i v 1 iTiTflDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1916 ,t Thad MOOre. Who lives nenr rrAeenvillef Pitt county, lost his gin i nne a lot of cotton and five barns Uu ,' hv firt last Prirlov nil, t oss $5,000 or more, partially cover- PUBLIC LEDGER -ed by insurance Satisfied Customers MEANS THAT THOSE THAT COME BACK TO US AGAIN XD AGAIN TO BUY AFTER THEY'VE MADE THEIR FIRST PURCHASE AT OUR STORE ALWAYS RECEIVE SATISFACTORY SERVICE. THEY KNOW THAT WHAT EVER WE SELL THEM IS THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. THEY KNOW WE DO NOT SK MORE THAN FAIR PROFIT ON OUR SALES. THEY KNOW THAT THEY CN RELY ON OUR ADVICE -If RUTH IS OUR STAND-BY. THEY KNOW THAT CARE FULNESS, HONESTY, COUR TESY CLEANLINESS AND PROMPTNESS ARE OUR MOTTO. FRANK F. LYON'S "Is the Place." College St. Oacford, IM.C m PAGE THREE DON'T FORGET TO BUY YOUR A L AMLY Oxford Ice Co. Dr. S. Rapport OF DURHAM, X. C. Will be AT OXFORD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL Tuesday, Nov. 7th For the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Remem ber that you pay nothing for the examination of your eyes in buy ng glasses of me and I furnish only the best quality at a moder ate price. STOVALL NEWS ITEMS (Correspondence Public Ledger) Protracted Meeting The protracted meeting began nere at the Rar.tist oV n -,-!,. 3 p. m. Rev. Upchurch is a splendid I --.v.v,Ji ciiiu uuu l ian to near mm expound the gospel, starting Wednes day there will be three services per day one at. 11 a. m., 1 and 7 p. m. You are cordially invited to attend each service. First Visit Since 1876 Mr. and Mrs. William Cole and son, B. F. Cole, all of New York are the pleasant guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howard this week. Mr. William Cole has been connected with the New York Times for 34 years. He visited the town of Oxford in the year of 1876, when he reaches the old town this time he will be pleas antly surprised when he sees the pro gress it has made since he last visited it, for the writer thinks she is on a boom and I know it. Mr. Cole is a brother of Mr. Frank and Charlie Cole, the sons of Dr. Cole who used to live at Berea. Mr. Cole also told me that when he was here last our good old faithful J. T. Britt was ham mering on the Public Ledger and I told him the paper was still printed by Mr. D. A. Coble, also a faithful servant of the people of the good old county and State. Personals. Mr. H. L. Hancock of Henderson, is the. pleasant guest of his cousin this week. Capt. J. T. Spicer deserves much credit as he has put crushed rock a round the depot. Now we will have no mud there. There were quite a number of peo ple from here that motored to Bul lock Sunday to hear Dr. Marsh preach, as there were no services here till afternoon. He preached on Judg ment Day and he handled his subject well. Mrs. A. T. Younger has returned from a two week's visit at Townsville where she visited relatives. Miss Linville Younger has accept ed the Principal's place at Bullock school. Miss Dollie Hicks of Bullock was the pleasant guest of Miss Lillie Wil kerson Sunday. Mrs. Flutcher Norwood left Wed nesday for a short visit to relatives in Keysville. Mr. Taylor Vaughn has returned from Canada where he has been for some time. He says crops are not as good as years before owing to the dry weather. Sorry to note the little son of Mr. J. P. Williams has pneumonia, hope he will soon recover. Mrs. J. J. Davis who has been on the sick list for past three weeks is out again to the pleasure of her many friends. At Spray, Rockingham county, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Baron, stepped on the covering of the well at his home, a decayed plank gave way and the boy fell in the well and was drowned. John C. Drewry of Raleigh is dead. He was secretary of the grand lodge of Masons, had served in the Legis lature and was formerly publisher of the Raleigh Times. Two negroes accused of being im plicated in the killing of Deputy Sheriff James Gibson, during a jail delivery at Nowata, Okla., were tak en from the jail and lynched in front of the court house. SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER Catarrh Cannot Be Cured " with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach tiie seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was pre scribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. I 3XZ DON'T FORGET rham (County Fair Durham, N. C. ctober 1(0) -13 Inclusive igger and Better Than Ever Before. Meet Your Friends There and Enjoy the Show. Like getting back home for Thanksgiving they satisfy ! Thanksgiving with the old folks at home it does satisfy I For your smoking, Chesterfields do the same thing they satisfy ! But Chesterfields are MILD, too that's the wonder of it. Don't expect this new cigarette enjoyment satisfy, yet mild) from any cigarette but Chesterfields, be cause no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend an entirely new combination of tobaccos and the biggest discovery in cigarette making in 20 years. "Give me a package of those cigarettes that SA TISFY. 99 1 M BUS T T IS 5 10 for 5c Also packed 20 for 1 Oc GLEANINGS FROM HESTER (Correspondence Public Ledger) : Mrs. Joe Renn from Durham is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Parrott. Misses Sallie and Ethel Roberts, and Messrs. Zeb Roberts and Eugene Whitaker were the guests of Mrs. Earnest Creks Sunday. Mr. Henry Bullock went to Dur ham Sunday. Miss Camillia Pittard went to Ox ford Saturday on business. Miss Margaret Fagan, spent the week-end with friends in Creedmoor. Mrs. W. L. Peace and Miss Mar guerite Cannady spent the week end at their homes in Oxford. Dr. and Mrs. Bullock had a de lightful trip through the country to Hillsboro last week. The ice cream supper which was held at Hester school Friday night for the benefit of the piano fund proved to be quite a success. There were quite a number of dis appointed people in Hester Friday when the Durham Booster failed to pass through. Mr. S. A. Fleming spent last week in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. John Hester of Ox ford and Mr. and Mrs. Isam King from Durham' spent the week end with Mr. W. A. Hester. There will be a meeting of the Community Life Club at the schol house Friday afternoon October 6 at 3: 30. Everyone is urged to be present. At North Wilkesboro Wednesday night the Jenkins hardware store was entered and about 10 revolvers, 25 to 30 knives, two breech-loading and one automatic shotgun, a Rem ington rifle and a quantity of ammu nition stolen. The same night the garage of Clem Wrenn was broken open and his touring car stolen. Sandford Express: Mr. E. P. Wick er has sent an ear of popcorn to this office on which much of the corn was popped open as if it had been over a hot fire. This corn poped open on the stalk during the very hot weath er several weeks ago. T3 . Judge Boyd has been ill with rheu matism at Asheville and his condi tion is improved. 3o must Fu3iirimituiir aumdl Uiradeirt&Miru ictrolas aid Piaios The Big Store on Main St. Oxford!, JM. .