p; B y i o Ij b p g c r 9&MUI!I A3Bf FEBRUARY 10, 1916" PAGE FOUR PUBLIC" XEMEM l AND ' t OXFORD BANNER lntered as seconG-class matter at Ox ford postoffice Publisliea Semi-Weekly by D A N A . C O B L. E .Editor and Manager. Price of Subscription y One Year $' 1.50 Bix Months .75 Three Months . . . .50 All communications, checks, and money orders should be made payable and addressed to the Public Ledger. RULE OR RUIN The opposition to another nomin ation for Theodore Roos6velt is mani festing itself iai a number of States. xThe old-line G. O. P. followers are openly contending that the father of the "Bull Moose" movement caused the defeat of the party four years ago. If Teddy fails to have his way he will likely be found trying to turn the same trick in 1916. In other words, if the Bull Moose can't get clover as a regular diet, he will buck; ;.. JB and in bucking he will pull dowo the I ?. , templeadU444 prophets. t A GEM Here is a gem from the pen of Henry W. Grady, of Georgia: "No one crop will make a people prosper ous. If cotton holds the monopoly r , under conditions that make crops impossible, or under ments that make other crops osuikfri tioral, its domination will be 4es potism. Whenever the greed for a money crop unbalances the wisdom of husbandry, the money crop is a curse. When it stimulates the gen eral economy of the farm, it is the profit of, farming." Qther allure- PREPAREDNESS - Dr. T. B. Hill, of Virgilina, was in Oxford Wednesday. The good man has not changed his views one jwhit as regards National preparedness. He stands with Bryan and Kitchen. Dr. Route 3, were Oxford visitors Wed- Hill is of the opinion that when jsijeaday. man walks around with a chip t) v shoulders he invites., trouble, but President Wilson, the school teacher, seems p think that the boys will not bother the big fellow who is ready to do battle. The President has had a lot of experience about the campus and are disposed to believe that he knofts a thing or two about hu man nllure. i POLITICAL LIGHT AHEAD ' The Democratic State Executive Committee has been called together at. Raleigh on March 8, at which time arrangements for the State campaign will be completed. The Charlotte Observer, one of the best political weather cocks in the State, says that all signs point to a win ning year for the North Carolina Democrats, with the admitted fact that a stiff fight is ahead of them. North Carolina Democracy has always been strong according to the strength developed against it. "The Repub licans will be early, in the field with the best organization in each of the 100 counties they have perhaps ever had, and the Democrats are well a-ware-of that fact. With the opening of Spring will come one of the pret tiest political fights known in North Carolina since. 1875." Public 5 Iiedger Want Ads ore read by the people. If you have, a want let them know it. Small jcost. OUR STEM NEWS LETTER (Correspondence Public Ledger) Ttys musical recital given by Stem High School on last Friday night has been highly complimented. - Every student was well up on her work and the program was rendered with cred it both to the pupils and our excel lent music teacher, Miss Mabel Clay ton and was enjoyed by the large crowd present to. the fullest extent. The performances showed that Miss Clayton used every precautious effort in making the recital a success. The progress made by the Music depart ment of this school term has .not been excelled at any previous session. Let us hope, that we will -continue the good work and see ' Stem grow. Quarterly Meeting Quarterly meeting was held with Stem church last Saturday and Sun day with a-goodly attendance on both days. Presiding elder, Rev. J. E. Underwood was here for the first time in twenty eight years and was given a most cordial reception. His sermon on Sunday was one of the strongest, that has been heard in this community in many .years, being based on the text, "Whom do men say that I, the Son of Man am?". He developed two leading points, the hu manity and the divinity of Christ with special emphasis on his saving power. The Granville circuit now embraces two churches less, Mt. Ta bor and Ellis' Chapel which at the last Methodist Conference were add ed to the Roughmont circuit. Personal Mention Miss Felice Whitaker of Creedmoor was the guest of Miss Annie Whita ker Monday. - . Mr. E. D. Hunt of Oxford was a visitor in our, town Sunday. Mrs. W. G. Averitt and little son of Providence spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stem. ' - " s . - Rev. J. L. Martin, preached his first sermon as regular pastor at Rob inson Grove Baptist church near Gorman last Sunday. Road Patrolman, C. G. Sanford, at tended v the Good Roads Convention at Chapel Hill last week and reports a most interesting session. 5' i Mt W B. Cash, of Oxford, route 6, spent Sunday in Durham with his -daughter, Mrs. Mamie Lloyd whom weSre sorry to, learn is very ill. Mr. C. R. Robinson of Richmond, sa.,i,has opened, up a barber shop and pressing "club' in the Walters & Sher man store building. We wish him much Success in thebusiness. Mrs; Ri L.'