PUBLIC LEDGER AND OXFORD BANNER ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Oxford Has to Bow to the In . evitable :Scores of Citi zens Prove It. E. W. Harper, College street, Oxford, N. C says: "My back troubled me greatly and there was a constant, dull pain across my kidneys and loins. When I passed the kidney secretions, they pained me and it was plain to be seen that my kidneys were in fault. When Doan's Kidney Pills were recom mended to me, I got a box from the Hamilton Drug Co. and used them as directed. They drove away aches and pains and helped me in every way. wiilingly give this public account of my experience." (Statement given in February 1908.) THE TEST OF TIME. On December 9th, 1910, Mr. Harper said: "'I have not had any need of a iiirinpv mpHirinft since I used and illMMV J v - recommended Doan's Kidney Pills in 1908. It gives me pleasure to again tell of the merits of this preparation." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Northern Granville Notes. Our faithful mail carriers from Nelr son and Virgilina have missed only one day making their routes since the snow. If there is any truth in the old say ing, "A hard winter makes a good crop year," I think the farmers may ex pect the best crop this year that has been made in several years. At the home of Mr. George Noblin near Clarksville , Va., on Wednesday, January, 10th, 1912, Mr. R. A. Loyd, of this section, and Miss Cattie Yancey were joined in the holy bonds of matri mony by Rev. J. H. Gordon, of Virgi lina, Va. Both of these good people have many friends who wish them bon voyage on the matrimonial sea. On Saturdav evening a very sad accident occurred at the home of Mr. Thomas Boyd at Adoniram. His aunt, Miss Jennie Boyd, fell on the ice, striking her neck on the door step breaking it instantly. She was buried on Monday at the old burying ground near Mr. Leroy Elliott's, The sympa thy of the entire community goes out to Mr. Boyd and family. BALD HEADS NOT WANTED Den's True Heaven. Wonderfully trained sympathetic and smart deg are the dearest com panions of ai;..ost every German stu dent who ha ihe money to afford one or more. VI - an be seen in the university tovs iuitasticaiiy outfitted with the student corps coior, in rib bons or weaiiii? the liny monkey stu dent cap on doggie's head. Often are degs sent on al sorts of chores, carry ing a bat-I'er of esgs. bread or butter, a bottle of brardy, dressed chicken, etc. Outside v.? tco many labor stunts often g-ievejs drudgery Germany is the deg s true heaven. Weight cf Snow. A cubic fooi of newly fallen snow weighs five and one-half pounds and has 12 times the bulk of an equal weight of water. J. G. HALL'S SUCCESS. Great Popularity ot Plan to Sell Medicine at Half Price and Guarantee a Cure. J. G. Hall the enterprising druggist rather than await the ordinary meth ods of introduction urged the Dr. How ard Co. to secure a quick sale for their celebrated specific for the cure of con stipation and dyspepsia by offering the regular 50c bottle at half price. In addition to selling a 50c bottle of Dr. Howard's specific for 25c J G. Hall has so much faith in the remedy he will refund the money to anyone whom it does not cure. When your head aches your stomach does not digest food easily and natural ly when there is constipation, specks before the eyes, tired feeling,giddiness, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue heart burn, sour stomach, roaring or ringing in the ears, melancholy and liver troubles Dr. Howard's specific will cure you. If it does not it will not cost you a cent. This latest achievement of science is of great value in curing sick head ache. Thousands of women are today free from that Dainful disease solely through the use of this specific. THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE. Tastes Like and is Eaten Like Candy. In our experience in the handling of drugs and medicines, we believe we have never had experience with any Remedy that gave such great satisiac tion to our customers as do Rexall Or derlies. This remedy is not like any other laxative or cathartic. It contains all the good features of other laxatives, but none of their faults. Our own faith in Rexall Orderlies is so strong that we offer them to you with our own positive personal guar antee, that if they do not thoroughly satisfy you, you only need tell us and we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for them. Therefore, in