PUBLIC LEDGER JULY 30TH 1913. Salem Sayings. A large crowd greeted Rev. L. H. Joyner at Salem church last Sunday. The singing of the old hymns and tunes, and the old-time preaching without the new form of worship, far surpassed the new fashion worship of this age. The sacrament was administered and nearly the entire large audience partook. 2?he presence of Rev. W. S. Hester to worship with his peo ple at the old home church added much to the occasion. A great many visitors from afar and near were present. From the fact that nearly every one would cure tobac co this week the meeting was post poned till possibly September. Monday morning at 9 o'clock we noticed N. G. Crews, near Salem cross roads, with four two horse wagons all loading tobacco at one time. He could carry about one and a half barns of tobacco at a trip. Many others are curing and this is a busy season throughout our country now. D. N. H. Family Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ernest Parham are having a family reunion at their lovely home on Horner Heights. They have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parham and two children Annie Jordan and Julia Hunter, of Kinston; Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Reams and children, Julia Howard and Master Marion, of Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Priddy and Misses Julia and Doro thy Priddy, of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dorsey and children, Loyd, Edward, Cynthia, Elizabeth and Katherine. There was present, also -Black Marny," Sal lie Par ham, who has served the family most faithfully for more than fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. Hinton and two children, of Durham, were also present, Mrs. Hinton being a sis ter of Mrs. Parham. The spacious lawn has been gay with the sound of the many happy little voices and the time has been most pleasantly spent by the older members of the house party in renewing old ac quaintances and in forming new ones; by royal dinners among the different relatives, by a visit to the Association recently held at Poplar Creek church, and in num erous other ways. It is with re luctance that each member bids adieu to hospital Oxford but sin cerely hope for another such happy occasion in the near future. COM. Famous Old School. The Richmond Times-Dispatch of Sunday last contains the following : "Among the oldest and most famous of the colleges for women in North Carolina, cf4 for that matter, in the entire South, is Ox ford College. It was founded in 1850, and was one of the few to keep its doors open for the recep tion of scholars throughout the Civil War. It has maintained high ideals of education suited to girls. It has aimed always to conserve their health and to send them forth strong in body. It was one of the first to introduce a system of physi cal culture, and to lay stress on the truth of the adape, mens sana in rcorpore sano It is ese.ceedingly: fortunate in its location. Oxford ,1s a town. of 4,000 inhabitants, and ,having been the neat of schools of learning for three generations and .more, is noted for the refined ele gance of its social life. Therefore, its schools are in an educational and moral atmosphere entirely favorable to the highest ideal of social life. "Oxford is noted also for it health record, ranked as one of the healthiest town in the State. Dur ing the administration of President Hobgood of thirty-one years, the school has had but one case of typhoid fever, and that was brought to the school. "The old buildings having been destroyed by fire in 1904, President Hobgooa planned the new buildings out of an experience of thirty-five years in conducting schools for girls. The plan is unique four :two-story buildings standing thirty -;feet apart are connected by corner -yeranders; all sleeping rooms on second floor, all class'rooms, music .rooms, library, etc., on first floor. "The plan secures absolute safety in case of fire, and preserves the health in avoiding the necessity of climb ing several flights of stairs. " FREE BARBECUE Royal good time guaranteed to all. Have em ployed : an expert barbecuer from South Carolina to cook the pigs. If you are a patron or a close friend tof old W. H. Moore meet him in 'Oxford July 31st and join the happy band. Time for dinner 2 o'clock. Coming and Going. Rev. Fred N. Day, of Winston Salem, was on our streets Monday. Misses Edna