PUBLIC UffiDGER SEPT. 27TH 1913 SATURDAY, OCT. LT The Coming Sensation! Q Thomas Dixon's Master Piece THE Men of Science Have Recently Taken 9 Up Study of Origin and to Differ entiate Characteristics. , . in fcP m feUjL ii I I " J EJlHlBlT 1 DIFFEREN TYPS OF HORE I n i i . i- i i a n s i .. a ' - - wsmemsm. i ii 0 difmvfvifH U U VCV dim a r I i a ix u $ a m s n lj 0.0 rOTT I ilP r ?MF" Foir sol And. Better AT THE Farmers, Housewives, Poultry and Stock Raisers; WATCH OUT FOR lis And Capture Some of The GRAND - ooeXL Offered by Business Men and air Association O ooo ltll ltha Horse breeding has been followed as a trade ever since animals were first domesticated, but the studv of types has only quite recently been taken up by men of science with a view of ascertaining the origin of the species and to differentiate their characteristics. As a result of this study, based upon these anatomical differences and variations which have resulted from wide geographical dis tribution, and which probably origin ated in early geographical times, it may be accepted that there are four families or species of horses. The first type in this classification is the Celtic horse, found on the west coast of Norway, known as the Fjord jW II Bigger and Better than the Clansman. Replete with Love Humor Pathos. THIS PRODUCTION IS UNDER MR. DIXON'S PERSONAL DIRECTION. Seats on Sale at Luon Drug Store Monday, Sept. 29th. RICES:$1.50, $1, 75c, 50c B il li II !l II II II ii ii ii ii ii ii m : nnnnnnnnnnn8nnnnnDnnnnGDU The Prejevalsky Horse, Specimens of Which Are Now Being Bred in the New York Zoological Gardens. horse in Iceland, Faeroe, Barra, and other, small islands of the outer Hebrides in northern Scotland, on the Shetland Isles, and in Connemara or northern Ireland. There has also been found a close kinship between the Celtic horse and the true Tarpan horse of Russia. The second type of horses is the Prejevalsky, found in a wild state on the steppes of central Asia. There are a few of these in England on the estate of the duke of Bedford, and several specimens are being bred in the New York zoological gardens. The Prejevalsky horse is of a red brown color with a light "mealy" nose, has a large head in proportion to his body, and is "cat hamed," and less powerful than the Celtic horse. Some writers have assumed that the Tarpan and the Prejevalsky horses belong to the same family, but this is not now accepted, on account of their marked differences, the most conspicuous of which is that the Prejevalsky has the callosities on his hind legs. In this family it usually takes the form of a narrow strip and not drop-shaped as Is common with other horses. There has been a sug gestion that this little horse only 12 hands high, is the living ex ample of the original ancestor of the draft horses of Europe, but it seems highly improbable, inasmuch as fossils of the draft type have been found showing its great antiquity, and I am Just Received an up-to-date line of School Supplies, Tablets, Pencils, Ink, etc. New line Stationery of all Kinds. Fesorixtiox-is Frilled by Registered Druggist litO Ham iiBrugCo m jrfe be eisi n n mmm cn e n n m m &iU YUU WAN I A SMALL ft Let us show yon our Suburban Home Farms, 5 and 7 acres, desirably located near Oxford, attractive surroundings. Will arrange easy pay ments and help you build your home. Only a few of these farms are unsold. WE BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE AND WRITE IN SURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES. GRANVILLE REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO A. H. POWELL, Pres. J. A. NILES, Sec. & Treas. BROWN BUILDING. MAIN STREEL OXFORD. N. C. TELEPHONE 88 1 Celtic Pony Developed In Norway for Show Purposes. He Shows the Characteristic Black Mark Down His Mane. more inclined to believe that these big types are a species by themselves and shall call this family the third type. This horse Is known to science as the Forest horse, because he originally ob tained his food by browsing on shrubs and low trees. The Arab or African horse forms the fourth type in our classification. His food is the grasses that grow on the ground, and his home has always been the open plains and hillsides re mote from forests. Therefore his head is articulated on his cervical vertebra at an obtuse angle, thus forming 'Hogarth's line of beauty." This set of the head has long been recognized by breeders as a constituent element of beauty. H. K. Bush-Brown, in American Breeder's Magazine. 1 I i ii aiiiHi i n mi i umiii iiiiibbbtt- i 'i ipnn i wi in i mum nt-m nmtMmiiMnmmmmmMmM-imimimiuLx.LmjaM Mazda Lamps JRedhjLcecl iara. IPiriee. j Sfzo. Now Price. Old Pries. Saving. 1 25 Watt .30 .35 .05 40 Watt .30 .40 .10 60 Watt .30 .50 .20 100 Watt .60 .75 .15 150 Watt $1.00 $1.25 .25 250 Watt $1.50 $1.85 .35 . i Raise More Live Stock. An exchange points out that our farmers should raise more live stock if they expect to keep up the fertility of their soils. In Germany there is one head of live stock for each 3.6 acres of land; in Denmark one for 4 acres; in France one for 4.3 acres; in England one for 5.3 acres, but in the United States it takes 12.1 acres to support one head of live stock. If we are to keep down the cost of liv ing we must keep more live stock per acre and farm our lands better. Subscribe to the Public Ledger, help your friend There is no excuse for having dim light, when General Elec tric MAZDA Lamps can be bought at the above prices. Al though the price is greatly reduced, the quality of these lamps is better than ever, For only 15c more than the price of a 16 candle power carbon lamp, you can buy a MAZDA Lamp that gives THhree Times the light with Wo Increase in current consumption. CAROLINA POWER HELLSB0R0 STREET. A! LIGHT CO. :-: OXFORD, N, C. H n I j