PUBLIC LEDGER-OXFORD BANNER. A Qiretx Away Daily fJSjn Gold .1 1 iiL i ai inc. FARMER'S WAREHOUSE fisi Prize p h flrtu every sale day for the Next Month or long er beginning TUESDAY, OCT. 15th we will ' give away two prizes each day. 10, Second Prize $5. c me one will get these prizes every sale day, and each i r- nitron of our warehouse has the same chance, and aim e 1 1 : 1 ' v we will also oiler vl.lition u the above to be given away on March 31st, or 'it the close of season. $50 in gold to the farmer that vjM barn of tobacco on our floor for the highest averages. o-Y'i c'oUi to the fanner that sells the most pounds on our floor during the season beginning Sept. 4111,1912, and end- incr March 31st, 191 3. Ve do not onlv agree to give away the premiums every (hv and at end of season, but will get you the highest mar ket price for every pile of tobacco put on our floor. Will also do our IksI to make you comfortable when you come to spend the night with us. We have comfortable rooms with nice new mattresses and box stalls for your horses and will do our host to make it pleasant and also profitable for vou when von come to our warehouse. Prices are higher than tlk-v have ever been in the history of bright tobacco. All fanners are carried away with the prices. So bring vour tobacco along to the Farmers Warehouse and iret tlie benefit of both the premiums and highest prices Parham & Parham, i you GETTING For That READY Fair Next October? The prizes of life are for men who work and plan strive and save for them, can have one of them as as your neighbor, if you only begin now to prepare, ready a success, the the and You well will AI- GOUNIY FAR is to be the greatest force in the life of this county. It must be because agriculture is our prin cipal industry. It will be be cause this county has the peo ple to make it so. It's not for the few, but for every madwo man and child within the bor ders of this county. Remem ber the Fair and don't forget to make an exhibit. Stem Stemmings. Mr E. E. Bullock is building a nice stable. Miss Ida Green was an Oxford vis itor Monday. Mr. P. D. Gold. Jr.. of Raleigh, was a Stem visitor Monday. Mr, G. W. Stem, of Route 3, purchas ed a new buggy last week. Miss Bessie Richmond Fair Bullock attended this week. the Mr E. L. Jones, of Oxford, spent Saturday and Sunday in Stem. Miss Bessie Daniel, of Tally Ho, is on a visit to relatives in Henderson. Messrs. Lee Ed Whitaker and M. F. Moore were Durham visitors Friday night. Mrs. T. H. Jones, of Oxford, spent the week end with Mrs. N. T. Green, of Route 3. Mrs. W. B Cash, of Tally Ho, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs W. H. Whit aker Friday. Mr. C. S. Frazier, of Route 1, visited his brother Mr E. L Frazier near Ox ford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bullock and W S. Gooch and family were Oxford vis itors Monday. Mr. Kobert Walters.of Koute 3. spent 11 1 - . t several uays last weeK 111 tne eastern part of the state. Mayor E. E. Bullock and wife, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fara- bow, of Route 3, Sunday. Mrs. D. S. Reid and infant Winston-Salem is on a visit brother, Mr. J. H. Gooch. son. of to her We are glad to note that Mr. J S Jones, of Culbreth, who has bern very ill, i3 slowly recovering, Mrs. W. A. Gooch, of Route 1, spent the week end with her parents Mr.and Mrs. Lucius O'Brient, of Culbreth. Mr Carroll Dickerson who is attend ing Stem High School spent the week end with his parents near Dickerson. Miss Willie Lee Washington.of Route t, was the guest of Miss Florence Wal ters, of Oxford Route G.Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meadows, of Culbreth. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oyerby.of Tally Ho, Sunday. Miss Mary Nance, of Durham, who has been visiting Mrs. S. P. Washing ton, of Route 6, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Thomasson, of Tally Ho. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. G. Franklin, of Shoo Fly, Sunday Messrs. Frank Sherman and Aubrav Suit, High School students, spent the week end with their parents near Moriah. Mr. Lonnie Lyon, of Lyon, who has been very ill is greatly improved aud is again attending to his duties as post master. A protracted meeting is being held at Knap of Reeds Methodist church this week, conducted by the pastor. Rev. M. D. Giles. We regret to note the illness of Mrs. C. L. Eastwood and wish her a speedy recovery. She has been a paraltc for several years. Mr. J. B. Mayes, Jr., who is traveling for The Roberts and Hoge Shoe Co . of Richmond, was the guestof his pa rents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mayes Friday night. Mr M. S. Mayes took a wagon load, numbering thirteen, of the young peo- nle of Stem, to the John Henrv Webb place Sunday afternoon. A feast of muscadines was enjoyed and a most pleasant time reported. The Calhoun Literary society new a debate Thursday night on tne query: ' Resolved that the negro should be colonized." The speakers were as fol lows: Affirmative Dr. P. R. Hardee, Rasse Stem, and Allen Franklin. The negative O. S. Allen, Jerome Eakes and W. R. Mangum. The decision was in favor of the negative. Volunteer speeches were delivered by W.S Gooch, J. E. Duncan. E. A. Jackson and J. B. Vernon. On Fridav night Oct. 17th a debate will be held in the High School build- intJ on the auerv "Resolved that the United States Navy should be mater ially increased. I he following speak ers have been chosen: Affirmative. Jerome Eakes, Roy W. Giles, W. R. Mangum, E. A. Jackson. Negative, Rassie Stem, O. S. Allen, W. S. Gooch, B Vernon. Ivev Moore. Frank Sher- mn. uarron u unam anu oam narris will deliver declamations. The speak ing is designed to entertain the Ladies Victorian Society, and is exclusively for the members of the two societies. Wellington. Oxford Girl Complimented. Mis Isabel Hays Fleming, of Oxford, is tne latest addition tn th timA&A school faculty. Miss Fleming arrived in Clayton Monday and will have charge of the 4thjrade, which since the open ing, nas been taught by Mrs.Patterson, Miss flemmg comes to Clayton highly recommended as a teacher of exneri- ence and ability. She is a student of the State Normal. We are very glad to have Miss Flem ing with us. She has charge of the fourth grade. Look at the children and it is easy to see that she is much liked. Clavton News. Marshals for Granville Fair. Captain T. G. Stem, chief marshal of the Granville County Fair, has ap pointed the following gentlemen to serve as marshals at the Fair, October 23d and 24th: Messrs. B. K. Lassiter. Otho Daniel, P. Q Bryant, Marsh Ray, J. A. Niles, J. F Veasey, Dr. Nelson Thomas, Billy Land is, Dick Gooch, Charles Powell, Willie Yancey, Lee Taylor, Waverly Harris, Frank Fnrnian, R. B. Wright, Ballard Norwood, Elvin Parham, Tom Howell, Nelson Ferebee, W.L. Mitchell, J P. Harris, H. T. Jackson.S. L. Slaugh ter, Alfred Veazey, Baxter Moss, Gar land Bullock, Richard Harris, W H. M Jenkins, John Fleming. John Daniel, J G. Morton, Robert Goss, Tom Pace, W. B. Ballou Jr., Lee Ed Whitaker, Roy Fuller, Milt Washington, Roy Cur rin Jr, Al Cozart, Walter Phinps. Clif ton Roberts, Fred L. Pittard, Cleveland Bragg. Sidney Currin, Willie Yancey, Lenn Knott, Carv Currin, Presly Davis. Macon Clement, E A. Hunt, Murray Critcher, Edward Crews, Nat Brum- rnitt. Sam Daniel, Robert Wiliiford, Edward Floyd, Bryan Tilley, Leonard Cheatham, Joe Currin, C J. Mangum, Otho Mangum, Jerome Eakes, Melvin Mayes, Sam Patterson, Elliott Cooper SIMPLE MIXTURE HELPS EVERYBODY HERE People in this town are delighted .vith the QUICK action of the simple ouckthorn bark a,nd glycerine mixture snown as Adier-i-ka, the new German annencliciti remedy. A SINGLE 1 1 DOSE reii ives constixjation, sour stom ach or gas on the stomach almost IN' 3TANTLY. It seems to draw off all ld impure matter from the system and ur customers say it makes them eel as if they had a new lease of life. For Sale bv THE LYON Drug Store 300. I Stop, Loo $300. I Mffl THE i $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ Recovered From Severe Lung Trouble While we all know that plenty of fresh air and good food are necessary to persons suffering from lung trouble, something more is needed to bring about full health. Eekman's Alterative is a medicine for throat and lung troubles, and so many reports have been received showing that it brought about good results in a number of cases which were declared hopeless, that all sufferers who are not benefiting otherwise, should, at least investigate what it has done for others. It may be the means of restoring you to health. In vestigate this case: Madison Lake, Minn. "Gentlemen: In December. 