PUBLIC UGDGBJR OCT. 29TH 1913. ft ac SEEMED TO BE ENOUGH By NELLIE CRAVEY QILLMORE. She had long yellow curls that look ed like glistening columns of gold, bobbing in the sunlight when she walk ed, or lying in rich satin abundance all over her little fluffy shoulders when she was still. Her eyes were big and round and peculiarly blue like twin cornflowers and there were perpetual discs of pink in the small oval cheeks. The day was hot to sultriness, the sun "beating upon-the lake with fierce ime NigBrut cff mis 99 uuuuuvo PIXItE 1WI I 3rd mi great sparkling pool of melted metal Winifred hurried down the road as fast as her long, white-stockinged legs would carry her, the big sun hat j scarlet with poppies flying back from her head by its muslin ribbons. She found a tempting tuft of grass in the i shadow of a giant water oak, and sat down to eat her lunch. When she had finished, she crossed her hands in her lap, and sat gazing out across the lake with suddenly tired, absent eyes. She heard the village clock strike two then three and all at once, the water began to dance and shimmer and grow black, before her eyes. A horrible dizziness settled over her, and she flung herself down on the cool, grateful grass and closed her eyes. Then came oblivion. When the little girl came back to earth again she was lying in her own ;bed with the pretty canopy of blue satin, and the cloudy white draperies all around. -'She felt numb and stiff : and listless, and when she ppened her ilips to speak, her voice sounded so itiny and far away. Many days pass ed before she was allowed to sit up, ' and hear- all about herself and the 1 grave, kind man who had rescued her. "I should like so much to see him I ; and to to thank him," said Wini fred one day the first she spent out of bed. "You may," replied her aunt, "for he is here right now. He was very (ill himself that day. The Eeat played him an even more serious trick than iit did you." So the little girl was wheeled into j the sick man's room, where he lay pale and prostrated against his pil jlow. "I can never thank you enough," ;she began, the pink in. her cheeks j deepening to a "Vivid scarlet. "What 'in the world would have become of I me if you had not happened upon ime?" The invalid laughed and shook his (head. "I'm glad, indeed, that I did," :'he answered quickly, "but what on earth would have become of me If I your kind aunt had not taken me in?" "Then I suDDose we must be quits?' " She laughed merrily; show ing all her dimples at once. The other nodded. "Do you know," ;b.e asked presently, "why it was I wanted so much to see you as soon as I could?" "Won't you tell me?" "It was because once I had a little girl, with long yellow curls just like yours, and big blue eyes. You you reminded me a lot of her that day I found you unconscious by the lake. Do you mind my telling you thfs?" "No oh, no. And your little girl where Is she now? She is not is she" "She is not dead. But" Winifred looked at him suddenly, with wide, bewildered eyes. "I I lost her," the man explained after a pause, and the little girl did not question him further. 1 "My mamma will be home tomor row," she remarked, in a change of tone, "and I want you to meet her, She oh, you don't know how grate- iful she will be to you. I she hasn't any one but me," she added quickly. ! "Have you no father?" he question ed gently. I Winifred shook her pretty gold head I 1 1 1 J 4 lTi nnnr jBiowiy DacK aim lunu. iui uuw, : she said. "Never mind. I oughtn't to have asked you. Won't you tell me some-j thing about that Mamma?" "She is the dearest, best and most .beautiful creature In all the world!" Winifred broke out, an uplifted smile on herv dainty, flushed face, "Every body loves mamma. She is so good and. kind and true. The sick man nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He watched her jin silence as she unfastened the lock et from a long gold chain and held it out to . him. "So this is your mother?" he ask ;ed, after a long, long pause. There was a long silence, during : which, the door opened and closed on 'noiseless hinges and some one came softly into the room. "Mamma!" "My little sweetheart!" The 1vdm an clasped her arms about the child and held her in a long, fervent em brace. When she looked up, a pair of dark, eager eyes were fixed upon her. "This is the gentleman who saved ,my life, mamma. Aren't you" But the look on her mother's face inter rupted her. "Katharine! For God's sake don't turn away from me now. I I am a different man. Heaven knows I will try to be worthy of you if you will come back to me and give me one more chance!" The woman had buried her face in her hands, and her body shook with sobs. When she looked up, lier eyes were moist. "I am a different wom an, too, dear," was all she said. But it seemed to be enough at least to Winifred and to Winifred's father. fConvrWht, by Daily story Pub. Co.) Subscribe to the Public Ledger, help your Jdead 'The play should attract large and ap preciative audiences for it is oue of ex ceptional charm and appeal." . Philadelphia "Public Ledger." THE MOST POPULAR AMERICAN BOOK MADE INTO THE MOST POPULAR AME RICAN PLAY. "A simple pastoral of the Ozarks; really genuine sentiment." Columbus, 0., "Dispatch." 