rrffi""-"" 1 ' - -if Jjjlc E . fcr Now On In-Full Ell We are going, to sell you merchandise for LESS MONEY than you bought therti for last year No war time prices at our store. Big tremendous stock at the same bid, price and less. Buy your Men s and Boy s Clothing and Shoes for the whole family, Ladies Cloaks, Suits and Millinery and save money. VICTOR KAPLON'S STORE. We have J. R. Avery, E. H. Bragg, Miss Fay Parham and Miss Delia Spencer, with us arid they invite their friends to call and buy goods for less money. I i am . BEAD OF MAIN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO NATIONAL BANK OF GRANVILLE Juice of Lemons! j How to Make Skin White and Beautiful The juice of two fresh lemons strained into bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar or iiie orumary cuiu. cream. ( fare should oe taKen to strain tne ; lemon juice through a fine cloth so eo lemon pulp gets in, then this lo tion will keep fresh for months. Ev ery woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin soften er, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is simply marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. adv THE TIME TO BUY A BUGGY OR wagon is now and not later for in 60 days the price will be high er and if you would save $10.00 or more then get in touch with Samuel Davis at once. He pays the freight. Sour Stomach. Eat slowly, masticate your food thoroughly, abstain from meat for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will dissapear. If it does not, take one of Chamberlain's Tab lets immediately after supper. Red meats are most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find it best to cut them out. adv., MOWERS, HAY RAKES, DISC Harrows, Peg Harrows, and corn Planters, will be next spring, con servately speaking 25 per cent higher than now. If you would save money and can do it, buy now either of the above and lock it up, and you will thank Samuel Davis next spring for this kindly advice. I, have the stuff and am making the price while it lasts. Samuel Davis, the Hardware man. Wi EN ! J10THERS f DAUGHTERS n0u who !Ire easily sard and J'jrn; nervous let tart sub- i; , t0 fits ce ftlancholj or iAe "blues." examined f0r for deficl- .Hi V An bu to EtreneKMnd rv aire ?S King J - - A Ancrease your t iuy r,er Ctnt i In the Fifth Federal Reserve Dis trict. (Federal Reserve Bulletin) At this particular season of the year, when the crops of this District have matured and have been gath ered, or are approaching maturity, we find the estimated results some what at variance with previously ex pressed opinions and predictions. Droughts, heavy rains and light frosts in the past month, and per haps more important than either, adverse conditions have shared re sponsibility .for discrepancies. Corn and Wheat. While some localities report corn thus curtailed 20 per cent, the Dis trict as a whole should exceed last year's crop by 10 per cent. Wheat and other grains - are satisfactory. Many farmers are holding grain, not yet convinced that food control, as announced, will prove workable. On the other hand, some shippers, using Norfolk as their most favorable port depot, find transportation facilities affected by railroad embargoes. In the light of scarcity of bottoms due to war contingencies, it is difficulty to feel optimistic as' to immediate re lief in port conditions. Potatoes and Tobacco. The potato crop is reported as of increased yield with lower prices. Fruits, especially apples, are very satisfactory, both in yield" and prices. The tobacco crop will probably show cash results abnormally in creased. Nothwithstanding the fact that earlier in the season the ferti lizer situation inspired some pessi mism, the yield has been 15 per cent higher than last year and prices are nt only exceptionally high, but fancy. In the past few years seasonal campaigns have been attempted in farming communities for an earnest effort to increase our live stock sup ply, and reports show rather en couraging results in increased herds of cattle; hogs and sheep also show an increase. The crying need of meat supply, let alone the fancy prices now obtainable therefore, should, however, have produced a larger supply of live stock than our reports indicate as held. Beyond all question, we believe the farmers of this district have ev ery reason to be thankful for theih position which is to be envied by other producers. It is true they complain of high costs, but the rela tive increase in the yalue of their products is much more favorable than that we can claim for any oth er class. Scarcity of Labor. It would be unwise to minimize the grave importance of the scarcity of labor, and while some of our crops have been already harvested we can hardly expect to escape loss through the inability of planters to gather the balance before adverse weather conditions prevail. Manu facturers may also expect difficul ties until more , labor is available. Hogwallow News. Hereafter, all who have their shoes half-soled by Luke Mathewsla will have to remove them from their feet while the work is going on. Poke Easley is spending the week at the postoffice watching the dirt dobbers build nests on the rafters. This is the only job of