ntv AUGUST 26TH. 191 fl PUBLIC LEDGER PAGE SEVER LEGAL ADS SALE OP LAXD. . ler and by virtue of an order of Superior Court of Granville county, tlie ih Special Proceeding entitled Jlia n llen and T. A. Allen vs. J. B. J" ' x il " I shall sell for cash to highest bidder at public auction at lT court house door in Oxford, N. C. c.,turday, September 16th, 1916 n v o'clock M.. the following- des at "i real estate, viz: beginning at Sa - ttprw hue s i-1 -.v. ri running thence with Satter ro ad u ii" - . .... line to vv. u. Averitte s line; white s -ith W. G. Averitt's line to the thence n.:iTov rip-Vit-flf-WflV t Vl Yl r cmithern h the Southern Railway to the U ,-japp road: thence with the said Mence road to the beginning. Con-Fro-1 , ,r, roA o .t-c twenty-five (25) acres, or less, and being the "Z. W. Al- more t of land lying adjacent to len trac .Unpp THIS lanu wi" "C oui- ved before the sale and deed exe VeJed to purchaser according to the cU,..v This the 14th day of August, l91pENJ w. PARHAM, Commissioner. XleT OF VALUABLE LAND. pursuant to an Order of Sale made the Superior Court of Granville rnuntv in the Special proceedin there in pending, entitled "Cannon Johnson and Wife and others, ex parte," 1 shall, nMOXDAY, SEPTEMBER. 4th, 1016, l o'clock m., it being the first Mon Jav'in September, 1916, sell to th highest bidder, by public auction, for Lh at the Court House door in Ox ford' the followin described tract of Situated in Tally Ho Township, Gran ville County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. H. Stem, Tom Kearsev. Jasper Stem, W. D. Thomason, Meadows and others, containing 159 acre more or less, being the lands formerly nvned by Misses Susan and Elizebeth Johnson. This tract of land will be offered in two Operate tracts, containing 89 ac re, and the other containing 70 acres, per Plats made by B. E. Green, sur veyor, on June 20, 1916, and then the tract will be offered as a whole. Plats mav be seen by applying to the undersigned. This August 1, 1916 B. S. ROYSTER, Commissioner. SALE OP HOUSE AND LOT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust execiited to the undersigned, I shall on SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1916 sell by public auction for cash the fol lowing described real estate: Beginning at a stake William Al ston's corner on a new street at the rear of the Dr. Herndon Place, and run ning thence along said street 60 feet and back between parallel lines 150 feet, same being the house and lot owned by Otho and Henry Cozart and now occupied by Otho Cozart. Time of sale about the hour of noon. B. K. LASSITER, Trustee. A General Restitution. "Look, mother," said little Bobby, proudly exhibiting a hatful of mar bles, "I won all these from Willie Smith." "Why Bobby, exclamed his mother, "don't you know its wicked to play marbles for keeps? Go right over to Willie's house and give him back ev ery one of his marbles." "Yes, mother," said the boy, obedi ently. "And shall I take that vase you won at Mrs. Smith's whist party and give it back to her?" IsbmT rescued despairing wife After Four Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock wmes as follows : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during stime, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at At times, I would have severe pains ln my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was son confined to my bed again. After at nothing seemed to do me any good. nad gotten so weak I could not stand, m 1 gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle ol "toi, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first ose, I could tell it was helping me. I ?? now walk two miles without its unJg me, and am doing my work." trftnu aIe a11 run down from womanly Cardi riV00'1 give UP in desPair- Tr2 morp V?he wman's tonic. It has helped year a million women, in its 50 su7eivL,wonderful success, and should sold Tprip.y?u' t0- Your druggist has it win rtr?ui fr years. He knows what mendit oAsk him- He will recom ,u u- Begin taking Cardui today. Vv'sory fw CJiattanooa Medidn Co.. Udles Hrtion h Chattanooa Tenn- for SpecuJ "waeotfo; w VOur c anl 64-page book, Hon Women." tent in Uun wrapper. B66-0 ' ' . . ' ' ' - , , . . - THE MANUFACTURING PLANT OF TAYLOR-CANNADY A MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS A High Water Mark is Reached By Popular Oxford Firm In 1908 when the firm of Horner Bros. Company was formed no one, not even the members of the firm, dreamed that its business would reach the enormous proportions that it has now reached. For a business during the past five years to sell a cool million dollars worth of goods requires a great deal of confidence on the part of customers and energy on the part of the employees of the Company. . In the buying department Mr. Jas. W. Horner is manager, and ,we can truthfully say that a more shrewd and careful buyer never went upon the market than he. He knows the full value of a dollar and he always MR. SAM M. W ATKINS (See Page 18.) gets it because he realizes that here in Granville are hundreds of prosper ous farmers that want the very same thing and he must get it for them. When Horner Bros. Co. tell you a cer tain article is quoted at the lowest possible price you can safely rely up on their statement. The officers of this progressive company are: Messrs. C. W. Bryan, president; Jas. W. Horner, manager: D. K. Taylor, assistant manager and secretary. Their force of salesmen consists of the following well-known men: Messrs. Drew Bryan, Walter Crews, C. H. Timberlake, L. S. Bryan, Mrs. T. B. Pendleton. Miss Mary Fisher Hunt is the efficient stenogra pher. All of these popular salesmen will be glad to see you anytime you come to town and remember you al ways will get a hearty welcome at i the big store of Horner Bros. Co. THE GREENSBORO COMMERCIAL School, Greensboro, N. C, teaches Bookkeeping and Shorthand. School established 15 years. Fall term be gins Sept. 4th. Special rates to those enrolling beginning of ses sion. Write for catalogue. 