PUBLIC XJGDG3ER SEPT. 27TH J1913 HI (PA ac A. BIG S OCK OF IF y mr y I Phone 6B We beg to say if you want to make shopping easy, then come right on to Upchurch & Cur- rin's big Furniture Store where you will find already in place a full stock of all kinds of Furniture, Druggets, all Sizes, Rugs all Grades, Felt Mattresses and Springs that are Guaran teed, Window Curtains, Poles and Shades. It already has been said by a number of ladies that we have the prettiest line of Druggets that has ever been Shown in Oxford. We bought right, hence, the prices are right. WTe sell cheap and guarantee our goods, so do not hesitate and oblige. Dr. Lj. E. Jordon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate under the Founder of the Scince. At Exchange Hotel every Tuesday and Friday. Special attention given Nervous Diseases, Dr. A. J. CHANDLER. Assistant. Phone 59. Office 412-413 Duke Buld'd.Durham N.G CMPS ITCH CURED la 20 Minutes by One Application. DAVIDS SANATIVE WASH. We guarantee to cure any case of Itch if used as directsd.or money refunded . Scratches and Mange in Dogs cured at once. 50c., or mailed on receipt of 65 cents. F. F. LYON. Oxford. N. C. 1-9 9m. B. S. RoDster, tilorcey-M-Lsw, (less id m Fellows' 8 Practices in State and Federal Courts Hillsboro St., Oxford, N. C. Op ctaird Currin. Funeral Directors and Embahners. Oxford, :-: .-: :-: -:: :-: N. Carolirx. wJ. T. CRITCHER, Livery and Feed Stables. Up-to-date turn outs at your com : mand day or night. Gall us when you ! want to ride. Phone 55-A .-.MONUMENT ft T. O. Sharp Marble and. Granite Co Durham, N. Carolina. Remember we do not travel agents, hence our reduc ed prices and satisfactory service. Tell me your needs and I quote you my best proposition. Respectfully w. onKr, - - - uuriiam, XM. O. Rapport Will be at Dr. Henderson's Den tal Office every First Tuesday. Have your glasses made and fitted by me. It will mean SATISFAC TION TO YOU. Test of Gravity. "Professor Blobbs is a serious-minded man." "Yes." "Have you ever seen him at a base ball game?" "No. Why do you ask?" "I was just wondering what his conduct would be if the game were tied and a player on the home team whose batting average was a joke should walk up to the plate and slam out a home run." SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to an order of sale made by the Superior court of Granville couniy. in the special proceeding entitled "Minta C. Neathery Administratrix of J. R. Neathery. deceased, vs Marvin C. Neatherv and others," I shall on MONDAY. OCTOBER 13th. 1913. the same being the second Monday in October. 1913, sell to the highest bidder, by public auction for cash, at the court house door in Oxford, the followiug described land: A lot or parcel of land lying in Dutchville Township, about one half mile East oi the town of Creed moor, adjoining the lands of Dr. J. F. Sanderford, R. H. Fleming, deceased T. B. Lyon, deceased, Hillman Lawrence, William Cannady and others, containing about 8 acres, more or less. Time of sale between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p. m. Tim September 11th, 1913. B. S. ROYSTER. Commissioner. SALE OF LAND. Pursuant to an order of sale made by the superior Court of Granville county in the special proceeding entitled. "W. A. Cash vs.Paul Brogden and others. 1 shall on MONDAY. OCTOBER 6th. 1913. the same being the first Monday in October. 1913. sell to the highest bidder, bv Duhlic auction, for I cash at the court house door in Oxford. N. C.. the following described tract of land. Lvinfi and being situate in Dutchville Township, Granville county. btateof North Carolina, adjoining the lands of the late D. T. Jackson, deceased, the late Thos. B. Lyon, deceased and others, and being the land for merly owned by the late David Brogden. deceased. containing 100 acres, more or less. Time of sale between the hours of 1 and 2 o clock p. m. This September 3rd. 1U13. B. S. ROYSTER. Commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. A ten per cent bid having been tendered upon the purchase price bid for the Spencer R. O'Brisn home place, sold this day we will again offer said land for sale for cash at public auction at the court house door in Oxford on MONDAY. OCTOBER 6th. 1913. Said land is situate in Tally Ho Township, Gran ville county, bounded on the north by Mrs. H. H. Latta and Miss Nannie Currin. on the east by J. L. O'Brien, and Dr. E. B. Meadows, on the south by Dr. E. B. Meadows, on the west by K. H. Currin, containing one hundred and forty two seven tenth acres, being the home tract of land ot Spencer R, O'Brien and wife. This Sept. 8th. 1913. WILLIAM C. O'BRIEN, RICHARD H. O'BRIEN. 