r f - 3 PUBLIC LEDGER OCT. 25TH 1913 I .r I i"? I: f . V. ! ft V If -: LED'GER AND QXFORBCBANNER " PUBLICATION OFFICE BRUT PRINTERY MITCHELL BUILDING. Entered as second-class matter at postoffice Oxford Published Semi-Weekly bv BRITT & COBLE. J no. X. Britt. D A. Coble, editors and owners. price of subscription: One Year $150 Six Months 75 Three Months 50 One year contract 10c per incn. net. each inser tion, run of paper. Six months 12 l-2c per inch. net. each insertion, run of paper. Three months ISc per inch. net. run of paper for each insertion. PREFERRED POSITIONS. On one year contract 12 l-2c per inch. net. each insertion. Six months 15c per inch. net. each insertion. Three months 18cts per inch. net. each insertion. One or two months 25c per inch. net. each inser tion. Reading notices 5c per type line each insertion. Children have reason to recognize their potentiality in an academic way when it is stated that the school gardens cared for by the chil dren of Worcester, Mass., netted $3,400 this year, an increase of $900 over last year. . We need each other's help. We need the consecrated parent as much as we need the consecrated teacher. In the name of our children and in the name of Him who trusted them into our care let us stand shoulder to shoulder in the great work of education, ever onward, ever up ward. The Albemarle Enterprise says, Senator Overman will be re-elected, not for any one great triumph of his, but for his years of honest, disinterested service for State and nation. There has been no "fuss and feathers' about his course, but his record speaks for itself. Surely his critics needs not try to bring about his defeat by the puerile tac tics they are now pursuing. It is a well known fact that col ored or white labor on the farms is getting to be a thing of the past. The farmer of today is up against a proposition in that respect. It is almost impossible to secure enough help outside the family to house the ci ops. The time is at hand when Granville farmers will have to do away with hired farm labor and go to using machinery. A large num ber of them are gradually coming to that now. Many inquiries have come in to Gov. Craig the past few days as to whether or not he will actually go out on the public roads Nov. 5 and 6, North Carolina good roads days, and do personal work on the roads. He says it is certainly his intention to do so, and he is confidently ex pecting that the people generally will follow his example and that a far stride in road building will be taken the State over on these two days. . m Put Congressmen in Jail. President Huerta,of Mexico, did not want any Congress, so he put the Congressmen in jail, and made himself law-giver and dictator says an exchange. President Menacol, of Cuba, could not get his Con gressmen to meet in extra session to pass a revenue act. President Wilson, of Uncle Sam, needs Con gress and is doing his best to keep it in session as it is the only law maKing body for a Bepublic of one hundred million population, This is a strictly constitutional govern- exnment and the Amercan President knows he ia powerless unless the representatives of the people and the States will co-operate with him. machinery exhibits were very large. The attendance each day was good and the people enjoyed the varied (amusements as well as the horse races. The addition of 18 acres and new concrete barns for cattle, horses, sheep and hogs at a cost of $10,000 makes it one of the finest fair grounds in the South. . The Books of The Bible. Do you know how many books there are in the Bible? You once knew but you have forgotten? Let us tell you one good way to remem ber, so as never to forget. First, write down the words, "Old Testament." Now, how many letters are in the word "Old ?" Three. How many in the word "Testament?" Nine. Put three and nine together and you have 39 the number of books in the Old Testament. Next, write down the ' words, "New Testament." There are also in "New" and "Testament" 3 and 9 letters. Now multiply 3 by 9 and you have 27 the number of books in the New Testament. Of course by adding 39 and 27 you have 66 the number of books in the Bible. Any boy or girl who will read this over twice will never forget how many books are in the Bible. mington Star. Publicity for their town means that their purpose is to attract others there to assist in promoting the development and growth of the town. That should be the purpose, for it is mighty hard to attract newcomers to a town that has not done something for it self. . When a town's own people erect handsome business houses and at tractive homes and establish manu facturing industries that increase the evidences of thrift and enter prise, they will have something to show newcomers who may be in duced to come and look the town over. The best way to attract and impress visitors is to make a town look like a veritable hive of indus try. When a town's people show their confidence in their own town and give it an air of prosperity through their own energy and en terprise, that is "the first evidence of a live town." In fact it is the ground work of publicity, for they will have a town that will be worth advertising. QUICK RELIEF FOR STOM ACH MISERY The State Fair. The fifty-third annual State Fair opened in Raleigh Tuesday with a large attendance, the address be ing delivered by Governor Craig. The enlargement of the grounds and equipment and large exhibits make it one of the very best fairs yet held. Never before has the State Fair had as extensive and complete agricultural exhibits and exhibits of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, along with the varied industries of the State. The automobile gand Eager for Publicity. Southern towns are eager for pub licity and the fact that practically every city, town and hamlet is anx ious to make itself known abroad is strong evidence that their citi zens recognize their merits and are convinced of the resources and adaptibilities of their respective sections. It has been said that the "first evidence of a live town is that its people get together to ad vertise its many great advanta ges to outside world," but that isn't the first evidence of a live town. It might be "exhibit two" or something like that, for the first evidence of a live town is that a town's people unite to build up their own townathemselves, says the Wil- Mi o-ni Will Put Your Sour, Gassy, Upset Stomach in Order Try one Dose and Prove It If you are a stomach sufferer, do not despair Immediate, safe and sure relief is at hand Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets, sold in fifty cent boxes at all drug stores, are a spe cific for out-of-order stomachs. If suffering with indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis, or any of the various forms of stomach misery usually indicated by nervousness, dizziness, bad breath or sour stom ach, do not wait,. do not suffer any longer take Mi-o-na today de lays are dangerous. Mi-o-na is always sold by Hall's Drug "Store on money back if not satisfied plan. adv. SAMUEL DAVIS, of Clarksville, Va., will save you five times your railroad fare on any hardware item, machinery, gun or implement you buy and will guarantee you satisfaction. tKOTFD m w Safe SttoD id fro YOU CAN GET GOODS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE By Attending HFIhiis Onvssrfc Sail MAIN STREET Paris' Old Stand OXFORD, N. C. Watch The Meters in Our "Window Starting at zero and running for the same length of time, the Carbon Lamp Reads 14 Kilowatts While the Mazda Lamp Reads 5 Kilowatts. Use the Mazda Lamp it will Save you Money Carol ina Power & Light Co. MP 13) Inks GM)((g EWEMtOW (SETTS RfflG ( s I '-vl ? n Is The Humes I i . mmmm WE WANT - YOUR TOBACCC Ivillll i Wilillk MIIBlfS 01(1 Time Dissatisfaction that Existed Several IS A THING OF THE PAST LOW PRICES DOES NOT EXIST OXFORD in mm o mm TIK1EY EFFECT On If you want the Cream ot the Highest Market Sell Your next Load with Mangum & Watkins, Good Lights, Good stables for your Horses and everything to make you Comfortable and Best of all Plenty of Money to pay you for you Tobacco at TJHLTE1 TWjJESMJEnF PRICES. .'ViV.rMUi i' f V I