PUBLIC LEDGER-OXFORD BANNER mi Creedmoor Chronicies. Mr. W. B. Moss spent last Thursday in Durham. Miss Leila Lyon, of Lyon, visited our town last week. Mr. J.T. Thomasson.of Raleigh,spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Marguerete Moss left last week for a two weeks stay at Albemarle. Little Miss Sudie AdocK of Oxford, is the guest of Miss Ruth Sanderi'ord. Messrs. Leon and Watts Lyon spent the week-end with friends at Bahama. Mr. Henry U rust cad and wife, near Durham, were visitors here tost Sat urday. Mr and Mr. Frank Lyon, of North side, were Ci"eedni:or visitors last Sat urday. Mr. R. J. Jeffreys returned last week from a very pleasant trip to Fuquay Springs. Mr. Claude Garner, one of our popu lar druggists, is sojourning at Buffalo Springs this week. Miss Lucy Daniel, of Virgilinia, Va., is on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Jack Wheeler. Mr. Henry Bullock spent several days last week at the beautiful Sum mer Resort, Asheville, N. C. Miss Annie Mae Aiken, of Fuquay Springs, is spending some time with Miss lola Lyon, of Northside. Little Miss Elizabeth Vaten.of Wash ington, D. C-, is on an extended visit to her aunt, Mrs. Sam Bullock. This sermon was indeed a masterpiece of divine thought and study. He told how Christ sent out the seventy dis ciples, to teach, how he gave them special directions about the problems and different people they would meet in the manner in which they would be received in different homes. He brought into contrast the unbelief of the cities.and the simple faith ot those who heard and believed the word of Clod, and described the woridly self in dulgent man who tries to live by him self alone, not yielding his life to the divine keeping of the Supreme God As it is valuable to live under His in fluence ami obey his commandments. j What has the kingdom of God done for j people? What does it promi'e? Time has tested the truth of God's Kingdom, i it out lasts all others, it brings bless- mgs no earthly ones can bestow, an other possessions may slip away, but these are enduring, therefore, cast not your "Pearls before Swine." This beau tiful discourse made a deep impression on those present. Rambler. Republican Grove, Va conduct a meeting this where week. he will Stem Stemmings. Mr. P. J. Heath, of Magnolia, was in Stem Friday. Mr. Lerov Crews, of Tar River, was a Stem visitor Thursday. Miss Katie Lee Gooch friends in Baskervilie, Va. is visiting Messrs. J. H. Gooch and E P Roberts went to Durham Thursday. Mr. Hughie Gooch, of Durham, visiting relatives in this section. is Mr. Hubert Sanderford accompanied by his sister, Miss Burma, are spend ing some time at Buffalo Springs, Va. Mrs. Ben Hester returned home this week after spending some time with her son Mr. Robert Hester, of Raleigh. Our friend Mr W. T. Farabow.of Hes ter, formerly of this neighborhood, was in Stem Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M were the guests ul Mr and i Stern, of Tally Ho, Sunday. H. B- igg, of Stem, Mrs. J H Mrs. T. M. Thornasson. of Zebulon, arrived, last week to visit her son, Mr. Ernest Thornasson and other relatives here. Misses Sarah and Ida Conyers, who were the guests of Miss Burma San derford, left for their home in Frank linton last week. Rev. John R. Hall Presiding Elder of th Raleigh District Conference was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Man gum last Sunday night. We are sorry to chronicle the illness of Mr. Lewis Loyd who has been sick for some time with typhoid feyer, but we hope he will soon be out again. Miss Sallie Roberts, of Durham.pass ed through our town Saturday morning en route to Hester to pay a visit to her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B W. Bullock. Miss Margaret Brooks an attractive young lady of Red Springs, who has been the guest of the family of Mr. Charley York, left for her home Satur day morning. Messrs. W. Z. Mitchell, Leonard Mitchell.Mrs. Sallie Bullock and Misses Louie and Mata Mitchell, of Oxford, spent last Sunday with the family of Mrs. E. D. Lyon. Messrs. John Roberts and Graham Atwater.of Knap of Reeds, Jesse Lyon and Graham Roycroft, of Lyon; Jim Mitchell and Willie Bobbitt, of Wilton, were op our streets last Saturday. There was quite an interesting game of base bail here last Friday when Wilton played Creedmoor. There was splendid playing on both sides, but Creedmoor was victorious by the score of one to three. On the evening of July 27th. Miss Pearl Moss entertained a number of her friends from 8:39 to 11. Those present were: Misses Fleda Lyon, Burma Hester, Fredda Bragg, Sadie Bragg. Lois Rogers, Louise Jeffreys, Mamie Bragg. Lottie Br.