work Poke ever witnessed without suggesting a better way to do it. A number of candidates have been in Hogwallow lately. They all claim to be nice men. A roach crawled into Poke Eas ley's right ear on Monday night when he was not listening and its arrival out of the left ear is looked forward to with much anxiety by Poke. The Old Miser is getting closer each day. He would not even loan Dock Hocks enough lard to grease his watch. Columbus Allsop is on a trade for two more dogs to atke up the sur plus fleas at his house this summer. The Hog Ford preacher will preach at Hog Ford next Sunday. A big crowd will likely be present and those desiring back seats should go early. The artificial cherries on. Miss Flutie Belcher's hat have caused quite a stir among the jay birds of this section the past week. Several from Hogwallow will g to Tickville next third Sunday to witness the unveiling of the town pump. The Blind Man of the Calf Rib neighborhood was about to be talk ed into buying a heating stove from Slim Pickens the other day, but the trade was knocked in the head by some of Slim's enemies, who told the Blind Man that winter was over. Next week Isaac Hellwanger will start speaking to everybody, wheth er he likes them or not, as he has i learned that it pays, and will also help him out a lot if he ever runs for office. 2 The date of the State meeting of the farmers' Union at Winston-Salem has been changed to November 7-8. IF IT'S HARDWARE, IMPLE- ments, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Cook Stoves, Ranges, Heat ers, Windows and Doors, then you can't afford to miss figuring with Samuel Davis, Clarksville, Va., he will save you money. many cases. Ferdin 'UXATED IRON w ootained from guarantee of usually prcsc above t bod druggls or money re flve-grin The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irre sistible charm a good complexion. Of course they do not wish others to kngw a beautifier has been used so they buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FA CE POWDER nd use according to L0, ment is noticed at once. Soothing, cooling and refreshing. Heals Sunburn. -top. Tan. Pink. White, Rose-Rei. 75c at cDruggit or tv mail direct. Sample (either color) for 2c Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co.. 40 South Fifth St. Brooklyn. N.V. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick headiche, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fer mentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused . by gases in the stom ach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines', cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimen tary canal, stimulates the liver to secret the bile and impurities from the blood. 25 and 75 cent bottles. Sold by J. G. Hall. adv s NO USE TALKING, SAMUEL, Davis has the best engines xever run and the slickest feed cutters on the market. He will save you money. Call him up or come t see him now. "THE BANK WITH THE CHIMES" fin H&HOHAL tmm& FilTT OH The United States Government is for all citizens. Its institutions are founded for service. The Federal Reserve System operates for the di rect benefit and protection of the banking public. As a Member Bank, this institution is particularly well-qualified to render a service of unusal merit to-patrons. Our Officers Invite Conference. First .Bank W, H. Hunt, Pres., Z. W. Lyon, Vice Pres., T. C. Harris, Asst. Cshr. OXFORD, N. C. THE BANK WITH THE BIG CLOCK ' 4 Per Cent' PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS $60,00. has three members you should know if you desire to enjoy life. 1. The popular liquid form of Peruna the reliable tonic of the American household, with a long history of success in treating all catarrhal difficulties. 2. The tablet form,, which is made after the same formulary and is more convenient for many. 3. Manalin, the ideal laxative, by the regular use of which constipation may be overcome and natural action restored. Manalin has no habit forming drug, but is an aid to nature. Your druggist has all three. So many thousands have received benefit from the use of one or both these remedies that they are a recognized part of the equipment of every careful household. THE PERUNA COMPANY Colmntoi, Okio Croup. If your children are subjected to croup get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and when the attack comes on be careful to follow the printed directions. You will be sur priced at the quick relief it affords. Valuable Tobacco Land For Sale. 1st Tract 88 acres 2 miles north of Coats, N. C. on R. F. D. 55 acres cleared 4 Toom dwelling, good out houses, land fine for tobacco, cot ton and corn. Price $45.00 per acre, terms cash balance in one, two, and three years. 2nd Tract one mile north of Buies Creek, that famous school in Harnett County, 133 acres about 60 acres cleared, 3 room dwelling, 3 to bacco barns, out buildings, this farm is on sand clay road. Price $50.00 per acre, terms reasonable. These farms are right in the to baeco belt in Harnett county along where farmers this year are making $5,000.00 of tobacco on 15 acres, and is cheap at this price. For further information call or write. N. T. PATTERSON, Coats, Nr Cx kmre Mm after meai