"WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY, 7, 1917 flOW TO BE RID OF CHRONIC DANDRUFF The only way to be permaaitly rid of disgusting, untidy dandruff is to correct its cause. Destroy the dand- PtfBLIC LEDGER INTERNED SHIPS. Reported That Germans Would Sink All Their Boats Interned Here. New York, Feb, 3 A force of United States custom officers and po lice at 9 o'clock tonight boarded the German liners lying at their piers at Hoboken and searched them from stem to stern. The searching party was headed by George F. Lamb, de puty collector of the port and chief of Police Patrick Hays of Hobokem. mv, n j :i . .. . xiie, gictucoi etuLivity oi tne neu trality squad" which is watching the German vessels was created by the report that the steamer's crew had been preparing to render their ship useless in the event of "war. Collector of the Port Dudley Field Malone, so chief of police says, has asserted there was reason for making casionally keeps this delicate organ a most thorough investigation, of the regulated aaid they eat their favorite fiteen or more vesels which have been foods without fear. (interned at Hoboken since the becim- If your stomach doesn't take care ning of the war. Chief Hayes under- of your liberal limit without rebel- stands that reports were current that lion; if your food is a damage instead the vessels would either be scuttled of a help, remember the quickest, or their machinery ruined. surest, most harmless relief is Pape's Chief of Police Hayes, with a squad "T)ia.rvnRiTl whirh nrs nnlv fift-ir rontR Of nnlir.fi'meTl in Tllaln P.lntVi hnrriaH the fore with some one whom he de- for ft large 1Va L the piers Qf thQ Hambirg-Ameri- SireS lO pietseiiL . tduuiudie lul I fri1lv wnnHorf,,! U Hicfc onH nan nnrl North aermnn T .A-vri linoe j t3- . sets things straight, so gently and There they were men by Deputy Col- easily that it is really astonishing, lector Lamb, head of the customs Please, for your sake, don't go on and on with a weak, disoredred stom ach; it's so unnecessary. EAT WITHOUT FEAR INDIGESTION OR SOUR, ACID STOMACH Instant relief! . . "Papes Diapepsin" ends your stomach troubles forever. Wonder what upset your stomach ruff germ and get rid of dandruff for which portion of the food did the rood by rubbing a little of the gen- Qamage do you? Well, don't both- Parisian Sage directly on the er If your -stomach is in revolt; if hire scalp until absorbed. You will ?ouJ' gassy and upset, and what you mirely be amazed at theresult of T iemeuieQ ini stuDDorn ovpn one application. lumps; neaa diztzy and aches; belch Only a few days massage with Per- sse uaa acias eructate undigested ,1 x I ILMJll I nrPPTh tmil tnnmio nnnnA inan S3-&" 41X1X1 "ccucu LU ucsuuy ine I . twu6uc tuaicu germs that cause the dandruff to JU&L .LdKe a mue tape's Diapepsm tmyi The scalp becomes healthv. and in five minutes you wonder what the hair will grow better, show more became of the indigestion and dis- life ana vitality, ana you neea never Vi he troubled by dandruff again. Fad- Millions of men and women to-day ed, dull or lifeless hair is quickly know that it is .needless to have a restored to beauty by this treatment,, Dad stomach. little Diapepsin oc- which is absolutely harmless. Parisian Sage can obtain from all rirnc stores everywhere. It is not ex pensive. Governor of the State. (Smithfield, Herald) Ever and anon some one iomes to PAGE THREE WONDERFUL STUFF! LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS TOWNS IN ALASKA BOOMING. Governor claiming that he is from the East or the West, and that the East or the West is entitled to name the Governor at that particular time. When North Carolina choses a Gov ernor he is chosen Governor of the whole State and not Governor of any section, and for that reason it should make no particular difference as to Something Like Old Days in North- what section he hails from, so he be the best qualified man for the posi tion. Let fitness be the first consider ation when we come to choose our Chief Magistrate, and let the section he comes from be a secondary matter. and other custom NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIO Facing been appointed by the western States. "Not in the old days of the West when the towns spruaig up over night were there any more marvelous growths than have occured in Alaska within the last year or two," observed James Marshall, of Seward. Pehaps the most remarkable growth of a town is that of Cordova UierK oi iue ouyenu! . . v a. vxxxx- , . distrihiitine nentrA for Vllie UOUI1LV do AUiiiuiouaiui ujjuu ' T.,, been the gateway through which have the estate of Martha Anne JJaniei deceased, I hereby notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the 27th day of Jan uary 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate nrp rpmiested to make immediate settlement. This January 26th, 1917. S. T. DANIEL, Administrator of Mar tha Anne Deniel, deceased. jan27 DAVIS, THE HARDWARE MAN, Clarkesville, Va., pays the freight on your wire, your roofiing, your machinery, and Will save you mcwi- 4 M HELL Bible Facts Aho;it Every Text exammel Sfjecial information, large 24 page pamphlet, 10c Get it today, Leaflets free. x J. F. DODGE,Box 0, Henderson, N. C. ggg--- - - 313 OUMRN RAILWAY SCHEDULE CHANGES Effective Sunday, December 10, 1916 Train No. 114 will be cilanged to leave Durham at 1:00 p. m. Train No. 117 will be changed to leave Hen derson 2:00 p. m Oxford 2:40 p. m.. arrive East Durham 4:10 p. m.f Dur ham 4:20 p. m. For detailed information ask your agent, or address: J. O. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. 1 Am t Prices That Are Right. We carry a full line of the standard remedies. And our trade is brisk enough to insure a fresh stock at alltinies. 1 If you see it advertised in a il reputable paper you will find fcil lin 1 ii Always aoie to supply you. I We aim to keep in stock all the latest dicovered remedies and ingredienst prescribed by our local doctors. So, no mat- what the "ring it to us. prescription is, Our prices are most reason able because we know how to buy. mm U r lrnMin m I . L I II vi A "Is the Place." College St. Oxford, N.C passed more than $3,500,000 of cop per each month. In the last year Cordova has had a wonderful advan cement in the building up of a large fish industry. "The people of Valdez are rebuild ing their town with a spirit and de termination stronger than ever. Se ward has many advantages that will make it a prosperous community. W are now preparing to build up a fish "tneutrality squad, agents. - They began going over the vessels in the most thorough manner. Par ticular attention was paid to , the j ships engines. At a late hour the searchers had disclosed nothing of what they had found. The report which, stirred the "neu trality squad" into activity was to the effect that tonight all officers and en gineers of the. interned vessels had been summoned, while the crew were ashore on account of the pay day. Then the report continued a re port of both the Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd lines had ex plained that account of the threaten ed war with Germany all engines would have to be rui'ned. Officers and engineers would have to go to work immediately and destroy not only the pistons and steam valves but also prepare the sea valves for emergency cases. On a moments notice these valves can be torn open and the ships can be sunk. The broken pieces of the piston, according to pre-arrangement, were to be thrown overboard so that Mrsr-w w vuvrpa tixeii- lilt CO ril or calluses off with finger no pain. No humbug! Any corn, whether hard, soft or between the toes, will loosen right up and lift out, without a jarticle of pain or soreness. This drug is called freezone and is a compound of ether discovered by a Cincinnatti man. Ask at any drug for a small bolttle of freezone, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus. Put a few drops directly upon any tender, aching corn or callus. Instant ly the soreness disappears and short ly the corn or callus will lossen aaid can be lifted off with the fingers. This freezone doen't eat out out the corns or calluses but shrivels them without even irritating the sur rounding skin. Just think! No pain at all; no soreness or smarting when applying it or afterwards. If your druggist don't have freezone have him order it for you. WELIi TUBING WE HAVE IT OX hand in most any size, so if ydu want the best price, write Samuel Davis, Clarkesville, Va. NOW tf NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a vacancy has occured in the Oxford Fire Department Hose Company, No.- 1, at the last meeting. All those wishing to join will send in written applica tion with a fee of $5.00. By order of Fire Dept. WADE H. BRITT, Foreman M feb31t SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER Minutes of the Pierian Literary So ciety of Hester School The meeting was called to order, by the president, Miss Glayds Stroud, as the secretary, Miss Rena Crews, was absent. The Club appointed Miss Mary Frances Pittard in her place. Each member answered to his name, as the roll was called, with unusually good quotations. After this the society sang Holy, Holy, Holy,. This was succeeded by the following program : Recitation "The Old Year and The New" Clyde Haskins Local News. .... . .Frances Moss Uncle Remus Story.. ... .Mrs. Leak Peace. Current Events . .Glayds Stroud Carolina . ..... . . Society Recitation "The Raeeedv Man".... .. Florence Green Foreign Topics . . ... McCullen Tun- stall. Shepherd Story. . . . .4th and 5th, grades. Spelling Match ....... ... By Society Song "Building, Daily Building". ... Society. After selecting sides for another spelling match, the meeting adjour- "cu iu mtjtji. again, j? naay ariernoon, February 9th, 1917. THE TIME TO BUY WIRE IS NOW, and wehave 26 inch in both 6 and 12 in ch stay, 47 inch in 6 and 12 wire. So save money and send your oredrs at once to Samuel Dav is, Clarkesville, Va. tf DAVJS, THE HARDWARE IAN, Clarkesville, Va., pays the freight on your wire, your roofiing, your machinery, and will save you mon ey, tf SUBSCRIBE FOR PUBLIC LEDGER ir : n inHnstrv. Ariia.cent to Seward are some of the largest halibut banks in they could not be. replaced for months Ihe North. In the next 10 years and thus would incapaciate the ves- will ho sfnrPR of nrosnerous els from