1008 and March, 1KOU, I was taken with hemor rhages of the lungs, which confined me several weeks each tune to my bed. These left me very weak and I coughed at nights and could not sleep. My appetite also failed me. My doctor advised me to go West. So, in September. l'JOlh I planned to go, but I had four more which put me in bed for three weeks. "In November 1 started for Denver, Col. After my arrival. I met Michael llrodv. who, upon learning of my condition, urged me to take Eckuians Alterative. In about two months. I beean to feel better. I kept on taking the medicine and im proved fast. In March, 1!)10, I returned home. I think I am entirely well have a good appetite and sleep well. When I left uenver my weight was 130 pounds. I now weigh 103, my normal weight. I thank tJod and your Alterative for my health. If I can help any other person suffering from Tuberculosis, I will gladly do so." (Sworn affidavit) PAUL L,. FASNACI1T. Eekman's Alterative is effective in Bron chitis, Asthma. Hay Fever; Throat and Lung Troubles, and in upbuilding the system. Does not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries, and write to Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for more evi dence. For sale by all leading druggists For eale bx G- Hall- W. N. Thomas, M. D. Oxford, N. C. Having located in Oxford for the prac tice of medicine, I offer my professional services to the public. Office Witii Dr. G. S. WatRins, Main Street. $$ $$ Iggg $$ $$ Y AWAY, a la THE, GR.ANVI3LX-.E, NTV AGRlGULfURAL ASSOCIATION ANOTHER large shipment of AP- PLER OATS, Virginia winter Oats. Rust Proof Oats, RYE and Clover seed just received. You will make no mis take in sowing all the fall grain you can. tivmiN rrv uauo. vjkj PAY YOUR TAXES. , The tax books for the Town of ford are now ready and the sioners urge our prompt payments Ox- coramis- citizens to make as the town is in need of the money to meet interest on bonds, and for current expenses. R. B. HINES, Tax Collector Cadet Che GnfSS 1. A Grand Prize of $100 in Gold to be given away the 29th of March, 19 13, to the person holding the lucky n umber. 2. A Grand Prize of $50 in gold to be given away 29th of March, 1913, to the peison holding the second lucky number. Beginning Tuesday, September 24th, 1912, every load of tobacco sold with me wilS entitle the planter to a coupon which will give him a chance at these two prizes. In addition to the two Grand Prizes I am away the 31st of October $50 in gold. going to give person making the October on a barn of tobacco hisrhest 1. $25 in gold to the average during the month of of not less than 400 lbs. 2. $25 in Gold to the person who sells the most pounds of tobacco with me during the month of October. p-ive another $so in gold. HAVE ARRiVED. era-e highest av of tobacco They that's them. please every hody why we .like to sell You buy any quan tity and get the best. Huyler's, Liggett's and other high grade candies in original packages. Satur day candy will be on sale this week. Nov. oth, T will 1. $2S in Gold to the person making the dnrmo- the month of November 011 a barn . . . -. of not less than 400 lbs. 2. $25 in gold to the person selling the most dollars worth of tobneco with me during the month of November. December the 24th, I will give another 50 in gold. 1. $25 in Gold to the person selling the most pounds of tobacco with me during the month of December. 2. $25 in Gold to the person selling the most dollars worth of tobacco with me during the month of December. . .... mm M I -1. 1. I am determined tnat ir you sen your looacco wur. me that you shail have the best of everything, Best IRirlces, WE HAVE one of shoers in the country, and we will prove it. Company. the best horse Give us a trial Southern Buggy 2t. Best Premiums, Best Service. DEUOOiS' OXFORD, - N. C. Come to see me, you shall be Satisfied. IW.Z.MI TCHELL