PUBLIC LEDGER AND OXFORD BANNER. PUBLIC LEDGER AND OXFORBy BANNER PUBLICATION OFFICE : BR ITT PRINTERY. MITCHELL BUILDING. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Oxford. N. C. Published Semi-Weeklv by BRITT & COOL E. PRICE OF SUBSCRIPTION : One Year . .$1 00 Six Months 60 fKran Mnnth 40 kti. .t:.T, ho naid to finrmvmniH corres- i j atibuimu " , . mnHentn and no communications to the editor will be printed unless the name of the writer ac- tUlliptlU) . ... . nv A.iuortken- fin advertisement will be A VP fc changed on day of publication. Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. ADVERTISING RATES. One year contract 10c per inch, net. each inser tion, run of paper. . Six months 12 l-2c per inch. net. each insertion. Three months 15c per inch, net, run of paper for each insertion. PREFERRED POSITIONS. On one year contract 12 l-2c per inch. net. each insertion. . Six months 15c per inch. net. each insertion. Three months 18cts per inch. net. each insertion. One or two months 25c per inch, net, each mser tiod. , . 3 i , rv. 1 1 r insertion. DID YOU KNOW that the Public Ledger with it;, 2.500 subscribers offers the best advertising medium t n ihu iiur th Imvt-r in tins ter- uriwrcu 1 1 1 v dvuvi " " - - ritorv. OXFORD. N. C. SATURDAY. MARCH 23rd. 1912 What the Farmers Pay. The farmer, lie pays the freight, the tax, and the pensions, and to do this he has to cultivate three acres in order fnr his own use the DroduCt of . T : . U mn4- otnnanniiG 07C- lW(. It IS lilt: lliuat aiupi.H"wuj tern of iniquity and oppression to which any free people ever submitted, and yet the farmer who works three days for two days' wages is expected to walk up to the polls and vote for pro tection, which he never gets. Down with the war tariff! Mr. Simmons and Mr, Kitchin. To the Editor: May I ask a ques tion and will some of Governor Kitchin's friends please tell why every man who gets in his way becomes a Judas, a Repnblican, traitor, a wolf, in sheep's clothing. Mr. Craig was a man who was held in high rankand esteem and had the confidence of his people, but as soon as he got in Mr. Kitchin's way he became a traitor, a Republican of the deepest dye. But as soon as the tight was over, then again Mr. Craig is a gentlemen, a man worthy to become the Governor of North Carolina. But now Mr. Simmons has got in his path as I find he, too, has turned black, be comes Judas, traitor, Republican. And why is he a Republican? If I under stand it is because when a Republican President asked that the gap be taken down so Canada could send in all her raw material, and farmers here should not be protected, but the factory was Mr. Simmons said: "I can't do that because it discriminates against the farmer:" but says he, "give the farmer the same chance as you do the factory and I will vote for the bill." I wish to know if protecting the classes and leaving unprotected the farmer and the masses is what Mr Kitchin means to say is Democratic. If that is what it means, then deliver me. And I wish to say to mv farmer friends: "Do you want a man that invites competition to beat down your prices, but says pro tect the factory?" E. J. Fletcher, in Rocky Mount Echo. Stovall Short Stops. We are sorry to learn of the continued illness of Mr. Lewis Wilson. We are dlad to see Mr.Taz Cutts out again after an attack of rheumatism. There will be services in the Presby terian Church next Sunday night at 7.30, conducted by Rev. Mr. Joines. Vaneination is in style here, and nearly every child you meet says "be careful, please, and don't touch my arm." Mr W. P. Slaughter who has been on an extended visit to J. P. Williams, near Virgilina, is the guest of Mr. Jas. K. Wilkerson this week. Spuprnl neonle from here went over t r.inrirviil last Sundav afternoon to I see the raging waters, and all testify to the devastations ot the storm. While Mr. Slaughter was waiting for i trmn in Ijiai IVSVlllc iusl " u . . . tirt several fine cows floating down th swollen river. The river was the highest since 1870. Wp had a good attendance at Sun ,iov rhonl and Draver meeting last QoKKath Thf nraver services in the evening were conducted by our very clever banker, Mr. U. L.i.ewis, ins suu ject being the "Building of Solomon's Temple." One of our merchants was posting up his books recently and came across an article charged, which he could i.i 1 I .V. not make out, ami called me cier wuu made the entry to render an explana tion. After scrutinizing the entry a moment the clerk replied that it