M ;4 - -3 Vt.: PUBLISHED TWICE-A-WEEK- WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS OUR VOLUME 29. : OXFQRD, !N. C. WEBNKSDAY, J AN- 7, 1914. i . ' 1 NEWS SHOCKSFAMILY. SHORT lOCAlPICK-OPS THE EXCHANGE HOTEL VITAL STATISTICS LAW HOVEMErJT OF PEOPLE. flXFfllfS . . . ' ------ MURDERED MAN WIDELY GATHERED FROM THE TOWN THE JOVIAL PROPRIETOR MUST GIVE THE NECESSARY KNOWN flun nniiMTv ht im...... - - - - - - i m9u m mm mM mm mm i u i n i - .. mi mbm a mm a. . i m m m m m aaa& i ii ihi iif I n l : mm mm m .m mm m SOME YOU KNOW AND SOME FEATHERED TRIBE WILL YOU DO NOT KNOW ARRIVE npt u.c He Was Fifty-nine Years Old About People and Things That The Guests Enjoy a Bounti- It is Mow a Penalty Not to Personal ltm and Was Born in Ireland The Roanoke World-News of January 1st, says: "Willam M. Sullivan, who was murdered near Oxford, N. C, Tuesday is widelly kown in Roa noke. He lived at 410 Sixth street, S. E.. He was fifty-nine years old, and was born In County Cork, Ire- Are of Interest to Our Readers. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fleming will occupy the Elmore cottage on Gil liam street. John W. Hunt, who has been sick some time, is able to be out on the streets again. fu! Spread at the Modern ; Hostelry As is his custom ati:his Register the Birth of Children There . seems to be much uncer been dressed and his larder is full the new vital Hv i Folks and Their Friends Jn General. T. B. Hill, of Virgilina, was About Oxford The Show Will Be Held in the Armory of the Gran ville Grays With" a large already made and inquiries still thp ripoj 7ifol ufnf ;Hf iw . I . I - rmmm At jm u h u a v.. A u VV rr.1 I 1 1 " I - I I . - ' - . - uiiueo ui Luia lilt!. I mi iv in rofTorH i vj- vjicws. or lannec moo i r-"uK hi. ine nnicafmnc iL.i uu c- onuiuf ui joviai proprie- births. In everv rnQp th aH0: wwu-monaay. tor of the Exchange Hotel, is want ing-phVsi'ed to To be a booster every dav durinc land. When eighteen years old he 1914 should be the resolve of everv hwin xi-: i. J i t.j t.... n -iw,is camei in.3 unuyt u, uUeu. the richest meats and Java coffee . ru- . T'1 "if inenas a full repoit of every birth, giving town Saturday. in i.i nri inv u noarnr mnn i -11 -i .n . i ... . . i ... - V u , l"' u,cai an oi me inrormation asi ita uasiacracKiing Dread, ! the blanks. In cases whsr, . th "r"1 ,a;o " r monaay. R. S. Hart, of Route 7, was in on VVe ask you to read the adminis- Those, who were fortunate enough the child, or other person attend- Roanoke which had been his home : 7u" "A w V.-. .8,on o '7r i;! " l7'ue n must give the , information. ud to the time of his death. He : .7."," --" yvxnose who fail to do. has been a traveling optician for The next stop ia the PoultrvL ji:' the past twenty years covering a onow- re you getting ready to flt th Vv7nT Hf n,u M fem inac 11 woma require no urg territory carrying him through the make an exhibit? : . Zl" 7 ";T" ""V Kueats ing to induce parents to : States of Virginia, North Carolina The friends of Dr wn. AJJl 11 ProPerIy registered.. If -yon had a fend South Carolina. be sorrv tnUnm f KVd:; "ar. ..t -"""uuceu.ai; tnorougbbreadjcalf ,:or colt, or dog . at ne iaoie were: the chances are that you would Messrs. Lonnie Smith, Col. H G. have it registered-if .itf I "Mr. Sullivan had been away at home with the grippe. irom nome since June ihsl, uui naa written to his wife Christmas Eve money and telling --.her that he would