'The production is acted, staged and mounted fittingly and the atmosphere of tle story is well preserved." Indianapolis "News." Prices 50, 75, $1. Seats on Sale at Lyons Drug Store, Thursday October 30th, at 10 A. M. SHORT PARAGRAPHS. One way to keep cool: with a Boston girl. Try to flirt Chicago's policewomen are not to be armed with hatpins. Something should be done to make murder unfashionable. The world, is surely getting better. Accordeons are going out of fashion. A mother-in-law is a dangerous per son to play jokes on, unless the prank proves fatal. Nearly all the popular songs- are improved in their parodies, which are not necessarily witty, either. And with all this women's dress agi tation, on one has Fug.ested the aboli tion .of the hard boiled hat for mei. That expert who declared that eggs 100 years old are better than fresh ones probably never had the pleasure of having a few bad eggs hurled at him. Our profound conviction is that any bachelor's chances of winning a wife are greatly lessened by his exhibiting himself in a pitilessly revealing bath ing suit. The transparent skirt is surely doomed now. A team lost a ball game the other day because the players were all watching a girl who was wearing one. . . ' It is hard tp detect a counterfeit $ 10 bill any more, because the average man, with a family to support, can't keep one long enough to notice wheth er it is bogus. A London actress lowers her price for a performance $300 when told she need not mingle with guests at the party. Perhaps It was worth it to the audience as well. The increasing number of drown ings, particularly on pleasure trips, show that if eternal vigilance Is the price of liberty, unfailing prudence is the price of safety. ROOFING. ROOFING. Now is the time to prepare for the winter, in building and covering your barns, stables and houses, and I just want to say that we have the most com plete line of roofing now we ever carried. Galvanized and painted V Crimp 6, 7, 8, and 10 feet long. The famous guarnteed and vulcan oid roofings made of pure Trinidad asphalt, and will last the life of a building. Then we have Courtright shingles and roll tin, and on any of the above we guarantee to deliver to you cheaper than wholesale houses or mail order houses will sell you same grade for. Just send your orders and inquiries to Samuel Davis, Clarksville, and prompt at tention will be given and satisfac tion guaranteed. SAMUEL DAVIS ol-otw-tf Clarksville, Va. THAT PACK HOUSE. BARN OR STABLE ROOF. Cover witn ruuuer. rnnfind Guaranteed S, 1U ana 10 years For Sale by C. D. Ray. . , I WILL do your land surveying and furnish you an accurate map. o-18-5t. pd T. D. HARRIS, Oxford, N. C., Route 3. Col. Minor to Wed The announcement of the engage ment of one of Oxford's successful young men will be received with interest by many friends. Mrs. John F. Wiley at her home on Morehead Hill, Durham, was hos tess to the members of the Literary Club Thursday afternoon at which time the engagement of Miss Ro berta Henshaw to Col. Sidney W. Minor was announced. The wed-H ding will take place some time in November, After the regular meet ing of the club, the guests were in vited into the dining room where a seven-course luncheon was served. Suspended over the center of the table was a large bell of white roses. From this bell to each of the dozen places about the table were streamers, brought to each of the invited to pull their ribbons and when they did so, a package came out of the bell to each of the places, in these packages were pretty and appropriate souvenirs of the occa sion and also the announcement of the engagement of Miss Henshaw and Col. Minor. A modern adapta tion was found in the place cards of the twelve guests, which consist ed of little boxes of silver horse shoes, these were decorated with orange blossoms. The announce ment of the engagement of this) nnnnlnr wrmn or nnnlo ia f i n farocf j ing bit of social news of the season, j DOLLARS saved to-day means a larger bank account at the