PUBLIC LEDGER SATURDAY, AUGUST 2BTtt PAGE TWO II; )lrt ii.U - a .'J 3 J! ! J H t 1 il : If ? N 34 '13 -i4 6i IS I- 1'. I I J 61' 4 i ! i t H ' : - - 2ss 1 THE ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH JfclJt jMfl felM JllBiQiil Ifir- !' Popular Pastor of Oxford Presbyter ian Church. Among the able and highly es teemed pastors of the Oxford chur ches is Dr. Samuel Knox Phillips, who for the last four years has served as the pastor of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Phillips was born in Burgaw county, N. C. in 1885 but spent his boyhood days in Alabama and Tennessee. After receiving liis preparatory education in lyUT witn DR. G. T. LUMPKIN. Beloved Pastor of Oxford Baptist Church. For the last three years Rev G. T. Lumpkin has been the efficient and f?.ff popular pastor of the Oxford Baptist Church. He is a native of Virginia and spent the early years of his life on the farm in that state. After re ceiving his preparatory education he entered Richmond College from which he graduated and then went to Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary of Louisville, Ky., where he re ceived his theological training. Hav ing finished his course at the sem inary Mr. Lumpkin began his first pastorate which was at Weldon, N. C. From Weldon he went to Scotland Neck where he was pastor for a few years. He then went to Winston Salem and was there pastor of the Brown Memorial Baptist church for a few years. It was during his pas torate there that the new $40,000 church building was erected. Three years ago Mr. Lumpkin was called to the Oxford Baptist church and ac cepted the call, since which time he has been an able preacher and en thusiastic worker. The church work has grown rapidly in every depart ment under his leadership and Oxford is fortunate in having such a man in its midst. the large cities of this country includ ing Mobile, Ala., Chicago, , 1111., and New Orleans, La. In 1908 he came to Oxford and since that time has been with the Granville Real Estate & Trust Company of which he is now serving as president. Besides his business prospering, Mr. Powell has served in more than one way to do his share in building up the town. He is at present a member of the town hoard of commissioners. He was one of the organizers of the Granville Commercial Club and has served as president and vice-prasi-dent of that organization. He was also instrumental osganizing the Granville County Fair of which he is now a director. Another business enterprise of which he was an organ izer is the Oxford Building and Loan Association. DR. F. H. T. HORSEFIELD Able Rector of St. Stephen's Episco pal Church.. Rev. F. T. H. Horsefield has been well known in Oxford for the last nine years where he has served as the rector of the Episcopal church. He is a native of New York City and af- A. II. POWELL. - - .' t J f V sJ - , r " K THE OXFORD BAPTIST CHURCH the Bachelor of Arts degree. He then entered the Union Theological Seminary of Richmond, Virginia, and completed his theological training at that institution in 1910. Mr. Phill ips then began his first pastorate which was at Berryville, Virginia. After he had been there two years he was called to Oxford and accepted the call and came here in 1912. Since this time Mr. Phillips has been the able and popular pastor of the Presbyterian church and under his leadership the work of the church has grown in all its departments. He is a man that takes part in all phases of the town life that are good and wholesome and does all he can for the good of the town and the people. For several years he served as a member of the State Board of Med ical Examiners and for six years was secretary of this board. While ser ving on this board Dr. Hays intro duced new requirements in connec tion with its work that not only be came State and national but have be come international. He has also served a few years as secretary of the State Medical Society. He is now the efficient health officer of Oxford and Granville county and as such is very active toward improving the health conditions. Dr. Hays has been called upon to deliver addresses of importance, among which were the graduating addresses at Richmond Medical College and the graduating address at the Medical College which was at Charlotte before it was re moved from that city. He has also t delivered addresses at big State High Schools including Fayetteville and Raleigh. Live-AVire Real Estate and Insurance Man. Mr. A. H. Powell for several years has been one of Oxford's live busi ness men and most progressive citi zens, always taking an active , inter est in every thing that pertains to the progress of the town. He is a native of North Carolina, his birth place being Whiteville, Columbus county. After spending the early years of his life at that place he went to Horner Military School and from there to Wake Forest College at which istitutions he received hi? education. Having pursued his stud ies at college Mr. Powell left North Carolina when about twenty one years of age and for several years was engaged in business in several of :er attending private schools of that :-ity he attended St. Stephen's Col- ege from which institution he grad uated. Mr. Horsefield then went to 'ie General Theoligical Seminary of "-v Y-rk C iy and graduated from that institution. After leaving school le was rector of St. Luke's church of Cambridge, N. Y. for a while. Six teen years ago he came to North Car olina and was first located at Wil mington Avhere he had charge of St. lames church. From Wilmington Mr. Horsefield went to Golsboro vhere he was rector of St. Stephen's 2hurch for four or five years. In 1907 he came to Oxford which has been his home since that time. DR. B. K. HAYS. County Health Officer and One of the Best Physicians in the State. Dr. Benjamin K. Hays is one of Oxford's most progressive citizens and is known as one of the most learned men of his profession in the State. When a boy he attended Hor ner Military Academy and later took his medical course at the Richmond Medical College. After completing his medical course at the institution he continued his studies in Europe. Since he began active practice he has made a success as a physician and be sides the work of his profession he has been prominent in other things. J. ROBERT WOOD. The Up-to-Date Main Street Furni ture Dealer. Eighty years ago the gradfather of Mr. Wood was a dealer in furniture The business was handed down to the son, the father of Mr. J. Robt. Wood, who is left to maintain the envaible reputation of his forefathers. The Main street furniture estab lishment of Mr. Wood ranks high in the State. He carries a large stock; of furniture, mattings, rugs, pianos, Victrolas arid records. The prices are always right at J. Robt. Wood's! establishment. Mr. Wood is also a funeral director and embalmer. See his announcement elsewhere in this paper. ' 4 1 ;; Sure Fire Stuff. "Think your new play will go?'-' "Cdn't help but go. The leading plays one act in Pajamasw"--Kansas City Journal. THE OXFORD METHODIST CHURCH m Important. "My dear, what shall I buy you for your birthday?" "Consult our jeweler. He knows pretty well what my tastes are." "And did you tell him anything about the state of my finances?" Kansas City Journal. r :'y? ' ir THE OXFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ENT ANNOUNCEM Our system of purchasin oods throughout the year will enable us to adhere to to former prices exceptin a few lines wMchiare scarce and somewhat higher. i i- j Our Mr. Will Landis is now on the Northern Markets 'and - our Hew and up-to-date stock is aowing daily.