be with his family' New dear's day In the letter Mr. Sulli van said he was getting too old to he continues right sick. ravel about the country, as he had . I -I . . . " MIC III the IjranviilA r?rnfT x to be held in Oxford next week will be equal to the best poultry show ever hflrl in fiu r. J. M. .Haskina. nf TToaf. : lent.ria orfl n . " . e. . - ' -.1 , woo in "iv- kjj uu means COnnnpH tn Worth Carolina, as several fine t air i - . . i nirnsi on i- ui. ivieaaows, oi Cuibreth, was Z", u , Arom Vlrgmia in town Monday. and South Carolina. The show q? P K l ?l r, Ahose who fail to do. this are sub- I?r J A Morris of Wiltnn W A "tk J cnrough Wednesday Saturday so as to be abte ject to a heavy penalty. It does in town Monday Wilton, was and Thursday, January 14th and ice at , the evening meal seem that it would require no url- I? " Monuay. 15th,and many outsiders are ex- guests ing to induce parents to have births . Vt'r ,U JJrien of Route 1, was ctea .ee during the .event. iu uAiora ivionaay. iMCiC wm.ue prominent men of thp T wQnna r ii 111 Carolina Dranch of the Am. J. b Watkins, of Cornwall,. was rican Poultrv A:. u!"e in town Saturday. Some people are so small in cali bre that it is a wonder they don't dry up and blow away. ooper, uen. s. Koyster, Judge nothing why not have vour babv Graham Sprint- A A tr;Ur, i . ft , .v - :vour 0307 , ii. hh.ro, VJUl. Balou, John Webb, Dr. E. T registered? If your babv Has not been registered, call on vnnr nra tol.'i- ttm , ...ivgioicicu, i;ii uii your if T3. "I.: ilz J? n?' W. registrar and ask for a blank, birth town visitor Monday. register an Dirths since iNovem- town visitor Mno I -- --- M- ...l..ttj' . : :i: .. ,f. UL "Tpu one.rm ker, C. W. Bryan, C. H. Landis. certifite He will be glad to Murray will be sorry to learn -that .76? riu nnnrmiinn -m i . M. . i w vti uiii ..uucp xulto. . , L, .Yatesrof Greensboro: and R. L. w iat UHistuerSd 1?? t..the Executor's noticeof -ked tine supper was : Death Of Little B0 kffection and solicitation for his "mneT Pa J tnis ,"'ng8, sucn - Willie Hicks, a brieht five vear Thp shnw drill I w. H. Howard, of Route 4, was of the Granville Grays, on the sec ond noor of the Municipal Building It has been said that modern poultry shows combine sporting educational and PAirimafiinl -C - t V in Oxford Monday. W. R. Nelson, of Route 4, was a r.. ... ai8,.oi xvouie o, was a lures and this is verv trnp Mr " v J. K: Daniel, of Berea section, was in town Monday. arnily, and the news of his death paper. no tho TiVrtrionn-n , ...iv "ii.no, o uiij5iu: uve year . onerman,oi rse & d was in Oxford Monday. With some, the sporting element pre dominates, as for instance the wealthier fanciers who 'go into the business for the fun there is in it H4 on. i i i i uu v w riiiriiiwr ri it - v-r . -a . Was a great shock to his wife who The Women's Civic Club will I.; "I uy iUmp Grissom. near Dexter.on tyas confined to her bed last night met n the Commercial Club Rooms u; l: ,i " ""A kith grief. "Hthis Wednesday afternoon at 3 L1 aT t"M ::J auiu ed Monday. afternoon to Stovall by erry, of Hester, was an " toi pre- upchurch & CurrirTnd consigned uxtord visitor Saturday. Wednesday afternoon at 3 7 u!L,,,v 1 - pa.r" 1nessr The remains were convey- i i aiii w i f- i i a-m 1 ij r i i g- iron mwha a ir a. i i - "Mr Sullivan left a widow and o 'clock. - - auiUc Monday. aftern ixchildren. The children are: Mrs. Thp Mm n..; - " r"" . i"?. V