end of the year so write or come to Samuel Davis the hardware man, the man who pays your freight, the man Who buys in car lots and the man who has always iJS"fl to his customers. SAMUEL DAVIS, Clarksville, Va. ITCH CUR ED In 20 Minutes by One Application. DAVIDS' SANATIVE WASH. We guarantee to cure any case of Itch if us;d as directsd,or money refunded. Scratches and Mange in Dogs cured at once. 50c., or mailed on receipt of 65 cents. F. F. LYON. Oxford. N. C. 1-9 9m . fAJ Dr. S- 1 CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE. Landis' earliest frost proof cabbage paints for sale. Three hundred thousand plants from now until May 1st. Fifteen cents per hundred. Now ready for planting. 3t GREEN ROBERT MOSS, Oxford, N. C, Route 2, Bell Town. Will be at Dr. Henderson's Den- every First tal Office f P i uesuay. nave your glasses made and fitted by me. It will mean SATISFAC TION TO YOU. B. S. Roaster, AttoneHt-Law, Offlccs in Odd Fellows'' E2j. Practices in State and Federal Courts Hillsboro St., Oxford, N. C. Frank Chance has a scheme for longevity that beats buttermilk. He will not resign from the New York Highlanders until he develops a pen nant winning team! "A New York man who abandoned his wife because she couldn't play the piano must now pay $5 a week ali mony. He could have saved money by buying a pianola. H Absolute reliance- can be j piaceu in any prcsuipuuu compounded by lis. It is our business to dispense health giving prescriptions in the right way. It is a business we have not learned in a day, but only after hard, steady and persistent work coupled V-:WITH A DESIRE TO.: J know our business in all 'its branches, no matter what it cost. It is our thorrughness In every particular that gives our prescription dept. its V PRECEDENCE..... J In these days of amateur doings, the thought develops that the best ama teur aotor living is the average man who sits through a piano 4 recital and acts as If he enjoys It. A French aviator intends to ' fly from Paris to Morocco. That Is about the eafest way to visit that turbulent country just now, where more things than aviators are up In the air. A Pennsylvania girl has been keep ing: herself rosy, healthy and happy on a food bill of fifty cents a week. Doubtless -there will be a grand rush to win her as the only real Ideal wife. Pennsylvania man advertises for a woman who will obey him and who will consider his judgment always final. And to make his search harder he asks that she be thirty-five years old. D 0 Fit 6 "S m An Crswil TO THE- Ow en W.areho use WHICH Breaks all Records in Number of Pounds of Tobacco JLYK viiwlm in (6 COLLEGES! ) OXFORD J Not even the reports of 100 degrees of heat within the arctic circle and 70 degrees at the same time on the gulf coast will convince the man in the street that heat varies in intensity with the latitude. . Another American heiress and her fortune, married to a title, are re ported to have come to grief. It is a pity, that this particular school of ex perience, though very expensive, fails to teach anything. A doctor in New Jersey was ar rested for selling a human skeleton to a rag-and-bone man. ' And yet it may have been the" first time that the original owner of the skeleton bad ever had any value. -r- LD And And you Won't go Wrong its the Leader in High Averages by a Large Majority. High Prices Service Satisfaction, is Our Motto. Every time we sell a pile of Tobacco he sends us his neighbor. THERE IS A SIMPLE REASON -ASK YOURSELF THE QUESTION If you are not a patron don't think" that we are selling so much tobacco that we don't want yours. : We always find room for you and the more we get the higher prices are. Bring it on when you get ready, and we will send you away with a fatter purse. . Will I Fleming, Prop, Owen Warehouse. NOW IS THE TIME To pin in your winters supply of Coal as we can furnish you the best and all kinds at LOWEST PRICES All coal kept under-cover and screened" before delivery. Oxford Ice Co (S Quit JTTUisik CBraeap fioir Time Gaslhi. Our Prices Are Spot Cash to Everybody That's why we can sell for such a small Profit. Our stock of goods are the best that money can buy. Wc have the kind That will Please You. Our strong Point is: QUALITY, PURE, CLEAN, WHOLESOME AND FRESH Why do you quarrel with your cook about the Biscuits, Bread and Cakes? It's not the cook! Use Golden Crown FIouev then they can please you. Have you tried our Coffee? Tis fine It pleases everybody that uses it, Morara, the best. Come to see us and get our prices if you don't buy. Phone Orders Given Careful Attention "The Cash Grocers MAIN STREET. PHONE 180. OXFORD , N. C. j