if if ! - i 1; i, X PUBLIC LBDGBR-OXIRDJSS: PUBLIC LEDGER AND OXFOIBANNER PUBLICATION OFFICE: BRITT PRINTCRY . ,. u cmi.Weeklv bv j no a. - EDITORS AND OWNERS. PRICE Or iudiv ,,n UNE I EAK Six Months ft Three Months ' - mu n( New Orleans have been iastructed to enforce rigidly the new . urn- hatpin ordinance" anoarr.. , .:ot;nd it. The ordinance ..?J-.i. hntnins snail iui'u" Viues luai . .... ;a beyond the hat unless tne pu.u. Th nenaltyisa u one to ten dollars or imprisonment from six to ten days. m,t r.f chmch an usher whiie attending divine services at Waynes :n Qnriv Henry Sorrelis walked ... r. . U.r. into a fusilade of bullets, nrea uy u. i : HQrr Snrrells. The victim COUS1U, xaij B. S. ROBStBP, mm-M-Ui. Odd Mows' BW3. : ctito .,nd Feelers' Court Practices in btate ana r Hillboro St.. Oxford. N. C Buy L. & M. Seml-MixedJReal faint. -r. ..u w Koat nnftlitv Damt. It It la ill"- it - T i wears bent and looks be, the least money. Its use .n. thi.tv en years has proven ! these facts. l'ts White L,eaa-i " " A., Just mixSquartso LmO,. each gallon 01 ... . , Real Paint, ani make 17.- ; r.rP naint reaoy lor u; " :;- Mixed Keai ranu 1 - I Turner, Oxford, in UOUB1U, J 1 . died almost instantly m ia 0 higher rer church. It is reported ne;;! gg. gr.... the afterraatn 01 a viuict. M lJ : iV , it hotter luc 1 ,.,Aoira cm and Does it Detter. - tween the two men seveim I"" . . n One year contract 10c per inch. net.eacn inser- i fa ti0Slk momhs lTl-2c per inch. net. each maem-u. 'XerSths 15c per Inch. net. run of paper for each inseruon.R psmONS each On one year contract 12 1 per m- slSnths 15c per inch net. JffigSfa. !K months inser- One or two m!aina Tr uaw thfm (',rn nlanters with Fertilizer Dirtributors attached, also large stocK ieruiiz-i I . t ,11- Prices right: casn or c.retut 1 Dsea8,e by oxford Hd'w. Co. SALE OF LAND. FOr bale ay "AIUS " . tue of the authority conferred 1 tied fading notices 5c per type Imeachjnser SATURDAY, MARCH 29m 1913. -TT .nia"av fool part of the people some time, but cannot fool them all the time. t iiruvour Carrier to be a prize winner get him every vote you can as he deserves lt Daniels has made ed itor Howard A. Banks, of the Hickory ta ot tn he his Drivate secretary. UCiiiyJi He is a man of ability and an experi enced newspaper man. t-.u n-i;Q lands another juicy i UI 1. 11 VJCll U""" r -od in the aDDOintment Slice Ol pciLi vjii"e," - ot Col. Will H. Osborn. of Greensboro, m nvfnrd man. as Commis- auu an vvi , sioner of Internal Revenue. The sal ary is $6.000 a year. tu Tjor,i nf Trustees of the Hen- derson Graded School last week filled hoard by unanimous- i itind Mrs. Junius Daniel, and our 1 y ivv"e n,n h the honor of electing th first woman to serve on a North Carolina school board. -m tv, Tuiicoicsinnian who locked him JL i!iiuwww.r i ; a mnm nnd fiot away with ten nf whiskev in four days, didn t uuai m " . for the whiskey than it lJ U1UVU did for him. He did not leave any of the whiskey but it left enough of him for the coroner to hold an inquesi. tu oav that the parcels post is proving to be such a good thing that thP evnress companies are send ing many ot their small packages by rmitP Tf the express people can ,IX CL V A w m w mnnv hv natronizuig it, it must gaVv uivuv y x be apparent that the people can save eyen more. There seems to be a well founded rumor in the tobacco trade that m. of Richmond. Va.. win re X CV."'"t - . . tho tnhflr.no manufacturing field Pnminri fall. He was President of the R. A. Patterson Co. at the time of its purchase by the Amercan Tobacco Company. it i announced from Greensboro " r-. hQt Mr. E. J. Justice will oppose sen otnr I. S Overman for re-election to TTnitPa States Senate. He is one f k hist noDul it and hardest workers in the Senate, ana is wu.. more to North Carolina than live ou tice's would be, and we are lor iu brilliant Overman against the neiu. We do not believe that the State could be better represented in the benaie than it is now. The South, according to the concep : t fmr srretarv of Agriculture 11U11 Vl luimu. - . Wilson, and by reason of its general adaptabilities, is the portion of this country upon which it must depend 5rQ f,,ri hpr meat supply. J ust now the country is looking to aouui ni.i ica, Mexico, Canada and Australia lu io ita niPnt Droblem, when rigut m Cnnth wt have the opportunity to UUUV" " " . . .UA nf-.nlr.ralQ- solve