PAGE SIX PUBLIC LEDGER THE NEWS IN OUTLINE STATE It is said the good grades of tobac co are selling at better prices in this State than in Virginia. The ideal fall weather has done much toward the early and success ful harvesting of the cotton crop. The number of automobiles record ed in the State this year is 20,069, this exceeding the number licensed last year by about four thousand, o Rev. George Sweatt, a Wesleyan Methodist minister, was shot and killed by an unknown assailant Mon day night near Hamlet. Ata investi gation has begun. The beautiful weather caused the Johnston County Fair to be a record breaker in attendance, more than six ihousand people passed through the gate the second day. The 1916 volume of "Quips and Cranks," the Davidson College an nual, will be dedicated to President Wilson, and the President has writ ten the editor a letter of apprecia tion. After a year's idleness, the fire company at Morganton was called out twice in a week to fight fires that urould have been serious but for prompt action. Thus the fire de partment proves its worth. Mrs. I. C. Bagwell, of Asheville, virile sweeping a room in her home found a negro concealed under a bad. She struck him with the broom and called for help, but the negro escaped although he was pursued at once. There were interesting exercises at Bear Wallow church on the com pletion of Hickory Nut Gap Road. Forty automobiles were lined up, and Governor Craig, standing on a big rock by the side of the road. spoke to 300 mountaineers from Asheville, Hendersonville, Ruther- fordton and the places between. The seven-inch target practice pro jectile made by Secretary of the Navy Daniels recently at the Raleigh Iron Works, has been along with other projectiles made at the Raleigh plant placed in the Hall of History. In the lot are five, six, seven and eight- inch projectiles. The lot will be dis played in a special stand in the west hall and will be shown with project iles made in 1864 at the same plant. Picturesque old Pilot Mountain -was sold Tuesday, by Commissioner a. C. Bernard and J. H. Folger for $26,500 to a syndicate of Winston- Saiem. This plot contains 2,911 acres, and the bulk of the money goes to Miss Annie L. Boyd and the Bernard heirs. House Creek District No. 2, Wake county, is again without teachers and is in trobule over the ancient controversy as to the admission of the Medlin children. The compul sory school attendance act will thus become inoperative in face of the Su preme Court's decision. Durham county has just held its first community fair at Lowe's Grove and there declared itself in favor of better farming, school progress and social uplift. State Inspector of Schools, N. W. Walker, made the ad dress of the occasion, showing the duty of service along these lines. The public schools of Marion have been closed for two weeks because 1 of scarlet fever. All the Sunday- schools will be suspended and the children have been warned to stay away from public gatherings and stay off the streets, as the several cases already developed are of a ma lignant form of the disease. At the last meeting of the Wom an's Club of High Point it was de cided to help pay for a moving pic ture machine for the graded school so that educational pictures can be shown, also to help pay for a Vic trola for the school. Another mat ter that was considered was the san itary condition of the schools, and many suggestions were made. Fire at South Bethlehem, Pa., last week virtually destroyed the No. 4 machine shop of the Bethlehem Steel Company, with an estimated loss of from $1,000,000 to $4,000,000. The building destroyed was recently re constructed and equipped with ma chinery at a cost of about $3,000,000 Eight hundred guns among other war material were in process of manufac ture in the shop. Her Son Subject to Croup "My son Edwin is subject to croup" writes Mrs. E. O. Irwin.New Kensing ton, Pa., "I put in many sleepless hours at night before I learned of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Moth ers need not fear this disease if they keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough i.emedy in the house and use it as di rected. It always gave my boy relief." Obtainable everywhere. adv. NOTICE I will on the 4th day of December 1915 sell at public aution for cash at my home (the John H. Bowling home place) near Tar River station, my entire possessions. A lot of house hold and kitchen furniture, one good family horse, 6 years old, one milch cow, one 2-horse wagon and harness, one buggy and harness, a lot of corn, fodder and shucks, farming imple ments of all kind including mower, rake and pea thresher. Time of sale 10 o'clock a- m. O. C. TINGEN. 