PAGE SIX PUBLIC LEDGER THE NEWS IN OUTLINE In Durham Superior Court last week Thos. Falls, a negro, was found guilty of attempted criminal assault and sentenced to 15 years in the State prison. Jim McCall, a 'negro 19 years old, was convicted in Harnett Superior Court of criminal assault and sen tenced to die July 15. McCall's vic tim was a 6-year-old girl. A portrait of the late D. A. Tomp kins of Charlotte has been presented to the A. and M. College. Mr. Tomp kins was for years a member of the board of directors of the college. Dr. James H. MacDonald of Tor onto, Canada, who attended the com mencement of Flora MacDonald Col lege at Red Springs this week, gave the trustees $10,000 to endow the chair of history. Four men are known to have per ished in a fire raging in the lower levels of the Yellow Jacket gold mine, near Virginia City, Nev. Two bodies have been recovered. Compa ny officials said 75 men were at work in the mioie. Mr. Harry Tally of Charlotte, who was one of the most seriously injured in the fatal wreck at Salisbury on the night of Nevember 2 6, when the "football special" was smashed into by Southern train No. 3 8, has filed suit in Mecklenburg Superior Court for $100,000 damages. Faulty respiration and tachycardis, or rapid heart beat, due to excessive cigarette smoking, caused 50 per cent of rejections at the United States Marine Corps recruiting station in New York city since the 1st of May, according to Capt. Frasik E. Evans, recruiting officer. Another attempt is to be made to rote whiskey and saloons out of Washington before the present ses sion of Congress adjourns. Represen tative Webb of North Carolina, chair man of the judiciary committee, an nounces that he will offer a provis ion for prohibition as a rider to the District appropriation bill. George von L.. Meyer, former Sec retary of the Navy, at the head of a delegation of 25 men, officially noti fied Col. Roosevelt at the latter's borne at Oyster Bay Monday, that the Roosevelt Republican commit tee," with membership in 30 States, had been organized to work for his nomination for the presidency by the Republican party. Representative Doughton of North Carolina, wrho is a member of the House committee on education, which lias had under consideration the bill for censorship on moving picture films, thinks there will be no legisla tion this session on the subject. "Un less the motion picture people censor some of their films themselves, there is likly to be some legislation," Mr. Doughton said. Lord Robert Cecil, British minister of war trade, informed the House of Commons that a proposal had been received to permit the export from Germany to the American govern ment of dyestuffs but that no answer had beesi given. He denied reports that license had been granted for the export from Germany to the United States of $5,000,000 worth of dyes, part of a shipment which might reach $30,000,000. Oswald McNeese, adjutant general of Louisiana, and A. D. Stewart, a New Orleans hotel man and aspirant to the adjutant general's office, set tled a personal quarrel with their fists at Baton Rougue, La., on the capitol lawn beforean audience made up largely of State legislators and both thereby proved their unfitness for the job. By agreement a capitol employe acted as referee. Each of the princi pals got a black eye and cuts and bruises about the face. SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER Calcium's Value in Tuberculosis As a tonic and remedial agent in the treatment of tuberculosis, this ele ment is being studied by scientists suid physicians everywhere. For more than two decades users of Eckman's Alterative have tested Us efficacy in such cases, for calcium chlorid is one of the chief constitu ents of this preparation, which has produced beneficial results in thou sandspf instances. And in this form It is V combined as to be easily assimilated. If you are thus afflicted,, a trial may prove this to be just what is needed to assist Nature in bringing about a return to normal health. It is safe to take, because it con tains no poisonous or habit-forming drugs of any sort. At your druggist's. ckman Laboratory, Philadelphia- ANNOUNCEMENTS CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF Owing to the earnest solicitation of many friends im all parts of Gran ville county, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff, subject to the Democratic voters of the county. If elected I shall be sat isfied to serve at the salary fixed by law. Respectfully, l-12-4t. T x W. C. CURRIN, FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Granville county, subject to the action of the of the office in a way to merit the en- dorsement of the people. Will thank one and all for their support. W. D. BRYAN. January 2 9, 1916 tf FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Sheriff office of Gran ville county, subject to the Demo cratic Primary, and if nominated and elected I will serve the people and the county to the best of my ability. I willl thank the voters to investigate my ability and favor me with their votes. E . D. HUNT. February 1, 1916. tf FOR RE-ELECTION To the citizens of Granville County I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for the office of Sher iff of Granville County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I have tried faithfully to execute the law and to preserve the peace and morals of the county. I promise to do the same if I am elected again. Your support will be greatly appre ciated. Sincerely, S. C. HOBGOOD. February 8, 1916. FOR REGISTER DEEDS To the voters of Garnville County: Subject to all rules governing the coming primary, I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of Register of Deeds. Thanking all for their past support and assuring you of my appreciation for your future efforts in my behalf, I beg to remain, Your Friend, JIM POWELL. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the people of Granville County: I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination for the office of Reg ister of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I will appreciate any and all support, tf-x JACK C. HOWARD. FOR TREASURER I announce myself for re-election to the office of Treasurer of Gran ville County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I appreciate the liberal support of the good people of the county, and trust that I have performed the du ties of the office in such a manner, that will merit their support in the coming election. H. J. ROBARDS. FO RCOMMISSIONER - In response to the request of a large number of voters, I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for County Commissioner from Walnut Grove Township, subject to the Democratic primary. If elected I shall give my best efforts to the affairs of the County. x J. M. PHIPPS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER As a result of the solicitations of a number of my friends in Oxford and Fishing Creek Townships, there a. T- 3 e -i ; i -C . these two Townships, I respectfully announce my candidacy for County Commisioner of Granville County, subject to the action of the Democrat ic Primary 'June 3d, 1916 THOS. G. TAYLOR. FOR RE-NOMINATION I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the rules governing the County Primary. B. I. BREEDLOVE. FOR RE-NOMINATION I hereby, announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the rules governing the County Primary. H. C. FLOYD. FOR RE-NOMINATION I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the rules governing the County Primary. J. L. PEED. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER At the behest of many voters in Granville county, and especially in Tally Ho Township, I hereby an nounce myself for the Board of County Commissioners, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. I will appreciate a liberal support of the qualified voters, and if elected I will serve the interests of the county to the best of my ability, te-x L. L. CREWS. cuuuior. uujcci iu tue acuu-n w i ue uttle of it into the scalp with the Democratic primary. If elected, I -inii omio.rn. to nifnr,. aL finger tips and see for yourself how HOW TO GET RID OF CHRONIC DANDRUFF The only sure way to get perman ently rid of dandruff is to remove the conditions that cause it and then keep the hair and scalp in a clean, healthy, vigorous state so dandruff will never return. This beats sham poos, which merely "remove the dand ruff for a few days at most. J. G. Hall is now strongly recommending Parisian Sage, a harmless, inexpen sive and quick acting preparation, that is guaranteed to act directly on the cause of dandruff and entirely re move it or the purchase price will be cheerfully refunded. Here is a test no one should fail to try. Get from your druggist a package of Parisian Sage. Rub a the dandruff disappears, the hair stops falling out and all itching im mediately ceases. Nothing hurts the hair more than danruff, so why not begin using Parisian Sage today and be forever rid of it? 31-7 Would Change Name of College The question of changing the name of the State Normal and Industrial College to Mclver College, which has been agitated f o rseveral years, came up in the annual meeting of the alumnae association. After some dis cussion, the meeting voted in favor of the change. It was argued that the change should be made for the sake of brevity, to eliminate the word Normal, which is often misinterpret ed, and to honor the memory of the founder and first president of the college. REUBEN HART FOR COMMISSION We, whose names appear under this notice, take this occasion to place before the Democratic voters of this county for County Commissioner the name of a man whose record is an open book, and stays open for in spection, both in public and in pri vate life. We know that he makes mistakes, but we also verily believe that he is honest. His name is Reuben Hart, you know him. We bespeak for him the hearty support of all the good people of the county. J. S. W ATKINS, J. D. NEWTON, R. T. BLACKWELL, T.B. NEWTON, F. O. BUMPASS, D. W. NEWTON, W. J. CURRIN, D. A. BURWELL. Signed: 3t FOR THE LEGISLATURE Subject to all rules governing the primary I announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the Legislature.. I will greatly appre ciate any and all support given me. DENNIS G. BRUMMITT. FOR THE HOUSE In response to an urgent request of many voters in Granville county I hereby announce my candidacy for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. I am thoroughly familiar with the needs of the business and farming interests of this section, and if elected I shall do all in my power to work for the measures that are best adapted to every man's interest. I will thank my many friends for their suffrage at the polls. 