4t. pd. Executors of Spencer R. O'Brien. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of W. P. Cozart. deceasedt late of Granville county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Creedmoor, N. C. on or before the 14th day of August, 1914. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. MRS. EMMA. COZART. Administratrix of W. P. Cozart. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having been duly qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of the late Joseph W. Wheelou3. notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me on or before the 1st day of September 1914, or or t his notice wili be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to me. This Sept. 1. 1913. JOHN W. WHEELOUS. Executor of Jos W. Wheelous, deceased. Graham & Devin. Attvs. Sept.6th.4t.pd. Feazlng the Boss. "What? You didn't let your office boy off this afternoon simply because he told you his grandmother was dead ? Don't you know that the moment he left here he went straight to the ball game?" "Yes, but what could I do? The lit tle rascal, taking a long chance, looked me straight in the eye and asked me politely would I like to attend the fu neral. You can't call a man's size bluff like that, can yau?" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having been appointed by the clerk of the superior court of Granville county as administrator of the estate of Leroy Elliott, late of said county, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent them to me immediately, if not presented on or before the 6th day of Sept. 1914. this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This Sept. 5th, 1913, L. T. ELLIOTT, Adm'r Sept. Cth.4t. of Leroy Elliott, deceased. SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT. By virtue of authority conferred upon the under signed by a deed of trust executed by Dorsey Young and wife, dated August 1st. 1912, and duly record ed in book 94, page 204, of the records of deeds of tiust of Granville county, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, I shall on MONDAY. OCTOBER 6th. 1913 sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Oxford the following described lot or parcel of land: Near the town of Oxford, in Fish ing creek Township, adjoining the lands of James Harris and the colored Orphan Asylum. Beginning at a stake on the East side of Harris street, corner of Orphan Asylum land, thence eastwardly along iine of said asylum land 150 feet to an iron stake near a peach tree, corner of said asylum land, thence northwardly along line of said Asylum land 225 feet to white oak, corner of James Harris, thence Westwardly along line of said Harris 244 feet to stake in Harris street, thenbe Southwardly along Harris street 100 feet to the beginning. Time of sale, about the hour of noon. Terms cash. This Sept. 6th. 1913. A. W. GRAHAM, Trustee. DON'T FORGET New crop, crimson and white clover seed, seed rye, seed oats at Long-Winston Company. Hugh F. Wendle. Architect arid Engineer. Mitchell Building' Main Street. Oxford, N. C. fit' " 116 Run fop Wrong Party. Mistress Oh, by the way, Smithers, I've arranged for the breakfast in the servants' hall to be a quarter of an hour earlier in future. Smithers Then, my lady, I beg leave to give notice. Mistress Indeed! Why? Smithers Well, my lady, it seems to me that this establishment is being conducted for your convenience rather than for that of the servants. Punch. B&I f VCI I U III arv v J MWJ lJ ire o N The proper place for you spare money is not in a tin box, an old stocking or a hole in the wall; that is a continually dangerous custom long ago made unnecessary by this bank. In addition to affording an absolutely safe depository for your funds, this strong National Bank pays you 4 per cent interest on your deposit every three mes $1 OPEWS Arl MX0UOT.SI Tltue Bank For You. m m A Fussy Boss. "Where in the dickens is that office boy?" "Gone down to the corner to look at the baseball bulletins." "Go and tell him to come to me at once." "Don't be too hard on the boy." "I'll fire him on the spot if he can't tell me exactly how the game is going." 