3Tx Buy Now And Save MONEY At F3 m 3) sr o to ao, CO o CP CO 3 p S3 WJ o CD 6 30 1 Colin & Son's Prices are RIGHT STOMACH ACTS FINE! NO INDIGESTION, GAS, HEARTBURN, ACIDITY. ' "Pape's Diapepsin" Fixes Sick, Sour, Upset Stomachs in Five Minutes You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad or an un certain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsiai is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmless ness; its certain, unfailing action in regulating sick sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stom ach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then if any one should eat something which doesn't agree with them, if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nau sea; eructations of acid and undi gested food remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsiai comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it. WEDNESDAY, xnvpir JSLi?.10l3C SOME MONEY Gold is Shoveled up as if it Were Pig Iron The flood of gold that is pouring into New York to pay the war bills of the allies has created a task in the United States assay office such as that institution has never faced before. With each new shipment the piles of boxes containing the coin of Europe and, the heaps of yellow bars in the vaults rise higher, and toil as they will the sweating men in the melting room cannot handle the stuff fast enough. They work longer hours each day than they ever did before, but with each shovelful of the glittering coins tossed into the melting pot the gold en hill, instead of decreasing, seems to grow, for as soon as one great shipment is partly melted and on its way to the mint at Philadelphia to be turned into united states coin an other consignment of millions is poured on top of what is left. The vaults can scarcely hold it all, and two Sundays the entire force has been hard at work trying to keep the office from being overwhelmed by the yellow tide. Some of the Statistics An idea o fthe tremendous increase in the work of the office can be gain ed by a comparison of figures. The average amount of gold that goes through the assay office in ordinary times is $100,000,000 a year. In ten days $37,292,000 in foreign coin and $494,500 in bullion have been receiv ed there- That includes the ship ment of $24,333,000 received for J P. Morgan & Co. In three months and a few days from July 1 to Oct 8 8 Superintendent Boyle took in $44,- 351,600, which makes $82,138,100 received and melted at the assay of fice in less than four months, only about $18,000,000 less than would be received ordinarily in a year. The gold comes chiefly in bullion, English sovereigns, French napoleons and Japanese yen. Of the gold re ceived from July 1 to Oct. 8, $17,- 121,300 was in bullion, $11,623,000 in sovereigns, $4,b3,suu in yen aaia $2,189,700 in napoleons. J. P. Mor gan & Co., and the Guaranty Truste company have been the two big de positors. The work that is required to turn this into bars for coinage can be judged by the fact that it took a week to handle the latest Morgan consign ment, and in the meantime the other deposits, of which there are from $500,000 to $1,000,000 a day outside o fthe big foreign shipments, must be taken care of. This is because a de positor gets a check for only 90 per cent of the indicated weight value of his gold when it is turned over to the assay office. He must wait until the gold has been melted, assayed and valued down to the last otne one-hun dredth of a cent before he can. get a check for the remainder. -THE- w E W. B. FLEMING, Prop. Some Prices That Speak Loud er man words MARION QUAL.LS: 14 1-4, 23, 45, 50, 30, 21. L. B. THOMASSON: 10 i2 1 S' 43 12' 23 1"2' 22 X"2' 9 a GEV. HUNT: 16 1-2, 22 1-2, 40, 22 1-2, 13. HAYS & MINOR: 21, 23, 42 1-2, 28, 23, 19. CREWS & MOSS: 10, 17 3-4, 35, 50, 21, 17. R. E. CASH: 11 3-4, 25, 42 1-2, 41, 22 1-2. W. B. MOSS: 17 1-4, 24, 45, 27 1-2, 12 3-4. J. J. THOMASSON: 10, 28, 50, 28 1-2, 22 1-2, 14 1-2. Bring us your next load and we will send you home pleased fh E Fleming, Frop. M. Deleval. a Belgian emnloved bv the United States as counselor to the legation at Brussels, has left Belgium and will not return to his post be- cause.Germany has given notice that he is persona nom grata. The State Department will not admit that De leval has been removed but announ ced that he had left Belgium and will not return. Ex-President Taft advocates prep aration for the national defence but he doesn't seem to think much of Sec retary of the Navy Daniel's board of inventors. He says they are as im practical as a board of opera singers; that a board of naval experts is need ed. Mr. Taft would increase the navy but wouldn't make it as large as England's. If ROOMS FOR RENT ONE LARGE and one small room in the. Mitchell Building. Apply to J. T. Britt Climate Failed ; Medicine Effective rfufferers from .tuberculosis often ' think that medicine will not helD them. Fresh air, regular habits and good food aid -in restoring health, but' more is often needed. Many have been restored to health by Eckman's Alterative, iiead this: Weldou, 111. "Gentlemen : Through your in strumentality I have heen saved from a premature grave. On Decem ber 14, 1904, 1 was taken with Ty phoid Pneumonia, which developed into Tuberculosis (bacilli vere found). In February, 1905, I went to Fort Worth, Texas, and later to Canon City, Colorado. After being there two weeks my physician in formed me that my case was hope less. Three weeks later I returned home, weighing: 103 pounds, the doc tor having given me no assurance of reaching there alive. On July 14, 1905, I began taking Eckman's .? wonderful remedy for Lung Trouble. Now I am stout and well and can do any kind of work about my grain elevator." (Abbreviated). (Affidavit) ARTHUR WEBB. Eckman's Alterative is most efficacious in bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections and up-building the system. Con tains no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Accept no substitutes. Small size, $1; regular size, $2. Sold by leading druggists. Write for book let of recoveries. Erkman Laboratory. Philadelphia. For Sale By J. G. Hall. Oxford, N. C. six SIX AT A BARGAIN Nice Lot of TUT ini Used at Browning Tent Meeting J. ROBT. WOOD Furniture House, Main Street, Oxford, N. C. I