PUBLIC LEDGER- OXFORD BANNER. Parham & Parham W. A. PARHAM. PROPRIETORS OF THE WARN oust, OXFORD, N. C. Watch the sales at the FARMERS WAREHOUSE under the new management, as you know we had to commence at the bottom of the ladder, but if IN ALL BEST GRADES CORRECT WEIGHT AND FAIR DEALINGS in every respect will count, we expect to reach the top round in the near future. We are not offering any spec al premiums.but will give every farmer one on each and every load of tobacco that is sold on our floor in the way of high prices, which will benefit each one that sells with us. We greatly appreciate the liberal patronage our friends have extended to us so far, and pledge ourselves to stand by every pile of the weed that is put on our floor and see that it brings the Top Notch Market Price. arham& Parham, 2C S3 C " H niiL For That r air FN ex t October? The prizes of life are for men who work and plan strive and save for them, can have one of them as as your neighbor, if you only begin now to prepare, ready a success, the the and You well will Al- COUNTY AR is to be the greatest force in the life of this county. It must be because agriculture is our prin cipal industry. It will be be cause this county has the peo ple to make it so. It's not for the few, but for every madwo man and child within the bor ders of this county. Remem ber the Fair and don't forget to make an exhibit. 0 the: mm i GRANVILLE U L fU RAL ASSO GIATION Grissom Graphics. This section has been blessed with good rains recently. The farmers are busily engaged get ting their crops housed. Mr. S. C. Lyon and family, of Creed moor, come over in his marhinfi Sun day and spent a pleasant time with ur. antes. If a full croD of Simmons noint to a cold winter we will have our share of it m this section the woods are full of Simmons. The little town of Grissomville is progressing except as to streets.which are now in bad shape. We will have to levy a small tax and fix the streets. No. 1 Sunday School at Mary's chap pel is still running every Sunday morning, and at No 2, our new free school house, 2 o'clock p. in. Dr. Sikes is still at the helm teaching the Bible class. Tar River Topics. The friends of Mrs. Ellen Currin will regret to learn of her continued illness. Mr. Charlie Sadler, who was recently hurt by a runaway horse, is out again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maynard, of Henderson section, spent the week end with Mr. W. B. Bragg' s family. Messrs L E. Ad cock and G. W. Duke and M. M. Moss, of this section, have returned home from the eastern part of the State. The Tar River school opened Sep tember 16th with a good attendance. Misses Grizzelle Smith is in charge, assisted by Miss Fannie Hays, of Ox ford. Tar River section boasts of the best lot of tobacco sold so lar this season, which was grown on A. A Crews' farm by Earl Moss and sold at the Owen warehouse for $1.05 per pound. Mrs. Margarette Bragg, who has been making her home with her child rent in Eastern North Carolina, has returned to this section and will re side with the family of Mr. W. B. Bragg Culbreth Cullsngs. Mr Milton Blalock was in Oxford on Monday. Mr. W. P. Mangum spent Monday in Oxford on business. The Graham School, near here, will begin on Monday the 30th. We are glad to report that Miss Gladys Jones, who has been sick, is better. Mrs. J. E. Bowling, of Mebane, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Sam H. Jones, this week. Mrs. J. C. Howard, Route 1, visited her mother, Mrs. Milton Blalock, the past week. Our farmers are busv stripping and selling tobacco on the high-priced Ox ford market. Mrs. Wm. Bowling, of Rougemont, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sam H. Jones, this week. Miss Elizabeth and Katharine Jone4 returned last week from a pleasant visit to Louisburg. The bright and attractive Miss Lucile O'Brien left first of the week to ente the Eastern Training School at Green ville tor the, ,son. Chatter Box. ;t5FrT--Vf"-r-iT T rarytTirro w --.ZVZ3& 3 THE GAME LAW. As there seems to be some confussoi in the nubUc mind as to the open sea son lor hunting in this county, I take this means of letting the people know when the various kinds of game can be hunted: Deer, from the 1st of September to the 15th of January. Turkey, from the 1st of November to