r- 'V :. JOHN T. BRITT EDITOR AND OWNER FOR Tte UPBUILDING OF OXFORD AND GRANVILLE COUNTY v SUBSCRIPTION ONE ' DOLLAR A YEAR. ISSUED SEMI-WEEKLY. OXFORD, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1911. VOLUME L -NO. 50. ur TRADING PUBUC f TT7"TT'H yfs: "TTTv TTv ?'"- ' . ' ' " -: 7 : ;" - : 1 1 . Lyon Links. The nice showers of rain continue to fall and crops are looking better. Mr Sam Mangum, of Rougemont, was a Lyon visitor the second Sundayl Mrs Nipper and son, Julian, of Rog- efs Sarah Horner, of Henderson, is Mrs. vtonHfld visit to her son, Mr. on an - Ira Lyon. A big fishing party left Lyon Tuesday for Flat River where all enjoyed a big fish fry- Miss Urma Umstead, ot Stem, is visiting Misses Ziba and Gertrude Fleming this week. Mrs. Carrie Hamilton, of Durham, after a visit to friends at Lyon has returned home. We are sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. George Hedgpeth. Hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aiken, of Rich mond is visiting their sister, Mrs. John Fleming. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Gra ham Daniel, who has been sick so long, has grown worse. The road force under the manage ment of Mr. I. H. Hobgood has moved from Creedmoor to Knap of Reeds. Mrs. S. M Clark and three children of Oxford, are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark and other relatives. Mr. George Hedgpeth had the mis fortune of losing a cow by lightning and a few days ago lost a fine horse. Misses Nannie and Lizzie Roycroft, of Northside, were the guests of Miss Clyde Roycroft Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Mary Waller and daughter, Mamie, and little nieces, of Raleigh, are visitLiJ Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lyon. Little Miss Wesly Lee Rogers, of Wendell, visited her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Rogers the first of the week. . . - A revival is being held at Concord this week conducted by Rev. Mr. Martin, assisted by Mr. Harris, our former pastor. Misses Lorena and Alice Veazey and Messrs. Ira and Elbert Veazey, of Bahama, visited the family of Mr. S.N Goss Sunday. Miss Maggie E. Wheeler, of North side, is visiting in the community of Lyon this week and attending the re vival at Concord. Mr. S. N. Goss left Sunday for Balti more for treatment at John Hopkins hospital, accompanied by his son.Rob ert, and Dr. O. W. Holloway. Miss Florence Averette entertained the young people of the neighborhood Sunday evening in honor of the Misses Powell, of Wake Forest. The colored association is in session a Piney Grove this week. We fear this will be the means of spreading the smallpox as it is among that race. The young folks enjoyed an ice eream supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wheeler, given in honor of their guests, Misses Polly Ann and Sarathna Powell, of Wake Forest, Sat urday night. A Bachelor. Pleasant Entertainment. Wednesday morning was an a agree able one in the social life of the town due to an entertainment given by Mrs. L. W. Starke, complimentary to Mrs. Dudley Bonitz, of Chicago. After an hour of pleasant social intercourse, an elegant salad course was served by Mrs. Starke, who presented a beauti ful cut glass bowl to. Mrs. Bonitz, as a s ouvenire of the occasion. The guests were Mesdames Dudley Bonitz, E. H. Crenshaw, J. B. Powell, William Lan dis, Edward Cannady, T. L Booth, W. D- Bryan, J. W. Cannady, W. T. Pace, A- A. Chapman, Miss Francis, of Balti more, Miss Hutchings, of Charlotte. I REPAIR old Bicycles. Judson Parham, Oxford. I MAKE old Bicycles new. Judson Parham, Oxford. cycles Judson Parnam, Oxford, forBi- glaJ N0 M0RE and get the best Susses fitted to vour evfts from Dr. N. uCf81?1 next Tuesday, July 25th, at ,1C xchande Hnti rjncDQD fittA up including examination. onF?c? ,SALE House and Lot for sale Owerfef- Apply to Wallace n.v. 4tpd LOCAL SHOR T GRAFTS. Vl , T 1 t Mr. A. A. Hicks is a lover of rti cows and added another one to his flock Wednesday. Mrs. Calvin Breedlove and children are on a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. P. Patterson, near Dexter this week. I Be sure and read tbe sale of land in Fishing Creek township by B. S. Roy ster, Commississioner, advertised on the 4th page. Mr. . Medford seems to be in quite a happy frame of mind over the arrival of a 13 pound girl at his home a few days ago. - Do