pre" UPchurch & J. W. Smith. Roanoke:-Mrs. Rich- Lt Z;." "ar rvoysier to the tomb. t-- t , , ,,. , v puu.ii. ouv-uuii uiuuuay in irono wuiu not remain tnrouenout the VVIp Rnnp" m UrgM(TS-rhn t Court House and was bought by evening. The combination of wft? Vade, Roanoke; Mrs W. M. Dun- our voung friend, Othn TWipi widnm . -ri ,f?.i io, I'- gton, Jacksonville, Fla,; Miss $5,460. : CoonermaLr yiinn.ebuiiivan, Koanoke, and Mr. - - ... V . fnl-aft;nn0. on" w rr' T tati osseph Sullivan; Roanoke. All of . " .r lu,ay u,gnt , me nody ap- 0 " "1 making known the nroducts which i nrnnniornri ma l-. . oi i i u a lis l.x nil i.i iiv iiii wi- i n Mriiiuiir i - . r.a,cu uw u.cyc.e oi r-igie. . j r ":;.:LrI xT. the farm an,oi cerea section, The educational is WPn tn nuunil ClliU recognized and there are manv wrhn every one. From the dining room sn,w . -V.rfM M- Coley, of ' Green's, was an enter the poultry business for tho . .. I ""-j inuiuiug, duer- iwo weeKS n,.j ' li 1 -ii . . .. . vwv- he children are with their moth- r. Will Publish Farm Products ie North Carolina A ion has devised a plan for cts Vi lers have to offer for sale. Benehan Cameron, of Stagsville was an uxrord vis-.'Monday. uiversion there is in it. The com. mercial is the side that appeals to the majority who are in the busi-4 nesa for their livelihood. The lat ter class achieve the greatest re sults for the season that thp vxvjr aic Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mize, Route m !fc for their, "bread meat." iney, out on Raleigh Road the "veing, and surveying the ro" "r mernave to otter for sale. -wa,P, was ir n usehAa? heard the host with a critical en" Market Reporter, to Nat Hobgood .ni since not been .heard eye,extending Bis arms as if encir- bepublished in Raleigh, is the Route 7, were ir cling the water tank, he -paid a "1." ut, uie. PUDcation through crlnwino- trih.ito t : f h t?u WIllt:C e : iniormati 1. were on our streets Monday. W. T. Puckett, of Walnut Grove township, was in town Monday. Th prp ia crvmo fu: i, j own evoking aboat this tragedy and tvom since. ir of AMn r.U .,1 J I 1 J? i. A. T -I I-V . r otuuc snuum ue leu uniurned to uon t iorget to send in vour or. UW,-n fih.,f i. .; & ...jorcijr am- ucioxyi juu ux in Ling wmcn win be Hotel as a place to dine promptly and satistactorily execu- Col. Ballou referred to the hotel ion will be bunding it. inuc Miuwn, inis is simpiv a news channel for buyers whether so to speak, and conseoupntlv lect nothing that will promote the cause of their birds. In the show the birds will be arranged accord. and two sons, of to definite classification, the in town Monday. mymouth Rocks occupying one sec- . Clayton, of Fishing Creek oVhinonHl'rtt ?.noth ip, was in town Saturday. :. ?ZfT ih . and 30 t " i , . . . : ui me most Louis Daniel and daughter, of pleasant and profitable hours im- J. M townsh If Interest to Oxford Peonta o .a '.-e lowest Prices by the back in the days when the log ey De farmers, general consumers Route 1, were in Oxford Monday. ' maginable is a visit to a well f L : 6 " 10 UXTOra Ople Britt Printery. ' burnt on the hearth anH thp- or merchants, Copiesof the Farm- - nnin cm . dered poultrv classifipH sh.3 lhe tollowing item, of interest b Oxford people, appeared in the unday Times Dispatch: Super i ntendent- Eugene Moss in burnt on the hearth and the rooms were lighted by oil lamps, and con forms us that the nice home at the gratulated Mr. Smith on the pro- ersr Market Reporter, in which the farm productswill be listed, will ne turnished you, and all others 171 TTl . . I 4- V iL, L.L.l i.