was a physical impossibility to tell what it was since it was entered on the book one whole week. Some claim it is caused by eating the seed of tomatoes; by flour ground by a roller mill, the iron washing off the roller: by eating corn meal made from corn in a molded state, but I claim it is caused by eating victuals cooked or stewed in a blacK tin or galvanized pan. If you put fruit that contains acid in any other than a por celain vessel and stir it you will find a sediment foreign to the fruit which is doubtless nothing less than the shedding of the inner surface of the cooking utensil. When you eat the fruit you also consume a quanty of lsad or tin. which I think brings on ap pendicitis. I have a right to mv own opinions, but would be pleased to hear from others on the subject. Peck's Bad Boy. FOR WAGONS AND HARNESS SEE PETE BULLOCK Hlllsrioro Street, Oxford, N. C. H Sells the Nissen Round and Square Hound and the Light Running Studebaker Wagons. Harness and Saddles of all kinds. CHICHESTER S PILLS THE U1AMUNO BEAM). V Chl-ches-teHs Ulamond BpBud 1M1U in Ked and Uold metailicfV boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. V Take no other. Buy of yoor lrujrclt- Ask foi C'H i-t'IIHS-TEH 8 DIAMOND ItRAKI) PILLS, for 25 .rc tnnam a Rest. Safest. Always Reliable -r SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE !l5Slliilt to 1 1 THE FARMERS. 1 itr. - k-z IKS BLOOD POISON Cured by the Marvel of the Centuary, B. B. B. Tested for 30 Years. Drives out blood poison in any stage permanently without deadly mercury, with pure Botanical in gredient:!. To prove it we will send you a SAMPLE TREATMENT FREE If you have Ulcers. Eating Sores. Itching Humors. Swellings. Mucus Patches. Bone Pains, offensive Pimples or Eruptions, take B. B. B. (BOTANIC III M"kr HA I Ml All uumrir.ims: htal nilirklv. J f - . ' " J . ' Blood is made pure and rich, completely changing the entire body into a clean, healthy condition, healing every sore and stopping all aches, pains and itching, curing the worst cases of blood poison. DRUGGISTS, or by express, $1 PER LARGE BOT TLE, with directions for the home cure. SAMPLE SENT FREE by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga Describe your trouble and free medical advice give. Sold by J. G. HALL, ooo Main St. November 4(h. 1911. Oxford, N. C. A Senatorial Poem, What a queer thing is this senator chat, Who ever dreamed of a fight like that? Who ever thought that divided we d ne. As to who should succeed "Old Mary Ann B." Do vou remember, in ninty-eight. When we started in to save the State;! When negro rule was having full svay, And everything good had been driyen j away. What was it then, when we needed a man, To lead us out from under that band. That went to the wheel of the "old ship" of State, And headed her straight for the golden gate. Who's mighty brain and powerful hand, j Brought tne old snip saie to lanac Brought her out of a sea of despair, And placed her in a harbor fair? Where she'll stay for the ages to come, An ever reminder of work well done; And who do you say is this leader brave, That did our good "Old North State" Save? Why F. M. Simmons, our chairman great, Who Pops and Republicans fear and Now isn't it right, and isn't it fair, That we give to him a Senator s chair? There is no man more able than he, To defend the rights of our N. C. And be it early or be it late He'll e'er stand firm fos the "Old North State." Newbern Sun. FOR SHERIFF. At the solicitation of many friends I i u,r nnnmmpp mvself a candidate for the nomination of Sheriff of Gran ville county subject to tne uemocraiu. : If nnminAted I Shall USe mV best efforts to make the people a good officer. w.uuuiuuii. WHY WOMEN SUFFER. Many Oxford Women are Learning the Cure. Women often suffer, not knowing the cause. Backache, headache, dizziness, ner vousness. Irregular urinary passages, weak ness languor Each a seeming torture of itself. Together tell of weakened kidneys. Strike at the root get to the cause. Quickly give the help the kidneys need. No remedy endorsed like Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's convincing proof from this locality. Mrs. M. S. Duke, 225 Arch St., Hen derson, N. C says: "I used Doan's Kid ney Pills about a year ago and was very much benefited. At that time I was suffering trom a weak and lame back and other svmntoms of kidney complaint. It was hard for me to stoop and I did not rest well. Doan s Kidney Pills gave me prompt and lasting re lief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent. Foster-Milburn Co , Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Protection Aoains ;t Coughs And Colds. Don't make yourself miserable both day and night with that incessant cough. Get rid of it as soon as possible. Our com pound syrup of WHITE PINE AND TAR will give you relief. Protect yourself against further compli cations, severe sore throat, ton silitis, or Bronchitis by the use of our compound syrup of White Pine and Tar. Price 25 cents. Frank F. Lyon. - - . . . . -m r-w -m-. - . f- r r ttv m V T t r T n t r i We have been telling you about i'ATAPSCU and Z.