you want to buy a good 8-room house in Oxford, if so read the adver tisement ot Granville Real Estate & Trust fco.in another part of this paper. If yp u wish to buy some valuable sure and read the town property be advertisement of L D. Royster and W. C Currin, Commissioners, on the 4th page. We call your attention to the advert tisement of land for rent or sale in an other column. It is worth your while to look into the matter if you wish to rent or buy. Mrs, Elijah Puckett and children, af ter a week's visit to the family of Mr. S. T. Puckett, of Oxford township, re turnee to their home in Henderson Wednesday. Mr. Jr. S. Hart, of Oak Hill township, showed us an egg a few days ago laid by a white Leghorn hen 7 1-2 inches long and 8 1-2 inches round, and weighed 5 ounces. Your attention is called, to the sale of lanoV advertised fn another column by B. . Royster, Commissioner, known ag Henry Clay Dillard land in Brass- field township. J Mr. Oscar Ragland has been award ed a scholarship at Wake Forest Col lege by President Poteaton account of presenting the best certificate of prep aration for college. I Miss Mary Cooper and a number of youn people spent Wednesday at Cheatbam's pond enjoying a pleasant picnicj and engaging in sketching scenes around the old mill. Wejare much pleased to learn that Mrs. Dudley Fuller, who has been crit ically ill for several days, is slowly im proving, which will be good news to her many relatives and friends. Mrs. L. F. Smith has taken the O'Connor Cottage at Ocean View, Va. for the season. She is now establish ed there and is prepared to accomo date a few boarders. Address her as above1. Mr. J. L. Woody become the owner of the farm of Mr. David N. Hunt i fir . j 1 a. m saiem townsnip on weanesuay at the price of $4,250. He is now living on the place, having rented it from Mr. rtunt. The Water Tank again reached high water mark Wednesday and run over to the pleasure of the citizens as well as the Water Company. The new well is a hummer and furnishes a large flow 1 of pure water. Boys, you have but one mother; care for and spare her. She is not a beast of burden to drive along the highway of life. There is no love like your mother's love; you may not know it now, but you will some day. The interior of the Methodist church has been nicely overhauled, the walls being whitened, the floor stained and woodwork andwindows cleaned up. It is a marked improvement to the audi torium of this heautiful edifice. Quite a happy crowd of about 75 people enjoyed seining in Tar River Wednesday in the Gooch bridge sec tion, and the fish dinner was a royal affair, being prepared by some of the splendid ladies of that section. It lis a pleasure to us to have the assistance this week of Mr. S. R. Win ters,! one of the bright, intelligent and hustling young men of the county? who is enjoying his vacation prepanav tory to again entering the State Uni versity. - Basket Factory. . Oxford has another manufacturing plant that is going right ahead. It is a Tobacco Basket Factory located near the Southern Wheel Co., and is turning out nice line of baskets daily. It is run by Messrs. (X D. Ray and D, J. Gooch, and the Oxford Banner wishes these gentlemen great success in the enterprise. Death of Good Man. Mr. R. C. Wood, who lived just across the line in Person county, died sud denly Thursday and was buried at Trinity church, near Berea, Friday. He was 75 years old and a devoted member of Trinity Methodist church and greatly beloved by his neighbors. Capt, J. G. Shotwell attended the fun eral of his good friend. Good Flour and Meal. . Everybody wants good wholesbme flour and meal, the real staff oL life, and just now the Oxford Roller Mills is the place to have it ground as well as to buy it. Mr. Parham has put the mill in first class order, and seeks your trade, promising to do his best to please all who come. Read his adver tisement on the 4th page. Jumped off the Train. Masters Shepard Booth and Elliott Cooper lett Tuesday morning to make a visit to Suffolk. The train passed Suffolk without stopping and going rap idly, Shepard Booth jumped from the swiftly moving train and received a hard fall. Elliott seeing Shepard fall did not risk the jump and was carried on to Norfolk, where he went to the home of his cousin Horner Winston. Faithful Servant. -Mr. James Rogers, a real veteran of the railway mail