- ill -L- . X tii - . i rixiiHrimpnT n a-rm 1 o o hnnt n t uuiiiiuna 1 1 1 i.iit-; i 11 h t rnp nroaonr i ine new baptist church ".jat Ac- C Un "T: Uime nd thp :Z ' may request them . mo ,-,U ; U I . i , I uiiu no yviii IHUVC HI H UUll 1. l.flH I .v. .vn u uv-v-uunuoua pmac, which has iust been nnPnPrl Xcu. "u "f r worship, was built at a cost of I uaiy . . . p.OOO. It is of Gothic architec- If you want to hear something bre, after the old English stvle of good go to the Orpheum Theatre he sixteenth century. The build- Friday nighj and hear DeKoven pg, besides the main auditorium, Quartette, which comes to Oxford Miuains a oaptistry and robing n,sniy recommended. yom. it is heat.pH hv foiYi onri J uuvuiu ghted by electricity. The Snn- I) tt t.' . , . . 1 ... . . , jr iiuui room is sirnntPri n o j iu 0-...1 t... . ino- -nH ho. u i." , " Lcu .M,e ouutnern nauway omce and .. mi entPHno. ?n -f .SS' brok open the cash drawer and re orns entering into it. The win- Hp fu ui. a.,..; pws in the church nrp nprl oil , v .. L , . . " j - TiT --j-'Hr .-x-r i , " , F-ioriai, including one to thelatp h mi- auu rs. r . . ioogooa and Mam uui i in, v oi ocovau. was among the town visitors Monday. J. H. Perry, of Creedmoor. was among the Oxford visitors Monday. or- tions Judge Graham spoke of the im portant part the Exchange Hotel plays in the life of the town and Card of Thanks The relatives of the late W. T. Lyon wish to sincerely thank all - - . - i .... . i p , 1 .. , 1 - - v, . VW A ii yy all DCI county, asu is here where the "' VYt,u via,lcu sent was among the crowd in town Mon- visitor gets his hrst impression. . ""J- 11UWC1 a enquireu arier his day. About the Dog. Editors of the Ledger: In your reDort of thp killing Graves Day: and A M. Aiken, of Buck Kersey there was a slie-ht Stem section, were in Oxford Mon day.-:- - J. T. Hart, of Cornwall section, Wm. Bryant, 7 near error, which I wish you would cnr. rect. The dog which came to the field where Kersey was at work was not in company w i th anyone and was the dog of a near neigh- n " , ' :' bor of Kersey's which hadbeen lost 'a9- Kersey cauht tte:d and Ued it On behalf of the guests Senator welfare, offered any k i ndness, or Snmp nnp nrnKcVinf ' nn hi;,.., 1 TTinL-a'TTrirorl fWi JJ- 1 m ahV W3V manifested i)n inlaraaf nX,r 14- i- Lx. .J i . Lu ii in him Hni-inn- h,a 1 Was among the Oxford Visitors nn U i.i. i . . .P r"u .Il-U uivuvy iasi r.nuay uigni. ana enter- I v?1 pleasure oi ine evening. . - uu pauiiui uc ,o - - I w a tree ana later tied it behind w r i v a - . . tii v rr . l . tt aij, iiuu v . - wniie an the nice things were was ueepiy gratetui . v the wagon he was hauling corn being said about Mr. Smith and ior all . acts of kindness and interest Mrs. George Royster, of Bullock, with, the Harris boy come up later the Exchange Hotel it occurred to sho.vn, and we desire to express (spent the week end with relatives and tried to release the dog and us that if Mr. Smith wanted to our thanks to all those who in and in Oxford. Kersey, knowing that it was not build a skvscraner the stnVk TOnniH way tried to make his last davs n flnrrin T J Smith nA his dog. obiected to his toting have been easily secured on the orjght and comfortable. It was a Royster, of Route 6, were in Ox- dog away and the Harris boy then )dge B. T Gunter, Sr.