it bv engaging m Blw'B ing industry. ThP MississiDoians seem to be in earnest about the matter of a banking law that will enable the iarmers 10 n..rA lnans on an equitable basis, as Congress will sooner or later iue up r Vin the matter of currency reioru. bankers, merchants, business men and farmers of Mississippi are going 1 make a determined enori 10 wiCu nmo inflnpno.e in shaping uongres- DU1UU - a;T,Ql nrtinn so it may be 01 cenent oivruui - to the great agricultural interests 01 the country. MYou can always depend uponj T Ur what VOUl securing cjanj want in the way ot station- whether for business or "j - .11 oinl mirDOses it you will ,alre this store your head- quarters. Here you will find d for V ...C0RRES P0NDE NCE..j MDrop in the next time youy V :n Pfr ot anything in aic " " . . this line and see tne aavisa bility of buying here. V ....EVERY REQUIREMENT.... wrmBHM v. . . r 11 f tnn mf nv By virtue of the autnoruy "u 3 a certain deed in trust executed to me by N B. Sese-nhereSrn made in the payment of said notes. I shah on MONDAY. MARCH 24th. 1913. offer for sate to the hi hest bidder . f plat o r Property L''Ay nr Oxford, and now F..? said plat being Lof record dcedfcwj M.Pa 339. in the otbee 01 tne KeB rV in id vilte county Se also book 84, page iA in saia , ffi Timeof sale between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock. 1 m. r eo Trustee. LV PHOKE YOUR WAA0XF0RDyVl Snpaker George W. Connor, of Wil onn and son of Judge Connor of Uni testates Court, has been appointed by Gov. Craig Judge of the Superior Court of the new Second Judicial dis trict composed of Washington, Edge combe, Martin. Nash and Wilson coun ties, and has an allottmentof thirty seven courts. How is this for raising cattle ? Hay ,ri ponntv alone has shipped $250,- ... 1 000 worth of cattle this season, anu n is stated that Western North Carolina has shipped more than 1G0 car loads of cattle, breaking the record of 1911. Probably Western North Carolina ship ments will bring nearly a million dol lars into that country. It is a genuine pleasure to m to see the name of our able townsman, Gen B S. Royster. prominently mentioned in connection with the nomination for CoDgress from this District next time. He would make the best Represent a trc wf have had in years and would be found doing something to advance the interest of his people. Senator Overman was appointed chairman of the committee of five in structed to investigate the matter of patronage in the Senate, and he show ed such a grasp of the efficiency side of the question, as well as the political side, that he and his committee were finally intrusted with the entire pat- j ronage question The Legislative Committee to pass on proposed Constitutional amend ments has been called by Governor Craig to meet at Raleigh April 21st. tv,q ronnrt nf the commission is to te X w- made to the General Assembly next September, and it is one of the most important public matters that has been before the people of North Caro lina in many years How to Talk Over Phone W have all kinds of schools for teaching all kinds of things, but r e cording to the telephone companies an other is needed to teach people now 10 talk over the phone, some nave u idea that the louder you talk the bet ter when as a matter ot Jact it. is not the loud talking, but the steady, 01s- tinct voice that is heard. 1 aiKmg rast or very loud is not the thing, iheie are cases when the wind is very nign when one must talk a little louder than usual to overcome the noise made ry the vibration of the wire, but even when this is necessary, one should speak slowly and distinctly. A little time is required for the transmission of sound. Stand off some distance anu see the smoke from a gun and noie how long it is before you hear the sound. This is a good illustration. Tells Consumptives How . kit H a He (iot wen I (W.M Tuberculosis is said to be cum Die .imply living in the . open ur and takgj an abundance of "esn g benented Undoubtedly, methPe0priate remedy in this way; but "eWI,f"a Alterative, for Consumption is Eckman s a strength -Shol--SfeX.EcJmS SirSJ.. " "Gentlemen: In Januar y, . 