WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1? 1015. PAGE F1VH 1 OPENING DATE A. M. o o 1 G I mm AT ) AT I I C mm Mm (jo mm V AND FOR 1? TEM DAYS WEDNESDAY FEB. 17 th The real sale. Look for the Blue Signs KAPION & CO. OXFORD, N. C. n nrn 'a eras A SWEEPING UNLOADING SALE that involves every article and every garment in he KAPLON STORE, UNMERCIFUL PRICE CUTS and UNHEARD OF REDUCTIONS. A sale totally demoralizing prices, cost or value of the goods not recognized at all. This stirring sale with its thousands of value giving sensations will eclipse any sale ever held in Oxford. We have applied the under-pricing knife with relentless force. We have turned scornfully aside every consideration of cost, loss of value of the goods and marked down the prices to the point that will melt this stock away like snow under the burning sun. HETTY GREEN, THE RICHEST WOMAN IN THE AVORLD, SAYS: "BUY WHEN GOODS ARE CHEAP." TAKE HER ADVICE AND PATRONIZE THIS SALE. AND OLD "JOHN D." SAYS: "BUY WHEN THE OTHER FELLOW IS FORCED TO SELL." "NTJF SED." TERMS DURING THIS SALE, CASH IPiree! Firee ! Absolutely FREE! ON OPENING DAY CASH instead of the merchandise will he the keynote of this sale. We will have thousands of bargains awaiting. Are you coming to get your share? - Store Closes Tuesday, Feb. 16th Preparing for this Great Event Sale Lasts ED MY M i V The Biggest Sacrifice of a Whole House Full of New and Seasonable Merchandise Ever Known or Attempted. UNDERWEAR men's heavy fleeced lined shirts and drawers. 50c." value, our price . . ...:. 340 BOY'S KNICKERBOCKER ' SUITS DOUBLE BREASTED AND NO U FOLK STYLES, $3.00 VALUE. OUR PRICC. ; . 1 .67 MEN'S RIBBED SHIRTS AN DRAW ERS, 25c. AND 35c. VALUE. OUR PRICE .......... 10c BOY'S KNICKERBOCKER SUITS IN OO BLUE SERGES AND FANCY WORST- J EDS, SIZES 9 TO 18, VALUE $8.00. OUR. ij PRICE "............-- -:'". . ; - TOWELS . LARGE SIZE HUCK TOWELS.PLAIN. AND FRINGED. 10c VALUE OUR PRICE 3C LADIE'S WHITE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. 50c. VALUE. OUR PRICE. 370 MEN'S OVERCOATS IN LATEST STY - J AQ . mm w ' LES AND BEST MATRIALS. GOOD MAKE. $12.00 VALUE. OUR PRIOii.V.". 4- LADIES SKIRTS IN BLUE SERGES AND FANCY MATERIALS, FINE TAIL ORED GOOD QUALITY, $3 VALUE. OUR PRICE 1 .19 SHOES! ! SHOES! ! LADIES RIBBED VESTS AND PANTS, 25c AND 35c VALUE. OUR PRICE . . . 18G MEN'S OVERCOATS, BLACK. GRAY, ft 70 m m mw BLUE, BROWN AND MIXED EFFECTS IN BEST MAKES, $20 TO $25 V A K. OUR PRICE 8 MEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES IN 4 0 BLXCK, PATENT LEATHER AND GUIS! METAL. BEST $3 VALUE. OUR PRICE r BOY'S AND -CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR, FLEECED LINED AND RIB BED, 25c TO 50c. VALUE. OUR PRICE WRIGHT'S HEALTH UNDERWEAR IN HEAVY FLEECED LINED AND RIBBED, SOLD WORLD OVER FOR $1 OUR PR ICE . . JSC 69c BOY'S KNICKERBOCKER PANTS SIZES 5 TO 18, GOOD QUALITY, 75c. VALUE. OUR PRICE . . . . ....... I .... . 