PAGE FOUR PUBLIC LEDGER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 1914 Baby's Morning Dip aOODNESS KNOWS, " says grandmother, "what we'd do without this Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater." "If I'd only had one when you were a baby, you'd have been saved many a cold and croupy spell. For warming cold corners and isolated upstairs rooms, and for countless special occasions when extra heat is wanted, you need PERFECTION smokele: HEATERS The Perfection is light, portable, inex pensive to buy and to use, easy to -clean and rewick. No kindling, no ashes. Burns kerosene easy to handle and inexpensive. Smokeless and Odorless. At all hardware and general stores. Look for the Triangle" trademark.' " - , STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (NEW JERSEY) s BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C yr sk THE "SPECIAL" CYCLECAR WE HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED "SPECIAL" CYCLECAR IN GRANVILLE, VANCE, DURHAM, WAKE, AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES. : : : S37S AIR CO 0 L E D The Ideal Car for men of all vocations and handy and safe for ladies, it's the handy car-always ready to take a spin out into the country-aiways ready to carry you cheaply . and quickly. : : : : : : R. W. BROWN & GO., oxford, n. c. There is No If About Dying The only certain thing in an uncertain life is the ultimate call for the undertaker. THE GRIM REAPER IS ALWAYS ON THE JOB , YOXJR turn may come next. Think it over and if you conclude that this is true, ask ME about the bully policies offered by the THE HEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCEGO. BOSTON, 1VIASS, .J. C HOWARD, Agerxt, Oxford, IM. C. SHORT FUNNYGRAPHS. , CLAYTON-DANIEL The following announcement has been received: ' Mrs. Emma Clayton 'announces marriage of her daughter Alma Willis to Mr. Alfred Marsh Daniel Thursdav evening, November the fifth nineteen hundred and fourteen " At Home Stem, North Carolina THE AUTUMNAL CHILL The summer girl! The summer girl! We said she was a peach, She cares not now for fluff and curl, She wants to make a speech. Although she seemed a careless sprite Like sunshine on the wave. She takes her pen in hand to write Opinions wise and grave. The melancholy days are here! ! FARMERS SHOULD PLANT OATS.1 The blossoms bright are lost, j "Every Southern farmer should The summer girl with radiant cheer grQw enough oats to feed his work Likewise is touched by frost. j stock during at least a portion of the Washington Star. ' year gays a bulletin just issued by j the Department of Agricultural. "In IN THE BEST OF HUMOR , J addition to furnishing feed grain at , J ack W ould you scream if I should legs cogt tnjm u can be purchased, kiss you? - - all-sown oats prevent the washing llorenco Why, Jack, I have such of tne goil by wWjh much fertility a cold I can scarcely whisper. Judge is frequently lost. There is still time 'to snw Winter oats in the Gulf Willie Paw, why is the way of states though this work should be idone at once if good results are to the transgressor hard? Paw Because so many people have be obtained. According to specialists tramped on it, my son. Enquirer -Cincinnati "I understand your friend is out of politics." "Yes," replied the financial con tributor. "But he isn't out as much as I am. I'm $50,000." Washington Star. Bix You many depend upon it that your friends won't forget you as long as you have money. Dix That's right; especially if you have borrowed it from them.- Bos ton Transcript. "Now, Ethel, Harold says he's sorry he broke your doll, so I want you to corgi ve him." "I'd feel more like forgiving him. mother, if I could swat him one Irst." Life. ' ; of the United States Department or Agriculture, oats sown in the South- ' era States during October or the first Maid Which wig shall I have ready nalf of November may be expected for madam to wear tonight at the to produce at-least twice the yield garden party? of grain obtained from Spring seed- Madam The green one, certainly! ing Munich Fliegende Blaetter. j "Winter grain may be sown on land ! which produced a crop of cotton.corn or cowpeas the past Summer. If this land has not already been plow ed, it will be . better to make the sur face soil fine and loose with the disk or drag harrow than to delay seed ing by plowing now. Better results are obtained from sowing with the drill than from broadcast seeding, though if a drill is not available sow ing the seed broadcast on well-pre pared land usually results in a good stand. "If the preceding crop was well fertilized, 100 to 200 pounds of acid phosphate will be all that the oats require this Fall, though a little ni trate of soda will help the Fall growth, . especially if the soil is not already well supplied with nitrogen from the growing of cowpeas or some-other legume. A top-dressing of 50 to 100 pounds of nitrate of aoda