PUBLIC! LEDGiCK JANUARY 14T1L !!: L HOOK WORM DISEASE THE WORfVS GERMINATES FROM AN EGG The Common Mode of in fection Is Through the Skin rruc hnnkworm terminates from i hniiQ'TiiiH lit liicsc uaoa an t?Ks laily with the excreta trom the .-.f on infpptprl nerson. The jOWCia i... i lack Ot Oxygen in tuc iuii.i.iiJvFn, j-... Unfnhinnr nnn I iihv liivc Jdsa (J JIUill t"- a i II A- v. The ess is tar too smaii to ri t- a till i. lie: T - 6CCU " ' . . ,e magnified many times to fee markings it diners uisuucuy thntjP Ot anV QUILT wuiiu. I H m"r the eerer reauires nly one, or two days to germinate nto an emoryo. m uc vo.v. Hook Worm. eaches the infective state. Still ne worm is too small to be seen ith the unaided eye. It will 9 J 1 . t 1 l a " - I ve tin us in the soil trom six wppks ten months. In order to con- anue life, and develop further, it bust enter the bodv of a hnrrinn i jeing and find its way to the in- festinal canal. Only there can the nu t hie bereaohpd. The common made of infection b through the skin. They may so enter the body in contaminated Keep Free from These Things The most distressing person to 1 " " ' 1 t . . a. nave to aeai with is that one upon whose word you cannot depend. Our faith in one another is the cement of society ; when that cement will not hold, the house tumbles. It might be advisable to let housebreakers - and assassins eo. and hang the liars; only it might come to pass that there would be no one left to pull the rope. One who tells you what is not so not necessarily a liar, for the fables of Aesop, the tales of Kip liner and the parables of Jesus are even more deeply true than things They mislead no body, blind and betray no soul but their fiction is light and verity. The lies of art are no lies. So aisi there are the necessarv and becoming lies of decency and love. Of decency, where we conceal that which is shameful to reveal. Of love, where we disguise a fact that tends to create a false impression. This kind springs from cowardice, vanity or malice. So that, after all, the test of a lie is the aualitv of purpose in it. mi i n i i ne ne or cowardice is what we tell for fear of the facts: as. when a man has stolen money, and denies that he has stolen, fpr fear of con tempt and punishment. The lie of vanity is what we sav to produce a better opinion of our V a selves tnan that to which we are entitled as, when one pretends he is rich or wise, when he is poor and ignorant. The lie of. malice is the falsehood that is told in order to bring harm to someone. The history of ecclesiasticism. of politics and of society is full of these lies. To avoid being a liar it is not needful to .be always careful to state but the facts. There is but one thing needful; it is to see that our intention is clean of cowardice, vanity and malice. wnen these three poisons are not in you, you cannot iie, if you try. When they are in you. even the truth you utter is false. TTTI i . m wnat a joy it is to meet one who never seeks to make others think of him more highly than thev ought to think.! Humility is the quintessence of truthfulness. And when you fall in with the man who is unairaid, who never stoops to substitute expediency for truth, it is like finding a wide and leafy tree in a desert land, yea, a fountain of water among intoler able sands. And the lie of malice is a saueez- ed out drop of venom from a mean soul. If you keep your heart free from these three things, cowardice, vani ty and malice, you!! need fear - W J neither God. nor man. up" to whip him. The stripling teacher heard of the conspiracy and prepared for emergences. When the trio of mutineers stalked into the school house and sullenlv ac costed Jeffries he set upon them singly and collectively with sub stantial hickory switches. One of the boys alleges that he sat down upon the stove and the other two declare that in their frenzy thev hugged the stovepipe, adding to their pains. The affair created no end of -trouble in , the district. All three of the lads are sons nf committeemen, and his victory cost the schoolmaster his job. He aD- pealed to the county superinten dent, who upheld the committee men. It appears though that Jeff ries was not without friends, for every patron of the school save the committeemen signed a petition re questing that he be retained. Now Jeffries has gone home and a law yer has been employed by him to sue for his salary for the remainder of the term. OXFORD PROOF Eggs of Hook Worm. ater.or food. The worm lives in m estinal tract. They attach 'emselves to tha ?nfoaoi n OUnd the ninrr 1 tu Li j & "icmuittiie, SUCK blood eat the cells, and pro- L 10X1C substance which in- ne person infected. rKW?rm disease lowers resist- and greatl .?r', ,0thCTinfions especial It, ."r T8- ihe secondary re- tk " 1111 IH n 1 OO OT-i Plans to Thrash Teacher A complication of