LEDGER AND OXFORD BANNER. m i I i : i.. at- .'i ! 1 S i S I i i r i- it i I l i i i I 1 u i f . .Ml !!: .1 . ! If: N i I; J I tr v: M fell 1 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May I une July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov. 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 mi 266.S7 1,828.27 1,813.65 418.39 354.83 569.93 2,0S5.I8 1,344.09 419.67 667.55 629.21 $11,645.54 Jurv Tickets 2,566.45 li.R. Bond and Coupons u ana S. Townships 1,715.00 Commissions paid Treasurer 593.0b Ttal $16,520.05 RECAPITULATION. ,-.T7- Dnn ttttxtt-s! nTaBTlRSEMENTS J..-- - "r- .... . on ic Dec. 1910 Jan. 1911 Feb. 1911 Mar. 1911 Apr. 1911 My 1911 June 1911 July 1911 Aug. 1911 Sept, 1911 Oct. 1311 Nov. 1911 1,121.35 1,148.07 2,247.77 2.754.04 2,456.66 1,914. 6S 2,653.27 2,705.23 1.5S9.5S 4,894.11 $27,841.18 6-106.97 Interest and Commiasiona Total Road Disb. $33,94S.15 RKCAPITULATIOX OF PAUPER FUNL Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Kov. 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 $245. 4P 16S.66 1,005.02 193.88 195.68 180.48 305.12 32S.6J 915.4 5 135.85 206.86 271.85 Total $4,152.51 Total disbursements of Gen. Co and R. R. funds with. Int. and Commissions added $16,520.05 Total Disb. Road funds, Int. and Commissions 33.94S.15 Total Disb. Pauper funds 4,152.91 Total Disburaments $54,621.11 COST OF GRANVILLE CO. COURTS Costs in November Term 1910 $132.00 Cost and Jury tickets Special Term Jan. 1911 Cost and Jury tickets Feb. term 1911 Cost and Jury tickets May term 1911 Cost and Jurv tickets Aug term 1911 Cost and Jury tickets Nov. trm 1911 62S.91 579.28 "--- r i o . i ) 582.69 1,040.26 Total RECEIPTS. Road Funds receipts Gen. Co. Pauper and R. R. $3,6S6.S9 $34,603-75 20,140.75 $54,744.50 Total North Carolina Granville County. J. B. Powell, Register of Deeds of r foresaid County, being duly sworn deposes ana says that the report of receipts and disbursements as shown by This report for year 1911, are true. Vitne.s my hand and seal this LVc, 13th. 1911. W. T. LYON. J. P. (Seal) headache, biliousness, in digestion, rheumatism, pimples, blotches, yellow complexion, etc., are all signs of poisons in your blood. These poisons should be driven out, or serious illness may result To get rid of them, use E 5 raueht the old, reliable, purely vegetable, liver medicine. Mrs. T. H. Easier. of Soartanbursr. S. C savs? " I had sick headache, for years. I felt bad most of the time, I tried Thed ford's Black-Draught, and now I feel better than when I was 16 years old." Your druggist sells it, in 25 cent packages. on A teaspoonful of medicine in time often Dre- IteLV Children j ljS A teaspoonful I of medicine in I ! time often nre- I vents a siege of sickness and saves the little ones a lot of suffering. We have pure, "wholesome remedies for fill the different ills of children. REXALL WORM CANDY is the most de lightful medicine ycu could give children, and at the same time it is a safe and sure cure for stomach and intestinal worms, round worms, whip worms and pin worms. REXALL BABY LAXA TIVE is a mild and gentle regulator for the baby. Sold with the Rcxall guarantee J. G. HAIili, Oxiord, N. C. Citu Officials of Oxford Mayor j D. G. Bkummitt Treasurer. . .Gkanville Real Est. & Trust Co Clerk R. B. Hikes Tax Collector R. B. Hines POLICE. Ohief A. Williford Cfficer No. 1 Nat Wheeler FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief S. M. Wheeler Driver P. A. Wood commissionerrs, A. W. Graham. C. W. Bryan. W. T. Yancey. S. W Parker. B. F. Taylor. R. W. Harris. R. S. Usrv. Driving Distances From Oxford To Henderson O. 11 ....12Stem 12 lr ' J r i iiirTOViiiffiict; ) i- .... . m Bullocks l.i W. N. C. R. R . . . . 