i SATURDAY, AUGUST 26TH 19, PAGE FOUR PUBLIC JjE D G P R POTLUC LODGER- BUSINESS LO CALS 1 V ' k r v?1 AND He J 3 OXFORD BANNER Entered as second-class matter Oxford postoffice at UMN VERY CLOSELY7TmJSrfOL OF AIVERTSING IS A VPnS18 PECTIVE WAY OP SECURlvi SF" STJLiTS. THE RATE IS TOvnE" IjINE each insertion Eav?a AGE SIX WORDS TO THP iiv STRICTLY CASH WITH n,SE' UNLESS THE ADVERTISER A REGULAR AirVERTISM S WITH THIS PAPER; NONPARS? T READING NOTICES AT nJlLL OP COLUMN ON PSoNT pKr,? A LINE. NO AD. TAKEN inp , lc' THAN 20 CENTS. R LEsS ti- !r Published Semi-Weekly by DAN A. COBLE Editor and Manager f if All communications, checks, and I money orders should be made payable and addressed to the Public Ledger. 1 1 'I . : "!1 fit is'1. 3! ill i u 3T I! f s u Hi r '3? WATCH FOR THE LABEL ON YOUR NEXT PUBLIC LEDGER Subscription $1.00 'n Advance IT WIL.U. ENABLE TOU TO DE TERMINE THE EXACT DATE ON WHICH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL EXPIRE AND WILL MA TERIALLY HELP US IF YOU WILL GIVE SAME YOUR PROMPT - ATTENTION. FOR RE-ELECTION: W00DR0W WI LSON THS HOT WAVE. With the cool and reasonable seas onable weather continuing for more than a week, and with the last fort night in August at hand'if September with that perversity of inaimate things that so often lead the weather to turn the month topsy-turvy.should have a few hot spells of its own, it is clear that 1916 has been far from representing the hot-summer type of climate. We have had a few hot days on the Atlantic littoral, but there have been no occasions when the consecutive number of such ran over three.1 The true hot wave only after the third day, when the persis tent high temperatures continue for a week or more .without a break, which duration constitutes the dif ference between mere interrupted hot spells and the killing hotwave type of summer, 1896 and 1901 be ing particular cases in point. For this we can be thankful. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE This Line of Business Ably Handled oy jjir. a, n. -oveii Fire, tornado, liability, steam boil er, plate glass, life, accident and health insurance is ably handled' by the Granville Real Estate & Trust Company, of which Mr. A. H. Powell; is president. This firm is now hadl- ing some valuable farms and building lots and now is the time to buy. See announcement on page 26. CO-OPERATION BENEFIT PUBLIC J. G. Hall Handles the Rexall Pro duct. Twenty years ago forty retail drug gists organized what is today known as the United Drug Company. It now comprises more than 7,000 lead ing retail druggists. The Rexall remedies are as near perfection as is possible. J. G. Hall, the druggist, handles the Rexall line. MAY GO TO SUPREME COURT. Indications Are iuat Gooch Case Will Be Appealed. STEM The tangled antenuptial will of the late Wayne Gooch, the wealthy Clarksville distiller, whose honeymoon trip and suicidal fate were mixed in the tragic proportions has assumed fresh aspects and the contested contract now goes to the Circuit court of Appeals of the Uni ted States, with five judges sitting, one United States Supreme judge, and will probably go to the supreme tribunal of the land. Joseph H. Gooch, prominently indentified citi zen of Granville county, and brother of Wayne Gooch, is in receipt of a letter from Richmond councel for Mrs. Annie Wayne Suhor, daughter of Mr. Gooch in which notice of ap peal is suggested. The preliminary victory of Miss Margaret Radciff, of Lexington, who as wife of Mr. Gooch for a few weeks wants onethird of his $250,00 es tate, is responsible for the endless litigation promised. S. S. P. Patterson, of Richmond, the chief councel for the married daughter of Wayne Gooch, has called in associate councels and the letter to Joseph H.-Gooch states that no stone will be left unturned in fight ing for a favorable verdict. Harry M. Smith, the Richmond criminal lawyer who won his spurs in the cel ebated Beattie trial, has been re tained to offset the multiple councel employed by Mrs. Margaret Radcliff Gooch, The hope-f or compromise offers no promisW of maturity. Judge Jeter C. Prichard, at the conclusion of the tes timony! in. the Circuit Court of Ap peals. ; f .' ., i The case on appeal will be heard IS'P J fSmiw HRS. F100RE, JR., GAINED 20 LBS. AND IS HAPPY Wife of Prominent Business Man Suffered 4 Years Before Getting Tanlac Tanlac has restored health and happiness to Mrs. J. W. Moore, Jr., wife of one of Greensboro's influen tial business men, after she had suf fered for four years and paid out $165 for doctors and medicinal treat ments. Mrs. Moore, Jr., says: "Mr. Moore advised me to take Tanlac after learning of the great good this wonderful tonic is doing and upon realization that doctors and other medicines, for which we ex pended $165 in four years, failed to bring the desired results. "I couldn't enjoy a 'movie' because of. my nerves an exciting picture Out of the Inky storm clouds he conies, the arch-enemy of all good farmers. There is nothing you can do to stop him from reaping his destructive harvest. Though you cannot prevent such damage you can protect yourself against money loss hy a Hail Insurance Policy of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co At a very moderate cost you can have your crops guaranteed by an insurance company that for 105 