PAGE SIX E D B L I C LEDGER SATURDAY, MARCH 13TH, 1915. STABLE BURNED Much Stock and Provender C.oes Up s .. In Smoke The stable of Mr. R. W. Harris, on Cherry Hill, was consumed - by fire early Thursday mcvainjj. entailing a loss of one horse, cow, jsow and seven pigs and much provender. The alarm was sent in at 3:45 a. in-, and the Fire Department respond ed: with promptness, only, to find the building sinking in the Carrie. Mr. Harris was out of town and only Waverly and a small brother were at home. It is genemly b Sieved that the fire was the work of an incendiary; DEATH OF MR. J. A. PEACE AVOld Landmark of Granville Falls on Sleep Mr. Joseph A. Peace, on old land mark of Granville, fell upon sleep at Fairport Tuesday night in the 87th year of his age. Mr. Peace, was never married, and he and an aged sister lived together in the Fairport home. He was of kind, - gentle disposition and was ' a follower "of the Lowly One. Mr. Peaee of the very first subscribers to the Public Ledger and was always -prompt to renew. For many years ; he v ?.s a subscriber to a number of magazines and daily papers, whicTi he carefully read and there were few men n the county more familiar- with current events than was he in the days of strength and vigor. The deceased is survived by several "relatives in .Granville county. The funeral and burial services were con ducted Wednesday by Dr. Horsfield, rector of Sk Stephen's Church, Ox ford, and the interment was in the family plot ,at Fairport. - FRESHMAN HONOR ROLL Mr. E. T. Cooper, an Oxford Boy, Wins Distinction and Admitted to HonorRoll Dean Marvin H- Stacy has complet ed, the tabulation of the honor roll of high EcholarsMp freshmen in the University for tho fall term, 1914 1915. Sixteen students, by right of distinction in classroojn studies, were admitted to the honor" list. j- The grade of not. !es sthan an aver age of ninety per cent on all studies is the accredited basis. The freshmen and the high schools .they attended are: Bay Armstrong, Belmont school; Victor ;S. Bryant, Jr., Durham High School;; E. -T. Cooper, Horner Mili tary School; J. A. Holmes, Jr., West- Normal SehocF;' J B.' Linker, Salis 3i fl E. T. WHITE, TIE bury High School; H. E. Marsh, Marshville High School; A. Oet linger, Wilson High School; C. A. Prohpt, Monroe, Louisiana, High School; N- C. Rddle, Jonesboro High School; C. E. Snoody, Buie's Creek Academy; W. T. Steeta, Duncan College Prepar atory; W. H. Stephenson, . Raleigh High School; J. S. Terry," Rocking ham High School; H. V. P. Wilson, Jr., Chapel Hill High School. These students bear the same re lation to the class room that the "let ter men" bear to athletics. Their class room victories and honors are quite as pronounced as the wearer of the football uniform or the cinder path follower whose athletic victories bring honors to Carolina colors. NOTED MEN WILL LECTURE The Woman's Civic Club Has Secured Drs. McBrayer- and Stiles For Lectures The Woman's Civic Club has secur ed the two noted physicians, Dr. L. B. McBrayer, of Sanatorium, and Dr Chas. Stiles, of the Marine Service, Washington, D. C, to give Health Lectures in Oxford the latter part of this month. There are no two phy sicians in this country, who are doing a greater work than Dr. McBrayer and Dr. Styles, and in bringing them to Oxford, the Civic Club feels that much may be done to better the Health and Sanitation of Oxford. The Club has also secured the ex hibit of the State Board of Health, which' will be placed in some conspic uous and central place in the town, early this Spring. The tuberculosis exhibit in connection with this is splendid indeed; Health Bulletins on Tuberculosis, The Fly; the Mosquitoe and Whooping Cough are being dis tributed by the Chairman of Health of The - -Woman's Club, and Anti Spitting cards are being placed in conspicuous places. The club earnestly appeals to the citizens of Oxford for their support and co-operation in the work for a Healthier, Cleaner Oxford- CIVIC CLUB. . - Wholesome Condition -The current .report of the First National Bank of Oxford, found elsewhere in the Public Ledger.shows a wholesome condition. The total sum of $759,269.13 represents a whole lot of money. WANTED r-WORK BY AN EXPERT bookkeper. Books opened and closed. Trial balances and financial - -statements a-specialty. Also compe tent warehouseman, would accept , position as permanent bookkeeper,' term's reasonable. P. Publie Ledger a You can buy merchandise on these terms why not use the "same method in build ing up a Savings Account which will protect you in old age or in times when