-igsj, Kathleen, Moss, Mae Moss. Messrs. Frank Par rott. Herbert Jones, Thad Thomassson, Roy Mangum. John Rogers. Baxter Moss. Herbert Moss, Hugh Whitfield, Vassar Winston and Walton Moss The Farmers Institute which was held here last Friday was well attend ed by many of our farmers, and their good wives The todies department was conducted by Miss Ward and Mis- Phelps, who made interesting talks on the improvement of the home, etc. Our people are realizing the fact that agriculture is one of the most import ant industries of our State. Improve ments are being made from year to year, men are spending time and mon ey on this great enterprise, for the benefit of the farmer Misses Isabelle and Annie Fleming, of Hester, won the prize for the best display of bread. Rev. John R. Hall, occupied the pul pit of our Baptist church last Sunday evening. He chose for his text these words: 4 St. Luke, 10 5, And into what soever house ye enter first say, peace be to this house.and if the son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon it, and if not it shall return to you again " i Mr J. H.Thomasson.of Skipwith, Va., j spent several days with his son, Mr. T. M. Thornasson last week. Crops in this section are suffering from a drought, the first of any conse quence we have had this year. Mr. Alonzo Walters, of Watkins, for- merly of this county, visited Mr. W. H. 1 t r fhomasson Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stem are enjoying j a visit from their little grand daughter, j Miss Martha Lee North, of Jackson. Mrs. J. A. Cash, of Greenville, who has been on an extended visit to rel atives in this section returned home Thursday. Mrs. Bessie Hughes, of Durham, who has been on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thornasson returned home Monday. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mr. S. A. Longmire, of Stem. Route 3, who has malarial fever. We hope he will rapidly recover. Miss Lcssie Poole.of Henderson, and Miss Louisa Price, of Houston, Va., were the guests of Misses Mamie and Wirta Cash this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hopkins, of Stem, visited Mrs Hopkins mother, Mrs Daniel, of Tar River, Sunday afternoon who we regret to say continues very ill. In a ball game played last Saturday at the old John Webb place between Umbra and Stem, the former taking the laurels from Stern by a score of 15 to 5. Mr. W. G. Shephard, of Farmville, and Messrs. F. S Bennett and H. L Wilson, of Durham, were the guests of Mr. D. L. Hardee, Sunday. They were all in Trinity College together last winter. Misses Willie Lee Washington and and Bessie Mangum, Messrs. J. E Dun can, E. P Mangum and T. W. Bullock lelt Monday morning for a visit to Washington, D. C: Thev will also visit Norfolk, Va . before their return home. Misses Claude and Lucile Umstead and Mr. Wm. Umstead, of Rougeinont; Miss Nellie Umstead. of Durham; Miss Alma Fountain, of Tarboro; Miss Belle Hampton, of Greensboro; and Miss Allene Wiggins, of Henderson, were the guests of Misses Lillian and Mary Cozart Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Vassar Roberts.of Knap of Reeds, and Miss Jeftie Howard, of Durham, were married in Durham early Sunday morning and immediately returned to the Knap of Reeds section, reaching there in time for Sunday School. They went from there to Mr. A. J. Veazey's where a sumptuous dinner awaited them May much happiness attend them through life. Rev. G C. Duncan, of Carrsville, Va., conducted a protracted meeting at Tally Ho last week. As a result ten united with the church, and a good many backsliders were reclaimed and some others made