Contes aimers BY "TTTHTTFli PUBLIC LEDGER OXFORD IB ANN GREA1 Mall. C to FIRST GRAND PRIZE. The Latest Thing in a Parcel Post Buoov. SECOND VALUABLE PRIZE High Grade Set irness THIRD VALUABLE PRIZE. High Grade Set of Up-to-Date Harness FOURTH VALUABLE PRIZE One High Grade Storm Coat The Buggy will be the very L,atest Thing produced for the conven ience of the Mail Carriers. lMms KB THIS CONTEST IS RUN FOR BENEFIT OF Mail Carriers Who Serve Patrons in Granville County. So now is the Time to Help Your Mail Carrier Who has so Faithfully Served You Win One of The-e Valuable Prizes. VOTES AI-XOWEQ ON SUBSCRIPTION. Voting Power and Subscription Price. Votes will be given on old and new sub scriptions to Public Ledger-Oxford Banner, according to the following schedule: 1 Year New Subscription $1 . . 1 Year Old Subscription $1 . . 6 MonthsNew Subscription 75c . 300 Votes 200 Votes 100 Votes During the Life of This Contest You May Get The IP Eft fit lb Vs 0 nv MM e v ill iw is hie Adva ntage of lis Great Opportunity of $1 Year BRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS. The following is the honor roll of Oxford Graded School for the seventh month : First Grade Thomas Booth, Mary Lee Critcher, Thomas Cannady, Rux Currin, Cam Easton, Myrtle Frazier, Bettie Sue Green, Alice Hall, Elizabeth Hobgood, Alfred McFarland, Edward Mitchell, Minnie Munich, Broad us O'Brian, Madison Usrv, James Webb, John Williams. Annie Lou Williams, Sam Wheeler, Dora Wolf, Nathan Wolf. Second Grade Billy Abbitt, Mary Bell Boyd, Eugenia Currin, R. M. Cur rin, Beth Cannady, Elsie Hluzeck, Francis Jackson, Martha Lumpkins, Mary Powell, Edwin Shaw, Elnora Taylor, Janie Thomasson, Ruth Up church, Bertha White. Third Grade Augusta Carroll, Char lie Easton, Hugh Easton, Effie Lee, Serena Meadows, Mabel Sizemore, Sarah Wolf. Fourth Grade Bransford Ballou. Fritz Hall, Lillian Cheatham. Ruth Howard, Elizabeth Hunt, Idie Kerr Taylor, Olie Webb, James White. Fifth Grade Martha Cupp, Louise Currin, Ruth Parham, Trank Murray. Sixth Grade Mary Brown, James Ballou, Treva Gorman, George Hunt, Marion Sneed, William Webb. Seventh Grade Joseph Bryan, Eli zabeth Floyd, John Hall. Joe Ragland, Georgia Winston. Eighth Grade Loreue Peed, Susan Webb, Broxton Taylor. Ninth Grade Carrie Harris, Ruth Shaw, Hettie Hunt, Tom Pace, Alva Lee Currin. Tenth Grade Harry Renn, Dorothy Hunt. SALE OF SIX HUNDRED ACRES OF VALUABLE TOBACCO LAND APRIL 12TH. We are now cutting up the Wilder farm, located two miles from Oxford on the Raleigh road We are cutting it into tracts containing from 50 to 150 acres and will sell them at auction at the Court House in Oxford April 12th. Terms Vz cash; balance in 1, 2 and 3 years. For further information see the undersigned. W. H. FLEMING, Feb. 8-tf. A A. CHAPMAN. HATCHING EGGS BY PARCEL POST PREPAID. Prize winnings White Leghorns; R. C. White Leg horns; R. I. Reds and Houdans. For the next two weeks only we will deliver eggs from the above to readers of the Ledger in Granville and adjoining counties for $1.50 per setting of fifteen eggs. Safe de livery guaranteed. Eggs from nothing but the very best offered. At the recent 1913 Eas tern Carolina Poultry Show at Rocky Mount, we won four silver cups; three cash prizes in gold, eight special ribbons, ten first premiums, five first pemiums, five seconds and three thirds. KIMBALL FARM. Northside Nuggets. Mr. Hugh Fleming visited his parents in Raleigh Monday. Miss Iola Lyon spent Wednesday in Creedmoor with friends. Mrs. Will Tingen spent Sunday night with Mrs. Annie Clark. Mr. Roger Jones, of the road, spent Sundaynight in Durham. Miss Bettie Green spent Monday in Durham at the bedside of a sick relative. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lyon and children, of Richmnnd, have return ed home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aiken were the guests of Mr. Gibb Hall Thurs day night. Mrs. C. O. Jones and little son spent Sunday with her husband at the camp. Mrs. O. T. Moore, of Raleigh, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Wm. Lyon, of Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Coley, of Gorman, were the guests of Mr. Dudley Cash several days this week. Miss Angie Brinkley had the mis fortune to fall a few days ago and cut her nose real bad. She is rest ing quite nicely. DRUGGISTS ENDORSE DODSON'S LIVER TONE. It is a Guaranteed Harmless Vegetable Remedy that Regulates the Liver With out You Stopping Work or Play. A dose of calomel may knock you completely out for a day some times two or three days. Dodson's Liver Tone relieves attacks of con stiation, biliousness and lazy liver headaches, and you stay on your feet. Lyon sells Dodson's Liver Tone and guarantees it to give per fect satisfaction. If you buy a bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone and do not find it the safest, the most pleasant and successful liver reme dy you ever took, this store will give you back the 50 cents you paid for it without a question. This guarantee that a trustworthy druggist is glad to give on Dodson's Liver one is as safe and reliable as the medicine, and this saying a lot. Stockholders Meeting. The directors of the Granville Farm ers Tobacco Company, request a meet ing of the stockholders Monday, March 31st at 10 o'clock in the court house. Every stockholder i urged to be pres ent as matters of importance is to be considered at this meeting. Yours very truly, T. G. CURRIN, President. Granville Farmers Tobacco O. W. E. MASSENBURG, Secretary. THE WAKE FOREST GLEE CLUB will be in Oxford, at the Opera House, on the night of April 10th. General admission 50 cents. DR. RAPPORT, of Durham, will be at Dr. Henderson's Dental office Tuesday, April 1st. Why suffer from eyestrain ? Glasses made by me will relieve both eyestrain and headache. THE TEST of time in every clime. No ex periment. Tried and proved GOWAN'S PNEUMONI A PREP ARATION the king of remedies. Pneumonia, croup, cough?, cold?, it puts them on the run. With inflammation and congestion, it strikes the vital spot and does things. External, quickly ab sorbed. Sold by all driiggisis from $1 to 25c. Makes Tender Feet Strong and Vigorous. Just Rub on EZO and Pain and Misery Vanish. J. G. Hall says if EZO doesn't make your tired weary feet foel good and comfortable, your money back. Its a pleasant, soothing ointment that soaks right in and gets right at th; seat of trouble. It removes the burning distress from corns, bunions and cal louses and is fine for rough and chapped skin. Only 25c a jar' S3E THE Til FOR SPRING CLEANING Is Over, THEN COWSE RIGHT ON TO 2pcl)urcl) Currin AND GET YOUR MATTINGS, RUGS, PORCH SWINGS, HAMMOCKS PORCH ROCKERS, REED GOODS AND LAWN SWINGS That are Here Ready for you Any Day. We Have A Big Stock And The Prices are Right. Our Refrigerators are here and the biggest srock we have ever had. The good kind: The Leonard Clean able is the kind Gome in to see them. Our Undertakers! Department is complete. A New Hear? built to order esprcinliy for our work Will save you money on anything in our line. Yours to serve. Unchurch & Currin, We Oraer Flowers for . Both Day and Night All Occasions. Telephone. wiir pi r n m BANK. OXFORD, - - 1ST. CA ROLINA. Jj OIF1 OXFORD. Capital $30,000 Paid In imiia w MJ" ' fa B-U .m Conservative But Progressive. We Know Your Needs and Will be Glad to Consult With You as to Your Wants. We Want Your Business, E. H.CRENSHAW, Pres. J. F. MEADOWS, V-Pres. J. S. BRADSHEft,Cashier DR. J. A. MORRIS, WILL H. FLEMING, Farm Demonstrator Owen Warehouse JAS. T. COZART, WILL A. PARHAM. Planter. Farmers Warehouse. E. H. CRENSHAW, President. DR. I. a. DAVIS, Dentist. L. F. PERKINSON. Perkiison-Green Co. V