PAGE FCUR PUBLIC LEDGER SATURDAY. NnvBim I8 I9lft PUBLIC LEDGER AND OXFORD SBANNEK PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE EDITOR AXD MANAGER Entered at postoiTice in Oxford, X. C as second-clasn mail matter. All Communications, Check and Money Orders should be made payable and addressed to the Public Ledger. BUSINESS L01CALS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Payable in Advance ONE YEAR $1.50 EIGHT MONTHS 1.00 SIX MONTHS 75 FOUR MONTHS &0 NOTICE Subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. WATCH THE DATE ON YOUR LABEL,! It is a waste of time to try to make some people believe there are two sides to a question. Perhaps you have observed that it is usually the poorest performer who is always the most willing to play. Distance may lend enchantment, but you never see some people back ing very far away from a mirror. If the thing had kept up much longer we would have known how manv electoral votes there in each State. They tell us that now is the time to swat the fly, but we have only two or three left and they buzz so pathetical ly that we haven't the heart. Speaking of the Tilden affair of 1876, there isn't a woman on earth and only a few men who can recall that very exciting event. Nothing so wonderful in the state ment that a Maryland man has cast nineteen Presidential votes in ninety two years, In days agone some peo ple used to cast that many in a sin gle day. (Continued From Eirct Papre) CHAVIS GOES TO PEN Hester received six months en the roads for carrying a pistol. John Ragland pleaded guilty to carrying a concealed weapon. Jere Bullock was convicted of larceny. These two de fendents had not been sentenced when this was written. Carrie Bowden, a negro girl, was convicted of larceny and given six months in jail. J. H. McCain for the offense was sent to the roads for six months. In the case of Frank Mc Ghee, the negro who shot the man over at the Fair Grounds, the injured man was too unwell to be present. The case was therefore continued and an order made admitting McGhee to bail in the sum of $500.00 whenever the phvsician in charge of the injur ed man gives certificte that he is out of danger. Of course, the prisoner will not be allowed bail o long as there is a possibility of the death of the injured man. Matthias Grissom was up for an assault and was hired out to Mr. J. W. Whitfield for six months. Graham Thorpe for an assault was fined $10 and taxed with the costs. Allpn "t'aurrha" i"-"; bnd over to rourt fr disDOsing of mortgaged nronerty. He fa'ld to anpear and his bond was de clared forfeited. Pattie Rainey for retailing had prayer for judsrmen continued against her on payment of osts. Charlie Bowden was before the court for non-support of his fam ilv. Judgment was, sunended on payment of costs and of a certain sum for stipport of his family. Wil liam Hicks, a characteristic hobo, was before the court for entering the hou?e of Mr. S. T. Dickerson out at. Dickerson and stealing certain arti cles of clothes:. He was given 12 months on the roads. The most important criminal case was that against Bud or Jim Chavis for the killing of Will Bn.Jlnck. Both parties were esrroes and lived rear r. William Thome's in Oak Hill Townshin. According to the evidence it anneared that, the killing was the result of pn accident erowing out of the carels pointing of a gut at Bul lock bv Chpvis. At the beginning of the trial Solicitor Gattis announced that he would not ask for a veridct of murder in the first desrree. After the evidence was in a nlea of man slaughter was tenedered for the pris oner which was accepted by the State and Judge Daniels imposed a. sen tence of two years in the State's prison on Chavis. The result seem ed to meet with the treneral anroval of those who heard the case tried. THE READERS OF THE PUBLIC LEDGER SCRUTINIZE THIS COL UMN VERY CLOSELY. THIS CLASS OF ADVERTSING IS A VEBY EF FECTIVE WAY OF SECURING RE SULTS. THE RATE IS 5 CENTS A LINE EACH INSERTION, AVER AGE SIX WORDS TO THE LINE. STRICTLY CASH WITH ORDER UNLESS THE ADVERTISER RUNS REGULAR ADVERTISEMENT WITH THIS PAPER. NONPARKLL READING NOTICES AT BOTTOM OF COLUMN ON FRONT PAGE 10c. A. LINE. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20 CENTS. KUBRER HOOFING THAT CAN'T be equaled anywhere at Samuel Davis, Clarksville, Va. The man who pays the. freight. 