il COMMISSIONERS MEET. The full rich taste of the velvet xlive io in his olive oil FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE YEAR , OliJAOTET B)eK(D)EW MALE Oinie 1 THE DeKOVEN MALE QUARTETT ranks among the very few first class Mile Quartets be fore the American Public today. So well has this organization become known in the last decade that few committees are unaware of its high standard or ex cellence. They are untiring in their efforts to please and we have no hesitancy in guaranteeing their every appearance; They make a specialty of singing the old songs of which we are all so fond and add to this an un usual variety of entertainment and classical music, They render the best in the modern quarter music and in addition to this they offer a program of unusual variety consisting of musical sketches, water color paint ings, impersonations and readings, V also cornet and trombone selections. The DeKoyens can fill a week of engagements and not repeat a number. pjrices SO smdl Tc. One NigHt Only Starts at 8:30. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having been appointed by the Clerk of Superior Court of Granville County as Administrator of the ea tate of J. S. Eakes. deceased, late of said county. 1 hereby notify all persons having claims against the said deceased to present the same for payment to me at Greenville N. ('.. on or before the 7th day of Jatuary. 1915. or this notice will be pleaded in bar for their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make prompt settlement- This Jan uary 2. 1914. O.W.E4KES. Admininstrator of J. S. Eakes. deceased. B. S. Royster, Attorney. Jan. 7th. 4t. pd. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned by the clerk of the superior court of Granville county, as the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of W. T. Lyon, deceased, late of said county. I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent the same to me for payment on or before the 7th day of January. 1915. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This January 5. 1913. Z. W, LYON. Executor of W. T. Lyon, deceased, B. S. Royster, Attorney. Jan. 7th. 4t. mm 11 JV To Ouar IF'rieinidLs and. A7 W V V "E Extend the Seasons Greetings to our Targe army of Friends and Patrons. We thank you one and all for your Support and cordial Endorsement of our endeavor to furnish the very best Furniture at the lowest possible price. ::::: : : : : : : ILiet tuls Serve "Yqtul ypcDDDiiirclhi (Shoo FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. College -Stre r COOK WITH GAS, LIGHT WITH GAS, HEAT WITH GAS Ul o We Are Our AT- ..ESedlTuicecIL IPirices.. Gas Irono Going at 82.00 A $30 One For $25.50 A $25 One For $21.50 A $18 One For $15.25 HEATERS c 3 $2.50, $4.50 end $5.00 .,t..s. Let our Solicitor II. Williams Call on You F, M. STACKENWALT, Mgr. Southern Gas Co. Oxford, C. o :sv6jiii.v hood Business of Importance En gage the Attention of the Commissioners j.uia uuur uu B. Ir Breedlove acting chairman and with H. C. Floyd, J. N, Tilley and Z. W. Allen seated around the table, along with painstaking Clerk. J. B. Powell. J. N. Tilley reported $2.50 dam age to land of S. T. Coley, on ac count of road. .' J. G. Shot well tendered his an nual report of all funds in Clerk's office, which wasj)rdered published one time in Granville Enterprise. The road leading to the Fair Ground out by R. W. Harris was ordered a public road. , Jasper Lyon was exempted from road duty for year, 1914. The road leading from Green's station to Durham county line near Buckhouse plantation was declared a public road, and the county to build a bridge across Knap of Reeds Creek 7 G. W. Elliott was exempted from road duty for year 1914. Radford and Dina Glenn were put on outside pauper list at $1 per month each. : Fred Mize was allowed $50 for damages pn account of Shoo Fly road. ' : ' W. A. Sherman was allowed re bate on "error in listing land. E. N. Clement was also allowed re bate. ; ,- The jury to assess the damage to he land of Frank Meadows on ac count of the new Shoo Fly road, allowed him $200, which was ac cep ted by the Board and from which Mr. Meadows took an ap peal. In speaking of this 4 miles of new road we learn that it has cost the county $9,000. Roger Jones was elected foreman of the Repair Road force at a sal ary of $60 per month in place of Nat Wheeler, resigned. The Clerk