and Myrtle Crews of Route 5, was in Oxford last Satur day. Mrs. Henry Critcher, who is in Richmond for treatment, is getting better. S. R. Harris, a prominent citi zen of Henderson, was in Oxford Monday. Misses Malissa and Leonora Ai kin, of Durham, are onn visit to Miss Myrtle Crew near Salem. Mrs. JuniusP. Hunt, Miss Hel-r, and Master George Hunt, left Sun day to visit relatives at Mi la, Va. Miss Lucy Hart, of Route 4, spent the week end with her sister Mrs.G. F. Downey, on Broud street. W. J, Currin and family, of Route 7, spont last Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Oscar Puckett, near Henderson. Mr. and Mis. Noah Biggs and daughter, of Scotland Neck, spent Monday night at Exchange Hotel enrouie to Buffalo Springs. Kelp IVSe Along. Lord when the witnesses approach along the twilight hill, Help me to gather with my own thai. Thou hast kept from ill, And in f tilings of my hope take strength from this Thy love To be a better man each (lay, trust on and look above! EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Exeenior on the estate of Mary J. Frazier. deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against saiu estate to present the same to me amy verineu on or before the 26th day of July. 1914. or this notice will be p eaded in ot tneir recovery; ana an persons indebted 10 said estate will make imme mediate pam nit. This 2Kth day .f July. 113. WILLI AM BKRKLEY. Executor. Rolling Hid. Charlotte County. Va. J 30. 4.w.pd NOTfTcE OF SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA. In lhe suPe.ior Court. Granville County. j. A. Cat let t vs. C. W. Jones and wile Ue'.le Jones. Jaines T. Garden hire and wife Nina A. Gardenhire Albert S. Gar denlihe and wife Es eiia M. Gardenhire, Clyde Gardenhire and wife Malinda E. Gardenhire, Charles A. Gardenhire and wife Elmira J Gar denhire. J. A. Jones and wife Eliza Jones, W.T. Potter and wife Ida M. Potter. The defendants above r.ained v.'ill take notice tint an action entitled as above has been commenc ed in the Supeiior court of Granville eo-mty to re quire the defendants to execute and deliver to the plaintiff a good and sufficient died for a certain tract of land lying and being s'tuate in Hrassneld Township, Granville county, pursuant to a contract in writing executed by the defendjnt, C W. Joues to the plaintiff, dated January 13ih. 1013, and the s:id defendants will further tak notice that they are requited to appear at the rerot of t! Superior court ui said count v to be held on he tenth Monday after the first Monday in September, t-13. at the court house of said county in Oxford, North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This July 2nd. liM.l. J. G SHO'j'W KI.L, C. S. B S. Royster, Aity for Plain! iff. July 3. iw. Valuable Land for Sale. ON MONDAY. AUGUST 4TII. 1913. I will offer for sale at the Court House door in Oxford, N. (J., for cash, certain tracts of lands described below, ail of which have plenty" of wood for plantation purposes, are well watered and are situated on new county road leading from Lewis Station to Mountain Creek road and about 6 miles from Ox ford and I 1-2 miles from Lewis Station. Tract N:o. 1 This tract contains 38 1-2 acres of good grain and tobacco land, a portion of which is partially cleared, and is situated on north side of said new road. 'Tract No. 2 This tract situated on north side of said new road, contains 53 1-2 acres good toba-co and grain land of which about 8 acres are cleared and a portion partially cleared. On it there is a large 3 room log house. Tract No. 3 This tract situated on north side of said new road, containing 63 acres extra fine to bacco and grain land, of which about IS acres are cleared and 30 acres partially cleared. On this land there are one 4 room log house,, stable, to bacco barn and pack house. Tract No. 4 -This tract, situated on south side of said new road, containing 66 3-4 acres of very line tobacco and gram land, of which about 4 acres are cleared and 20 acres partially cleared. On this . land there is a three room log house. ' Tract No. 5 This is my home tract and contains 6 tacresver fine tobacco and grain land situated on south side of said new road, of which about 30 t a-;res are cleared and 15 acres partially cleared. ; On this tract there are one 9 room dwellng house. I oue tenant house, one corn crib two stables two 5 I room tobacco burna. two pack houses