- A marble chiIdren who have been living in Pjlet ad orns thp Vance county for 6 vears. have rp- u..v nuuo J L LI IK I . - . " " . urch, showino- thp nflFtmn turned .to Granville and are living I. . " Vfll X I 2 i .1 n ... . - " je mem hers for their pastor and 1 ine -oy Wrint Plact on Route 6. f wife Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Dun-' Old Aunt Lucinda Lewis, an old spot. Post Office Shows Increace Old TTho onnnnl .iin ...a't... inSCr nt. nr. rna,la. Pv.cloiro thot nn,l 4- U1 x i-l . """ue" - W I''n recognition of lie Inkhl JS officials of the, Oxford -post rviees ot I?pV A n n---.-'' M 0tnev- A- B- Dunaway home in Browntown. She was Mrs. h. J. Dunaway in and kind old soul and held in high e Ul X e erccUo" of this build " A U . teem by all who knew her. Had to Cut Horse Loose. ntrv c i ".cwul iiilo ine led by Roy Rovstpr t c hirTr m, ''"Pting to ford hT Cr?ek ow the Colored i"iu rvsyinm hp w"ing his h a in receint.s dnrintr iQi.Q thp tima in : . ' I X " - & .wvilW 14.4 W HI nl&n eS" elndpd . in thp runnrt' . nainir " vJk w . UUlUg 11 Ulli December 31.- 1912. ; to December On behalf of the ten colored pris- 31, 1913. During the months in- oners in jail we tender: to Will J. tervening during these "dates the Long their many, many thanks for total receipts . were $14,219.43. a nice box of good things sent them For 1912 the figures were $13,143 - Christmas by James Mangum, the 15. - The fact that the, parcel post worthy janitor of the Court House. I came mto vogue during . 1913 is - TKp m9nv frpnH nf :Thno Jarely responsible for the increase sore -affliction through which he ford Monday. went, Dut we are gratetui for the sympathy shown him while he lived. stepped Dack and shot - Kersey. Dr. J. frSanderfordand Sam C, iated at the trial bv thrVLfJ. .. viiw OOvO Very truly yours, Z. W. LYON, and Fami Iy L.y?" ofCreedmoor, were Oxford LOCAL PICK.UPS. Mr. Francis, of Z Baltimore, is i HENRY L. KERSEY. In Honor of Miss Glasgow Miss Lizzie Gooch ent.prta inprl John Morton and Herbert Fau- Thursday night in honor nf hpr- The tobacco market is open and cett, of Bullock, were among the guest, Miss Macey Glasgow of Even if the contest is over we v,siting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Lan - . " - - - ' - J' T l i ' . ' - - nave added 11 new subscribers this u,s P riaieign street. year to our list. the buyers "are anxiously awaiting j Crowd in town Monday Shelby, " The house was attrac ts Pleasure of the farmers. E. L.' Morgan of Burlington is I ,ve,y decoraited in Yuletide effects. a nrr trio flrinp mnnn... U CatYIP VPrw noor ! "" " ' J i mauagci rtl. tue ivui flmfln -HTQahAiicio mUr .. 3 OrSP llw Tl,ra v ni.u , nioi ciiuutic WIIU: OUUfieU t? jump out into the water and stroke of Paralysis a few days ago will deeDlv resret to lparn 1 thnt h, he swana out L 1,u" waded out and snnn me buggy on dryland. ; rinor Warehouse Sold. ; Left for Richmond. g Capt. and Mrsi Charles" Elmore -i.nc:wMif-rnnrii . - - - r i - . - . . ... . . orse loose from thp hm, Wl11 deeply regret to learn that he ana two sweet children, who have Tho j is not expected to live manv hours, made their home in Oxford for a - - f - - . - - --j; ? - -V- . - : - - I riii nn nr at TTrtnwrt wnin- : uuuiuct ui jcais, uauc i Lueir .maiiy W. T.? Currin. of Tar Ri ver: diVi visiting his sister.