professions who have not yet united with any church. Mr Duncan was raised in this neigh borhood and his many friends were de lighted to have him with us, and feel proud of his splendid success in the ministry. Mr. Duncan left Monday for We i egret to k-Mrn that Mr Thomas Oakley, of Tally Ho.h .ppearrti to a very painful accident last Sunday afternoon. He and Mr. Mack Roberts were on a buggy together when the mule they were driving became frightened at an automobile soon after they hud passed the home of Mr. W. H. Washington Mr Oakley was thrown from the buggy striking the ground with great force and sustaining severe bruises Drs. Meadows and Critcher were hastily summoned and upon examination found no bones broken.and it is thought no internal injuries. Mr. Oakley is confined to his bed at thi.s writing and is getting along as well as could be ex pected. Mr. Roberts strange to say remained in the buggy and held the mule with one line and escaped unin jured. Stovall Short Stops. Mr. Gray Tillottson was in town Monday on business Miss Grace Wilson is on a visit to rel atives in Franklinton this week. Prof. W. H. Baker, ot South Carolina, is on a visit to friends this week i Mr. Sam Davis, of Clarksville, was in town hist Tuesday on business. Miss Jemia Slaughter is visiting Mrs M. J. Wilkins this week near Virgilina. Mr. C. L Lewis has purchased a nice pony and trap for his wife and children. Mr R. C. Puckett spent a few days the past week near Eagle Rock on business. Mr. C L. Lewis, of Henderson, is on a visit to his son Mr. C. L. Lewis, Jr., this week. Mrs H. M. Stovall, of Louisburg, is the guest of Mr. T. W. Stovall and fam ly this week. Mr. J. P. Williams.near Virgilina.was the pleasant guest of Mr. J. K Wilker son the past week. The Tomatoe Club is now canning tomatoes and you will soon see their goods on the market. Mrs. Flora Duffer, of Richmond, who ! has been visiting her sister. Mrs. C. E. Earl has returned home. Mr. Jas. K Wilkerson and son. L. C. Wilkerson, i-pent a few days with rel atives near Virgilina, last week Mr. Sullivan and wife have recently moved in one of the Dickerson flats, and we welcome them to our town. Miss Jennie Hutson, of Richmond, Va., who has been visiting her sister the past week has returned to her home. Miss Bettie Tunstall, near Hender son, who has been on a visit to her grandfathers, Mr. Sam Currin has re turned home. Well Improved Farms for Sale, f Mr .1 W Chihnim hca dfeideH tn divide his farm and eli of it; his J l inn is on both sides ot Fishdam road, and is in. two miles of Oxford. Fist Tract: 70 acres, and new 4 room cottage on east side of Fishdam road, and on both sides Hatchers Run, good buildings. Second Tract: About 80 acres, touth of Hatchers Run and near Bell Town. Good new 1 room cottage and good out buildings. Thi3 is an extra fine to bacco farm. Third Tract: About 80 acres on north side of Hatcher's Run known as the! old York place There is a new two story house on this place and splendid feed barn.", curing and pack barns AU these places are well watered and adapted to tobacco corn and other crops, and there is plenty of wood on each. Unless sold privately these farms will be offered for sale by public auction at court house door in Oxford on Monday, August 19th, 1912. Please call and examie. Terms easy. HICKS 8c STEM. Atty's. For J. W. Chisholm. : A 09 W ft ft. .... i & BT i!klfS I lift TIT! 7 dV MaB8 i Sale of House and Lot in Creedmoor Hy virtue of power of sale irontuined in a cer tain deed iu iiust executed to me by J. M Neat her y and wife on the 9th day of Dcembr 1U05, arid duly recorded in deed in trust book lit) page 31i, of the office of the Kejiister of Deed for Granville County, and at the request of the holder of the bond secured thereby. 