12 Berea 1 Crv?edmoor 10 Satterwhite Shop. . ! Wilton 15 Oak Hill 11 Dicker son 3 Culberth KIDabney 7 1-2 Shoofly HfDexter 8 SOCIETIES. A. F. & A. M. Oxford Lode No. 3 meets every first Monday nii-ht in Odd Fel lows' Had. I. O. O. F. Oxford Lodste No. 103 meets every Tuesdav niht in Odd Fellows' Hall. .Jr.'O. U. A. M.Grunvilc Council No. 117 meets second and fourth Fridav nights in Odd Fellows' Hall. V. O. W. White Oak Camp No. 17 Sec ond and fourth Thursday nights in Odd Fellows' Hall. M. W. A Oxford Camp No. 1:1.639 meets third Monday night in Odd Fellows' Hail. U. D. C. V. Granville Grays Chapter, No. 406 meets first Tuesdav in each month. LT. c. V. Maurice Smith Camp No. 1277 meets at cail of Commander. King's Daughters Ministering Circle first Wednesday after first Tuesday in morning. Oxford of Today In viewing the sites of North Carolina with a prospective eye, p-orninence must be :iven to Oxford, one of the most pro gressive cities situated in the Golden Belt section, two great railway systems placing it in c'ose connection with the larger cities of the country. As a residence point Ox ford is abreast of the age in natural beauty and advantages. A restful and inviting openness that characterizes the residence Dortion is the first impression of the visitor. Nothing is crowded. Nature has been lav ish in primitive beautv and it needed only the touch of an industrious nd law-abiding citizenship to make it an ideal spot. Oxford has that, and a healthful climate, ranking second on health statistics in the U. S. Oxford has not allowed a single interest to develop at the expense of other features, as often occurs in the rapid growth of a community, but has kept a balance over all issues. Oxford is surrounded by well-improved firms. The land is fertile and highly pro ductive. The farmers about Oxford are an intelligent, broad-minded class and are active and alert to see the favoring forces of nature and make the best of their oppor tunities. Oxford has 18 churches." 2 railroads. 2 banks. 1 cotton mill, 1 cotton gin, 4 tobacco warehouses, several stemmeries and prize houses. Factories : 3 buggy, lbody. 1 wheel. 1 ice. Plans and surveys for a new and up-to-date postofnee are under way. A new $23,000 graded school building, with modern equipment, a $17,000 opera house, hotels and other implovements and increasing real estate values mark Oxford's steady growth. The school enrollment of 0 pu pils 445 white, 11 teachers, 323 colored, 3 teachers, require 2 buildings. Two large private educational instituiions, Horner Military and Oxford Female Seminary, are located here, as well as the Masonic Orphan Asylum. Water works, electric lights, a piogressive commercial club and social life are other desirable features. Cotton and tobacco realize highest market rates. A beautifu! C. V. monument stands at the head of courthouse square. The Ledger Panner, weekly and semi weekly, is a well-conducted and up-to-date newspaper. The Orphan's Friend is pub lished weekly at the asylum. Job printing is also conducted in Oxford in an up-to-date manner. The Oxford Orphanage. Established ?? years ago, Dec. 1872. by Grand Lodrfe of Mason of North Carolina, John H. Mills being fi.-3t Superintendent, 2,500 children have been received since its opening, while 323 girls and boys are at present cared for. Post OsTice Notes. Hours 8 a. m, to 6 p. m. daily, except Sunday, office bein2 open after arrival of each mail. Southern Railway mails : From Durham, 7:27 a. m. To the North. 7:27 a. m., 3:20 p. m.; to Durham. 11:13 a.m., 8:30 p. m. Seaboard Air Line Railway mails : To Henderson, 8 a. m, 11:53 a. m., 3:05 p. m., 5:05 p. m.; from Henderson, 3:20 p. m.. 7:23 p. m.; to Durham, 2:50 p. m.; from Durham. 12:15 noon. RAILROAD RATES VIA SEABOARD. Henderson 33 Durham 80 Kittreli 53 Franklniton.. . 40 Wake Forest... 1 00 Louisburg 1 00 Raleigh 1 45 Hamiet 3 85 Monroe 4 80 Atlanta 11 50 Charlotte 4 80 Grevstone 45 Middleburg 55 I Manson RO Noriina 75 Warren Plains. 80 Littleton 1 15 Roanoke J'tn. . . 1 55 Wcldon 1 65 Portsmouth 3 65 Petersburg 2 60 Richmond 3 20 Washington ... 6 35 Baltimore 7 35 Philadelphia... 