active service for a long towns built in 91aska, for work that territory has only begun." in WOOD PULP. period. Every officer, it was said, had to swear an oath not to divulge a word of the arrangements. It was thought that the absence of the crews would Immenses Amount of Timber Suitable assist in keeping the strictest silence. for Making Paper in Territory Tributary to Fayette ville (Feyetteville Observer.) Below will be found carefully pre pared estimates of number of acres and number of cords per acre of tim ber suitable for the manufacturer of trolling the piers day and' night wood pulp within a radious of forty I There are three inspections of each miles of Fayetteville and with ample vessel made every twenty four hours shipping facilities to handle same, two during the day and one at night. The searching parties which comb ed the liners tonight worked with the perronent "neutrality guard" ofNelev en men. These custom men are on constant watch, one at each pier head and one at the street gate of each dock. In addition there are men pa- NO TICE ! ! I" We beg to announce that our new manager, Mr. E. A. Johnson, is here and that we are now in v a position to do your engraving and jewelry repair ing promptly and in a thoroughly satisfactory man ner. We wish to express our sincere appreciation of the consideration shown us by one and all dur ing the holiday season with regard to the delays in this work, and we are now ready to do all the en graving that was promised at that time. being in the following counties, namely: ' Cumberland with 600 square miles containing 380,000 acres. . " . At the six piers of the two companies, there are eighteen vessels, all except one liner. At the German. North German piers are the Hamburg Ad- Bladen with 847 square miles, con- amsturm, Frederik De Grosse, Kais er Wilhelm Der Zweite, George Washington, Prinzessin Irene, Gross er Kurfurst and Barbarossa. taining 542,080 miles. Hoke with 150 square miles, con taining 9 6,000 acres. Harnett with 563 square miles, con taining 360,000 acres. Roberson with 828 square miles, containing 530,000 acres. Sampson with 578 square miles, containing 370,000 acres. , Total number of acres, 2,278,080; less 40 per cent, for cultivation and vacant, 911,233, leaving balance con taining timber, 1,366,848 acres. Allowing 20 cords of timber per -a . m t "1 acre, we nave total numDer. oi coras of wood or timber, 2 7,3 3 6; 9 60 cords. Using 100 cords per day, or 31,200 cords per year, will require to con sume above of timber 876. To cut above figures one-half in or der to be absolutely safe in amount named above, will take to work tim ber now growing, 438. Allowing 25 years in which to pro duce another growth of timber, shows conclusively that the amount of tim ber for wood pulp purposes within the above territory is inexhaustable. Ministry in Journalism. (Biblical Recorder) The denomination is wise which puts the denominational paper in its proper place as a denominatioal ag ency. Remember that ink emits light, type is eriumphant, and presses are hastening the Millennium. Magnify the print-shop out of which flow streams of blessing to the ends of the earth. . Consider how it has stood m the forefront of our denominational life, how its pages have warned and war ned against evil, how it has voiced the messages of our men of God, how it has inspired our thinkers and in- A woman majf change her mind pretty ( of ten, but she had to do it it she wants to keep abreast of the con versation. . Mere man can only marvel when he sees a girl produce a little pocket outfit on a train and change her whole face in less than a minute. spired our workers, how it has been a typographical minister of the Word and messenger to the churches. Regard is as a mouthpiece of a mighty Baptist host, a voice crying for a straight path through the wild erness, a helper of every good work, a herald with good tidings form, the approaching King. Heat up the cold types with warm love and the glow of heaven, and send the molten, meaningful lead in to uncounted readers' harts. , There is ministry in journalism; let Us fulfil it; SOI If I Yours truly, OXFORD JEWELRY CO. II J tk.'' -A : " 5 c fMffM MAZDA. wMrvi. ftorKsMw! lmps Goodly ifflT4: AGED FARMER Made Strong and Well by Vinol This letter f proves tiiere is nothing equal to Vinol to create strength for. Weak, run-down conditions. Vestal Centre, N. -Y. "I am a far mer 74 years of age and got into a weak, run-down condition as a result of the Grippe. Our druggist suggested Vinol to build me up and I noticed an improvement soon after taking it, and it has restored zny strength so I can now do a good day's work. My wife has also taken Vinol for a run down condition with splendid results'' e-H. Wt X&SXEKt J. G. HALL., Wruffffist, Oxford; N. To J-ill l Long Felt W Mw Have The 7 MfitTOgemi Lamp For Carolina Power & Light Co. Want Watt 0 Cents. - Oxford, N. C. ii Jl rr tm MM CWTIE WILL COME NEARER CARRING YOU THRU THE i , ... YOU KEEP THEM CLEANED AND PRESSED. WINTER ALTERA- TIONS AND REPAIR OUR SPECIALTY, WE RETURN PROMPT- LY EVERYTHING BUT THE. DIRT. II II R. L. BRAKE, n II Jl

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