was ordered to pay the $250 donated for Hookworm work in the county. It was ordered that the county purchase an additional 14 1-2 acres of land from Chapman & Fleming adjoining the New Home tract at $30 per acre. .. .. ,-" - ., Chairman Breedlove and A. A. Hicks appointed committee to set tle with County Treasurer. The following jurors were draw for February- Term of Granville Superior Court: First week-V- H. Harris, B. D. Umstead, G. M.Turner, J. C. Tip pett, R. W. Dean, J. S. Pool, J. B. Newton,, T. W. Bullock, R. E. Jackson, J. H. Dement, R. G. Wil kins, L Thomas, J. M. Gooch, John Allen, J.W. Dean, W. E.'Cottrell, C T; Jacobs, C. M; Gresham, J. W. Rayner, Presley Davis, Hugh B. Currin, S. M. Watkins, T. M. Talley, L. F, Redman, C. F. Thom as, J. A. Jones, H. C. Hockaday, W. K. Long, J. W. Dean, R. L, Hobgood, W. N. Critcher, D. C. Averett, D. G. Chandler, . W. J. Mangum. A. R. Davis, W. T. Cutts. Second week Walter Farabo w, F. A. Phipps, J. .W. Crews, Joe Blalock, A. O'Brian, Roy Boyd, W. E. Bullock, C. C. Currin, A. H. Taylor, Andrew Murray, J. H. OaVes Jr., Walter Chaplin, R. L. Oakley, D. N. Taylor, W. T. Wag staff, J. L. Davis, H. C. Gill and O. C. Currin. The above is the first days proceedings. v . Lost Two Mules Friday Night - One of the Mf. Boyds, of Ox ford, had his team of three mules moving some one out towards Sto vall and in going down a hill near Lewis the lead mule stumbled and fell and broke his neck. It was dark and the two mules behind had to be unhitched to get the wagon off the dead mule. " The mule with the saddle walked off in the dark and was not found unti 1 next morn ing," when , his lifeless body was found on the ground beneath the railroad trestle over the old Hicks pond, j He must" have taken the railroad near that point on his way to Oxford and walked off the trestle and broke his neck also! .This proved quite a loss to Mr. Boyd . ; . - REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of stockholders of First National Bank of I Oxford will be held in banking room second Monday, in January, 1914, at noon. : W. H HUNT, Cashier. LAND POSTED Notice is here with given that my land on Grassy Creek, Sassafras Fork township,and late the property of A. F; Dreset is posted against hunting- shooting and trespassing live stock. Wi l liam Wi Uiamson. 2 t-n-p ?titS : POMPEIAnfeiF Just as the olive oil is pressed from the finest fruit of Italy so it comes to your table in Pompeian. None of the original delicacy and fruity flavor is lost in the dainty : air-tight, light proof ; tinsT";- Full measure ; quantity and price marked on the tins. Half pint 25c Pint 50c. Quarts $1. FREE booklet of salad recipes onjrequest. For Sale By fTaylor Tha Caniiary GrOC6f 8 Phone 115. Oclord, N. C GOING AND COMING. W. T. Farabow, of Durham, was in Oxford Monday. . - J . A. Tun stall , of Fi shing Creek township, was in town Monday. ; A. E. Bobbitt and Frank Black ley, of Wilton, were in town Mon day. . ' . J. A. Satterwhita and Graham Daniel, of Providence, were in Ox ford Monday, R. W. Lass iter arrived home Saturday evening and will remain in Oxford during to the: pleasure of his friends. " . Miss Gladys Rawlins, of the State Normal School, and George Raw lins, of Washington City, were at home during the holidays. T. E. Bobbi tt, E. C. Harri s, S. T. Dickerson, Charley Gordon, and D. W. Eakes, of Fishing Creek township, : were in Oxford Monday. . Miss Flossie Parham and two brothers, Paul and Harry, who vis ited their sister, Mrs. L. E. Crit cher, during the holidays have re turned to their home near Church Roads, Va, -' - Miss Hal lie, the attracti ve daugh-ter-of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones, of Route 1 , was in town Monday on her way back to the Training School' at Greenville, after spending the holidays at home. ? - Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Pittard "and children, who spent the past week with Mr. and -Mrs. L. A. Royster and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hunt, left Tuesday for points in Virginia and the Westr and Publ i c Ied ger will follow him. Mr. Pittard 'ex pressed himself as well pleased and surprised at the great' progress Oxford and Granville county has made. d A Pretty Marriage Corinth Baptist church was the scene of a pretty wedding December 23 , when Miss Li la Eakes, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Eases, was