9 75 New York 12 00 RAILROAD RATES VIA SOUTHERN. Henderson 33 Durham 80 Raleigh.... ....1 43 Ciarksville 60 Chase City P3 Boydton i'O Greensboro 2 20 South Hill 1 20 Richmond 3 20 Norfolk 3 65 Burkeviile 1 SO South Boston ..1 90 Danviile 2 20 Jeffress 65 CHURCHES. First Baptist, Rev. J. B. Witherspoon, pastor Services at 1 1 a m and 7 p. m. Episcopal, Ilev. F. T. H. Horsfield, pastor Service? at 11 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal Rev. A. P. Tyer, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Presbyterian Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. DEALERS IN Heavy artel Fancy Groceries. Farm Supplies arid Fertilizer CREEDMOOR, N. C Just Received The Old Melrose, Royal Patent, Ba kers Choice, and Standard Flour. Also Meal, Ship Stuff, Bran, Hay, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. We are offering regular 30 cent sell 4 er IC-CO WE WANT 0. B. ALLEN, General Manager. EneBMaaiiED iiiiisiiiDaijssiiii 1879 .X G. HALL 1911 Leading Druggist & Seedsman of Granville County Doctors' Frescriyrtiorts arid Familc Receipts Specialty, compounded by 13. gis tenetl Foliar rsrva. cists PURE DRUGS AND Mil S OF EVERY KIND Arent for HEX ALL" Reaisdies. Everv one is imaran teed. If not satisajd after taking a ay of thesa medicines your monev returned. You cannot lose. Spectacles and Eyeglasses that suit your eyes at reasonable prices. Money back if not satisfied. Two registered optometrists. i-iigH Ora.cie Garden and Fieid. Seed Morse and Cstte Powders J. F. Iloyster's Special Horse Powder. Hall's Celebrated Hog Powder prevents and cures Hog Cholera aud adds one pound of meat for every cent's worth of the powder fed to the hogs. THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES IN STATIONERY Box Paper, Tablets and School Supplies. Depository for Public School Books. Bibles, Teachers' Bibles, Family Bibles and Testaments at every price. Fountain Pens from -$1.00 to 07.50. Guaranteed Razors and Pocket Knives. . Large Stock of Toilet A rticles, K:c tracts and Other Perfumes, Combs and Brushes, all kinds of Soaps, Toilet and Talcum Powder. Oor&ectior&eLries, FVnits and Candies Hurler's, Fenwavs, and other hitrh irrade Chocolates and Chocolate Bon Bon's. They are THE BEST. All P i;ri ci oi im'mer "WstoTrs, Jll tine most IPop YOUR FRSND, J. G. HALL nEEBOPiiicaeHeEme! iuaioiiiiiiinGnas W Jj M loos Don't be in the list of the thousands. Any under taking in life, whether for Business, Pleasure, Bd ucation or Housekeeping, requires Capital .in or der to succeed. Make up your mind today to open a Saving 3 B ii IKiim M Four every four months and succeed in whatever vou 9 9 1 or I. E. HARRIS, Cashier. Creedmoor, - - - - N. Oarolirija. w&ismmnsrK. ass in Car Load Reliable. Brands, Coffee 25 cents. YOUR TRADE. E. K. MORRIS, See. and Treasurer, Ml ; g a 1 luGUU $ mmf EC G K u X THIS BANK Per Ml ins! on Your Deposit. you will have Capital to undertake later. Today. anK o . i m - 1 IKF Was 1 Let Hie o I y U To sell Dry Goods, Clothing,Gro ceries, or any line of Merchan dise; a house or farm for rent; or if you want to rent a house or farm; if you want a job or a man for a job; have a horse, cow, pig, poultry, or anything for sale; or want to buy anything, let the people know through PUBLIC LEDGER. You can't make it public "by word of mouth". H if '-4 g n I I 1 e I 1 Ell ! - i Try a want Ad. in C cents per type line 00 you icrow That the Public Ledger offers the best medium between the seller and buyer in Granville county? That the business men who have tried the Public Ledger as an advertising medium stay with it? It pays them. That the Public Ledger is on the job ail the time and pulling for the Interest of the home merchants, the town, county and all other public institutions? I Subscription If you are not an j La matter over with you and it you are an advertiser, we would like to talk with you about increasing your space. ilr Just Say The Word 0. !U 1 HO 1 3 17 People Know Through Pfff (flMPiT U UiLv!J I Only $1.00 per Year. advertiser we would like to talk the write you a contract. lie Led. ger

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