and strip room, a splendid well of water and two pastures ! enclosed with wire. I A plat of t lie above land may be seen posted in the Court House I shall be pleased to go over the ' land with any party interested in the same. Said tracts will be sold separately and as a whale, i A. I- BABCOCK. FOR JJENT The home place of the late Capt. A. S. Peace on Ral eigh street, Qxfprd, N. C, with or without the land, twenty acres or more. House ten rooms, all necessary out buildings in good -epair,poultry yards, electric lights. Apply to W. L. PEACE. DAVIS, the hardware man, pays .the freight on all flues you buy. Will Send Public Ledger Tree If the .Secretary of any Local Farmer's Union in the county knows of any member of fcjs union who is not able to take the Public Ledger, or of any widow who is not also able to take the paper, we ask him to kindly send us their names, and we will head them the Public Ledger one year free of charge. Will thank the Secretaries to noiid in the names of all such at once, so that they may get the paper. A Puzzling Plural "What is the plural of adze, the implement carpenters use?" Capt. S. II. Green walked into The En quirer office last Saturday morning and sprang the question. The answer was, "The same that it is in axe," but that answer was not satisfactory to Capt. Green', and he is of the opinion that it has no plural form no more than sheep or deer has. As a matter of compro mise it was agreed that if we ever had occasion to "order on" for more than one adze that we would order one of them and then add while you are sending that one send another one just like it, or a dozen just like it, as the case might be. ?Jonroe Enquirer. The Season for Blood Boils. A well-known citizen of Raleigh, who knows that there is misery with boils, has found a remedy for them and in a communication to this paper says: "Boils can e prevented if proper attention is given U- them in their early stage. They are caused by an insect or germ that works into the skin from the outside, the same as a bedbug or chigger. As soon as you feel the pimple, bathe it two or three times with tincture of arnica. The insect will be destroy ed, the inflammation will cease and the result will be that the boil will not mature. If this insect is not destroyed the impurites in the blood concentrate at the point , of attack, inflammation increases and the result is a painful boil. "I have used this remedy for many years, and know that it will prevent boils if applied in apt time." FARM FOR SALE pine tobacco farm, sixty-five acres, two miles from Creed moor. A5tjargain. See W. G. Averette at Providence; J. W. Horner at Horner Bros. Co. ju 23-tf. SAMUEL DAVIS says that while the price of iron is higher this time he expects to hold the price as low as possible, so don't fail to get in touch with him now. Davis, the hardware man, ClarksviJle, Va. PURE BRED O. jTc. Pigs for sale eight weeks old at $5 each, R. BROUGHTON, Oxford, N. C. LOST Between Oxford and Prov idence cover to automobile top. J.W.Horner at HORNER BROS CO. oitcaI Notice!! 3M We desire to say to our friends that We did not sell the accounts when we sold the Oxford Hardware Com pany. We have books at the Acme Hardware Company where you can call and settle at any time. We wish to thank you for the very liberal patron ige you gave us and will be very glad indeed to have you call on us at the Acme Hardware Company where we are in a position to serve you better than ever before. Your friends truly, . F2. Oiria.rrlble;o, 1-2. F. Holeman. Mazda Lamps Reduced in. Price. Size. New Price. 0 fl Price Savinn 25 Watt .30 .35 40 Watt .30 .40 60 Watt .30 .50 100 Watt .60 .75 150 Watt $1.00 $1.25 250 Watt $1.50 $1.85 .05 .10 .20 .15 .25 .35 There is no excuse for having dim light, when General FAec tric MAZDA Lamps can be bought at the above prices. Al though the price is greatly reduced, the quality of these lamps is better than ever. Eor only 15c more than the price of a 1(5 candle power carbon lamp, you can buy a MAZDA Lamp that gives Three Times the light with ISJo Increase in current consumption. ir'ifilh.teFi. X5 linrjn n e ten S IAS IT A A A run Di AlU Libill !J. IliLLSBOBO STREET, :-: OXFORD, N. C. i Ib - ft J Ha n tr. r n ! Eg U M . S3 T ' - l m She E I B n - - - . 