sickness, accid ent, or loss of employment demand ready money. ' Simply start a Savings Account with The National Bank of Granville with $1. You will be received courteously and every possible service and accommodation will be ex tended just the same as if you had deposited a much larger amount. Then make it a firm rule to deposit a dollar every week at least and more if you can. You will be surprised at the rapidity with which your fund will grow and you will take great pride in watching it point ever nearer success, prosperity and happiness. The service which The National BANK OF GRANVILLE renders its customers is not measured by the size of their accounts and all the; facilities and con veniences of our banking rooms and equipment are placed at your disposal.! We pay 4 per cent compound interest oh Savings, invite Checking Accounts of any amount, provide Safe Deposit Boxes for the protection of your valuables and -offer you the protection of this bank the oldest bank in Oxford. HAT10RAL Pres. Card From Editor Hart. Editor of Public Ledger: , ' ; In your paper of Wednesday;- last; you carried an account of my incar ceration, which, I think, is not an adequate account, of the matter, and with your permission, I would like to add thereto just a little. It would appear from your account of the matter, that I voluntarily in carcerated myself. The facts are -these: .Of course, judgment was . se cured against me jointly with the Crredmcor Publishing Company at November term of the Superior Court of this county. Judgment was issued against the company on that judg ment and subsequently .it was thrown into bankruptcy and the property of the company sold, this occuring the 16th day of January. From the pro ceeds of the sale $805-00 was deriv ed, a large proportion of which is to to be applied to the settlement of the judgment of the court. My incarcer ation, instead of being voluntary, is the result of an execution issued against me by Mr. V. T. Cheatham, the plaintiff in the suit- The sheriff, 'tis true, did not have to go to Creed moor and bring me to jail, but on last Thursday, he phoned me that he had an execution against my person, and asked me w at ti'-ie would be more convenient for me to come, Friday or Saturday, and I asked hiii to let i:e have untW Saturday to ar range my business and that I would then come without putting him to the trouble to come for me. As a result, of the judgment of the court, the Creedmoor Publishing Company was put out of commission and I am inicarcerated. That is the sum of the matter. Than1;ing you for the privilege of your columns, 1 5 am, Vours sincerely. JOHN E. KART. Inaugural Ceremonies A large number, of cards have been" received in Granville reading as fol lows: "The Trustees and Faculty of the University of North Carolina, re quest the honor of your presence at the Inauguration of Edward K. Gra ham as President of the University of North Carolina on Wednesday the twenty-first of April one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, Chapel Hill North Carolina. It is requested that a reply be sent to Professor George Howe." Mr. T. L. Green, of Route 2 was in town Thursday. ZELL3 & PATOPSEO HIGH GRADE SULPHATE MIXTURES - FOR GROWING FINE TOBACCO. JLET US FIGURE WITH YOU. I, YON- CO. sssj3si,u,jr.'.:r. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS $135,000.00 ' H. G. COOPERiV-Pres. W. T. YANCY, Cashier. ZELLS & PATOPSEO HIGH GRADE SULPHATE MIXTURES FOR GROWING FINE TOBACCO. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. LYON WINSTON CO. . REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL BANK OF GRANVILLE At Oxford in the State of North Carolina at close of business Mar. 4th, 1915. ; RESOURCES Loans and ! discounts..- :.- $457,789.78 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 5,457.37 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 15.000.00 Other securities to secure circulation. . 38.000.00 Subscription, to Stock of Fed ' eral Reserve Bank less am paid $2,400.09 All other stocks, including premium on same 8,19t.90 10,591.90 Banking house. Furniture, and Fix- . tures 4.365.91 Due from Federal Reserve Bank 6.068 33 Due from approved Reserve Agents in central cities 33.094.74 Due from other Reserve agents 20,800.99 53 895.70 Due from banks and bankers...... 27.339.11 Checks and other Cash Items 2,091.88 Notes of other National Banks. . 3.650 00 Federal Reserve Notes. 3.000.00 Specie 4.800.00 Legal-tender notes 8.380.59 13.180.59 Due from U. S. Treasurer 527.50 Total ' - $640,958.07 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in r .