PAGE SIX i . , ... ......... . J SALE O1 LAND I ciffin rTmiTfi m attfsiy impi ML .HLUd Severe cold and snow and sleet, North and West. Four men were killed and three in jured by a saw mill boiler explosion near Salisbury, Md. There have been reports that Ger many offered a separate peace to eBl- gium and this was refused. The eBl gian legation at London says the re port is not true. Bitter feeling against United Sta tes army engineers because of pub lished statements attributed to them that reports of distress in the flood districts of Arkansas had been exag gerated, is expressed by people in the flood district, who say there is much distress. The South Carolina Legislature has pasesd a bill providing a chain gan tont cmt-i ro mirhmit n tino f nr col 1 1 n - liquor in that State. The penalty pro vided is six months to two years for the first offense, with a penalty of one year to five years for each sub sequent offence. Edward V. Murphy, official report er of the United States Senate, com pleted Saturday 56 years of continu ous work in that capacity. He began his labors in 1860, long before the days of typewriters, asnd reported the trial of the assassins of President Lincoln. Mr. Murphay is .73 years old. Mrs. Robert Struthers is the only surviving woman member of the com pany that played "Our American Cousin" in Ford's theatre, Washings ton, on the night of April 14, 1865, when Abraham Lincoln was assinat ed. Mrs. Struthers, whose maiden name was Jeannie Gourley, played the part of Mary Meredith in the comedy drama. She lives in Mont clair, N. J. President Wilson has definitely given up the idea of making an ex tended Southern trilp to speak for preparedness. He told Senators and Representatives who iaivited him to various cities that he migtht later make a few speeches but at present would not make another trip to any part of the country. The President thinks his services are needed in Washington. EAT A SQUARE 3IEAL AND NOT FEAR INDIGESTION There are hundreds of people in Oxford who are not the least bit sur prised when they read in the Public Ledger that J. G. Hall is selling Mi-o-na. on a guarantee to refund the money in case it did not relieve. This remarkable dyspepsia remedy will re lieve the worst case of indigestion, headache, dizziness, or the general played out condition that afflicts ev ery one suffering with stomach trou ble. Mi-o-na does not simply relieve it aims to cure. J. G. Hall can tell you of many well known people in this city who this remedy has restored to health, often after they have tried many other methods of treatment with little or no benefit. No other dyspepsia rem ,edy has made so large a percentage of cures as Mi-o-na. It is so large that J. G. Hall 'stands ready to re fund the price to any customer whom it does not help. The best kind of advertising is the praise of a pleased customer, and there are hundreds in Oxford today praising Mi-o-na because it does what it is advertised to do. A few months ago they could eat nothing without wondering what the result would be. Since using Mi-o-na, they eat what they want and when they want with no fear of suffering. 19-2 6 SALE OF LAND Pursuant to an order of sale made by the Superior Court of Granville County in .the Special Proceeding therein pending, entitled "O. W. Eakes, Admr. of J. S. Eakes, deceas ed vs. Allie Eakes and others," I shall, on Saturday, March 18, 1916 at 12 o'clock M., sell to the highest bidder by public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Oxford, Granville County, the following des cribed tract of land lying and being situate in Sassafras Fork Township, Granville County: Begin at a hickory, R. T. Eakes' corner in William Henry Downey's line, thence with said Downey's line N. S& 1-2 W. 23.64 chains to an iron pin, said Downey's corner; thence with said Downey's other li'ne N. 1 E. 16.25 chains to a stone in old Stovall and Oak Hill Road; thence along center of said old road S. 85 -W. 6 chains, S. 89 W. 1 chain, S. 82 W. 3 chains, 81 1-4 W. 2 chains S. 86 W. 2 chains N. 86 1-4 W. 3 chains to the Oxford and Cornwall Road; thence along said Road S. 38 E. 4.39 chains, S. 8 3-4 E. 5 chains, S. 14 E. 1 chain, S. 25 E. 1.57 chains to new road, thence along new Road S. 19 3-4 E. 3.71 chains, S. 8 3-4 E. 1.63 chains, S. 4 W. 4 chains, S. 7 W. 6 