- Ingoldf left- last Friday morning tf or a visit to her daughter Mrs Virginia Brown, in Baltimore, who we-are sorry to learn is critical ly ill. Miss Ruth Clayton of Ldmont Oh lahoma, is on an extended visit, to her sister, Mrs. P. H. Yarborough, of Route 3: .....--r.. Dr. P. R. Hardee, who has been confined at his home with LaGrippe for several days, we are glad to note is -able: to resume his practice. - - Miss 'Bessie Mangunry'who is' teach ing in Stovall, spent the week-end witli her iMlrliSSE. Mangum, of Route 1. Messrs. C. G. Sandford and H. N. Coley of Route 1 and H. F. Moore of BUSINESS LOCALS THE READERS OF THE PUBLIC LEDGER SCRUTINIZE THIS COL UMN VERY CLOSELY. THIS CLASS OTP ADVERTISING IS A VERY EF FECTIVE WAY OF SECURING RE SULTS. THE RATE IS 5 CENTS A LINE EACH INSERTION, AVER AGE SIX WORDS TO THE LINE. STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER UNLESS THE ADVERTISER RUNS r A REGULAR ADVERTISEMENT WITH THIS PAPER. NONPARELL READING NOTICES AT BOTTOM OF COLUMN ON FRONT PAGE 10c. A LINE. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20 CENTS. - SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - Under and by virtue of a Power of Attorney executed by C. B. Adams, I will on Saturday, March 4th, 1916 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Oxford, offer for sale to the highest bidder his two mules, dray and harness; also ' his fine driving mare, a splendid animal; also a good buggy and set of harness. Terms cash, but time might be given on good security. C. L. Blacknall, Kittrell, N. C. JUST RECEIVED 300 BARRELS Magnolia Flour Best on , the. mar - ket at Lyon-Winston Company; FOR RENTA NICELY FURN ished room to quiet young- gentle man. Near business section of town. Phone 28 8 J or . address 77 Gilliam street. tf JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD OF Plant Bed Guano. Lyon-Winston Company. ORDER COAL TODAY. AVOID THE rush. Gold weather is surely com ing. C. D. RAY & SON. tf. JUST RECEIVED 300 BARRELS Magnolia Flour. Best oh the mar ket at Lyon-Winston Company. FOR SALE AT CLAY, N. C, ON D. & N. R. R. Five miles South of Oxford. About sixty acres FINE TOBACCO LAND. Two small ten ant houses, and large store house with five rooms above. For infor mation and price, apply to T. J. Miles, Littleton; N. C. 19-3tx SEVERAL SPLENDID TOWN LOTS FOR SALE APPLY TO B. S. ROYSTER ONE NEW FORD RUNABOUT FOR sale, price $385.00, the regular price is $410.00. The Clarksville Mills Co., Clarkesville, Va. 19-4t LF IT-IS SHINGLES OR ROOFING of any kind, brick, lime, cement, laths, plaster, paint; sewer pipe, drain tile, lumber or other build ing material you need, be sure to see us about goods of quality for the right change. C. D. Ray & Son. Dealers in lumber, building ma terial, paints and coal. j TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By .virtue of the power of sale, con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Geo. Downy and wife to B. Norwood, Tustee, dated 12th day of November, 19 13, and recorded in the Registery of Granville County in Book 101 of Deeds, page 132, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by- the holder of said in debtedness, the. undersigned will, on Monday, February 28, 1916 at about the hour of , noon, at the Court House door iai Oxford, N. C, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate in said deed of trust, conveyed and there des scribed as follows: Situate in Oak Hill Township, Granville county, State of N. C, and and described as follows: Containing five acres of land and bouaided as fol lows: on the north by the lands of Henry Royster; on the south by the Norwood lands; on the east by Henry Royster; on the west by the lands of Henry Royster and others. This February 3, 1916. B. NORWOOD, Trustee. Good Boys J ?f Mr.. Editor: It gs with great pleasure I note the. efficiency of our assistant postmaster and his splendid corpse I never knew a more kind, ac comodating, clever set of young men. They seem to be the right men in the right place and I want to say publicly what I have often said privately, they, without an exception have al ways amd at all times been exceeding ly courteous to me. It is perfectly natural I especially note the efficiency of my fellow township man, Mr. Overton. He is a "chip off of the old block," who served years and made the most efficient tax list taker made in; the County. Hats off to these fine ypung men. ; E. C. HARRIS. WANTED SAND- WELL PAY $1.00 per cubic yard for Sand delivered on streets. ROBERT G. LASSIT ER. 16-2t THE LARGEST AND MOST COM plete selection of new 1916 wall papers at the lowest prices in the United States. 