12-4tx COMMISSIONER'S SALE OP REAL ESTATE An advance bid having been paid in to Court upon the sale heretofore made of the land hereinafter described under the proceeding entitled "John B. El liott and others, Ex Parte," I will of fer for sale by Public Auction at the Court House door in Oxford on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1916 at 12 M. the tract of land upon which the late Mrs. Susan Elliott recently re sided, bounded and described as fol lows : Begin at a stone on the old Oak Hill road, "W. J. Downey's corner, thence along center of said old road S. 84 1-2 W 2.85 chains, S. 82 W. 4.00 chains, S. 73 1-2 W. 5.00 chains, S. 69 1-2 W. 7.05 chains to an oak stump, Eakes' corner; thence by Eakes' line S. 2 1-4 E. 15.65 chains to a stone Eakes' corner; thence Eakes line and S. V. Morton's line S. 20 W. 48.30 chains to a pile of stone 1 ft. E. from a Black-gum pointer, said Morton's corner; thence his line S. 82 E. 5.18 chains to a stone, Morton's cor ner, thence his line S. 7 1-4 E. 5.92 chains to a Post Oak, Morton's corner; thence his line S. 87-3-4 E. 16.00 chains to a stone, said Morton and "VV. R. Cole's corner; thence with said Cole's line and Downey's line N. 20 E. 30.00 chains to a stone, Downey's corner; thence Downey's line N. 77 1-4 E.19.00 chains to a stone, Downey's corner; thence y. 27 1-4 W. 35.80 chains to a stone, X. 1 1-4 E. 8.62 chains to the beginning containing 177 1-2 acres, more or less. Said sale will be made for partition, see plat at Hicks & Stem's office. Terms cash. This the 2nd day of August, 1916. JOHN 13. ELLIOTT, Com. Hicks & Stem, Attorneys. OXFORD'S GRADED SCHOOL BUIL DING BUGGY COMPANY. TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Starts Your Liver Withont Making You Sick and Can Not Salivate Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falliner-off in the sale of calomel. They all give the I same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy re lief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasteing, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipa ted bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of cal omel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. J. G. Hall recommends Dodson's Liver Tone to take the place of calo mel, adv. UE-rJdY-TDSITu'a Will cure Rheumatism, Ncu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic v Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring; Worm, Eo. zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c. SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER Dr. S. Rapport OF DURHAM, N. C. Will be AT OXFORD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL Tuesday, Sept. 5th For the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Remem ber that you pay nothing for the examination of your eyes in buy ing glasses of me and I furnish only the best quality at a moder ate price. JOHN W. HESTER Attorney-at-Law Practice in Both State and Federal Courts Oxford, North Carolina. DR. BRANTLY HENDERSON Will be in Oxford every second and fourth Monday of each month at the office of Dr. L. V. Hender son. Practice Limited to the Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and throat, and examination of the Eyes for Glasses. D. G. BRUM MITT Attomey-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA ITCH CURED IN 30 MINUTES BY ONE APPLICA TION DAVIDS' SANATIVE WASH we guarantee to cure any case of Itch if used as directed of money re cured at once. 50c at your dealers, or mailed on receipt of 65c. OWENS & MINOR DRUG COMPANY.lt 19 South 10 St.. Richmond. Va. F. F. liYON. Oxford, N. C. 11-20-1C MMis & Stem Attorneys-at-Law. OXFORD. - - . N. CAROLINA. Practice in State Federal Courto. L. C. Weathers, O. C. Dr. Specialist of the Foot 117 U FAYETTE VILLE STREET RALEIGH, N. C. DR. BENJ. K. HAYS May be found in his office from 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. tlai'.y except Sunday. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. L. T. BUCHANAN is now lo cated in the Brown Building for the Practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office Phone 82-J Residence 210-J Office hours 10 to 12 A. M.; a to 4 P. M.: 8 to 9 P, M. B. S. ROYSTErI ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PRACTICE IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS OFFICES ODD FELLOWS'BLOG HUIarboro St.. OTF-onn TV. C L Oxford College Founded 1850 Oxford, N. C. I Preparatory and II Collegiate SPECIALS Music, Art, Business, Domestic Science, Pedogog, Expression. University and Standard College Graduates in charge of Departments. Both Piano and Voice teachers com pleted preparation s Berlin,Germany CHARGES (36 Weeks) Board and Literary Tuition, $163.00. Special Care of Younger Girls. Apply for Catalogue, F. P. HOBGOOD, Presidents FLOW FOR ALL OCCASIONS ROSES, VALLIES, , ...... J and CARNATIONS A SPECIALTY. WEDDINg BO QUETS AND DECERATIOXS AR RANGED IN FINEST ART. Floral offerings arranged with latess touch. Write us for prices on your requirements in cut flow ers and plants of all kinds. All communications promptly executed by, J. L. O'QUINN & GO. "OUR BUSINESS IS GROWING" PHONE 149 RALEI6H, II. C. S J ' I. i r (. 4 ' it. j i. " 4 . P., t i i V. ! " "f 11: i 1 ' t' f f i: r j it '4 i