applied when growth starts in thoSpring will greatly increase the yield. "The variety of Winter oats most commonly grown in the South is red rustproof. Appier, Lawson, Hundred Bushel, Bancroft and Cook are se lections or strains -- of red rustproof which are sand to be particularly val uable in some localities.. The Fulg- Iium" is a promising new variety which matures a week or ten days earlier than the red rustproof, and usually produces as much or more grain. As the kernels of all these varieties are large, from two and one half to three and one half bushels sjld; be. sdwn to the acre. The llerf quantity is sufficient if the seed is drilled early on well-prepared land, while three bushels or more arc needed when the seed is sown broad cast late in the season. The Winter turf or Virginia gray is a very hardy variety which is valuable for pasture or hay production, but "which does not yield as much grain in the South era States as the red rustproof. On account of the small size of the kernels, only one and one half bushels of seed of this variety is re quired." "Since the war began, the women 'iave been taking the places of the men on the Paris street cars." "Well, they'd do it here, but the men are too ill-mannered to get up." Buffalo Express, "Ah, my poor man,'- said the be nevolent old lady, "I suppose you are often pinched by want and hun ger, are you not?" " -;: "YeYssum; and cops." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. "And are the divorce laws so very liberal in your section.?" , "Liberal? Say! , They are so lib eral that nobody -. ever heard of a woman crying there." Detriot Journal , at a wedding - out "John?" ' ; ..." "Yes, my love." ; . "I read just now that an airship dropped a bomb on a hangar near Cologne. To what race do the Han gars belong? Philadelphia Ledger. ONLY WAY "What will I do about dent's gutteral tones?" "Curb 'em." that stu- TYPICAL "Why is our national emblem a bald eagle?" "Because a republic has no heirs apparent." THE GUILTY ONE? , Gr-rr-r-h! The train drew up with a mighty crash and shock . between stations. "Is it an accident? What's hap pened?" inquired a worried-looking individual of the conductor. "Someone pulled the bell cord!" shouted the conductor. "The express knocked our last car off the track! Take us four hours before the traek is clear!" "Great Scott!- Four hours! I am supposed to be married today!" groaned the passenger. The conductor, a bigoted bachelor, raised his eyebrows suspiciously, y "Look here," he demanded, "I sup pose you ain't the chap that pulled the cord?" Philadelphia Ledger. Climate Failed ; Medicine Effective Sufferers from Tuberculosis often think that medicine will not help them.. Fresh air, regular habits and good food aid in restoring health, but" more is often ,needeu. Many have been restored to Health by Eckman's Alterative. .xea.d this: Welti u, 111. "Gentienitui- Throogb our In struBieutality I bare - n 4aved -from a preiHtiture grave. On Dfffia ber 14, lti,-i i m Uk vtth Ty phoid Pneumonia, whleh developed Into Tubermlosin (Laoilli were found). In Feltfuary, U ." 1 tvrn( to l"rt Worth, 'i'exaa, i:n.i later to Canon City, Coloado. .fitter being? there two Hreiii iay uiiy.sfciMn ta formed me that my taxr vru.. lioe Three week later I .-'iunei home, weiKhinj? lt3 pounJx, tUe doc tor having; clvcn me no aNNurnarr of reaehinjt there alive :a .July 14, 1905. I lean tailing, fcnt tn' wondei'fnl reun-dy for l u'is T.-oulle Now I am tttaut and v .1 an. -I cat do any kind of work about my a;rain elevator. Abbreviate! . (Affidavit) ATIIUIf W'Enn. Eckman's Alterative is - most efficacious in bronchial "atarrh and severe throat and lun" affe'tion and up-buildinj? the system Con tains no harmful or lia'iit foi-m'.ne drugs. Accept no substitutes. Kmall size. $1; repular size. $2 Sol-J by leading drurf?ists. Write for book let of recoveries. Rtkmin I,nbOTntory. Philadli.hia. Price $1 and $2 a Bottle. FOR SALE BY J. G. HALL. DR. BEN J. K. MAYS May be found in his office from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. daily except Sunday. CARDEN & ROYSTER Automobile Repairing We solicit Your Patronage. Work Guaranteed. Give Us a. Trial. Keep on having a stiff upper lip and be sure to maintain the rigidity of your backbone instead of letting it wobble, In the language of the lamented Vance, "jStand to the rack. fodder or no fodder." tar. Says the Jacksonvile Times-Union 'Cocktails are selling for forty cents J apiece in Mexico City, and Huerta is glad he got away in time.' John Craig, a Stanly county negro, has been sentenced to be electro cuted December 4th. This is the first death sentence in the history of that county. An authentic piece of news is going the rounds that is astonishing to most North Carolinians, to-wit: that the people of the State have been pay ing out some sixty millions of dollars yearly for food and other stuffs from other. States, but