trying them upon our recommendation you take no risk whatever. Rexall Orderlies taste like and are eaten like candy. They do not gripe, cause nausea, excessive looseness, or any other annoyance. They act so easily that they may be taken at any timft rfav or night. They are particu larly good for children, aged, or delicate persons. They are put up in conven ient tablets in three sizes of packages Prif!fi inn. 25c. and 50c. Remember, Rexall Remedies can be nKtainprl in this rnmmimitv only at JU WU1UVU 11' r mi T-k 1 1 O a. T fl our store. ine Kexau oiure, o. Hall, Oxford, N. C. Baldness is too Generally Con sidered a Sign of Ad vanced Age. A bald-headed person does not have an equal chance with one blessed with a healthy head of hair, because bald ness is too generally accepted as an indication of age. Many large corpor ations have established an age limit, and refuse to take men over 35 years of age as new employees. Probably 65 per cent, of bald-headed people may regain a good head of healthy hair if they will follow our ad vice and accept our offer. We have a remedy that we positively guarantee to grow hair on any head, unless the roots of the hair are entirely dead, their follicles closed, and the scalp has become glazed and shiny. We want people to try this remedy at our risk, with the district understanding that unless it does exactly what we claim it will, and gives satisfaction in every respect, we shall make no charge for the remedy used during the trial. We know exactly what we are talk ing about, and with this offer back of our statements no one should scoff, doubt our word, or hesitate to put our remedy to an actual test. We want every one in Oxford who is suffering from any scalp or hair trouble, dandruff, falling hair, or bald ness to try our Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We want thern to use it regularly say until three bottles have been used and if it does not eradicate dandruff, cleanse and refresh the scalp, tighten the hair in its roots, and grow new hair, we will return every cent paid us for the remedy for the mere asking. There is no formality expected, and we exact no obligation from the user vhatever. We are established right here in Ox ford, and make this offer with a full understanding that our business suc cess entirely depends upon the sort of treatment we accord our customers, and we would not dare make the above offer unless we were positively certain that we could substantiate it in every particular. Remember, you can ob tain Rexall Remedies in this commu nity only at our store. The Rexall Store. J. G. Hall, Oxford, N. C. Sale of Store and House and Lot. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed in trust executed 10 me oh yuc mu ua, of January. 1911, by A. L. Curl and wife, and duly recorded in Book 90 page 16 of the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of uranviiie uounty, suaii uu MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19th. 1912. sell to the highest bidder, by public auction, at the Court House door in Oxford, for cash, the following described lots of land: LOT NO. 1: One store and lot on Lyon street in the town of Creedmoor. adjoinining building owned by Curl-Perry Company on the West side, thence running 25 feet East to S, C. Lyon's corner; thence north 75 feet; thence West 25 feet to corner of Curl Perry Company building; thence along said building 75 feet to the beginning, said lot being 25x75 feet with brick building on same. .,..., LOT NO. 2: One house and lot on North side of Park Avenue Street, in Creedmoor. N. C. adjoining J. E. Jones on the West, Park Avenue on the South, C. T. Evans on the East and S. C. Lyon on the North &nd contains three fourths of an acre. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. This January 19th, 1912. I. E. HARRIS, Trustee. Administrators Notice. The undersigned, having been duly appointed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Granville county as Administrator of W. G. Johnson, deceased, late of said county, hereby notifies all persons holding claims against the estate of the said deceased to present the same to him for payment on or before the 19th day of January. 