TIIK13S ABOUT PEOPLE AtlD lrs. Lyon Sick The many friends of Mrs. Z. W. Lyon will regret to iparn that she is quite sick. Mrs. N. C. Daniel and children are on a visit to Beaufort where they will remain about two weeks. . (jood Crops The farmers from various paits of the county tell us tiiat the crops are looking good: ith favorable conditions the tobacco crop ill be normal, they say. - Get In Line Remember the sol dier boys, who answered their coun try's call, by seeing to it that some thing is done to protect their depend ents who are left at home. Marriage License Mr. J. B. Powell, Register of Deeds,- issued a marriage license Thursday to Mr. J. g jiart and Miss Lula Beasley, both of Granville county. The Reserves- It is pretty gener ally understood that the most of us who did not respond when the Presi dent issued his call for troops, will do so in the event, it is necessary for him to issue the second or third call. ' Fine Showing We call attention to the financial statement of the Nat ional Bank of Granville, elsewhere in this isue of the Public Ledger. Fig ures are always interesting and in this instance are most cheering. To Asheville Mr. Phil Kearney one of Oxford City Carriers returned Wednesday from the State Conven tion of City Carriers in Asheville. Phil reports a good time and that the mountain scenery was wonderful. Bank Statement Elsewhere in this issue of the Public Ledger will be found the financial statement of the First National Bank. It is grati fying to note that there is an increase of business over that of last year. Stricken With Paralysis We re gret to learn that Mr. Joe Puckett, of Route 4, was stricken down with paralysis last week. The stroke is confined to the left side. We are glad that her chances of recovery are good. 1 Died in Chase City The family of Mr. J. R. Sneed, received word Sun day of the death of Mr. H. F. Jeter, of Chase City, father of Mrs. Sneed, ! which occuerd in that town early Sunday morning. Mr, Sneed and family attended the funeral and burial which was in Chase City Monday. Fine Hams Mr. J. H. Renn, the splendid farmer who "lives at home" on Route 6, sold in Oxford Wednes day some of the finest hams ever sesn on the market. The hams ranged in weight from 35 to 50 pounds each. Mr. Renn has sold over 1000 pounds of bacon since Christmas and his smoke-house is by no means deplet ed. Pine Strawberries Major P. H. Montgomery is meeting with rare success in the cultivation of straw berries. Perhaps the Major got his Plants while on some of his trips to the Rocky Mountains; at any rate nothing like it was ever before seen here. The vigorous vines are load ed with large, lucious berries, some f them in various stages of ripeness and at the same time there being , a Profusion of blcoms; 4 Huge Potatoes Mr. A good is undoubtedly the Irish potato grower of county. He brought to the Public Ledger office this week a large smooth tuber of the Irish Cobler variety that weighs about two Pounds. We could see that Mr. Hob cod was sornwhat worried when he entered the Public Ledger office and e hastened to ask him what trou bled him. "Well, I had a couple much larger than this one," said Mr. Hobgood, "but the cook couldn't get them in the pot and she cut them up befre I saw her." These potatoes ere grown in a lazy bed. AC -nr. Wood Appreciative While in J. Robert Wood's furniture store Wednesday we saw him handling a ox of fine cigars. "Rather extrava 11 i We sugested; but Mr. Wood plained that as Chief of the Oxford Jre DePartment, Mr. P. J. Contos, proprietor of the Candy store on the ' rner of Hillsboro and College 1J ' WGicn was destroyed by fire week, gave him the box of cigars f an appreciation of his earnest ef hk f S hief to save tne contents of Rift i Mr Wood appreciated the first the more DCause it is the Wth n,me Since his long affiliation had Fire ComPany that any one liiro expressed their gratitude in a 11Ke manner. . P. Hob champion Granville friend Mr. William Matthews, of Bul lock, now eight-six years of age, writes a letter to the Public Ledger and renews iiis subscription for an other year. He writes a very plain and distinct hand. "I don't know how it will be with me in another year." says Mr. Matthews. We hope he will live for many, years, but should; the end come we know that it will be well with our venerable friend. ' ' Automobile Thieves During Mon day night last parties broke into the garage of J. T. Chappell, Creedmoor, and carried away one of his best demonstration cars. Creedmoor par ties think that the theives made their escape via Wilton and Oxford. There was no license number on the car, but the theives took the license tag from another car in the garage and attached it to the stolen car. Removal R. W. Brown has re moved his bicycle and repair shop from the postoffice corner to the new