300 AIEN'S AND LADIES, SHOES IN PATENT LEATHER. TANS, AND GUN METL IN LATEST STYLES, $1 VAL UE. OUR PRICE 2 .78 LADIES STJITS,COATS AND SKIRTS LADIES' SUITS IN FINE SERGES AND WORSTEDS, LATEST STYLES. $ 1 5.00 VALUE. OUR PRICE . . . , . . . . . . . 6 .39 BOYS' MISSES AND CHILD RENS'. SHOES IN ALL SHAPES AND STYLES $2 VALUE. OUR PRICE 1 .19 SWEATERS MEN'S LADIES' AND OHILDRENS' SWEATERS, IN ALL COLORS, BEST MATERIAL, 50e. TO 75c. VALUE. OUR PRICE 37c LADIES' SUITS. ENTIRE STOCK. BEST QUALITY AND MATERIAL, $25 . AND $35 VALUES. OUR PRICE 9 .78 MEN'S BROGAN SHOES, GOOD HEAVY QUALITY, $200 VALUE OUR PRICE .29 OVERALLS MEN'S OVERALLS. HEAVY WEIGHT. BEST DOLLAR CRADE. OUR PRTCE. . 79c LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS IN LATEST STYLES. GOOD QUALITY, IN CARICULES AND WOOLEN FABRICS. $8.00 TO $10 VALUE. OUR PRICE..... 3 .19 SHIRTS MEN'S DRESS AND HEAVY WORK SHIRTS,' 50c TO 75c VALUE. OUR PRICE 37C MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS "MEN'S DICKEY KERSEY SUITS IN m Q HEAVY WEIGHT. $7.50 VALUE. OUR L PRICE r -MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COAT IN GOOD' WOOLEN- MATERIALS, BEAR SKINS AND CHINCHILLAS, SIZES 6 TO 14 VALUE $3.50. OUR PRICE NECKWEAR 1 .39 FINE ASSORTMENT QF MENS' NECK WEAR, 25c TO 50c VALUE. OUR PRICE 16C MEN'S SUITS, ALL WOOL WORSTED Q7 AND CASHMERE, WISLL TAJ JUUIUL $15.00 VALUE. OUR PRICE 6 LADIES' HATS LADIES" READY-TO-WEAR TRIM MED HATS IN LATEST PATTERNS, DIRECT FROM BIGGEST NEW YORK MILLINERY HOUSE $5. TO $8 VALUE OUR PRICE . ....... ... . 1 .79 HOSIERY MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE, HEAVY AND MEDIUM WEIGHT ALL COLORS 15c VALUE. OUR PRICE 6C MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S HIGH GRADE TAILORED SUITS IN LATEST PATTERNS AND SHADES, $20.00 TO $25.00 VALUE. OUR PRICE 10 48 COMFORTS AND BLANKETS EXTRA GOOD QUALITY COMFORTS AND BLANKETS, $1.50 VALUE. OUR PRICE 79C HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'S AND LADIES HANDKER CHIEFS, 10c VALUE. OUR PRICE 2C Sale Begins Wednesday February Promptly at Nine O'clock (, Worth of Clothing, Furnishings, Millinery, Notions, . . Skirts, Shoes, Hats, Etc. Marvelous in Price. If for any reason any purchase fails to please, bring it back at once and we will instantly refund your money or cheerfully exchange the goods. An extra large force of sales people will be on hand to wait on you quick ly, courteously. Rain or shine let nothing keep you away. The day you know. The hour is set. Don't miss this bargain picnic. TT E W J) M Y S 2 TI M IMS! Starting Wednesday horning, February 17th, 9 'O'clock and Ending Saturday Might, February 27th. 3C IP L NEXT JDOOR TO NATIONAL BANK OF GRANVILLE O IF1 O R D , N . 'C . WU rn JNJ NEXT DOOR TO NATIONAL BANK OF GRANVUiliE I x :