V ..rniY. OCTOBER 10, 1917 CATARRH ' ; PUBLIC LEDGER r ' I r zi-r-.. a t : ckiy Knded by a plea?ant Germ" QUlC killing Anticeptic. little Hyomie inhaler is made bber and can be carried m It will last a life- poc inhaler you pour a few The i !rd ru 01 w" ,ket or puibc- time. Tnt.O til IS of magical Hyomie This is adsorbed by the antiseptic x gauze within anw now you are ready t0 breathe it in uvtu xU LtPd membrane where it will speedily begin its work of killing ca- ;arrhal germs. Hyomie is madeVof i1 1 -.r Pfimhinpn with Australian uutaii " other antiseptics and is very pleas ont to breathe. It is guaranteed to banish cat rh bronchitis, sore throat, croup, ar 4s and colds or money back. It cleans out a stuffed up head in two SolTby J. G. Hall and druggist everywhere. Complete outfit, including inhaler d one bottle of Hyomie, costs but ?ttle whrile extra bottles, if after ward needed, cost only a few cents. adv m TT71 Tit I IT XT' TP IT'S HAliliMAivri, jlaa xjri- ments, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Cook Stoves, Ranges, .Heat ers, Windows and Doors, then you can't afford to miss figuring with Samuel Davis, Ciarksville, Va., he will save you money. HHICHESTEB S PILLS U ' THE DIAMOND BMX. A ' ( P-Ji 'hi-t'hes-ter's Diamond Krntid, .'li'im Pills in lied and tiold metallic ViifSTl I r.l.4 with P.liw Rthlwtn to&l Take no other. Buy of your MAMONIi :;ilAM Pil.LS, for 85 years knew -- .is Pest, Safest, Always Reliat le SOLD 5V DKUGfflSTS EVfPVVvHERE i ft " r V nrr nv CTT3 PAGE 7 The Drugless Science of fitting Glasses for any defects of the eyes where Glasses- are Necessary,- as practiced by J. W. Knight, The Op tometrist, 6 College Steer, Next door to Lyons Drug Store. MOTHER! GIVE CHILD "SYRUP OF FIGS" IF TONGUE IS COATED. If cross, feverish, sick, bilious, clean little liver and bowels. Children love this "fruit laxa tive," and nothing else cleanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop play ing to empty the bowels, and the re sult is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your little one becomes cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhcea. Listen, Mother! See if tongue is coated, then give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all 'the constipated waste, sour bile and un digested food passes out of the sys tem, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "Califor nia Syrup of Figs" because it is per fectly harmless; children love it, and it never fails to act on the stom ach, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made, by "California Fig Syrup Company." Refuse - any other kind with contempt. adv NOTICE OF SUMMONS named will NORTH CAROLINA, vxranvine Cpunty, James Royster-vs. Langrston Staples & Lucile Staples. The Defendants above take notice that an action entitled as aoove has been commenced in the Superior Court of Granville County, North Carolina to sell for a division the lands mentioned vand described in the petition filed in said action; And the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before E. C. Hunt. Clerk of the Superior Court for said County on the 10th day of November, 1917 and an swer, or demur to the petition filed in said action or else the relief demand ed therein will be granted. D. C. HUNT, Clerk Superior Court. T. Lanier, Attorney. This the 8th day of October, 1917. A. W. GH0L30N, JFAVELER AND OPTOMETRIST HENDERSON, N. C. I am duly Registered and Licensed to examine eyes and fit glasses by the North Carolina State Board of Optometry. pd. EYES EXAMINED FREE C '5 1 FULL LINE OF THE BEST SCHOOL SUPPLIES ALWAYS IN STOCK FRANK F. LYON'S "Is the Place." College St. Oxford, N.C your friends aD buy anything you can give them except your -photograph. Why put it ofe? fiiBri'ag or send me your Kodak s if you want them finigned "gat. agency for l 22fa Cameras HI Catawba's sweet potato crop is es timated at 60,000 bushels, a 25 per cent increase over last year. The Observer says it is estimated that 60,000 cords of wood will be necessary to heat Camp Greene, Charlotte, the coming winter, one stove being furnished for each of 6,000 tents. Forsyth county's tuberculosis hos pital, built at a cost of $10,000, is open for the reception of patients. A matron and nurses iwilL be in charge to care for the patients un der the direction of the county physician. A virtual embargo on the report of certain foodstuffs and feeeds is declared by the exports administra tive board in adding a list of articles to those already denied shipment, except where their export will con tribute to the conduct of the war. A price of 30 cents a pound to the farmer was agreed upon at a meet ing in New Orleans of men interest ed in marketing and growing of cot ton in 10 Sounthern States as being justified by the present selling prices of manufactured cotton products. The price was suggested in an amen dement to a resolution adopted just previously which declared against price regulartion of cotton by Con gress or delegation of this authority to any other body. A Hope. A Baltimore dispatch anonunces a cut of $1 per barrel in the price of flour. This brings dealer's prices to about $12' per barrel, a drop of $5 since the Government took a hand in price regulation. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Granville county, made in the special proceeding- entit led H. F. Bailey and Myrtle Bailey, his wife, vs. Neta Moore, the undersigned commissioner will, on MONDAY, NOVE3IBER 5TH, 1917. at twelve o'clock M., at the court house door in Oxford, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being- in Brassfield Township, Gran ville County, North Carolina, on the Raleigh Road near Woodland Church, bounded on the North by the lands ' of B. E. Davis, on the East by the lands of P. R. Allen, on the South by the lands of C. M. Medlin, and on the "West by the lands of L. A. Davis, deceased, containing 102 acres more or less, being- the place whereon W. H. Moore resided at the time of his death. This 1st day of October, 1917. A. W. GRAHAM, JR, Commissioner. CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution therefore by' the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Allen Averitte Company, .a. corporation of this State, whose prmcipal office is situated at Oxford, R. F. D., County of Granville, State of North Carolina (W. G. Averitte being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, 'Revisal of 19t5, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 20th day of Sept. 1917, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writting- to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Therefore,'! have set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 20th day of Septem ber A. D. 1917 J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State SALE OP LAND Pursuant to authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Pat Brandon and wife and recorded in Book 52 at Page 178 default having been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby and being requested so to do' by the owner of said debt I shall on NOVEMBER 9TH, 1917 sell at public auction at the Court House door in the town of Oxford to the highest bidder for cash a certain lot of land situated in said county in Fishing Creek Township adjoining the lands of Thomas Peace, Mrs. Neda Capehart, Feilds and others and con taining 25 acres more or less, the same being fully described by meets and bounds in said deed of trust. A. A. HICKS, Trustee. This October the 8th, 1917, GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY Try this! Hair gets thick, glossy, wavy and beautiful at once-. 1 HOW TO BE RID OF DANGEROUS DANDRUFF 8& DR. T. T. FRAZIER 0 ce . UEXTIST lr Mitchell Building Over 0xFoim r?ion Bank- octant ' OUTH CAROLINA. J . HARRIS Notary Public The only way to get rid of dand ruff the sure" hair destroyer is to remove the cause. Dr. Sangerbund, the famous Paris Specialist, discov ered that dandruff and falling hair are caused by a microbe.- Then came the discovery of tne value of the genuine Parisian sage (liquid form) to destroy this germ and promptly prevent the further loss of hair. Get from your druggist about four ounces, and rub a" small quan tity well into the scalp. Only a few applications are usually needed to destroy the germs that cause dand ruff; your scalp will immediately feel cool and comfortable and your hair appear soft, bright-looking and seems heavier than it really is. Since Dr. Sangerbund's discovery the American people are realizing that dandruff is as unnecessary as it is dangerous, and that they can be quickly rid of it, and save their hair by a few day's use of this inexpen sive and harmless liquid. , Be ' sure you get the genuine Parisian ' sage (Giroux's) for this. Dranq win iu, staTn the hair and is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. J. G. Hall can supply adv Immediately? Yes! Certain ly ?-rthat's the joy of it. Your hair becomes light, wavy fluffy, abun dant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderine hair cleanse. Just try it moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse ; the hair of dust, dirt or excess oil, and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A deligtful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Dan derine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, .purifies and in vigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks use when you see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pret ty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and just try it. adv MOWERS, HAY RAKES, . DISC Harrows, Peg Harrows, and corn Planters, will be next spring, con servatory speaking 25 per cent higher than now. If you would save money and cam do it, buy now either of the above and lock it up, and you will thank Samuel Davis next spring for this kindly advice.' I have the stuff and am making the price while it lasts. Samuel Davis, the Hardware man. 2C YOUR HOG NEEDS HALL'S CELEBRATED HOG POWDER Hogs at 30 cents per pound make this powder much more valuable to you than ever. We are still selling it at the same old price of 50c per package. J. G. HALL, DRUGGIST. THE REXALL STORE 3C WATGH THE DATE ON THE LABEL OF YOUR PAPER! Stark Milling Company . Good Meal a Specialty WE WISH TO SAY TO THE PEOPLE OF OXFORD AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY THAT WE HAVE OPENED A GRO CERY STORE AT THE MILL, WHERE YOU WILL FIND MOST ANYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE. WE KNOW THAT TO BACCO IS HIGH AND MONEY PLENTIFUL AT THE SAME TLME. IT IS EVERY MAN'S DUTY TO SAVE WHERE HE CAN, AS MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. AVE PROPOSE TO SELL OUR GOODS STRICKLY FOR CASH AND AS WE HAVE NO CLERKS TO PAY, OR RENT, NO DELIVERIES, ETC., WE THINK WE CAN SELL AS CHEAP AS ANYONE, WHICH WE PROPOSE TO DO. JUST A FEW OF OUR PRICES. ARBUCKLE'S COFFEE 22 CENTS. 5 POUND CAN LARD, SNOWDRDFT, $1.10. LAUNDRY SOAP 6 CENTS CAKE. SUGAR 9 CENTS. Meal at 60 cents a peck and many other things you will find not mentioned, all at bottom prices for cash. Stark Milling Company, OXFORD, - - 1 - NORTH CAROLINA. A ' . nju if 11 1 Tm M Tnl am U DO IT ELECTR HCALLY Carolina Power & Light Co. Oxford,N. C. t fa There's a good Farmer ! " As you drive through the country it's easy to pick out the farmers who are pro gressive and prosperous. A shiftless man allows his buildings to become shabby and weather-beaten. The thrifty farmer keeps eveigthing neatly painted with ILEAE5 :amd SOMC 'RAO BIT FEWER GALLONS WEARS LONGER Of course, any paint you put on is better than no paint. But for Ipng and satisfactory service we always recommend Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint because we can guarantee it to be absolutely pure. It contains no whiting, no silica, or any other worthless adulterants. That's why Devoe paint goes so much further and lasts so much longer ' than ordinary paint. Come inland let us tell you how little it will cost you to paint with Devoe. ACME HARDWARE CO. OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA I you. v.-