chains S. 11 W. 6.46 chains to a stone; thence with line of lot No. 2 of J. S. Eakes' lands S. 88 1-2 E. 41 chains to a stone in R. T. Eakes' line; thence with his line N. 3 1-2 E. 15.65 chains to the beginning, containing 90 acres, more or less, and being the 'Dower Tract" of the lands of J. S. Eakes, deceased. The said tract of land will be sold subject to the life estate or Dowei right therein . of Mrs. Allie Eakes widow of the said J. S. Eakes, de ceased. This February 14, 1916. B. S. ROYSTER, Com. ANNOUNCEMENTS CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF Owing to the earnest solicitation of many friends itn all parts of Gran ville county, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff, subject to the Democratic voters of the county. If elected I shall be sat isfied to serve at the salary fixed by law. Respectfully, l-12-4t. T x W. C. CURRIN, FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Granville county, subject to the action of the Democratic, primary. If elected, I shall endeavor to perform the duties of the office in a way to merit the en dorsement of the people. Will thank one and all for their support. W. D. BRYAN. January 29, 1916 tf FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Sheriff office of Gran ville county, subject to the Demo cratic Primary, and if nominated and elected I will serve the people and the county to the best of my ability. I willl thank the voters to investigate mv ability and favor me with their votes. E . D. HUNT. February 1, 1916. tf FOR RE-ELECTION To the citizens of Granville County I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for the office of Sher iff of Granville County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I have tried faithfully to execute the law and to preserve the peace and morals of the county. I promise to do the same if I am elected again. Your support will be greatly appre ciated. Sitncerely, S. C. HOBGOOD. February 8, 1916. . The Sunset Literary Society The Sunset Literary Society held its meeting February 11, 1916. The program of the afternoon was a dis cussion of George Washington. A paper "Mary Anne Washington," was read by Eva Nelson. "The Life of Washington," by Ruth Dean. "Washington,s School Days," by Irene Dean. "Washington as a Sol dier," by Eunice Hobgood. "His Mar riage," by Sallie Hobgood and "Washington's Jouraiey," by Blanche Brooks. Clifton Dean, Sidney Pruitt, Allen Currin, discussed, "Was Washington's mother right in not punishing him for killing her colt?" The meeting was enjoyed by all. Quick Service Our Motto'' FOR youn Plumbing and Electric al work call on Wheeler & Byrum, general contractors and house movers. Wheeler & Byrum PHONE 181-J. mm Very extraordinary bargains here right now. The one oppor tunity of the season for you. If you cannot find it here there is no use looking any further. We are giving away buttons with numbers on them. If you find a match to your number call and get a fine rocking chair free. Root. Wo PUB HC LEDGER CLEANSES YOUR HAIR -MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try This! All Dandruff Disappears And Hair Stops Coming Out. Surely, try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or amy excessive oil- in a few min utes you'wll be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; invigor ates the scalp, stopping itchiing and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right' to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and try it as directed. All of the 82 midshipmen at An napolis who were recommended for dismissal because they failed on their mid-season examinations will be per mitted to resign instead of having the blot of expulsion from the service against their record. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pusuant to authority vested in. me by a certain deed of trust made by J. P. Peal and wife on the 25th day of February 1915 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Granville County, default having beeai made in the payment of the bond secured thereby, and being re quested so to do by the holder of said bond, I shall on, Monday, March 6th, 1916 sell at public auction, at the court house door in the town of Oxford, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lot or parcel of land: . Situate in Sassafras Fork Township Granville County and bounded otn the north by the land of L. M. Carring ton, on the east by the land of J. M. Hart, deceased, on the west by the Hart land and on the south by the lands of. J. N. Daniel and Herbert Daniel and containing 68 acres more or less. Same being the home place of said J. P. Peal. This January 27, 1916. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. -W. L. TAYLOR, Trustee. T. Lanier, Attorney. OXFORD, N. C. LEUM Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me by a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Mrs. Mandy Harris and others on Novem ber 15, 1912, and registered in Book 94, Page 298, registry of Granville County, default having been made in the payment of the bond thereby se cured, and at the request of the hold er of said bond, I shall on ' Tuesday, March 14th, 1916 sell to the highest bidder by public auction, forN cash, at the Court house door in Oxford, a certain tract or par cel of land lying and being in Fish ing Creek Township, bounded otn the North by the, lands of Aldridge Har ris; on the east by the lands of Rat tler Lemay; on the South by Tar Riv er; and on the west by the lands of Jow JBlackley, containing 3 5 acres more or less; See said Book 94, page 298, for further description. Time of sale about the hour of 12 o'clock M. This Feb. 11, 1916. D. G. BRUMMITT, Trustee. Secretary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo will deliver the address at the State University this year. A Business Local Will Find The Thing, YOU Want! Try One Small Cost! (Coal! SPLINT . .$6.40 Ton POCAHONTAS . . .$7.40 Ton ANTHRACITE! .. . $10.00 Ton These prices subject to a dis count of 40c per ton if paid by the 10th of the month following de livery. Discounts not allowed to those who owe old accounts Oxford Ice Co. The Gift that doesn't require an occasion that is always timely YOUR PHOTOGRAPH I develop and print Kodak Films, also sell Cameras and Films. r E. Brinkley " agency for G MSoneca Cameras ACHES ARE THE FATHER OF GROUCHES. GROUCHES PRODUCE DLL TEMPER AND IRRITABLE NESS, AND THESE HASTEN YOIT TO YOUR GRAVE. . FOR A VERY LITTLE WE SELL YOU THE REMEDIES THAT KILL THE ACHES AS SOON AS THEY APPEAR. IS YOUR HEALTH, YOUR HAP PINESS, YOUR LDZE, WORTH THIS SMALL INVESTMENT ? FRANK F. LYON'S 11 Is the Place." College St. Oxford, N.C Coal SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1916 LOWEE FOR ALL OCCASIONS ROSES, VALLIES, ORCHIDS, VIOLETS and CARNATIONS A SPECIALTY. Wedding Bouquets and Decora tions, Floral Offerings arranged in the latest Art. Write us for price list of your needs in CUT FLOWERS and Plants of all kinds. All communicatioais promptly executed by, J. L. O'QOINN & CO. "OUR BUSINESS IS GROWING" PHONE 149 RALEIGH, N. C, ITCH CURED IN 3d MINUTES ft Y ONE APPLICA TlOX DAVIDS' SAlfATIVE WASH "We guarantee to cure any case of Itch if U3ed as directed of money re cured, at once., 50c at your dealers, or mailed on receipt of 65c. OWENS & MINOR DRUG 19 South 10 St., Richmond, Va. P. F. IiYON. Oxford, X. C. ' 11-20-19 Public ledger Want Ads are read by the people. If you nave a want let them know it. Small cost. JOHN iW. HESTER Attorney-at-Liaw Practice in Both State and Federal Courts Oxford, North Carolina. DR. BBANTLY HENDERSON Will be in. Oxford every second and fourth Monday of each month at the office of Dr. L.. V. Hender son. Practice Limited to the Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and throat, and examination , of the Eyes for Glasses. , RAPPORT OF DURHAM Will be at OXFORD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL EVERY FIRST TUESDAY In each month for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glas ses. My next visit Tues. Mar. 7 B, S. ROYSTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PRACTICE IX STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS OFFICES ODD FELLOVVS'BLDO I Hillsboro St., OXFORD,' Jf. C. WMis & Stem Attorneys-at-Law. OXFORD, - - - N.CAROLINA. Practice in State arid. Federal Courts. D..G. BRTJrilMITT Attorney-at-Law , Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA DR. BENJV K. HAYS May be fonnd in his office from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. daily except Sunday. Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptio Anodyne used internally of externally. 25c. 3513. DR S.