years has cheerfully, fully and promptly paid every just claim. J. R. ROLLER & SON CO. JOHN R. HALL,. Manager 24 Main St. Oxford, N. C. For the Biggest RAISED FROM MY SEED. BUY YOUR TURNIP SEED FROM ME, I HAVE THE KIND YOU WANT. BRING IN YOUR LARGEST TURNIP ' TO BE WEIGHED ANY TIME UP TO 10 O' CLOCK THE NIGHT OF NO VEMBER 30TH, 1916. Id IM Turnip THE "REXALL" STORE THE HANDSOME POSTOFFICE would completely upset them a ring of the telephone or door bell had the same effect. I was almost a nervous wreck when I first took Tanlac. But now I have improved generally be sides ading twenty pounds to my weight. I had to quit taking Tanlac because it gave me too great an ap petite," she smiled in conclusion. Tanlac is sold in Oxford by Frank F. Lyon Pharmacy; Creedmoor, Granville Pharmacy; Youngsville, Winston-Blank Drug Co.; Henderson, W. W. Parker; Fuquay Springs, Fu quay Springs Drug Co.,; Roxboro, Hambrick & Austin; Northside, Fleming Bros. ; Stem, Gooch . & Co zart's Drug Store. adv r "IMG? H? o) .1 MM) If M Lange's Model Shows On New College Street Id For a 10 lb. Fruit Cake .Five couples will participate. The couple , receiving the most ap plause from the audience will be declared the winner. This will be the feature program of the week, and is the biggest and funniest show produced on any ministrel stage. Come early as the first show will be given' promptly at 8: 00 . o'clock. Days of "49" Extra features and a big time is promised to those attending. The Spider Girl That wonderful and mystifying 20th Century illusion is, still puz zling the public, and should be seen to be appreciated. The Silo-Motordrome 'Is the talk of the town." If you haven't seen it, do so tonight. This Friday Night is Big Night. ' IBalkiiiug WE HAVE ONE OP THE BEST EQUIPPED BAKERIES IN THIS SECTION. FOR YEARS AVE HAVE BEEN SERVING THE PEOPLE OF OXFORD AND NEARBY TOWNS. EACH YEAR WE HAVE ENDEAVORED TO BETTER THE QUALITY ' OF OUR PRODUCT. WE BAKE Bread, Cakes, Pies, Cook ies; IN THE MOST MODERN AND SANITARY WAY. IF YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED OUR BREAD PHONE US A TRIAL ORDER. We Also Conduct a News Stand AND ACCEPT SUBSCRD7TIONS FOR ALL LEADING MAGAZIN ES AND NEWSPAPERS. LET US HAVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. PHONE 101 T . BUILDING Tabb Creek Church Raises Fund We learn through Mr. J. A. Belch er, who was in Oxford Thursday, that a collection amounting to $8.15 was taken at Tabb Creek Sunday School last Sunday for the flood sufferers in Western North Carolina. - ThU it a prescription prepared ezpeciftHy for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or lis dotes will break may esse, end if taken then at a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel cod does not gripe or sicken. 25c 1 1 Etc TTl BR COLLEGE STREET No. DOTH TOM B D(D) YOTllF POSITION WANTED EXPERIE ced bookkeeper, good collector" married, would like position in Oxford. Good references. Address M., care Public Ledger. 26-2tx BROKEN EYE GLASSES AND . Spectacles repaired. New lenses ' made to order. Expert work. Ox ford Jewelry Co. 26-2tx BOB BASKERVDLLE, THE TRANS fer and moving man. I meet all trains and do a general transfer and hauling business. Will be . glad to serve you at any time, i live on Granville street at No. 46. My, phone .number is 287-J. : : s , for sale: 9 ROOM house, with: all modern fixtures. Xne cottage with 5 rooms down stairs and i small rooms up stairs, with all modern conveniences. One cot tage with 4 rooms down stairs 2 small rooms upstairs, with all mod ern conveniences. This property can be bought at good figures. One gentle sound mare, work any where, not afraid of automobiles. One trap in good condition. One Jersey cow. D. C. HUNT. 26 FOR RENT TWO HORSE FARJI AT Gela, N. C, good dwelling, two good tobacco barns, pack barn and other out-buildings. Will rent for one fourth or money. Apply to F. H. Gregory, Stovall, N. C. 23-2t FOR SALE ALL MY HOUSEHOLD Furniture at once. Leaving city. Mrs. S. V. GRIMM, New College Street. 2tx WARNING DANGER THIS IS TO notify all persons to keep out of my crop with their guns and dogs. H. H. Eatman. 19-3t FOR RENT 6 ROOM, HOUSE; BROAD street near Furniture factory. Mrs. - W. H. BRITT. tf FOR SALF, BRAND NEW TOP Buggy. Best made by Oxford Bug gy Co. A Bargain. C. D. Ray. YOUR WATCH WILL KEEP BET ter time if repaired by J.W. Knight on College Street. 15-tf NOT CHEAP COAL But HIGH GRADE COAL at cheap prices for Summer , Delivery SEE US NOW C. D. RAY & SON AS THE RAYS OF THE SUN LIGHT your pathway, so are we the RAYS that guide you safely in the way to buy Lumber, Building Material, Paints and Coal that represent the value of your money and that sat isfy. C. D., RAY & SON, yards at ' Southern Railway Station, Oxford, N. C. tf FRUIT JARS AND JAR RUBBERS, Tobacco Knives, Lanterns, Therm ometers and twine. LYON-WINSTON CO. 19"tf BANK STOCK FOR SALE 5 SHAR es National Bank of Granville and 5 shares Oxford Savings Bank and Trust Co., apply to B. S. Royster tf ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY, METAL Purses" and Mesh Bags repaired and refinished to look like new at FRUIT JARS AND JAR RUBBERS Tobacco Knives, Lanterns, Tr1"" ometers and twine. LYON-v l- FOR LOWEST RATES ON ALL AUTOMOBILE TRIPS Call 287-L J. G. HERNDON MAXWELL CAR sometime this fall. DC