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This January 19th, 1912. WALTER JOHNSON, Administrator of W. G. Johnson, deceased. B. S. Royster, Attorney. I I 4. btS. v or Just Received a. Car Pennsylvania Anthracite Stove Coal OXFORD ICE CO. IFEraEDSBDa nns mis spot s The explanation is &hnple;ihey are madeWh the greatest care and every ingredient hns to pass the test of om own laboratories - there? nohil or miss'abou iffgystei Fertilizers. Sold -By Reliable Dealers Everywhere F-S. ROYSTER GTLIANO CO. Sales Offices Norfolk Va. TarboroNX. Columbia SC. Baltimore Md. MontomeryAla. Spartanburg 3G. Macon. Ga. ColumbusGa. M o n e v Saving Event of the Year. 111 s& etc m Whit e Sale. 335 BEGINNING Monday Morning. January 22nd We will place on sale the prettiest col lection of White Goods ever shown in Ox ford. Months ahead we have been prepar ing and planning for this sale and have col lected an unusually attractive line. Many styles and qualities confined to us that you will not find at any other store in this section. LADIES MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Everything in the line of Ladies Muslin Underwear,Drawers, Petticoats, Chemises, Corset Covers, Gowns and Princess Slips. These goods were made in clean sanitary work rooms and not in sweat shops where disease germinates. You will find the prices lower than ever before for such styles and qualities. Landis & Easton Jt S:--About 15 Ladies Coat Suits on hand at half price. Maybe just what you have been look ing for. MOT CE TO TAX PAYERS. Everybody that owes tax will please call and settle at once or I will be forced to send deputies to see you, and that means cost to you and trouble for me. I must col lect all taxes due within the next few days. The books for seyeral townships are already in the hands of deputies and the others will be in a few days, but you can pay at office if you come before the deputy sees you. I must have all taxes due so I can make settlement with the State and County. S. IV! . Wheeler, Sheriff. Administrators Notice. Having this day qualified as the admini-i. of the estate of Mary E. Lawrence, deceased, . f Granville county, this is to notify all persons l: . ing claims against the estate of said defeased t. hibit them to tne undersigned on or before Jan n i, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar i recovery. AH persons indebted to this estate W"'i please make immediate payment. Jan. 4th ir fc. tl. LAWKCINUfc. Administr.'iK,; BLOOD POISOI Cured by the Marvel of the Centu B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. Drives out blood poison in any stage perma; n y without deadly mercury, with pure Botanical m gradients. To prove it we will send you a SAMPLE TREATMENT FREE If you have Ulcers, Eating Sores. Itching Humors Swellings. Mucus Patches, Bone Pains, oft.-n-l h Pimples or Eruptions, take B. B. B. (BOTAVr BLOOD BALM). All symptoms heal (luickiV Blood is made pure and rich, completely chansin: the entire body into a clean, healthy conditio- healing every sore and stopping all aches, p iir,.' and itching, curing the worst cases of blood puiscn DRUGGISTS, or by express, $1 PER LARGE liiT TLE, with directions for the home cure. SAMP! V SENT FREE by writing Blood Balm Co., AtlamV Ga., Describe your trouble and free medical advice given. Sold by J. G. Main St. HALL Oxford, N. C. November 4th. 1911. Protection Against Couolis And Colds. Don't make yourself miserable both day and night with that incessant cough. Get rid of it as soon as possible. Our com pound syrup of WHITE PINE AND TAR will give you relief. Protect yourself against further compli cations, severe sore throat, ton silitis, or Bronchitis by the use of our compound syrup of White Pine and Tar. Price 25 cents. Frank F. Lyon. v;u .til)-;! ' 6Sl ii" yVr J I i . .4 n We are the Doctors When it Comes to Plumbing, Heating or Electrical. Phone us your wants, a full line of fixtures and supplieon hand ID & Osbo n. 5C Ms to My Ms for Making My Place the Busy Place During 1911. HERE IS MY SLOGAN FOR 1912: GOODS RIGHT, PRICES RIGHT, TREAT YOU RIGHT. If this sounds right to you, come right on to me when in need of any kind of Building Material for the House OR Coal and Wood to Keep it warm REMEMBER Mr. D. W. Hait is in charge of my Shop Work. He knows how to do it Can furnish all kinds of Shop Work such as Sash, Door,Blinds, Frames, Balusters, Columns Brackets, Mantels, Mouldings, Lattice, etc. REMEMBER TOO not only can I furnish Lumber and Wood Work, but that I keep in stock all such things as Lime, Cement, Plaster, Brick, Nails, Locks, Hinges, General Buil ders Hardware, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc. C. O. M AIT, OsdHoird, M. 1 I