service, has resigned and become a regular land hustler in stead of a wheel roller. He served Uncle Sam most acceptably for more than 22 years on the Keysville Branch of the Southern, making a splendid record, and we feel sure that" the peo ple along that road regret to lose so kindly and faithful a gentleman, and their best wishes no doubt follow him in his retirement to private life. Carriers Get More Money. Postmaster Brown has received an official notice from the Postmaster General of the increase in salaries of rural mail carriers. The increase ef fects all seven of the most excellent carriers out of Oxford as their routes are 24 miles and over in length, Messrs. Dorsey Oakley, Herndon Mooore, Ernest Cheatham, J. T.Critch er, D. N. Hunt, R. W. Boyd and Joe Hunt. We do not know the length of all the routes in the county, but all the carriers get an increase in pay. Town Taxes Levied. At the last meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners the same tax rate of $.20 and $2 on the poll that was levied last year was ordered for this year. The assessed valued for the town was reported as a trifle over $1,490,000. This is the reahestate and personal property figures and does not include bank stock, railroads, nor cor poration excess. The increase for this year over last will show some where between $125,000 and $150,000 and will bring in about $1,800 in addi tional taxes. Graded School Faculty. The vacancies in the Oxford Graded School are now filled, and the follow ing is the list of teachers for the next term: J. R. Conley, Superintendent. Mr. Cowles, Principal, 9th and 10th grades. Miss Ada Jones 8th grade. Mrs. James Paris 7th grade. Miss Gray 6th grade. Miss Clement 5th grade. Miss Jeannette Biggs 4th grade. Miss Lucy Webb 3rd grade. Miss Lillian Minor 2nd grade. Miss May White 1st grade. DON'T FAIL to see Dr. N, Rosen- stein, the Eye Specialist of Durham, at Oxford, next Tuesday, July 25th, stop ping at the Exchange Hotel, for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses in any style of frames, steel er fold, from $2 up including examina tion. Don't forget Tuesday, July 25th. YOU SHOULD not fail to consult Dr. N. Rosenstein in regard to your eyes and Spectacles. He can be of great help to your eyes and spectacles as thousands of others can testify. He wHl be at' Oxford on Tuesday, July 25 th, at the Exchange HoteL Meeting of Farmers Union. Quite a large number oi Granville farmers attended a county meeting of the Farmers Union in the Court House in Oxford Thursday to discuss the question of marketing this fall's crop of tobacco. The two principal speakers were Joel B. Fort, of Tennessee, and ffejf. Comer of Danville. Va. Both speakers expressed the conviction that the farmers are not getting their share of the profits on tobacco and that the only way to remedy this is by co-operation in selling An effort will be made to organize5 a corporation to fa cilitate the marketing of tobacco and to eliminate some of the cost occur ing between the producer and the manufacturer. -vThe American- Tobacco Company came in for a few gentle thrusts during the course of the speeches and the ap plause of the audience gave some lit tle indication that the farmers do not f$el that they have had a square deal. At the afternoon executive session of the Union an organization to be known as the Granville Parmers' Co operative Company was formed with the following officers: President, Her bert Faucette; Vice-President, N. G. Grews; Secretary, J. C. Howard; Direc tors, G. Y. Parham, C. M. Knott, T. G. Currin, J. T. Cozart, and S. R. Howard. A committee was appointed to so licit stqck, a large amount being sub scribed at the meeting. The principal object of the company is to build and operate a dry prizery to take the to bacco, have it priced and put in mar ketable form. The large attendance on this meeting, the length of time of the session, the enthusiasm and deter mined look of the men entering into the movement, point to something more than, a mere spasm of protest against existing conditions. A called meeting will be held on the 7th of Au jgust to enter more fully into the car rying out of the plans. Two Marriages at Exchange. v- TheV young people tf Virginia -will come over the line to get married. On the!7th Mr. Lewis. W. Breedlove and Miss Susie . M. Hammock, of Black stone, Va., were married at