&L,L, & JiKiiuinKb ior grow- oou . -r -.-v-r-T-r r T IT f , 1 " " ' i i. IPm. . . rr i ii-ihi-iiii i J T-i-Tnicici l T l ni itiutii 11 villi. PATAPSCO 5 ZELL S FERTILIZERS are made from strictly high grade materials, selected and compounded with the one aim of furnishing the crop with plant food in the proper form all through the season. These brands of Fertilizers contain plant food which is Soluble, and available enriches the soil, and have lasting qualities, Grows RIclhi Waxy TTolbacco, all of which is necessary. YOUR YEAR'S LABOR, YOUR CROP, THE SUPPORT OF YOUR FAMILY depends to certain extent on the results of the Fertilizers you use and when you buy PATAPSCO and ZELL'S GUANO you are buying an honest pro duct which has been successfully used by the farmers for 50 years. xrnw T.T.QTP.N- Tn better introduce to the farmers in this section these old famous brands of PATAPSCO and ZELL'S GUANO we have decided to offer free of any chary to tlie successiui iarmer wno averages me uigiicai. iwi 1,000 lbs of Tobacco Grown With Patapsco Gii; Purchased from Long-Winston Company this season, A $70 OPEN OXFORD RUNABOUT BUGGY, LATEST We offer also to the Farmer who averages the highest price for 1,000 POUNDS OF z' x ...:t. 7PT T c PTT A MA t-.ii -rr1i o crl frrvtn T .nn or. Wi n ;trm Pnmtniiv k. 1 W15iAVVVJ glOWIl W 1 L 11 i'ylyM vJ uu-mv ju-uu " 1 .' ' this season. A $70 OXFORD OPEN RUNABOUT BUGGY IN VERY LATEST STYLE. The above two prize buggies will be given to the successful contestant, at the close the sale season 191 2 crop. The buggies offered above can be seen on our floor which the most popular as well as the very best and latest styles made. Bis of i We Solicit Your Business on Guano and all Other Goods we Sell COO The 4Houn' Dawg" Song. The following are the words of the now celebrated Missouri "Houn' Dawg" song which is sweeping over America. Everytime I come to town, The boys keep a-kickin' my dwag aroun'; Makes no difference if he is a hound' They got a-quit kickin' my dawg aroun.' CHORUS. "Chaw de meat and save de bone; 01' Blue Neck lives on Tallybone. Makes no difference if he is a houn'. You gotta quit a-kickin' my dwag aroun . Sambo, lay that banju down. You good for nothin', trifliii houn'; Makes no difference if he is a houn', You got a-quit kickin' my dwag around'. Every time I go to school The teacher lams we with a rule; Makes no difference if I am a fool, She's got a-quit lammin' me with a rule. Sift the meal an' save the bran; You't drow taters in sandv lan'. Makes no difference if he is a houn'. You got a-quit kickin' my dwag aroun. Mv riwnd Drum is a good ol' houn': Trails the possum on the driest groun'. Makes no dinerence 11 ne is a noun , You got a-quit kickin' my dawg aroun'! Dp N ROSENSTEIN WILL BE HERE MONDAY, MARCH 26th, at the Exchange Hotel, for the purpose of examining eyes and nttmg glasses. If you are in need of glasses don't fail to see Dr. Rosenstem. He is an ex- nrr in the Ontical line. He guaran tees satisfaction with every pair of 11 1 glasses. Dr. Kosenstein nas instaueu in his Durham office one of the finest optical machinery to grind his own lenses in Durham, so that everything is to be done under his personal super vision, and his charges are very moder ate for fitting glasses. He will also be at Creedmoor Wednesday, March 27th, stopping at the hotel. Lonfi-Winston I Ra IV H te fG Highest Price a Load of Tobacco Ever Sold For On a Warehouse Elooi $1,401.26 T- rTT?. v ff. " i-f-vt: III - ' . & ' & - - ' - a M n PICTURE OF H. M. TALLY AND FAMILY. The Man and his Family Who Raised $1,401.26 Worth of Tobacco and Hauled it to Fuquay Springs, November 25th, 1911, on One Two Horse Wagon, as seen from Picture Above. Grown by H. M. Tally, Sold on Warehouse Floor of W. H. Aiken Sons & Company, Fuquay Springs, H.C. MADE WITH- - . FISH BRAND TOBACCO GUANO Manufactured by "Wsnrac Otuishtho Co. IHIoimdloirsoini, IM- '