18-25 ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY, WATCH es. Spectacles ana Uye Glasses re paired and refinished at Knight's to look like new. tf FOR KENT HANCOCK HOME place; all modern conveniences. F. W. HANCOCK, Jr. 15-2t DAVIS, THE IIARDAVARE MAN, Clarksville, has a good stock of painted and galvanized V crimp roofing oh hand at prices lower than factory today. 87,and 8 foot lengths are his stock lengths. Send your orders now, and save money while he has it. Davis, pays the freight. . 18-25 - i CARRY YOUR W ATCH AND JEW elry Repairs to J. W. Knight, Col lege street and get it done while you wait. All work guaranteed. TO SEE BETTER, SEE KNIGHT, the Optometrist, College street, Oxfrod, N. C. tf DAVIS, THE HARDWARE MAN, Clarksville, has a good stock of painted ?.nd galvanized V crimp roofing on hand at prices lower than factory today. 6, 7, and 8 foot lengths are his stock lengths. Send -your orders now, and save money while he has it. Davis pays the freight. 18-25 STOLEN MALE POINTER DOG, Color, liver and white, about 2 years old. Answers to the name of "Jack." WThen stolen had new col lar locked on him. Large dog, long tail, keen nose. Any information will be appreciated. MOSE KING, Oxford, N. C. 4-5tx A CAR OF FIELD FENCING, BOTH American and Pittsburgh in hog wire, and stock fencenow at prices 10 to 15 per cent lower than fac tory cost today. A good stock on hand and prices for the next ten days lower than you will ever buy again for. 18-25 WANTED 500 BUSHELS CORN AT market price 90c OXFORD ROL LER MILL, W. A. Parham, Prop rietor. 4-11-18-25 400 TYPEWRITERS ALL KINDS and all grades, REMINGTONS $12 up. Instruction book with each machine. Type and repair parts for all makes of Typewriters. EMPIRE TYPE FOUNDRY, BUFFALO, N. Y. sat. 10-21-17 HOG WIRE, FIELD FENCE, POUL- try wire, Barb wire is mow going at Davis' lower than you can buy from factory and if you want to save yourself money, then, now is the time to write or come at once. Davis, the Hardware Man, Clarks ville, Va. 18-25 BIG LAND SALE OF lOOO ACRES The well known Oakdale Farm of 1000 acres sold at auction first i-n small farms, then as a whole. This is a good farm loamey land with clay subsoil naturally drain ed and suited to the growing of fruits, tobacco, cotton and corn. A very healthy place, no mosquitoes or malarial. Plenty of labor and i quiet citizenship, nicely located 4 miles west of Bunn Level on Nor folk & Southern R. R., 7 miles South of the busy town of Lilling ton the county seat of Harnett county. Terms very easy 1-5 cash 5 years to pay the remainder. Time Nov. 21, 1916, 10:30 a. m. Place: on the farms. Correspond with J. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. ll-2tx SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER DR. TUCKER TALKS His Majoritv is Or One Thousand In The District ( Dirrham Herald) Senator-elect E. J. Tucker, of Rox boro, was avisitor in the city yes terday. Herwas elected Tuesday to represent the seventeenth senatorial district in the general assembly. Dur ing the past term he served as a mem ber of the house of representatives from Person bounty. The senator spoke interestingly of the recent elec tion results in Roxboro. The heavi ness of the vote was surprising and the largeness of the republican vote was also a surprise to many people. In Person county President Wil son's majority was thirty-six votes. Major Charles M. Stedman, congress man from the fifth district, and his republican opponent, Mr. Gilliam Grissom, tied, receiving exactly the same number of votes. Senator Tuck er's mapority over his republican op ponent was sixteen, although in Gran ville county his majority wras 9 87. The democratic candidate for sheriff was leected by a lead of. fifty-one. A democratic coroner was elected and the people chose one democratic county commissioner, the other mem bers of this board being republicans. Person's one representative in the lower house is a republican. The democratic state ticket was elected by slight majorities, Governor-elect Thomas W. Bickett's margin over Mr. Frank A. Linney being eight votes. The total vote cast in the county was approximately 1,900, or about 500 votes more than the usual number. Senator Tucker sa4d that the republi cans put up an unusually hard fight and that much money and whiskey was used. : .; :..m-' " ' ' ' "';';'V OFFICIAL VOTE OF GRANVILLE NO VEMBERTk Precincts o It 9 C3 Q C O K B g.8 B -5 O S3 (t . t o o o O N 2. . 