troubles, in cluding a law suit, have come out of the attempt of school bovs to thrash the master, at a rural public school in Green county. H. R. Jeff ries, a youth of Asheville, assumed charge of the school six weeks ago. He made himself obnoxious to three of the most stalwart of his male pupils, and they "framed Should Convince Every Ox ford Reader The frank statement of a neigh bor, telling the merits of a remedy, Bids you pause and believe, The same endorsement By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all.. Here's an Oxford case. An Oxford citizen testifies. Read and be convinced. D. S. Fuller, grocer. Broad street, Oxford, N. C, says: "I know that my kidneys were disor dered, for the kidney secretions were unatural and deposited sedi ment. I had a dull pain in my back and sharp, shooting twinges in rny kidneys. I rested poorly and all these troubles caused my health to become run down. When I heard about Doan's Kianey Pills, I got a supply at Hamilton's Drug Store and it didn't take them long to drive away the aches and pains. I willingly confirm my former, en dorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Fuller had Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. Y. adv NOTICE OF SUMMONS. yum n ute(g TTImsit Is Use BEIT'S On Your Plant Beds and you will make no mistake in doing this, if you want strong Plants Ooor3 Stools urn. I-faxudl. nil mm tr Itr Dn Foirst "iMatioini OXFORD, IM. C. Capital i Suplus $108,0 40,000 n North Carolina. Granville County. In Superior Court Before the Clerk,. Under Supervision of U.S. Government A -Safe Place For Your IVIojney. All Business Strictly Private. C. B. Edwards and M. P. Chamblee vs Mrs. Rebecca King. Miss Mollie Lanier, Mrs. M. L. CheVning, Miss Ruth Lanier. ' Chas. Lanier and wife. Lanier, and Miss Ada Lanier. The defendants in the above entitled action, Mrs. Rebecca King. Miss Mollie Lanier. Miss Ruth Lanier. Chas' Lanier and wife Lanier and Miss Ada Lanier will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against them in the Superior court of said county for the partition of land described in the petition in said action. And the defendant will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior court for said county on the 24th day of Jan. 1914 and answer or demur to the petition in said action or the relief therein de- m.ni1AJ ..nil Am 1 Tk:. 4A.L . fW O UJillluCU Will UC gl -.11LCU. AJ113 iiCC, 1910 Dec.24th.4t. J. G. SHOTWELL, C. S. C. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. T wont tr mouA hank tr mti farm anrl V nva elded to offer my six room house and lot 115x300 reet on l ayior orreei, ior saie on MflNHAY THP Iflrn FliVrtP IANIIAPY 1Q1J This is a well improved place with stables and other outbuildings, the lot is large enough to build 1 . T . 1 . . m a m a anoiner nouse on me ironi. xerms one nan casn balance in one and two years. OSBORN HART. Hicks & Stem. Attys. Jan.3rd,4t. J. S. COBB, J. H. GOOCH, Z. W. LYON, R. W. LASSITER VV.-G. PACE, C. G. ROYSTER, R. S; USRY, VV. H. HUNT. iv Bl " ' 'I Bm. -M-m fi f -in nTI "If ilW" ""'fT I'" WW IMII ill 'BII-'MMMh ' iHr Sell Bicycles, Repairs Bicycles Also Guns, Pistols, Locks and lF"its Keys. All Ord ers Promptly Filled, and Work Guaranteed.x Gall and see us "wh enever we can serve you. Main Street. Oxford, W. 0. m S .... SeBD balance of Your Crop W.Zitcifie8l it an th e Primary effects. we H e ! toitH y Posslb'e that will ospritu "T"- ui neignoor s Pre tn d great deal N elewh. , someone's who Pcan affor "uyuizur goods. Vnafir" 0rLto W our home K. 111 I ! - wer Th- r3 lur. nis wares L-'nan send our rrionev nmu rownCi,we dthat e vry dollar ainina n n rnakes wiI' help'in 1 Public ".nooia, churches Patronize home industry. NO A Please don't think- "hemiine we Hn not nnnov voii with ' ;olieit. ing agents that we do not want your business, we want it, and it is for your good that we. do not have agents out.; We can save, you good money and serve you better. T. O. Sharp Marble and Granite Co Durham, N. Carolina. N No Wilt, No Blight. The very finest Grades produced and the price the beet thaHs the kind ofTOBACCO FARM we have for sale, in one of the best locations in Wake County or near the line. About i oo acres. Write us. J). frl I3roughton & (DaRaIeiflMl.C. KeBBalbie (Bamnnier in Mirelhi(0)iBse The Highest Prices; Good Light on Your Tobacco; Strict Attention To Every Pile; The Warehouse man to Force Every PiIe;Best Ac commodations for you and Your Stock ;No Running Over Your To bacco to See How Much Can Be Sold in a Few Hours : : : : ALL THSE YOU W W HA i I IF YOU SELL AT THE :-J8WJNER: WAREHOUSE Every thing looks good for the bal ance of the Crop, and advise you to sell now. Come to see us and we willgive every piie our personal 'attention and guarantee highest Market Price on Every pile : : wit . aD D TR (S EH L L IK