PAGE FOURTEEN BOOST A LITTLE EVERY DAT FOR OXFORD ! T. G. STEM A Prominent Lawyer and Present Mayor of Oxford. Mr. T. G. Stem is a man well known to the people of Oxford and Granville county, having been born and reared in this county. While a boy he attended the public and priv ate schools and finished his prepara tory education at Trinity Park School. In the fall of i902 he enter ed Trinity College from which he graduated in 1906. During his sen ior year at college he studied law and also after the year of his graduation, receiving his license to practice ' law in 1907. In October of the same year he came to Oxford and practiced a lone until 1908 when he formed a law firm with D. G. Brummitt which continued until 1909. At this time he began to practice law with A. A. Hicks and has remained in partner ship with him until now. Mr. Stem' has rendered the town valuable ser vice as mayor, having been elected to this oflice in 1913 and re-elected in 1915. Along with his record as a lawyer this man has a military record also. He enlisted in the Granville Grays, February 18, 1908, and from the rank of a private he was grad ually promoted until May 11, 1910, lie became Captain. He retired from service in 1914 on account of bus iness, but when the call came for vol unteers in June last he tendered his services to Col. Minor and received his commission as inspector of small arms practice, with the rank of cap tain, June 23, 1916. THE "RAYS" OF THE SUN OF OXFORD. A Large , and Growing Lumber Plant and Coal Yard. When it comes to honest and full weight, measure and count you'll surely not find a better place in Ox ford to get it than C. D. Ray & Son the people, who sell "everything to build a house with and keep it warm after you move in." In the early part of 1914 Mr. Marsh Ray, son of Mr. C. D. Ray bought an interest in the business of his father and the firm's name was changed to "C. D. Ray & Son." Since then the firm has made very progressive strides despite the de pression that has existed for the past two years, but as we were going to say, you would never dream there were ever any so-called hard times if you should stop in at their busy plant near the Southern depot. It is a busy and interesting 1 place to visit to be sure, you are always made to feel welcome whether you are buying or "just looking." V Mr. Ray's motto has always been a "square deal for everyone, and a living profit." And what more can one ask of anybody than that And Mr Ray sees that every piece of lum ber, shingle, paint or ton of coal is what the customer pays for and wants. The large and growing bus iness enjoyed by this reliable firm attests the confidence that the Gran ville people have in Mr. Ray and his son. They are of the most pro gressive type of business men in Ox ford. The plant of C. D. Ray & Son em ploy about fifteen or twenty men, all of whom receive good wages, the most of which is spent here in Ox ford, so that when you patronize C. D. Ray & Con you are helping to build up the town. Besides selling every mentionable kind of building material, they oper ate one of the largest coal yards in this section of the State, handling all grades of coal. The "Ray Quality" of building ma terials as mentioned in their display ad elsewhere is fast gaining an en viable reputation. If it comes from "Rays" it must be right or they will make it right. The Rays are truly Oxford Boosters and what we 'need is more men of their caliber. D. G. BRUMMITT Member, House of Representives and Prominent Lawyer. : D. G. Brummitt one of Oxford's prominent lawyers was born in Gran- lS::i:S:::5??::ci:::i ville county in the year 1881. After receiving his preparatory education he taught for a while inthe public schools of the county. He then en tered Wake Forest College from which institution he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1907. In February of the same year he was licensed to practice law. The first year after finishing his . college course he taught in Hester High School. He came to Oxford in April, 1908, and here began the practice of law. From that time until this Mr. Brummitt has taken an active part in politics and in the growth and de velopment of his town and county. For four years he served efiiciently as mayor of Oxford. In 1910 he be came secretary of the Granville county Democratic Executive Commit tee and in 1912 he became chairman of the same committee. In 1916 he was elected representative to the North Carolina Legislature and at the last primary was re-nominated by the Democrats of Granville county for the same oflice. . Mr. Brummitt is not only well known in public life but he is likewise prominent in fra ternal circles; belonging to several secret orders including the Masons, Odd Fellows, Woodmen of the World, Royal Arcanum, Jr. O. U. A. M., and Modern Woodmen of America. DR. L. T. BUCHANAN, JR. A Prominent Young Physician of - - Noble Family. One of Oxford's young physicians yet no stranger in this county is Dr. L. T, Buchanan, Jr., son of Professor L. T. Buchanan. He was born at Durham, N. C, where he lived about ten years before coming to Oxford. He attended, Horner. Millitary Acad emy and after graduating from that institution he went to Wake Forest College from which he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science at the age of twenty. From Wake Forest he went to Jefferson Medical College and there completed his medical course in two years. Hav ing received his license to pratice he spent his first year out of school as WHO'S WHO IN OXFORD intern in the Kansas City Geni Hospital. After a year of Whence inthe hospital Dr. Buchanan be?n active practice which has occupleS his time for the last two years. He is now located in Oxford and is en joying a growing practice. The Baptists (Charity and Children) Our North Carolina Baptists are a mighty folk, and ready to respond to every ; worthy call. They give largely to missions, State, home and foreign support two newspapers, three col leges, many academies and give fifty thousand dollars for the various de mands that are made upon the Or phanage. In addition to this they are building elegant and costly church houses and doing better by their pastors than they ever did be fore. We belong to the Lord's royalty. It isn't every hobby that will re spond to the spur of the moment. If FOR tm; E Blacksmith Work, Horstuoeimg, Wagon, Buggy and MML WMk WW AT LOWEST PRICES Don't Fail to Call oh II Shop on Wall Street, OXFORD, N. C. ALL WORK DONE PROMPTLY ' ' - ' ' - . WE INVITE YOU TO LOCATE IN' OXFORD! Garman Wheel Co; 0 C. S. GARMAN, Manager G. C. TAYLOR, Book-keeper OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA L. S. GARMAN, Superintendent Mwmh o Igl mm Ve Jicfe ANNUAL CAPACITY 50,000 SETS ONLY WHEEL FACTORY SOUTH OF CINCINNATI AND PENNSYLVANIA WITH Ha." BPBovLTHE THE SOUTHERN VEHICLE TRADE EQUIPPED WITH ALL M MT mPpZ,,.? MOST OF A 3-ACRE LOT NEAR THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY DEPOT; IS THE SAME NTO -II I IMPROVED AUTOMATIC MACHINERY FOR DRYING AND HANDLING TIMBER, AND CONVERTING CARMlGE HUILDERAND THtS COMPALSP opttc FE? HAS APPEALED TO THE DISCROWNING EXPERIENCED MEN OP SKILL Z ANV wf 5 R EXPENSE HIS DIRECTION. BUILDING WHEELS REQUIRES KIND. THEY ARE WIl ffi AnAAT RGANIZATION WILN THE LAST TEN YEARS OP MEN OP THIS A LARGE AND GROWING BUSINESS A f FRE W, T 1NTEREST OF THE MPANY. THE COMPANY ENJOYS IT GIVES EMPLOYMENT'S SbSZZ m PERHAPS THE RGEST, OP ANY COMPANY IN OXFORD. JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA t'J CUSTOMERS IN THE FOLLOWING STATES: NEW YORK, NEW NESSEE AND LOUKLli VIRGINIA, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI TEN-