- ScHooxFiEi 1 , janvllie, Va. B. P, Jones, Danville. e. Va. :m. J. E. TYLER, Oxford,iN. C. 1 'Ui!- ill H t HlirHHf H i i S3 ! t,- - ! f?-1-5 ? t; s-?;?l" i "-5 hk em h - ilnH ? ;nHHw :- ua si f; fac 5 r- ; 'tffifSF i-i -. r v r!?f lI 833 " u.' M. ALLiliiN. ALLEN & CRAM. : Machinists an d foundry niqn ? lA.X.LIGHlSr.Cj' . :-' - - Orders For 1 Sj?cial Mherj cf Everj; lescfiptm Solicits ! ENGINES, BOILERS, SHAFTINGS PULLEYS, AJjp.HANGfiRS '' 4 ? CONStInTLY ON HAND OR MADE TO ORD'ER. j Reoairinsr of all kinds Promptly Attended to-on Sbort Noticq. . u-9-i y. ' . -. r j . R. P. RICHARDSON. i , w WHOLESALE AND CaRPETJjGS, . Oil. CLOTHS. OAXTON 1 NO. 809 EAST MA !N STREET. PACE BLOCK. BANK - ' I DURHAM, N.-CV W. T. BLACK WEt-L, President. P. A.. WILEY, Cashier. WM.jS. HALLIBURTON", Assistant :Cv&hier. .... I Oilers Best Facilities to the Public. - n ARRANGEMENTS MADE il-9-ly. ' Diamonds, Watches &ewelr y, 4 TO Successors to 807 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND VA. : j I . "i. -..- ' ;...';.. .... u I - Has on hand one of thte largest stocks of Diamonds, Lad.?s and Gents Gold and Silver "Watches, solid silverware in cases, suitable for bridal bridal presents. The best qtialityof plated goods ia the market and all at the lowest prices. -1 Watch repairing done .in the best manner and at th.-; owest rates. Goods sent on approval when references are given. 3 .6 ly. ! ' . apes M Jewelry; At P. WTCK()FF'S, :! r r i r r Solid and Heavy Plated Silver Ware of. Many Kindd and oveltle; You will be surprised to see how cheap yon OpurehaJewehT;lnfaet I endeavor to sell aU goods in my line AT KEDUCfcD RATES. DeMoor Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eye Glasses which I carry in stock hre the best for the eyes'and very cheap. Please can and see-what bargains you can buy. With an experi-nce of forty (40) years I aui sure I ea.ii suit you. ' eclal attention paid to Repairing fine Wat and Je welrv A . . ; Respectfully, &c, iv P. .WYCKOFF. f febl-12uv j . i flffW??8 Baddies, Collars, &c; ArlJ JJEiAXjtilVO . 'SaddlerysHardware' at Wn lesale v : AJN 1 - 1364 Main Street and 5 for S. S. Cotirell & CVSJ OW Stind T 1 Hit:' t,: tit f . and tt- firsUclaigi ttyl i Tin She,et Jrbn VftrkapeciaIfy.! W. P. Roup, W. H. Tnm, RJthmonrt, Va. C. H. Nostox, LMirnam, a. Tl n. t. T . .-minr.u ln . V , k k mtkh inrnun. .t. it. - " AVM. CRAJf.r. THOMAS BOOKER RETAIL DEALERS IN FlNDOV"'il?H.VDES, AND COO V Ji ATT1SGS. ' ' - : i RICHMOND, VIRGINIA..; ..if. - i FOR INTEREoT ON DEPOSITS. ' -.-v,?,. .... 3 John H. Tyler & Co. 1-- A AAAJ, ( , , , , 1 PS- v A ) 4 , RICHMOND, A OF WRIAM - 7 - tL oxford; N'. w. T . ,, aRGL, CONVENIENT, SKLLS MOKE jV Vw y- .' i5 Jii1 e -i t II J !l -v H II 1 4. rill. K. 9 J, THAN ANV OTHER WAREHOUSE Jtf THE WORLD. 7 I : BQOKS IWTLIi I m9W IT. OUR MARKET HAS SOLD MORE THAN' DOUBLE AS MUCH TpBACCO THIS FALL AS LAST, OWING TO OUiTMenpvHight Prices , WE'WANTt ALL GRADES AND WILL , Guarantee Full Satisfaction i;ATALL TIMES- WE INTliIND UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES TO Keep Up Ouj' H3rd.Earncd Reputation For : HIGHJEICES. "We respectfnllv Thsit the larraere to crivo ns their-patronager .Bullock & Mitchell TEUBN TUREtAND 1 Lead the Trado X.argest Stock in the SotiHi- Ta4 Va 7E?si a jLfJj.,, ! . - ' f A'r : FI A WOS AWD Oj?C A WS- .. 1 ' HEADQUARTERS P()R THE CELEBRATED MAKES fr8, EMERSON A- EEY & KIMBALL ORGANS. . tTTSeud tor Catalorue. AIVIES & MEW ' : ' 1SSas9BaOBaBBBEsB8 We beg to Inform onr patrons and public generally that we nave this clay associated with onr selres in business MR. ALKX. DEL A KEY, lately the Tanner - A Delaney Engine Company, of Richmond, Va. Mr. Delaney is well known as a practical machinist and skillful mechanical en gineer, ana we feel assured that with so valuable an addition to our Arm, we can promise com plete satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. The style of the firm from this date will be L i : i? i 4 v;- s 'l ' , !-' Appreciating the liberal paironaire witn whleff we have been ravored, wilkoot break or interims sion inderthe same maiugen ent f jrmore than forty rears past, we ask for a continuation of the same to our new firm. TAPPY & STEJTGX. " -'.-K- ; : :-?'! it '--fj t, j, I have this day baen admitted to an interest in the above firm and so lit it the patronage of icy friends. .,. f . J i 'i r f it? r fA?X. DEL A-JSETil Y ?., Junrf h lS&JL 3-23-1 j KTERSBVTta, V A- ,ir. ?! :'iiui i i . T -WELD ARRANGED. a bt FINE TOBAOCO '.PRICES ir onr-frienclst CAR1TS in LOW IMilGES, OF STEVENS, .......... I with a. meagre population. York City. . . ..:-- ' . I ' . ; i ': , i ' 'i . .. f ': . ... - I I r , "It -Tr-V-1 iBiHI- .1,0 , I " 'viLM.x.

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