33 jj (fOT 80UO IN STORES) are fitted to you-in -your own home. They will re tain their beautiful lines and keep you looking your best in. continual comfort. You can have corsetry ad vice free by sending for The best dressed woman has her corset, like her gowns, fitted to her measure. The flexible Splrella boning, which is guaranteed not to rust or break is used only in Spirella corsets. . MRS. JOHN W. GOOCH, Phone 135A VERSATILE MACHINE. m E ESS! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OCJROfD, M. c Capital SIOO.OOO Surplus $40,000 ElSEOaHHEOoJdnEmEll m m fil - . -m - I I IBB FlfolfUraiHfpl LJ I I 1 1 1 - ! - - II it - ii ii m ii ii it iiiwii ii iii in iv i ii ii ii iub ii ii ii ii r ii ii -v ii , u . it ii ii 1 - 1 ' a b a r Mr rmrn.ia n ZZ 1 r HTIM1IMIl nilh.'V nnsEL. ish HI n n 73 Bel vvl,uj w n Ias le, m W IUJ S fe -Fir Sale.-. race WILL H. FTL-EIVIIINrG, Fprietor PDace to SeDD Yaw To Our market is in tip top shape-Better FacUities, more buyers, stroBer than ever before with a greater demand for Laf Tobacco at the Highest Market Price. No other Market anywhere can do better for you than Oxford. Se With Me. ! have a thorough y efficient -ce and I propose making a offerings on ray flo0r bring fu Market Vaiue. I oniy ask a chanc. to sen yourcro. REMEMBER That if you wi on,y bring meatriaiioad iwiU show you ' " FOR YOU IN THE WAY OF GOOD SALES "But your automobile doesn't turn turtle every day and seek a mud pud dle, does it?" "Oh! no. Sometimes it turns bird and takes to the air and then again it turns monkey and climbs a tree." Plenty of Time. Now azure skies above us bend And nature seems to smile, But I would not be anxious, friend. Rapid Rise. "Tottie Googles has a highly emo tional role in a new play." "Good for her! Only "last year she was a chorus girl." "Yes. She has to scream twice in the second act while the star Is strug gling with a burglar A Respite. "Mr. and Mrs. Squabbles seem to get along better than they used to do." "Yes. Since Mrs. Squabbles has be come a vice crusader she makes it hot for rank outsiders now and lets poor Squabbles alone We have for sale a very fine Bright Tobacco Farm of 478 acres, nine miles from Chase City; one mile from improved road. About one half off farm cleared and in cultivation. Two good dwellings, four tenant houses, barns, etc. A Very fine crop of tobacco was made on it this year and a large crop of corn which will average about 60 bushels per acre. A part of the farm in very fine clover. This is one of the best tobacco and grain farms we know of. Price $13,000. For further particulars address IHlestoir CHase Citv, Virginia. " N 3 P YOU LOVE Vm WfiFE? I ash If so. h f ; ' r XJtt0 no dirt. INo soot;. Nn: ic cuts the work in half. For 30 days only UADSAOTir EE TO MUEAfiiUr I More Work for the Mower. Bill I see my boss is working on a Plan to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before. Jill Of course, somebody's always trying to make more work for the poor workingman. off on all appliances for cash. A $30.00 Range Connected For . $25.50 Most Opportune. "Did you enjoy the amateur theat ricals?' "Oh, yes. The lights went out and stayed out for half an hour. When the lights came back I went out myself." None-Left. "It is said that the latest dictagraph Is able to pick voices out of a chorus." "It has evidently already been used on this chorus." Proper Combination- Mrs. Youngbride (to grovr) Shall open ac account, or do you prefer to have me pay for-.f -t I get? Grocer Beth, u.iiaam. A $18.00 A $12.00 A $10.00 ii ii ii ii ii $21.25 $15.30 $10.20 $8.50 All Ranges and Water H Store room nt tn kt' uucccca tree ot cost. -d and our man wra rop . MAIN STREET- & Improvement Co. OXFORD, N. C.

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