3 o 1 t3 o p t I? tag H . It J3 o CD CO 53 p t 2 0 ft a P XJX p p o Dement ... 76 34 . 91 19 76 35 81 30 76 32 79 77 Bell Towtn . 198 19 109 14 108 19 109 18 109 17 108 106 Wilton.. .. Hi 72 99 88 133 60 129 60 124 58 122 110 Grissom . .. 86 50 93 42 94 42 94 24 94 42 93 94 Creedmoor 104 108 94 118 112 100 106 104 116 95 112 102 Wilkins ... 73 57 70 60 76 54 71 58 80 51 73 71 Stem .... 95 114 78 134 90 118 98 112 101 109 95 101 Geneva ... 95 41 84 50 94 45 95 41 94 42 93 98 Bsrea .... 59 17 52 23 58 19 61 18 59 18 60 61 Howard . . 73 3 61 10 77 1 79 1 75 1 79 78 Buchanan . 60 15 55 21 58 17 58 15 56 17 59 61 Oak Hill ... 68 9 67 10 69 9 68 9 69 8 66 67 Stovall ... 83 43 83 43 78 44 83 42 80 43 83 83 Bullock ... 40 36 40 36 40 36 40 36 42 24 39 40 Salem .... 6,8 22 67 23 65 23 68 22 67 22 70 70 N. Oxford . 248 18 246 17 248 17 248 18 246 18 245 242 S. Oxford . 214 19 216 20 215 22 219 17 220 17 216 212 Totals . .1664677160572816816 61 170 71 643 1 1708 6 14jT6 92 T6 7 4f P p (3 P a. 6-i o d o Ln 78 109 90 92 84 70 88 87 61 74 59 69 83 40 68 246 215 77 108 124 93 104 75 93 100 61 79 61 69 83 39 70 249 216 67 31 32 108 17 lg 98 60 60 94 42 43 92 96 108 66 58 67 89 114 122 87 55 44 61 18 181 76 2 l 59 15 13 69 9 8 80 42 42 39 37 36 70 22 22 244 18 19 215 19 18 P P3 - - : : a- -r! ' I 19 17 20 90 6I112 32 43 44 115 97 138 59 56 60 114 Hi 119 41 37 41 18 18 lg 2 1 2 !5 12 15 J 8 8 42 42 42 36 37 37 24 24 23 21 18 20 I 26 19 19 For President: Wilson, 1713; Hushes, man: Stedman, 1625; Grissom, 734. s, 648. For Governor: Bickett, 1702; Linney 642 For Coroner: Dr. W. N. Thomas, 1591. , r'l73474T For Congress- TAX NOTICE Your Town Taxes for 1916 are now due. If not paid before Dec. 1st a pen alty of 1 per cent, per month will be added as provided in Town Charter. R. B. HINES, nov Town Tax Collector. THE FINEST LINE OF RUBBER ROOFING made, and the largest stock we have ever had at one time time is now at Samuel Davis, Clarksville, Va. Price: $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 1.90 and 2.25 per roll. The $1.90 and 2.25 grades cant be beat anywhere. RUBBER ROOFING THAT CAN'T be equaled anywhere at Samuel Davis, Clarksville, Va. The man who pays the freight. 18-25 COOK STOVES AND RANGES ARE my leaders at present, now if you want to save money on a range or cooketove, now is your time, while Davis is selling them lower than ever again. Samuel Davis, The Hardware Man, Clarksville, Va. SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER The Weekly Ambon Of St. Stephen's Parish The Twenty second Sunday after Triniiy. We speak of the "Greek Church" or, as it calls iself, the Holy Orthodox, Catholic, Apostolic, Oriental Church. The fact that this Church, a good half of Christendom, passes its life out of sight of European 'civilization adds to its interest. For it, there has been no Middle Ages, no Reformation, no Protestantism. It remains much as the fourth century left it. Its great spiritual power has been shown not in public convulsions, but rather in its penetrating influence on individual character. The deepest personal piety, and the profoundest Christian devotion is, to-day, fouaid among the a verage members of this Church. The Russian Church Music is the best in the world. ' It is not accompanied by any musical instru ment. The last prayer in Morning Prayer in Prayer Book comes from Liturgy of St. Chrysostom. Sermons in the Worship of this Church are only occasional. SERVICES. Holy Eucharist: 7.30. a. m. Sunday School, Men's Bible Class, and Young Women's Bible Class: 9:45. Morning Service and Sermon :11. o'clock. Service at Berea. 3.30. p. m. We Recommend SUNS HIN E Coats and Suits for STYLE, QUMJTY ml Sffi C 7500 VOU might shop around again and again but finally you will decide upon a Sunshine Coat or Suit for Fall,. because Sunshine "Garments of Qual ity' embody everything that you really want in your Fall apparel. Correct style and exclusiveness make them the choice of hundreds of critical women who know the differ ence between permanent and temporary satisfaction. Come and let us If you have put off i buying your Coat un til now, we can save you money. show you through our suits, as we have de cided to close out what we have at a big reduction. 2 Big Stores 5 & 7 Plain Street PeFldisioii-fGreei Co, "The Quality Stores " 2 Big Stores 5 & 7 Main Street