9 1! m PAGE SIX PUBLIC LEDGER SATURDAY, SEPTm,. THE NEWS IN OUTLINE President Wilson has signed the child labor bill. The law becomes effective September 1, 1917. T TW .-r PI ' Jl fiH " ""m Caroling You wouldn't use oil lamps for lighting. Why use an oil stove for cooking? Have a gas range installed on trial and see for yourself that it is cleaner, cooler and more convenient. 4 I .f!M and fourth Monday of at the office orDr"' son. ' Hender- Practice Limited to the Din of the Eye, Ear, Xose and t and examination of the FvelT' Glasses. yes fr 11 m - . . ' ii i - I I,. ''I .All: 1 1 1 INI km 1 " ; WW I! 1 j V 'i.. if Y 1 ; 4 '" --r I h'l i' ' 1 1 V-S'-.V:. i-7 ' j-S 3 ! f J -: '. A !tJ- mm mm i A storm at Randleman blew off the top of the graded school building Damage estimated at about $2,000. Wilmington will in the. near future be the deep water terminal for the railroad that is being built from Kin ston through Duplin county. - It is officially announced that Brit ish casualties in killed, wounded and missing in August totaled 4,711 offi cers and 123,234 men. Infantile paralysis in New York now shows a decrease. Since the be gining of the epidemic there have been 8,199 cases and 1,987 deaths. Ex-Mayor John Underwood of Fay- etteville, who has been traveling in the North, has come home and put out the word that Woodrow Wilson vjll carry Pennsylvania. Francisco Madero, father of the late President Madero of Mexico, and one of the largest land owners in that country, was found dead in bed at his tome in New York on Sunday from lieart disease. He was b7 years oia UGH! CALOMEL 3IAKES YOU DEATHLY Stop Using Dangerous Drug It Salivates You!. .It's Horrible ! SICK Before The National Dmocratic Commit tee has made public a statement by Thomas A. Edison in which the in ventor said that although a life-time Republican he would support Mr. Wilson for re-election. Four shots fired into the camp of a Minnesota regiment at Mercedes, Texas, from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande resulted in a general ex change. About 150 shots were fired. None of the Americans were injured. General business conditions thru out the United States continued good through August, according to the Federal Reserve report by the Fed eral Reserve Board. Generally dis couraging reports were received from mo district. Five additional names have been added to the list of known dead in the disaster to the armored cruiser Memphis, at Santo Domingo, bring ing the dead to 41. Navy officials have little hopes that any of the miss ing men will be found alive. A jury in Buncombe Superior court gave Mrs. Louise Orr a verdict of $10,000 against John Rumbough and others for the death of her liusband, Bart Orr. Orr was killed in Rum bough's garage in Asheville about 2 years ago when a gas tank exploded. You're bilious, sluggish, constipat ed and believe you need vile, danger ous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your liver atnd straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making "you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nauseated- Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly harmless, so give it to your children any time. It can't salivate, so let them eat anything afterwards. J. G. Hall recommends Dodson's Liver Tone to take the place of calo mel, ady. SERVED HOI RIGHT Charlotte Physician Given a Three Year Term . Dr. J. W. Sommers, a physician of some prominence in Charlotte, who was convicted in criminal court Sat urday of performing an illegal oper ation on Miss Annie Jones, of Greens boro, causing her death at a local hospital, was sentenced to serve three years in the State penitentiary. THE GREAT STATE FAIR In 20 millitary camps along the Mexican border 38 big Y. M. C, A. Buildings rera themselves above the cities of white tents. The buildings are centres which the men appreciate so greatly that their facilities are used to the utmost during leisure from camp work and drill and throught evening hours until the bugles sound taps. C. Edgar Graham, of Greenville.S. C, has sold his home at Montreat to the North Carolina Presbyterian Sy nod. It is announced that $12,000 will be expended in enlarging and improving the property, which will be used for a home for ministers, evangelists and other Christian work ers during the summer assemblies at Montreat. The Southern Railway Co., plans to spend about $200,000 in Greensboro in the next few months in the im provement of shipping facilities. The plans have been made for the recon struction of the shifting yards West of the city and for the building of an up-todate coal chute to replace the antiquated affaiir which is still in use at that point. Frantic screams from an upper berth in a Pullman car in the Raleigh station early ,Friday morning caused passengers on the car to investigate. They found E. S.Thomas of Charlotte attempting a criminal assault on a young lady who said her name was Miss Eula Nunn, of Nashville, Tenn., and who had been on a visit to her friends in New Bern. The man was drunk. Former officers, directors ad coun sel of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad have been made defendants in a liability and restitu tion suit for more than $160,000,000, filed in the United States District Court by five Massachusetts stock holders. The suit is .based on evi dence taken at the recent trial of William Rockefeller and other for 'mer directors of the road, for crimi nal conspiracy under the Sherman anti-trust law. 4 You never can tell. Many a boy who never cared for kites becomes a fcigh. flyer. ' Many Improvements, Fine Attrac tions, Increased Premiums Many improvements are being made at the Great Sttite Fair for the comfort and convenience of the' thou sands of visitors who will attend this year. The Main Agricultural Building has been remodeled and rebuilt