1 shall on MONDAY. SEl'TLMBER 2nd. 1'J12. between 12 and 1 o'clock sell to the highest Inldtr lor cash, by Public Auction, at the Court House door in Oxford. N. C, the fo.lowing des cribed lot of land; lieginning at an iron stake on street, corner of steam plant lot, running thence along said street S. 73 l-2dg E. 3.16 chain to an iron pin: thence S. lldg W. 3.2G chains; thence N. 7 l-2dg W. 3.17 chains to an iron pin in steam plant ime: thecce N. lldg E. 3.2ft chains to the beginning, con taining one acre more or less, same being the home place of J. M. Neathery. This July 31st, 1912. R. II. ROGERS, Trustee. The writer had the pleasure of at tending two meetings last week at Mountain Creek and Dexter and reports a good revival at hoth places. Mrs. W. H. Gregory and son, Willis, visited some of the large cities North, Natural Bridge, Va., and several other places of interest the past week. Misses Lillie Wilkerson. MoJlie Hester and Ruth White three of our popular young iadies are attending a house party at Mrs. Willis' this week at La cross, Va. The ice cream supper given by the young men of this place at Mr. T. E. Critcher's in honor of Miss Jessie Per- kinson was largely attended by the young people and was greatly enjoyed by all. Pecks Bad Boy. Sharon Section. The Sunday School at Sharon is do ing nicely, taking on new life, as it were. Farmers' unions are being discussed to some extent in this section, and we hope everybody will become interested in the great work. The corn and tobacco crops in this section are looking well, but rain is needed to produce the splendid yield that we have been banking on. j The monthly meeting at Sharon Baptist Church was largely attended and much interest manifested. Key. Joseph Currin preached on July 27ih, taking tor his text "The rich man and his money." On the following Sunday Rev. E G Usry, of Oxford, our own pastor, filled the pulpit, taking for his text "Them that feared the Lord spoke otten one to another." These two brethren are holding meetings at Mt. Harmony this week. This section is satisfied with the election of county officers so far, and we wish them much success, but we request the County Commissioners to remember the bad gullies and mud holes in our public roads. We sincerely appreciate the road from Berea to Goshen Chapel. It is very beneficial to the community, and we ask the Commissioners to extend the road from Goshen Chapel to Trinity Church. With these and other slight improve ments inaugurated in this section it would be the means of diverting a lot of trade to Oxford. Send Your Littl Ones to Us. If it is a postage stamp or or a Prescription or a package of gum, we look out for them like they were ours. who nils Your Prescriptions ? Hamilton Drug Co "The Quality Store" WE Want to Buy Farm Lands If you have a Farm For Sale send us a description and name your best price. We have several clients in otlier counties who want Farms in Granville. :-: :-: Granville Real Estate & Trust Co. Real Estate and Insurance. A. H. Powell, Pres. J. A. Nii.fs. Sec. &. Treas. Telephone No. 88. Oxford, N. C FOR SALE: 40 acre farm 1 Vz miles from Oxford on Salem road, known as old Hester place. Easy terms (julv 24 5t.) A. A. Chapman. WARNING NOT TO HIRE. Croton Brandon, colored, having left my employment without cause this is to notify all persons not to hire said Croton Brandon under penalty of law 2t. pd B. Y. HUNT. l 1 i r I l'i Mil hi .uMkiliiiiiNti i l i . l'i M iii fc iB Apply to Oxford u Co o on let Tne People Know Ihrougti To seil Dry Goods,Clothing,Gro ceries, or any line of Merchan dise;a house or farm for rentjor if you want to rent a house or farm;if you want a job or a man for a jobjhave a horse,cow, pig, poultry, or anything for salejor want to buy anything, let the people know through PUBLIC LEDGER. You can't make it public "by word of mouth.1' sees; Try a want Ad in i Li UA I Sets per type line. OO YOU KNOW That the Public Ledger offers the best medium between the seller and buyer in Granville county? That the business men who have tried the Public Ledger as an advertising medium stay with it? It pays them. That the Public Ledger is on the job a!l the time and pulling for the interest of the home merchants, the town, county and all other public insti tutions? Subscription Only $1.00 Per Year. If You are not an Advertisei we would like to talk the mat ter over with you and write you a contract. If you are an ad vertiser, we would like to talk with you about increasing your space. Just Say the word. PublicLedger 3