- Mrs. ring the holidays k i ! led two nigs i vans, on College street. id months old that weighed 477 and 349. r . . L.T. Mrs! J oe Beard and children have returned from a visit to relatives Our bid friend Frank: Meadows in western part of the State. Chas. Gregory, after spending ounty the holidays at home leftSunday io r iventucKy to Duy tooacco. -; lhe excellent farm of the late W. H. Jones and Sam Jonps F! out on Route 6 has become the owner of the 143, ares of land at $60.50 per acre. W--- - i j .1 .i ""uvi yi Jtoia, UttUC, men ma l.v, piOCU UJ ICOIU Uldl UlC I f I vf nrrl - f ! art H a" f n An.Al I TL J T . 1 IT 1 i, : . ' -I " " ' " " J. Ideal Manufactcrin Company, one ? Clement and M. Blaloelf, of Cul- e . . . I a . u w . i.. vuiv . iu i.i j i l ii. i r A I I ii I viiiimv tiiiii "j a m - t -k.k- w - r . x jr hvSnm TT .Tnnas frt A KOn '---.-.iv-I- - - : ' iuiaw;irjciuwaru .j. DiacKweu ' spent : . t;n,i"o: T,;os.perous enterprises, con- city of Richmond followed by the b & ii uviis - - 4 i i . r.i : ii- mil mil'., in i l. i m Wohh u , . .. 7 , . , oesi wisnes or our people. Webb, the expplipnt horse cattle and chicken nnw. ors - " 1 vliVllL II 1IIIV I . . . -, - purchnl V,T . wouse, cl?ed 1 dust down, wh ich Harriaso Announcement. , -. minor Ware- ' cquai uu uie iiiarnei. r ""i o. w i . Minor and J. F. i ri iMn mi-i ill have associated Pfnenced warehous ie followinir invittinn has Iuon Mr; andMrs.; Janssher ur. pres :.. , Pad was $14 nnn Pi,Kn,nri w Lax. liT r a iL l I ' ? ' ' " luuiiwis vago f request tne pleasure oi; yo . - - : . .- vfV. iiuisjuajf iciiw ai -meir nome to - me marriage up the M.;.."-:- next oQu ' .. . "usei wuraiaKe their home. We regret t?P Ipo siV1I,s. uxrord to lose this nice voung counle and our. bestwjshes go with them. rge leaf warehou ses. of their daughter, Carrie Belle, to Mr. Isham Davis ,on - Wednesday, January ; 14th, 1S14, at; 3 o'clock. j p. m. Friends and relatives invited. . FOR RENTRdoms and apart- the holidays with his aunt, Mrs.; J ments, for. . housekeeping; at the I A. T. Shotwell, near Will iamsboro. r ranees Hi 1 lard school . bu ilding. Phone 49B - . :'. , : 2t. John Webb, Jr. , has" returned to Warren ton school, and Miss Sal lie ; THE regular annual meeting of f Webbls j returned to Peace; Insti- i. ' 111. - i .1 . . mi xt . ' i r . I tntp .' ' ""3'" ' sLocKuoiuers oi ine isationai riank - rr of XG ranville w i 1 i be held in their . Marsh Ray returned last Tuesdav uiuAiiiK looiit iu secouu auesaayrTroro Texas and has decided not to in January at noon; ..:r j jffpbicK;:tctHcrpleasur of ;.his home - - r vy. i xainujh; y flashier, foiks.:- X guests had : a good ti me play- mg progressive games, after which a delicious ice course was served. The guests included Misses Mamie Royster, Jessie Hobgood, Ethel Clement, Louie Mitchell, MissFou shee, of Roxboro; Mrs. Annie Lee Llewellyn, Mrs. D. A. Coble Mrs. T. J. Maupin, of Salisbury; Messrs Frank Blalock, - Billie Mitchell, Marsh Ray, Joe Hunt, Aubrey Moore, Marrow Fullerton ' Willip Alston, and Joe Gooch. of Thomas- ville, Ga. - Death of Aged Lady. Mrs. Mary A. Floyd, passed awav Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs; Roger Murray, near Oxford. - She was a good and kind christian woman and had reached her 83rd year. . She leaves a num ber of children to mourn her death. The interment took.; place Monday afternoon in Elm wood Cemetery -" ,v - - - "

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