united in marriage to Fred A. Phipps. The church . was beauti fully decorated with ferns and smi lax, arranged on each side of the altar were eighteen candles signify ing the age of the bride. Preceeding the entrance of the bridal party, Miss Janie Pearl Rog ers, of Creedmoor, played the wed ding march. Misses Blanche Eakes and Inez Frazier came up the. left aisle and Ailene Usry and Dulcie Tunstall came up" the right aisle and opened the wh i te gates mak i ng a way open to " the altar, they were followed by the ushers, B. R. Pitts, R. M. Tunstall, Maurice Daniel and Mr. Currin. Next came the maid of honor, Miss Susie Critcher, of Oxford, dressed in crepe meteor with rhinestone trimming and car ried roses and maiden hair fern. Then came the 1 i ttle ring bearer, Nellie Tunstall, neice of the bride. "' The bride beautifully dressed in crepe de chine with pearl trimming and carrying white carnations and ferns, her veil arranged cap effect with bandeau of'lillies of the val ley, came next leaning on the arm of her: father. The groom with his best ?man , ?" Walter Phi pps, his brother.1 . The bride and groom met at the altar wh ich had been tastefully ! decorated for the occasion.- The ceremony was perform ed by Dr. R. H. Mar sh , the ring ceremony being used, V'X K i Immedeiatiy after, the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. ' Phipps lef t : on the Seaboard train for their honey moon. ; The ; bride is very popular especially .among her school mates i at Oxford College, where she at- tended school. -- Her wide circle of j friends regret to lose, her; The groom i s a - very successful, young business man! : 7::':4f THERE ARE blFFERENT QUALITIES AND PRICES OF LUMBER. WE ARE IN THE LUMBER BUSINESS TO GIVE YOU WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. DIFFER ENT KINDS Of LUMBER ARE NEEDED FOR THE DIFF ERENT USES TO WHICH LUMBER C AN BE PUT. W E CAN ADVISE YOU AND HELP YOU IN SELECTING THAT YOU REQUIRE. WE WILL GIVE YOU THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT PRICE. C D RAY, Oxford, N. C SALE OF LOT OF LAND. By. virtue of the power of sale contained -in a certain deed of trust executed to me on the 26th day of October,. 1912, by J. W. Cannady and wife, and at the request of the said J. W. Cannady. I shall on ' . . r MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1914. sell to the highest bidder, by public auction, for cash, at the court House door in Oxford, the fol lowing described lot of land: Beginning on the Southern Railway near the Body Factory. . at an iron stake. Harris' line.- and run thence in a Southerly direction along the right-of-way of the Southern Railway 575 feet to a stake near Old Public Road; thence run east on the north si ie of the Cotton Mill side-track 124 feet 3 inches to a stake; thence in a straight line 247 feet 7 inches to a stake. Robeson's corner; thence north 146 1-2 feet to first iron stake at Bob Taylor's and Rober son's corner; thence in a northerly direction about 180 feet to corner of Harris' garden; thence with Harris' line in a westerly direction about 59 feet to a fctake. southwest corner of his garden; thence along his line in a Northeasterly direction to an iron stake on Hill3boro Road, the plaee of begin ning. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. This January 1, 1914. B. S. ROYSTER Trustee. Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. Rose & Rose ARCH 1TE CTS P. 0. Box 65. Durham, N. C. ac 2C rlillrll J, JjJ I have purchased the Insurance business-formerly conducted by Mr. Wm.T. Lyon, deceased and I shall continue the same under the firm name of F::7ulSler, 3 Lyon. My office is at the Owen Warehouse and all busi ness given me shall receive prompt and careful at tention. . I solicit the patronage of all having prop erty to insure against Fire and Tornado. The com panies I fepreseut are among the. strongest doing bus iness in the State. t E. IE. F J cej wm- mm By laying aside the Old Smoky, 1" Oil Lamp and Putting Uon WD laflfillitS A wired house Sells Better, Rents Better and Makes a -More Comfortable Home for Yourself. In building a new house today you Would Have it Wired From Oellerto Garret. Then Why Not Wire YOUR OtD HOUSE FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS? Ilillsbbro Street. Oxford, N. C. i

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