50 per cent dis count otn all wall papers one half the price charged by other dealers. Have your paper-hanging done by the best paper-hanger in Granville County before the rush season be gins. CHARLES KITCHELT, Ox ford, N. C. Residence at Walters' House, 35 Main St. 16-2tx FOR RENT 2 OR 3 UNFURNISH- ed rooms near to business district. All conveniences. "J. B. C." care Public Ledger. WE WANT TO LET CONTRACT to clean-up ready for plow about seventy-five acres of cut over land, contract to be let by the acre. Cal tolina Farm, W. T. Calton, Mana ger. 9-4-8t JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD OF Plant Bed Guano. Lyon-Winston Company. ORDER YOUR COAL FROM US We carry the best line of coal that can be secured. You will find our COAL clean and that it burns clean We guarantee our prices to be in line. C. D. RAY & SON. 1-5-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The Clerk of the superior Court of Granville County has appointed me administrator of the estate of Jordan Bullock, deceased, and I have qualified as such. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to settle at once. All persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present them to me within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. This Jan. 26, 1916. C. R. GORDON, ; Admr. Jordan Bullock. D. G. Brummitt, Attorney. HAVE YOU PAH) YOUR TAXES? Unless your taxes are paid prom ptyl you will be called upon person ally for the same. I'm forced to col lect by distress , to meet my settle mnets unless you settle within next few days. Please call at office and settle same. Statements will be mailed you' upon request. Yolirs very truly, S. C. HOBGOOD, Sheriff. FOR SALE TWO STORES IN Ox ford was built in 1913. Never been vacant. The two stores rent for $45 per month. If you want a bar gain and a good investment. See me or write Box 304, Oxford,; N. G. Cash or easy terms. Must be sold. M. A. King. feb. WANTED TO BUY 6, 8, 10 AND 12 inch boards. C D. Ray & Son tf CEILING AND FLOORING FOR sale- Caltolina Land and Lumber Co., Berea, N. C, 24-9t-x To IBiraidl Eaters The Stark Mill is now in full operation. Latest and most improved machinery. , In patronizing the Stark mill you get re turns from . your own grain. Close attention i$ given to details and the best service is guaranteed. ' : : " - - i L. W. New College Street Near Bag Factory TARK SALE OF VALUABLE FARM By virtue of the power contained in a certain Tdeed of trust executed on the 13th day of March, 1912, by J. M. M. Gregory and Mary B. Greg ory his wife, duly recorded in Book of Mortgages 93, page 161 in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Gran ville coutnty, default having been made in the payment of the notes therein secured and at the request of the holder of said notes, the un dersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court house door in Oxford, N. C, on Saturday, February 26, 1916 at 12 o'clock M., the following lands conveyed in said deed of trust and being in the county of Granville, and more particularly described as fol lows : That certain tract of land known as lot No. 1 of the survey of the lands of said J. M. M. Gregory, said sur vey being recorded in Book 69 page 465 in the office of the Register of Deeds fo Granville county to which reference is hereby made, said lot No. 1 containing 296 acres and upon which is located the old W. O. Greg ory home place, said lot No. 1 being a part of that tract of land contain ing 920 acres conveyed and particu larly described by metes and bounds in the said" deed of trust from.J M. M. Gregory and wife dated March 13th, 1912 and recorded im Book of I Mortgages 93, page 161 of Granville; County to. which reference is hereby : ma'de. This 24th day of January, 1916. J. CRAWFORD BIGGS, Trustee. A; M-(0) HJ M (C E M E Kf Fertilizer FOR THE SEASON 1916, WE ARE SELLING THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN BRANDS OF FERTILIZERS: ZELLS, PATAPSCO, FOR TOBACCO AND CORN. ROYSTER'S FARMERS BONE AND ROYSTERS OTHER BRANDS FOR TOBACCO AND CORN. ACD3 PHOSPHATE AND 7 PER CENT COTTON SEED MEAL. WE HAVE FAITH IN THE ABOVE FERTILIZERS BUT WE DO NOT NOW, OR HAVE WE EVER GUARANTEED FIELD OR FINAL RESULTS OR .HAVE THE MANU FACTURERS, ORi DO THEY NOW GUARANTEE FIELD OR FINAL RESULTS OF FERTILIZERS. FARMERS WHO MAY - HAVE ' DOUBT AS TO THE ANALYSIS CAN EASDLY HAVE THEHl FERTDLIZERS ANALYZED. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU OF THE' REPUTA TION AND GOOD RESULTS FROM THE USE OF OUR BRAND FER TDLIZERS. , -! . ;., . : Famous Flour: JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER BIG CAR OF THAT FAMOUS MAG NOLIA FLOUR THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Feed Stuff: CAR RED DOG SHIP STUFF: CAR REST CAR OF BEST BRAN. TWO CARS OF HAY. MEAL AND HULLS. GRADE SmPSTUFF; CAR COTTON SEED Farming Implements: LARGE STOCK OF FARM TTVfTT PntfTmvnnc thjt ttfvttit smm. NOOGA PLOWS, GIRL CHAMPION PLOWS, DIXIE PLOWS. CULTrVA HOES RAKES, AXES, MATTOCKS, FORKS, SHOVELS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE TREES, HAMES, TRACES, COLLARS, LINES, CORN PLANTERS AND. GUANO DISTRD3UTORS, ETC. Vehicles and Harness: JUST PUT ON EXHD3ITION ON OUR FLOOR DISPLAY OF THftfiF. FA3IOUS OXFORD CHASE BUGGIES MADE TO ORDER FOR OUR TRADE THE PRETTIEST AND HANDSOMEST YOUNG MEN'S BUG GDSS IN AMERICA. FULL LINE SURRD3S AND HARNESS TO MATCH THE ABOVE VEHICLES. WAGONS AND ALL KIND HAR NESS. ' - - , TO WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE' PROMISING YOU OUR BFST .EFFORTS IN EVERY WAY. WE THANK YOU FOR EVERY ONSmFF I hyum WfiimstdDini Commpsiiniy u 1

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