brick, building opposite the Armory on Hillsboro street. This enables "Dick" to enlarge his ever-expanding business. Motorcycles, bicycles, sun-, dries arid repairs of all kinds is his; line. See ad elsewhere in the Public! Ledger. ' , ; - " ": : - : In the Trenches We would re mind the big tobacco men that the humble farmers are fighting a hard battle in the trenches. The grass is about to take the best of them. Same Here The general business the country over is good, say reports coming from Washington based on those from the Southern Reserve Bank districts. Services at Goshen Rev. F. H. T. Horsfield will hold Service and preach on Sunday next at St. Paul's church, Goshen. Public Sale If you want one of the best farms within one hundred miles of Oxford, don't fail to attend the sale of the Chandler estate on July 15th, announcement of which will be found pages 4 and 8 of this paper. Missionary Society Meeting The Maria Brown Missionary So ciety of the Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon, July 10, at 5 o'clock with Mrs. D. K. Taylor. A full attendance Is desired. A.V.C. Missionary Union The cbnan's Misionary Society of the Oxford Baptist Church will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Baptist church Monday, at 5 p. m. The meeting will be led by Mrs. W. H. Upchurch assisted by members of Circle No. 4. All memebrs of the So ciety are urged to be present. otice of Vacancy Notice is horeby given that a va cancy has occured in the Oxford Fire Department and all those wishing to join will have to send in a written application and a Fee of Five Dol lars. Address all applications to Wade H. Britt, Foreman, Oxford Fire Department. Oxford Library During the summer for benefit of the teachers, a three month's sub scription will be given for fifty cents. Books taken out for five cents each must not be kept over a week. H.W. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Mrs. G. R. Harrison has moved her cleaning and pressing business from the burned building on the corner of Hillsboro and College Streets to the second story over the office of Hicks & Stein, where she will be glad to see heir many customers. " - - 8-2t Abolish Government Seed By a vote f thirty-three to twenty- one Monday afternoon the senate adouted an amendment to the agri cultural bill, abolishing government free seeds. VDEN COMPANY COPIES YOU ARE OFTEN UNPREPARED, OR YOU WANT TO DEVOTE YOUR WHOLE TIME ENTERTAINING THEM. WE BAKE EVERY DAY THE MOST DELICIOUS BREAD, CAKES, DOUGHNUTS, ETC.; AND CAN FELL YOUR ORDER AT A MOMENTS NOTICE. ' GARRETT & CO.'S BAKERY PHONE 297L REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP The National Bank of Granville at Oxford in the State of North Carolin a, at the close of business June 30, 1916 RESOURCES LoaMKun?. ::::::::::::::::::: : ; : ::::: $419'607'48 uias ST Spends KpUrtod secure cYrculation (par Value) WW . ' 15,000.00 ' Total U. S. bonds siSi'Sn Stocks other than Fe Res Bank stock 8,191.90 Sub. to stock of Fed Res. Bank H Xn s finn 00 fiOrt 00 Less amount unpaid 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600 .00 Furniture and fixtures. . . i y it'nun .in SJ- SSt" dSl apFredS ItsN. Y." Chicago V St. " L. '. 7,811.64 13'00-U Nt SStl tl fr. It res. SftiTn other res. cities 11,072.59 18,884.23 Nt ami due fr. bnks. and bnkrs. (otherplaces) ......... . 23,613.49 Outside checks and other cash items... .. . . . a A rk Fractional currency, nickels, and cents. 4.42 965.65 Notes of other national banks Federal Reserve Notes 920 00 RednemptioTfund 'with U.S.T.' and due 'from 'u.S.T ' 850.00 Total ......................$524,181.93 :i :v.V..'v, !- .'s ' v - ; '" 4 LIABILITIES ; :; Capital stock paid in . ........ ' IgOO.OO Surplus fund . ZAq q72 1 Undivided profits ' ? $ 29 972 15 Rrcdurfr0ent VxpeAses " int. and 'i'ek ' paid . ! ! ! I 9;893:80 20,078.35 Circulating notes outstanding 5 92? 63 Due to banks and bankers . . . . . . . . . -S - 20114 92 Individual deposits subject to check...., 22 757'42 Cashier's checks oustandmg 62 927 29 Certificates of deposits 88 641 71 S iimnisdreaisc! eYsewhere than Fed.' Res. Bank -. . 5,734.61 5;j34.61 Total $524,181.93 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GRANVILLE, ss: I W T. Yancey, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. T. YANCEY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me orlR this 8th day of July, 1916. E. T. WHITE, B. K. LASSITER, Notary Public. , Sectors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Oxford Savings Bank and Trust Company At Oxford in the State of North Carolin a, at the close of business June 30, 1916 RESOURCES $204,427.32 .3 . - - ..... ...... . ....... feSrrom S?ate Banki "ana Banker 13.714-47 Total . .$218,141.79 LIABILITIES. m -t A f SI V A SnedfilSs-curVenVexV paid '.'.'.l llli;.: jlty . . .