1J08, taken with hemorrbageB of the Mi My Physician oue of ace lcaairuPe J tioners, said that it was " f took eggs and nniK u u"-- &- lQ tne very weak, and I 'Pt,0" Tf.ould not gain store. The doctors said 1 ouM no gQr in weight as long :is 1 - -- ch kit w a Tf. Co., Dcpaitmcnt Store. M9 to 1M MJ had doe great Bood and upon h.s c r"SirJtS3;jnoed n.L-e were found. Consumption Comfort Your Stomach We pay for this treatment if it fails t promptly relieve Indiges tion and Dyspepsia. Bezall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles because they con tain the proper proportion of Pepsin and Bismuth and the necessary car minatives that help nature to supply the elements the absence of which in the gastric juices causes mdiges fen anS dyspepsia. They aid the itomach to digest food and to quickly Sonvert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket. hr keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and prove our assertion that they will keep indi gestion from bothering you. -We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee them to relieve indi gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund Jour money, if they fail to do so Doesn't it siana w xca..ia -- wouldn't assume this moneynsk were we not certain Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will satisfy you? Three eizes: 25 cents, 50 cents, and Sl.OO. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets fs this community only at our store: 111 M if tin , wa wmmmmt ww i . n t it: at mm rnra i u imia -i ntrB 1 u l. i i swifts ' m wn SPRING STYLES ARE HERE Such an array o styles and variety of fabrics are seldom shown. They represent ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES t their best The newest shades, weaves and textures tailored SlSTgatment. by master hands. Come in now. wh.le the selection is good. We'll give you the best styles and values in town. Landis & Easton, OxfordJN.lC. J. G. HALL mThe yofieaSZ Storm North Carolina There Is a Rexall Store in nearly e-rery town and city in the United. States, , Canada and Great Britain, x nere m u""""" t. ;n Remedy for nearly every ordinary human in 3h espeSLSy dlrigned for the particular ul for which it is recommended. The Rexall Store are America's Creetee KHTTHE- To all who have not paid their 1912 tax to settle same at once and if not paid by April 1st I will levy on all real estate that taxes are uta paid. This means all, so if you don't want your land advertised and pay cost you must settle before April 1st. S M. Wrlt:r.L.K,sneriu BARGAINS IN TABLE LAMPS. P. H. Montgomery left his stock of table lamps with me to be closed out. The ones now on hand will be sold re markably cheap. Call at the office of the Carolina Power & Light Co , and get a bargain while thev last. Tll,;d fat pauses the words to run -I make this statement so that o laiBiuf, ii-.v w together making a jumble of rounds. wroYRftTVY" is oing to Davis Farmer Dav next Thursday. Friday and Saturday at. uarKsvme. THAT DWELLING ROOF Tin shingles are the best covering I have them. The price is right. . C. D. Ray. ... A.. AT may learn of the woieriu. : Uckman's Alterative. I regaid mj lec ery as being miraculous. oQUlTlES. chitis. Asthma, Hay L Unbuilding the For sale hi A. O. HU. Marred Surfaces Made New A scarred or scratched table, or a cnair on which the finish is marred, or any woodwork where the finish isn't what you would like, can be made new dth ACME qua r VARNO-L It's also good for floors. It will stand hard wear, kroncp if c marlf from trie hest floor varnish. Varno- f iHC IU1L JIHJ 1CUCW9, UUl XI aiOU ouailio aiiu, imiuuiivu ,..11 VMt win Vionnr nol? rT Tlinfi to ft " -p " ' I KKtis life sfe "SAFE" " J III S irnd1! I SOUND I sound i ppiHiny bww - rxx & n jit" Tif.-BXj:.: 1111 ,53ar a I B Si H v 1IH LjZC not omy renews, our. it aiso stains anu vsuiuouc pne application. You can change oak or pine 1 "mahogany or walnut or dark oak finish, or any of to a - J. A. V, o mahogany or walnut or aarK oaK nnisp, or any ui expensive hard wood finishes. And it's easy to do you can do it yourself. Our book, 'Home Decorating" tells you how to do all kinds of home painting at trifling cost. Ask for a tree copy. . - -a r M "P T TVT 17M vniJ PLAN 1 muini 11 n rr.t it to brinfi you a harvest neDannyy v-: , of Profit and pleasure-same as your garden. And ol r roiit anu F tfardpn it grows best with like the produce of XfJresttag harvest for- rCfUl Think it over, tune. NOW it i g IHL WilUnni- wsS , t vnNCEY Cashier. u rnnPFR Vice-Pres. W. T. YANCEY, oasnser. p t WHITE. Pres. H. G. COOPEty vice rre. 1C RAY, 1 r .4 " 4f ;