-. 60.000.00 Surplus fund 60.000.00 Undivided Profits $14,725,42 Circulating Notes 80,000.00 Due to bank and bankers ,. 11,238.42 Individual deposits subject to check....; 363.494.23 Deposit with notes of less th an 39 days 365.494.23 Other bonds borrowed wi'hout furn ishing collateral for same 38.000 00 Notes and bills rediscaunted 11,500.00 Total $ 64JJ.958.07 State of N. C. County of Granville, SS: I, W.: T. Yancey, Cashier of . the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - W. T. YANCEY. Cashier.. Subscrbed and sworn to before me this 10th day of Mar.. 1915. B. K. LASSITE'R. Notary Public Correct Attest: , E. T. White.1 H. G. Cooper. W. B. Ballou, . .J. G. Hall. '. - Directors. . REPORT OF .THE CONDITION OF THE OXFORD SAVINGS BANK . AND TRUST COMPANY At Oxford, N. C., at close of business March 4th 1915, to report of North ' Carolina Corporation Commission. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts : $227,114.57 Office Furniture 380.62 Cash and due from banks. 24,744.84 . Total. $252,240.02 LIABILITIES. Capital. $16,300.00 Undivided profits 20.101.57 DEPOSITS... 215,838 45 . j Total. .:.. $252,240.02 State pf North Carolina, County of Granville, ss: I, W. T. Yancey, Secretary and Treasurer of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, v W. T. YANCEY. ' Secretary and Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 10th day of March. 1915. B. K. LASiSITER. ... ... ....... Notary Public. Correct Attest: E. T. WHITE. '-- v W. B. BALLOU ' -V : .'- . .: H. G. COOPER. ; Directors. ABE OF Tho Price of Corn ""The circular sent out by the Divi sion of Markets of North Carolina reports the retail price of No. 2 corn for the weok ending March 6th as follows: Ahoskie . . .-. . . . .'. . . $1:00 Charlotte- . .' 1.00 Greensboro 9 7- 1.10 Lumberton . 1.00 Monroe ...... 1,05 New Bern . . 1.00 Newton 1.00 Raleigh ........ . .95 Scotland Neck . 9 5 1,00 States ville - - V .90 ZELLS & PATOPSEO HIGH GRADE SULPHATE MIXTURES FOR GROWING FINE TOBACCO. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. LYON YvINSTONCO. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to a certain mortgage and at the request of William Thorp, Guardian, I shall on 3IONDAY, APRIL 5TH, 1915, ! sell, at the stable, in rear cf Flem ing's warehouse, at public auction to th 3 highest bidder for cash all of the property now used by Richard Thorp in the livery business to wit: Nine hordes, ten buggies, one surry, one hack and a let of harness and other property used in said business. This property can" be bought privately . be fore day of sale- Time of sale 12 o'clock, M. 3-13. T. LANIER, Att'y- REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Bank of Stem, At Stem, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Mar. 4. 1915. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 577,20.66 Banking house. Furniture and Fix tures 993.00 Du- from banks and bankers 13.276.42 Go:dcoin..... ... 1,070.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 748.88 National Bank notes and other U. S. notes 431.00 Total 95,839.96 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $5,000.00 Surplus fund , 5,000.00 Undivided profits, less cunent ex-" penses and taxes paid 5,185 47 Time certificates of deposit 65.816.38 Deposits subject to check 13,570 46 Cashiers Checks outstanding 37.11 Accrued interest due depositors 1,310.54 Total $95,839.96 State of N. C. County of Granville. SS: I, W. R. Mangum, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. W. R. MANGUM. Cashier subscribed and sworn to before me. this 10th day of Mar. 1915. E. G. CREWS. Notary Public. Correct Attest - J. H. GOOCH. J. H. STEM. W. H. HUNT - ' Directors. mm WEEK" ZELLS &PATOPSEO HIGH GRADE SULPHATE MIXTURES FOR GROWING FINE TOBACCO. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. LYON WINSTON CO. DR. 8. RAPPORT OF DURHAM WILL BEAT OXFORD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL EVERY FIRST TUESDAY In each month " for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glas ses. My glasses will give you real pleasure and satisfaction. They are accurately fitted in every detail. They ifeel right and look right. Consult me about your eyes. My next visit Tues. APRIL 6 ORGAN RECITAL BY DR. MINOR C. BALDWIN AT METHODIST CHURCH THURSDAY MARCH 18th AT 8;00 OTLOCK A Silver Collection will be taken at the door. We would appreciate an offering of 25c or more as Dr. Baldwin comes under a heavy guarantee. Under Auspices o! M. E. Baracas ipaiSfcijaJiiftir'SSJ SSI 'V-1. -OA i

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