9 S3 BPf i & JhL. fc M , vasMEit 11 ' ' ' ' ?ti-riffirifff;m S I STQ P Lf) 0 If LISTED! j WE HAVE peas, soja beans and millet seed at Long Winston Co. THAT PACK HOUSE, BARN OR STABLE ROOF. Cover with rubber roofing guaranteed 5, 10 and 15 years For Sale by C. D. Ray. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary npon the estate of Spencer R. O'Bri in having been ismed to ns by ,J. G. Shot weli. Clerk of the Superior Couit of Granvil e eountv. herebv notifies all nersons iiMvinti "claims ugaiist the estate of the said deceased to i present the same to i?8 for payment on or before trie itn day ot .iijjy 'i:u, or trm notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons in debted to said estate are requested to nj afeelra roe diate settlement. This July 12tli. 1913. WILLfAM C. O'BRIAN. RICHARD H.O'BRIAN. J.16.4w.jxl Executors of Speiicer E. O'Brian. dee'd NOW IS THE TifclE TO GET THAT GAS RANGE YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF SO LONG We Have Few Flanges on Hand And -will Close TTiem out at a Oig Saving to "Vow A Discount off Will k Given on ail Cash Sales as Long as These Ranges Last What it IVIearxs to You: A S10.00 Range Connected For . $ 8.50 A $11.00 " " " $ 9.35 A $18.00 " " " . $15.30 A $25.00 ' " . $21.25 W,e went tp great dec! of expense to pet a Demonstrator to come here ta show Vuj hoV to use Oas with the least expense. Office open from 8 a m to 5 p in.. 7 p in. to 30 p. in. Call and see what a Gas Rane will d for vou. m it "..'guFi g'URageajBatw-,'tscMaai6fc.'a2 Southern Gas HiLLSBORO STREET. Imp rovementCi - OXFORD, N. C. Our Bank Is- Xhe O Id ank The Strong Bank The Southern Gas and Improvement Company will Install Free of Charge the First 100 Services. Make Application Quickly. IHL O. Williams, 1st L in n - n w i tomn p upo i-orotp Liioiiviiiu nuai Loiaiu A. II. POWELL, PrfiS. J. A. NILES, Hoc. R. Trnas. EVERYTHING PERTAINING 10 REM. ESTATE, Loans and Insurance YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED THE ONLY LICENSED HEAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENCY IN GRANVILLE COUNTY. BROWN BUILDING. MAIN STREET. OXFOHD, N. C. TELEPHONE R MEREDITH :: COLLEGE One of tlo lew co'leges for wunwu In the Suiuh ihat tifrx an A.. i c0i'f- rf-ireser iinU four years of genuine iIii: work accord ln to the standard of the. Assoriation or 'o!i:es of lhe Souttiem Statics. . Diplomas awarded thosa who complete lhe course in the School.-? of Art and Music. Library facilities excellent. Nyieusaiic training in physical education under a director and assistant. Courts lor tennis and basket ball. ...... . .. , r 1 H,ard and furnished room in (he Main JJuiMmg. near, nsnr, urerary ruinon iees ih i y sician and nurse, and ali minor fees. $:&J.G0; in the hast Huildiug and coitd s. from 5 1.50 U Students not o(T-rini I n. :ess;;ry units for entrance may prepare in f redith Academy, which is rated in class A. of the ace. edited schools of lhe NtaJe University, tor catalogue quarterly hulhiin.or fuller information, address l.JuueH.HU to R. VIVJV. Fiesident. Rales git, IV. C Bank We Invite you to start a checking account with us. Get one of our interest bearing certificates of Deposit and it will afford you rare pleasure to r Your Grow It would be your profit and our pleasure in have your name on our book. The National ank of Granville E. T. WHITE, Pres. H. G. COOPER, W. T. YANCEY, Vice-Pres. Cashier. Honest Now, Are Y on Not Al wavs Glad to See our Wagon You may fret when it is late and may he tempted" to tjiink unkind things ahout us, but when the wagon turns theWh'er does not the sense of relief wjiich you exper ience show how truly welcome the coming of the wagon is. In most cases when the wagon is late in reaching your door it is because some customers on your route have held it back, and their thoughtlessness, while uninten tional, makes you suffer. We are quite sure that you would not knowingly delay the ice wagon on its way to homes where sickness and suffering prevail. On the contrary, if you could speed it along, you would. Ihere is scarcely a day in which the wagon on your route does notVo to homes where anxious mothers are watch for it with heavy hearts. You can speed the wagon by an swering the call promptly, by having the road clear to the refrigerator, by having the change or the coupon m hand, and in other ways which your own intelligence are going to act on this hint now and hereafter. Thank you! PHONE 132 ford Ice Co. :-: OXFORD, N. C.

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