SECTION TflQEE BOOSTER EDITION; OF PAGES 17 TO 24 ceo p E E Id) IibbS MAE LEAPS i FROM YEAR TO YEAR THE INCREASE IN OUR TRADE HAS BEEN STEADY AND HEALTHY We are gratified to note the good feeling that exists between our Xriends in the country and town and let us urge upon all the, great im portance of united efforts in be half of our splendid tobacco market. Oxford can only hope to bet what our people make her, then let us redouble our energies and show to the world that our market, already the equal of any, shall make still further strides onward and upward. . We are proud of the. liberal pat ronage our market receives and our people are determined to merit its continuance. Our friends in the coun ty are realizing that Oxford and her people are their real friends and brethren. This is our town and none but the best of feeling should exist. The farmer should rejoice to see Oxford rapidly building up. Our in terest are nfutual and reciprocal. Every wave of prosperity to Oxford enriches the country and vice versa. Let us go hand in hand and shoul der to shoulder, upholding each other' till our own home town and market ranks among the best in the State. We can do this easily by concert of action and zealous efforts. For about half a centry Granville and the adjoining counties have en joyed the reputation of producing and curing the finest bright tobacco known to the trade, and this reputa tion is not confined within the limits of our own country, but extends in foreign lands. t Competent ' judges and eminent chemists pronounce our tobacco the bet in flavor and finest j in texture. When bright tobacco was firs made in this country' our farmer friends had no home market for it and were compelled to sell in Petersburg and other places. To sell on these dis tant markets not only took much of their time, but was quite expensive and something had to be done to re lieve them of this burden a market more convenient was the outcome and early in the seventies we find Ox ford one of the pioneers in establish ing a loose market in North Carolina. At that ime we had no railroad fa cilities, but our people had faith in 4 the ultimate succ3is cf the enter prise and knowing the quality of our tobacco they felt assured that Oxford must forge to the front as one of the leading markets. Situated in the Golden Belt of North Carolina, the eapital'of a county where grows the perfection in brigh tobacco, and with ample facilities for handling it, Oxford can. with becoming modesty, boast of' being in the front ranks as a market. From year to year the increase in our trade has been steady and heal thy. This is but the natural result of the honest and fair dealings of the men who have charge of the to bacco trade. The on'-? idea all along ; has been to put Oxford 'where she de serves to be, in list of tobacco mar kets, first and foremost. There has never been a time in the history of our market when we were in better shape than now. Strong warehouse teams, buyers with orders for more tobacco than this section can supply, with ample meansto back them, all combine, to make Oxford the most desirable market in North Carolina or Virginia for bright tobacco. With a strong pull, a long pull and a pull altogether our tobacco men are deter mined to keep up Oxford's great ::: S:::: - - - . , . ... " i .... A FIELD OF TOBACCO IN GRANVILLE COUNTY. ROVVHERE CAN THERE RE FOUND WAREHOUSEMEN MORE ALIVE TO THE FARMERS INTEREST name of being the highest averaged market in the State. Nowhere can there be found ware housemen more alive to the farmers interests, and they have the hearty support and co-aperation of our splendid buyers. Our sales are nev er allowed to drag. There is active demand for all grades and it is pre dicted that prices will range high. No efforts will be spared to make this the best season yet, as our motto is. "To Go Foward." We appreciate the fact that to build up our town and county, our farmer friends interests will be well taken care of. All of our buyers are well equipped and fully prepared to do their whole duty, and there is that friendly rival ry among tnem tnat yeiias sucn splendid results for all sellers of to bacco on the Oxford Market. , You should sell your tobacco on the high-average Oxford because she is prepared to pay you the highest prices obtainable; because there are' oredrs enough on market for. more tobacco than this section grows; be cause you will be honestly and fair ly treated by the warehousemen; be cause there is an abundance of, money to handle the crop; because there are buyers for every grade, and bcause you will be heartily welcomed and squarely treated. Five spacious warehouses in full blast and up-to-the-minute men in all of them, OXFORD is, beyond all question, the place to sell your to bacco, -. . - The Minor Vareho use Is Ready or Business Openin Sale Tuesday Sept., 5th I T GIVES us real pleasure to say to our many friends and patrons that there has never been brighter prospects for a live opening sale and better promises for good prices than for this, the 1916 crop. Our many buyers who represent all the tobacco interest of the world are all here and ready to buy this crop at good figures. A 'Cordial Welcome Awaits You at the Minor as in the Past. It is our earnest desire and full determination to please each and every patron from start to finish. BRING US YOUR FIRST LOAD. We will show our appreciation in dollars which goes further than talk. We want your friendship and your tobacco. COME AND BE PLEASED. Your? for High Prices, . - '- ' . . v , , , . MANGUM. W ' i i I. - I 51 ', I I t , ' i .; ... f i . '. '4 ' .