that for the past year we paid out only thirty millions. Efforts have been made for years to induce the people to diversify their crops to raise more of the necessa ries of life. It seems the effort is not without result.f or cutting the amount of the outgo in half shows it is hav ing effect at last. ; WAR NEWS IN KANSAS The battle at Short Jenks' home continues unabated. At 11 o'clock this morning Mrs. Jenks made the following official announcement: "With a brilliant charge about breakfast time, I flanked my hus band with my stalwart foot and he doubled up and then retreated in haste. It was almost a rout." At 1 o'clock this morning Mr. Jenks offi cially announced: "The situation re mains unchanged. There have been attacks and counter attacks on both sides,, with no decisive results. I'm now well intrenched and confident behind a tub in the cellar. I believe I will Ultimately triumph. The enemy is making, many claims, and making those things is the easiest thing in the world to do. If she had a can non that was as rapid as her mouth i would be compelled to admit that my position is serious. As it is, I concede nothing. I will conserve my strength and forces, with the view of getting out of the cellar and consult ing a lawyer. I urge American news papers to judge not until the real sit uation is known. History will vindi cate me and declare that I did not start hostilities. My sister-in-law urged my wife to start them. My wife didn't need a great deal of urg- 5 ng. "Atchison Globe. The State of Arkansas has decid ed to try to grow tobacco. A VINEYARD FOR $2.00 There's money in grapes more still if you take advantage of this ex ceptional offer. Twelve select vines, regular bunch sorts, early and late ripeners, : delivered by mail for $2. First-class stock; choice vines in every respect, A pU?B4id oppor tunity to set out a pice vineyard at small cost. Can sell only a few at this price. Order now. "The grape vines dent me, while set out only this year, are bearing grapes." E. H. Hy man, Secy. Chamber of Commerce, Macon, Ga. Ask for our catalog and ornamentals, etc., - Howard Nursery Co., Box 110, Stovall N. C. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to authority vested in me as Trustee, by the owner, Logan Jones, I shall on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1014 sell at public auction at the court house door in the town of Oxford to the highest bidder for cash a certain tract of land situate in Tally Ho Township, in said county adjoining the lands of Frank Meadows, S. J. Hudgins, W. S. Gooch, Moses Cash, S. M. Aiken and others containing 128 acres more or less. Same being the place on which Logan Jones now lives. Time of sale 12 o'clock, m. T. LANIER, Trustee. HQicEts & Stem Attorneys-at-Law. OXFORD. - - - N. CAROLINA. Practice in State and F'ederol Courts. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary upon the es tate of Mrs. Kate H. Devin, deceased, having been issued to me by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gran ville County, I hereby notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same to me for payment on or before the 27th day of October, 191p, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. This. October 26, 1914, B. S. ROYSTER, Executor of Mrs. Kate H. Devin, Deceased. 4tpd We have installed a new Sanitary and Up-to-date SODA FOUNTAIN 'Your patronage solicited and appreciated Velvet Ice Cream Sizemore Bros. B, S. ROYSTER, Jttey-At-La,Ofltt$ Odd Fellows' lido Practices in State and Federal Courts. Hillsborb St.,Oxford, N. C. RICHARD THORP The Livery Stable Man Can furnish you a nice turnout DAY OR NIGHT J. T. Critcher's Old Stand. CALL TELEPHONE 60 B Dr. T. T. Frazier ...DENTIST... Office hours from 8:30 a. in. to 1:30 p. m. daily except Monday. Office in Mitchell Bldg. Oxford, : : N. Carolina. Subscribe" to the Public Ledger Tmmmmm Never Warp,Crack,Rot,Curl or Burn- vf qoq onjngies ! i i I I I ' I I 4 fm ' i I 1 1 1 i I i I I !I II PI r Li D 'ti 'Si B I 1 VI They can be laid right over an old wood-shingle roof with out dirt or bother, and they make it stormproof and fireproof. S They're inexpensive. For particulars address T 3. D. Ray & Son. Oxford, N. C IF RESOLVED THAT YOU ARE GOING TO -5EE WHAT 1-5 IN THIS -SPACE EVERY WEEK; FOR TWO RE AJONJ J ST, YOU'LL Look for it. 2ND, YOU'LL -SEE IT WHETHER YOU LOOK FOR IT OR NOT. it 5U-5TER 5ROWN IS COMING To TOWN To WORK FOR VS. EVERY VEEK FOR A WHOLE YEAR HE WILL COME INTO YOUR HOME AND TELL YOU AboUT OUR LUMBER AND bUILDING MATERIALS, ALSo OUR METHODS. WE AL WAYS HAVE A BIG CLEAN .STOCK OF HIGH QUALITY LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS AND OUR "PRICES WILL ALWAYS -SAVE YOU MONEY. WE HAVE BUT ONE METHoD-To GIVE YOU A -SQUARE PEAL. R300HE LORHBEtH COSIIPAJY (Successors to L B Turner.) A. Jrl. MOORE, Manager, Oxford, U. C.

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