the 1st of March. Partridge from the 1st of November to the 1st of February. This is the period of the year at which it is most important that the tiame laws be enforced and we ask al who are interested in the protection of our game to aid us in our efforts for without public sentiment behind us we can do yery little to upncld this law. Granville County Game Association. Sept. 25 2t. By T. Lanier, Sec . Benefited Many Who Had Tuberculosis Those who suffer from Consumption are generally troubled with nisjht sweats, fever, loss of strength and lit tle or no appetite. Fresh air, good food, and the proper care of .he body are es sential to a recovery, but in many cases something else is needed. Eckman's Al terative is a medicine which has been most successful in stopping night sweats, reducing fever and promoting appetite, and many who have used it, declare it saved their lives. Investigate what it did in this case: "Gentlemen: For four years I was troubled with cough, which gradually became worse; I had night sweats and pains in my chest. I was losing my ap petite and had become so thin and weak I could not attend to my household du ties. A physician pronounced my case Consumption. Not being satisfied, I was examined by the physicians of the Poly clinic Hospital. They also pronounced the disease Consumption, which was proven later by an examination of spu tum, as Tuberculosis Bacilli were found. I was ordered to a Consumptive Hos pital. Mv nephew would not allow me to go until I had tried Ecknma's Alter ative. P.efore I had taken the medicine three weeks I had marked relief, night sweats ceased, pain in the breast re lieved, ugh became loose and easy, fever left me and I commenced getting well. My health became normal. I am in excellent health now and have been completely cured for ten years. I strong ly recommend it." (MRS.) MARY WASSON. Care Ed. Green, 1722 S. 17th St., I'hila., Pa. Eckman's Alterative is effective in Bron chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat ami Lung Troubles, and in upbuilding the System. Does not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs. Ask for booklet telling of .-ecoveries and write to Eckman laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for evi dence. For sale by all leading druggists AND STILL COMING, Yes our Two Big Stores are Full But Still New Goods Continue To Come In. We want every man, woman and child in Gran ville County to come in and make us show them what we really have in value and styles for I his sljolcI inter Wear. a a km mm feu. n I lift lV.;i. my, yM : : :i fin: lii A'. i. We still have the Wool Craft Line and we wish it known that Ladies Suits are cheaper this season At least ours are as we have marked them FVom $2 to S3 per suit cheaper than we ever have. So it will pay you to see us about it before yon buy anywhere else. 2 One Price to All. i tty i Km : , if m iii mm Wl ILJLJNE1RY ! Miss Lease and Miss Morris are in full charge of our Millinery Department and will be glad to see all of the ladies and show them what is style this season. All of our customers know that all hats that we put out are Right in Style, Make-up And Price. Se us Anu Time all the Time. A beautiful line of Silks in all the new shades. You have to see them to know how pretty they are. Ym STILL HAVE THE CI HEAT 1 $17.00 THE WOULD Eiy EQUAL TO OST $20 TO $22.59 SUITS ELSEWHERE. And if any of them go wrong in any way you get a new suit. Other makas at $10 to $22 50 in equally as good values. YES, "STETSON "KOHRECT AND " SATS," "EMERY SHIW APE?" "THOMPSON' OUGLAS" SHOES In all Newest Shapes. HI lamalmHinilllrJ.m,.m.mKattT.-to?tt Ill IIIMIII EXTRA PANTS THAT AH E REAL BARGAINS, ANY SIZE mB GOOD PATTERNS, AMD DON'T FOflGET THE "WIDOW JONES" CLOTHES FOR HIE BOYS. THEY ARE REM. BEAUTIES. Big stock of Bedding, Wcci and Cotton Blank ets, Woo! and Cotton Comforts. We have the genuine Soiath Down Wool Comforts. HPHIS is the H store where you will find only the most distinctive merchandise. We serve every customer with as much care as if the whole success of the busi ness depended on that particular sale. In hats, we fea- ture the "STETSON. 2 Wc want vou to make this store "Home" while you are in town. Ve are always glad to see and show you any time. wo Big Stores MAIN STREET, OXFORD, N. C. i;