5-10 C. N. FLOYD. FOR COMMISSIONER At the solicitation of many voters of the county, I herewith announce my candidacy for the office of Coni misisoner of Granville County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. I will appreciate the suf frage of the voters of the county and l'A UlUiSt; IU give my best servcie if elected. J. LUTHER DANIEL. FOR COMMISSIONER To the voters of Granville: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner subject to the rules governing the Primary, Your friend, WILL A. PARHAM. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER At the solicitation of many voters, Mr. Wyatt E. Cannady has consented to go before the Democratic primary for the office of County Commission er. He is a man of sound judgment, ability and will serve the best inter ests of the county. We take pleasure in endorsing him. I. H. DAVIS, R. S. USRY FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Yielding to the request of quite a large number fo voters, Mr. E. C. Harris of Fishing Creek Township has consented to be & candidate for the office of County Commissioner. Subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. We heartily endorse his candidacy. Mr. Harris is well known as a careful, conservative busi ness man. The people of Granville county will do well if they nominate and elect him Commissioner. H. H. HICKS, A. J. DICKERSON, P. H. DAVIS, W. S. HOWELL, Executive Committee, Dement Pre cinct, Fishing Creek Township. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Li. T. BUCHANAN is now lo cated in the Brown Building for the Practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office Phone 82-J Residence 210-J Office hours 10 to 12 A. M.; 3 to 4 P. M.2 8 to 9 P. M. 3 DR. HERNDON , Will be at Horner Brothers stables this season. Call and see him. For futher in formation see C. W. Bryan Praws in Cool Air AU Night Long- Pure fresh air in constant circulation when "there isn't a breath stirring" outside ! You can work better tomorrow . if you sleep well to night. Let us sell you the means to better rest. A G-E Fan costs a trifle lasts a life time. We sell them. CAROLINA PO WER & LIGHT CO. F-65 The Gift that doesn't require an occasion that is always timely YOUR PHOTOGRAPH I develop and print Kodak Films, also sell Cameras and Films. IT Qgencybr G W Seneca Cameras GOOD FOUNTAIN DRINKS What constitutes good soda? First, purity; then, cleanliness; then, flavor. You will find them all combined in our soda. No purer soda made, nor nicer flavors used, nor more delic ti ious drinks served anywhere. GOOD SERVICE Good service is serving you as we ourselves would like to be served, in a clean, ' whole some, satisfactory manner. You can trust our service, because it is adaptable to the require ments of the most fastidious. FRANK F. LYON'S "Is the Place," College St. Oxford, N.C M 113 toarlt mw fan. DR. BRANTLY HENDERSON Will be in Oxford every second and fourth Monday of each month at the office of Dr. L. V. Hender son. Practice Limited to the Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and throat and examination of the Eyes for Glasses. D. G. BRUMMITT Attomey-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Micks & Stem Attorneys-at-Law. OXFORD, - - - N. CAROLINA. IPractice in State Federal Courtc B. S. ROYSTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PRACTICE IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS OFFICES ODD PELLOAVS'BLDQ Hillsboro St.. OTrnRn v. c DR. BEN J. K. HAYS May be found in his office from 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. daily except Sunday. john w. Tester Attorney-at-Law Practice in Both State and Federal Courts Oxford, North Carolina. UB-RflY-TisM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c ITCH CURED IIV 30 MINUTES BY GIVE APPLICA TION DAVIDS' SANATIVE WASH We guarantee to cure any case of itch if used as directed of money re cured at once. 50c at your dealers, or mailed on receipt of 65c. OWENS & MINOR DRUG 19 South 10 St., Richmond, Vra. F. F". LYOX, Oxford, N. C. ll-20-l . DR. G. G. TAYLOR, DENTIST STOVALL, N. C. Dr. Taylor has opened an office in Dr. Willie Taylor's office and will be glad to see his many old friends in his office anytime or will call on them at their homes without extra charge. 3-15-3mo-x Br. So MappiPt OF DURHAM, X. C. Will be AT OXFORD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL Tuesday, June 6th. For the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Remem ber that you pay nothing for the examination of your eyes in buy 'ng glasses of me and I furnish only the best quality at a moder ate price. FLOW FOR ALL OCCASIONS ROSES, VALLIES, ORCHIDS, VIOLETS and CARNATIONS A SPECIALTY. Wedding Bouquets and Decora tions, Floral Offerings arranged in the latest Art. Write us for price list of your needs in CUT FLOWERS and Plants of all kinds. All communications promptly executed by, J. L. O'QUINN & CO, "OUR. BUSINESS IS GROWI' PHONE 149 RALEIGH, N.C

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