$218,141.79 Savings Deposits Total State of North Carolina, County of Granville, ss: I W. T. Yancey, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. T. YANCEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of July, 1916. B. K. LASSITER, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. Z. MITCHELL,' H. G. COOPER, E. T. WHITE, Directors. The Ambon of St Stephen 's Parish The Christian Year formerly sets aside two hundred and three days out of each year, for some kind of public or private recogni tion, on our part, of the facts, and demands of our Christian Faith. The Prayer Book presents annually "a moving picture" of the his tory of the Saviour, as a spiritual drama of His Life, and a re membrance of His companions on earth; it is framed to catch the eye, and to stir the imagination of the most careless. Oxford observes two of these Church Days religiously: Easter and Christmas; two secularly: Monday in Easter Week, and Mon day in Whitsun-Week; one for Social Service; St. John Baptist's Day; one in merriment: Halloween, or the Eve of all Hallows, All Saints Day. Our English Civilization had its roots in the ordered Services in the parish Church, and the religious pageantry, and games on the village Greens on festal days. Third Sunday after Trinity Holy Eucharist 7:30 a. m. Sun day School, Men's Bible Class, and Young Women's Bible Class, 9:45 a. m. Morning Service and Sermon 11 o'clock. Meeting of Congregation after Service. Evening Prayer and Sermon at St. Paul's Goshen, 3:30 p. m. Wednesday Litany, 11 a. m. Friday Evening Prayer, 6 o'clock. Choir Rehearsal 8:15pm. $537,766.12 45,000.00 $537,766.12 REPORT OF THE CONDITIO OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Oxford in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 30, 191$ RESOURCES " Loans and discounts . Total. loans U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value)" Total; U. S. Bonds . . . ; . v . . . . . ; .......... Sec. other U. S. bonds (not stock) owned unpledged .. .. Total bonds, securities, etc . Stocks, other than Fed. Reserve Bank. stock Sub to stck. Fed Res. Bank $7,200.00 Less amount unpaid 3,600.00 Value of banking house (if unencumbered) Furniture and fixtures Net amt. due from Federal Reserve Bank Nt. amt. due fr. ap. res. agts. in N. Y., Chicago & St. L.. Nt. amt. due fr. ap. res. agts. in oth. res.cities Nt. amt. due f r. bnks. & tnkrs. (otherplaces) Other checks on banks in the same town as rep. bank. . . Outside checks and other cash items Fractional currency, nickels, and cents Notes of other national banks Coin and certificates - , Legal-tender notes Redemp. fund with U.S.T. and due from U.S.T. 45,000.00 6.170.00 6,170.00 3,830.00 3.600.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 5,000.00 14,051.17 5,093.55 27,367.13 32.460.6S 20,713.53 3.423.38 25.35 555.36 3,000.00 25,060.45 3.000.00 2,252.50 Total $722,908.54 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund , Undivided profits $36,076.49 Reserved for interest 6,500.00 Lcrs current expenses, int. and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Due to banks. and bankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Cashier's checks outsanding Total demand deposits Certificates of deposit i Other time deposits . Total time deposits . . 42,576.49 208.695.79 300,466.91 .$100,000.00 20,000.00. 42,576.49 45.000.00 2.109.35 4,060.00 208,440.87 254.92 207,466.91 93.00Q.00 Total ...... . V.. ... . $722,908.54 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF, GRANVILLE, ss: J, W. H.. Hunt, President of the -above named bank, do solemnly swear the the above statement is, true to the best of my-knowledge and belief. .; ? , )" ' O i'C. W. H. HUNT, Pres. ; Subscribed and sworn .. to .. before, me this 7th dayrfft July116. A , . ; j E. G. CREWS,! f f Notary Public.' CORRECT Attest: Z. W. LYON. ?ktor;'G. pace; M v. . , R. S. USRY, Directors. :. Divorce Granted Mr. 33. L. Jones of Bloomfield, Ky., has recently been granted a divorce from his wife, Francis Jones. Both parties formerly lived near Stem. . Fortunate is the man who is too busy to think about being overworked. SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER WIAT NEJL? WW T IT LOOK RESOLVED YOU "DON'T HAVE To WASTE ANY TIME LOOKING AROUND FOR LUMBER AND BUILD ING STUFF -COME .STRAIGHT TO VS. WE'VE GOT IT, RIGHT PRICE. Wats BUSTER BROWH WHAT'S THE USE Of WAITING YOUR TIME LOOKING AROUND WHEN WE'VE GOT JU-ST EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT IN LUM BER AND BUILDING MATERIALS. WHAT'S THE U-SE OF WAITING YOUR TIME LOOKING AROUNDTOR BETTER PRICE-5 WHEN WE'VE GOT THE BE ST PRICED FOR YOU. WE HAVE A TINE LOT OF LUMBER AND STUFF AND WILL BE GLAD To FIGURE WITH YOU ON ANY eJoB. K1(0)KE LUKIIBE (COMPfiKIV A. H. HOORE, F2AHAGER, OXFORD, 11 C I

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