the Ex change Hotel, Rev. J. B.Weatherspoon performing the ceremony. On Thursday Mr. Wayland G. Mat thews, of Raleigh, and Miss Emma M. Horton, of Durham, arrived at the Ex change' Hotel, and in a short time were married by Squire Willie Thorp and sent on their way happy in each others love. Death of Mr. I. B. Wilson. Over a month ago Mr. I. B. Wilson, son of Mr. John W. Wilson, of Fishing Creek Township, while working on a railroad 'in Virginia was stricken with typhoid fever and was brought to the home of Mr. R. I. Daniel, just outside of Oxford, and placed in the hands of Mrs. Daniel, who is a splendid nurse and so faithfully attended at his bed side for more than a month. He con tinued to grow worse until Wednesday morning when he passed away. Mr. Wilson was an industrious young man and quite popular with all who knew him. He was a member of the Gran ville Grays, and was much beloved by his comrades, and had by his fidelity to duty made a splendid record in the company. On Thursday morning the body was taken in charge of by Undertaker Robt. Wood and under an escort of the Gran vHle Grays was carried out to Corinth church and consigned to the tomb with military honor in the presence of a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends. He has answered his last roll call and may he rest in peace. Dead Letters in Postoffice. The following letters remain un claimed at the Post Office, Oxford, N. C, for the week ending July 18th, 1911. La dies Naces Boro, Beather Gooch, Mary Bell Lewis, Lola B. Martin, Bud Buchannon, Amanda Hodge, Graham Peace. Ella Jane Santer. Gentleman Ramie Anderson, J. N. Anderson, E. E. Bryan, J. C. James, William Lewis, Qua Lattsch, A. M. Montague, Harry Peace, C. Royster, Frank M. Thompson, Hill Lyon. The above letters will be sent, to the Dead Letter Office unless called for before August 1st, 1911. When calling for he above please give the date when advertised. J. W. Brown. Post Master. FOR Bicycles tires see Judson Pax ham, Oxford, N. C... THOSE WHO TRAVEL. Miss Annie Furman is at Buffalo Springs. Mr. S. R. Abernethy is on a visit to Asheville. Mr. Mark Landis was in Dupham Wednesday. Miss Willie Lee Thomas is visiting friends at Virgilina. Mr. J. M. Phipps, of Route 1, was in town Wednesday. Mr. W. S. Cozart, of Stem, was on our streets Wednesday. Mr. L. Thomas was in Richmond! Wednesday on business. v Mr. W. B. Daniel, of Vance county, was in Oxford Thursday. Mr. L. A. Currin, of Wilton, was an Oxford visitor Wednesday. Mr. C. B. Edwards, of Raleigh, was an Oxford visitor Wednesday. Miss Annie Brown has returned from a pleasant visit to Henderson. Miss Willie Adcock, of Durham, is visiting Miss Helen Frazieron Route 7 The attractive Miss Katie Lee Gooch of Stem, was on our streets Thursday. Mr. Lee Evans, of Oak Hill, was in1 town Thursday and called on the edi tor. Mr. a. 1. Daniel, ot Koute was in town Thursday and called on the edi tor. Miss Jeannette Biggs is enjoying her summer outing in the "Land of the Sky." Mr. Geo. Cannady, of Dunn, is visit ing'his old home at Tar River ;Acad- -Miss Mary Webb is at Ocean. View with Capt. and Mrs. W. A. -Devin's party. Mrs. Clonts, of Lakeland, Fla., is the gvest of Mrs. John Paris on College street. Mrs. W. C. Tyree, of High Point, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Currin. Miss Lucy Landis has returned from Weldon where she has been on a de lightful visit. Miss Lizzie Watkins, of Henderson, was the guest of Mrs. L. A. Royster the past week. Miss Frances Hays is on a visit to the- family of Mr. John W. Hays in Petersburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bradsher, of Shady Grove, were Raleigh visitors Wednesday. Mrs. J. G Hall and little daughter, Sarah, spent the week with Mrs. J. A; Morris near Wilton. Mrs. L. F. Smith and children are at Ocean View where they have taken a cottage for the summer. Misses Ethel Breedlove and Mattie Rice, of Route 5, were among the Ox ford visitors last Tuesday. Mr. G. V. Daniel, who has been on a visit to his old home, will leave for Lake City, S. C, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Burnett and children, of Route 5, were among the Oxford visitors Wednesday. Mr. George Hundley, of West Point, Va., was in Oxford Wednesday shak ing hands with his old friends. Miss Ruth Fuller, after spending a week with relatives in Oxford, has re turned to