and is now an excellent and attractive ex hibition hall. In this will be housed the competitive County Exhibits. . The railroad trackage inside the grounds has been largely increased, so that there should not be any trou ble or delay in unloading and loading again at the close of the Fair. The walkways have been paved and covered ways placed between the buildings, eliminating mud and dust. New sanitary arrangements have been provided. Premiums have been greatly in creased and the exhibits will be bet ter and more attractive than ever be fore. All parents should be deeply interested in the Better Babies Con test under the supervision and direc tion of the Woman's Club of Raleigh address all communications rela tive to this Contest to the Woman's Club Better Babies Contest Dept., Raleigh. The line of free attractions pro vided by the Management this year far surpasses any heretofore shows aerial bombardment and war evolu tions by aeroplane, aerial Mitchells, flying Glendale, Miss Charlotte Brand, Premiere Cornetist, Dalbean ie's wonderful comic bicycle act, and others, besides fast harness and run ning races, band concerts, etc., in ad ditions to the wonderful attractions of the midway itself. Remember the dates October 16-21, 1916. A bandit, who gave his name as "jack" Evans of Chiceigo, held up a branch of the Anglo-California Bank the bandit dived in a coramandeeder automobile, pursued by the bank teller, and the chauffer drove the bandit into the park police station, five miles awoy where he was cap tured with the money. Formidable Attack . Thirteen Zeppelin airships took part in the raid over the Eastern counties of England Saturday night and London official statements say it was the most formidable attack by aircraft ever made on England. Only three of the Zeppelins were able to approach the outskirts of London. The total casualties were two persons killed and 13 injured. Policyholders Protected The Senate has voted to exempt from taxation under the administra tion revenue bill all trust funds of insurance "companies held in reserve .under State laws or by contract pol icyholders. - The action followed an unsuccessful effort made by Senator McCumber of North Dakota, to have all insurance investments exempted. D. G. BRUM MITT Attomey-at-Law Hillsboro Street OXFORD, KoRTH CABotKA ITfin TT T IX. 30 MINUTES BV nP TlOX DAVIDS' SASATIVE i?KA- r We g-uarantee to cure V ASH Itch if used as directed r f 3Lcase of cured at once. 50c ' S your Si?ey re mailed on receipt of 65c dealers, or OWENS & MINOR DRUG ( 0tt v-t p F19 'South 10 St mnJ F' L1' Oxford, K. C. ll-20.il RED CROSS SEALS Christmas Stamps to the Number of 300,000,000 Will Be Issued Hope to Raise $1,000,000 Three hundred million Red Cross Christinas seals are being printed in Cincinnati for the annual holiday campaign to be conducted under the joint auspices of the American Red Cross and the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tu berculosis. The Red Cross Christmas seal for 1916 was designed by T. M. Cleland, of New York City. Its hows a Santa Clau in red on a green background in the center panel with a pack on his ba'ck bearing a red cross. . The lettering "A Merry Christmas" and "A Happy New Year" is carried, ver tically up and down the sides of the seal, while the date and the words "American Red Cross" are across the bottom of the seal. The poster et- fect given by this seal is very strik- lg and makes an unusually hand some d'esign. The Senate has passed a bill chang ing from the second to the first Mon day in October the date for opening of the annual term of the Supreme Court and rexising procedure to limit cases which may be submitted. This will enable the court to disposes promptly of many cases in which ap peals have been taken merely to cause delay. THAT THO.SE' WHO BUY OUR, LUMBER SWG OUR PRAIJE. YOU WILL DO THE JAME WHEN YOU BUY. I RESOLVED IT TAND-S TO REASON THAT WHEN A FIRM MAKES LUMBER AND BUILDING SUP PLIES THEIR SPECIAL BUSINESS AND THAT THEY' KNOW GOOD LUMBER AND HOW To GET IT. WE ARE LONG EXPERIENCED IN THIS LINE. AND WILL CHEERFULLY HELP YOU IN SELECTING THE LUMBER AND THINGS YOU NEED FOR ANY PURPOSE. ARE YOU NOT GOING TO BUILD A MACHINE SHED FOR THOSE NEW IMPLEMENTS? MIGME 0.UMIBIEC3 CRUPAtW A. H. MOORE, IMAGER, OXFORD, R. C Wo lilt if THE 1 JK UmidleiptalkSinig snnidl ictF(Oilas ji ro: mm ii MUM The Big Store am Main St. Mkhs & Stem Attorneys-at-Law. OXFORD, - - - N. CAROLINA. p Fractice in State arM Federal Courts L. C. Weathers, 0. C. Dr. Specialist of the Foot FA YETTEVILLE STREET RALEIGH, A C. DR. BEXJ. K. HA1S May be found in his office from 10 &. in. to 1 p. m. I3!y except Sunday. ANAOUATCEMEXT Dr. L. T. BUCHANAN is now lo cated in the Brown Building for the Practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office Phone 82-J Residence 210-J Office hours 10 to 12 A. M.; to 4 P. M.: 8 to 0 P. M. 71 B. S. ROYSTER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PRACTICE IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS OFFICES ODD FELLOWS'BLDG HUlKboro St.. OYFnnn nr. c. I Oxford College Founded 1850 Oxford, N. C. I Preparatory and II Collegiate SPECIALS Music, Art, Business, Domestic Science, Pedogog, Expression. University and Standard College Graduates in charge of Departments. Both Piano and Voice teachers com pleted preparation in Berlin,Germany CHARGES (36 Weeks) Board and Literary Tuition, $163.00. Special Care of Ycanger Girls. Apply for Catalogue, F. P. HOBGOOD, President. PLOW l FOR ALL OCCASIONS ROSES, VALLIES, and CARNATIONS A SPECIALTY. AVEDDIXg BO QUETS AND DECERATIOXS AR RANGED IN FINEST ART. Floral offerings arranged with latess touch. Write us for prices on your requirements in cut flow ers and plants of all kinds. All communications promptly executed by, i. L. O'QUINN & CO. "OUR BUSINESS IS GROWING PHONE 149 RALEIGH, H. C.