her home in Berea. Miss Gertrude Powell returned a few days ago from a visit to Wrights ville and other eastern-points. Mr. Cox, of Charlotte, has charge of the telegraph and express office during the absence of Mr. Frank Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. E, 1. Kawlms are vis iting Mr. Rawlin's sister, near Townes ville, where his health is improving. Missc s Ruth White, of Stovall, Leta Hester, of Chase City, spent the week with Mrs-Lohnie Perkinson on Rectory street. - ' General and Mrs. B.S.Royster great ly enjoyed their stay in Morehead City during the Encampment Regiment. of the Third ; 1 Mr. and Mrs. J.Thotwell and child, of Vance county, were the guests of Judge and Mrs. J. G. Shotwell the first of the week. . " Miss Rountree,Vwho Has - been visit ing at the home of Mrs. 1. L." Hicks, left Wednesday morning for Jier home in New York. - ' - . Mr. and MrsW. JCurrin, of Route 17, spent last Saturday C and Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Puck ett, hear Henderson. ' Miss Chrrie Fuller, of-Oxford, and Miss Ruth Fulleror ..Berea, spent last Sunday with Misses' May and Allene Breedlove, near Dexter. . Mrs. Ewell and son, after a delightful-visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L J. Steed on Rectory street returned to Richmond Tuesday, v Mr. Geo. Harris and : several mem bers of his family passed; through Ox ford Wednesday en route' for Buffalo Springs in an automobile. - Mr. and Mrs. W. A.McFarIand spent last Monday with Mrs. W. J. Downey, on Route 7, who had the misfortune to break her left arm last week. Miss Juanta Penny," of Raleigh, ' and Miss Maud Dunn, of Henderson, were the pleasant guests of Miss Jesse Per kinson on Rectory street a few days this week. : -' - : Mr. Richard Brown.one of the clerks in the postoffice, and Mr. R. W. Boyd, carrier on Route 6, and Mr. Herndon Moore, carrier on Route 2, are enjoy ing a vacation. r; I . : - ' . Mr. and Mrs; Morris Green and chip dren, and TjAr. and ms Frank Spencer and two sons, and Miss Howard spent. the week in camp near. Grassy Creek Railroad bridge. 1; ; s Mr W W TWi most delightful' Visit :tp Mr. S. H. Smith at Lynchburg, ? Va. Glad to learn frorn him that 'our good friend Smith "continues to nrosnftr: - - irxia. xxiuuimt vjawiauy auu cnuuren returned Wednesday; from a visit to mrs. nugn oKinner atsmitnneid, and were joined in, Oxford b'y' Mr. Cannady who had just returned from a business trip in the South. Clement-.Yancey. The following , invitation has been issued and received in Oxford: Mrs. Amos Gooch Clement requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Hattie " - . to ;;: ", ' ; . Mr. William Thornton Yancey ' on the morning of Wednesday the second of August at half after ten o'clock At Home .( , Durham, North Carolin The bride to be is very accomplished and possesses charming personality. A fine musician and ,of recognized beauty and attractive manners. Mr. Yancey is one of Oxford's most progressive and public spirited men. As cashier of the. National Bank of Granville he has proven his ability as a financier, and holds the confidence and esteem of the whole community. He is noted for his accuracy and strict attention to business. Always popii ular and welcomed in the social life of the town the best wishes of many are for his haDDiness and the hnnniness of the accomplished bride-to-be.. To Boom City or Town. It is the opinion of the New Orleans Item that any city can be developed by adopting these three words, "Boost, buy and build." Instead of howlers or doubters, a city needs boosters who will boost all the time and everywhere "incessant boosters, who are even at times a trifle unreasonable in the minds of the boosters of a rival town". As the Birmingham Age-Herald points out, every available dollar should be put into home dirt, and thi3 should be done before prices , have gone too high. Keal estate that is steadily advancing is the safest prop- prtv in tnft world. '-Nn nn siti stAnl it:!if it be but dirt, no lire can damage it After a lot has been bought, the boosteivwill build. Then, thinks bur Alabama contemporary.his conscience should- rest easy. He has performed his part; he' has been a booster, a buy er and a builder, and that is "just about the round of city development. The citizen wno does noij doosi, uuy and build fails of the highest' develop ment standard. - . '