1917 General news -llicinTl between a motor car railroad train, a few miles from Srtsmouth. Va.f two men in the Jar were killed pomD Jackson, at Columbia, S. C. Ks 13,330 men, 7,005 of these n0 -from North Carolina. There beinft present 1,681 negroes, one of Sese being from North Carolina. The British cruiser Drake was nPdoed and sunk last week, pre t0 hiv bv a German submarine, off Srnorth coast of Ireland. The fPl reached harbor, but sunk m Vilovr water. One officer and 18 uien were killed by the explosion. Fifteen men were taken from a narifist meeting at South Pasedena, rT by 40 mebers of the city's home rJard placed in automobiles and friVen to the city limits, where they iere set down with the suggestion that they should not return. pproximetly 2,500 carloads of food and other necessities are being delivered daily by the railroads at ie cantonments where the new Na tional army and the National Guard are being trained for service abroad, according to reports received by the railroad war board. The 450 interned German sailors and 13 officers of the Prinz Eitel Friedrich, who have been confined in the prison barracks at Fort Ogle thorpe for several months, have been transferred to Fort McPherson in Atlanta. The prison at Fort Oglethorpe will used for civilian aliens, of whom there are now about 125. A dispatch from Petrograd, Rus sia, says that fire in a theatre Sun day, in which some 25 to 100 per sons lost their lives, acording to va rying estimates, is supposed to have ignited from a dropped cigarette. Most of the victims were soldiers in the hospital on the fifth, floor of the building and servants occupying the iower quarters in the building. PUBLIC LEDGER PAGE 3 Resolutions urging the quarter master corps to establish a large ice cream plant at the American base in France, and offering the resources of the National Association of Ice Cream Manufactures to assist the War Department in in supplying ice cream at cantonments, were adopted by the association of ice cream man ufacturers, in session in Boston. Maximum prison sentences of two years each were imposed in the Fed eal court in New York city, upon Henry Seligman, physician of a Brooklyn draft board, and Nathan Ehrlich, as penalty for receiving money for exempting a man examin ed for the draft. Seligman, in addi tion, was fined $3,000. A company of home guards was ordered from Jacksonville, Fla., to Madison county, Fla., to protect two officers of a bank that had failed. The two men were expected to be put on trial last week. Not only have their lives been threatened by angry depositors, but also the life of the judge and prosecuting attorney, it is said, owing to a change of venue. Dr. Ernest Cooper, superinten dent of the South Carolina State Sanatorium, situated near Colum bia, was convicted in the Circuit Court of malicious mischief, in that he did kill a dog that invaded his premises. He was fined $25, or giv en the alternative of serving 15 days on the chain gang or in the State Prison. The case is now on appeal oefore the South Carolina Supreme Court. Cook Clayton, clerk of the Fed eral court for the Southern District of Georgia, has been indicted by we Federal Grand Jury on charges of embezzling $15,000 of govern ment funds. Seymore B. Byrom president of the national bank of tfyromville, Ga., a relative of Clay jon, was indicted for manupulating uje books of the bank to as to aid jayton in making a false statement 0i nis accounts. At Ivewark, N. J., Federal agents -eized the publishing plant of the rpWi iersey Frle ZeitunS. a widely read German lauguage newspaper and arrested its proprietors and ed jors on charges of publishing sedi-t-ous and treasonable articles. Four uea were required to give bond in lkt Sum of $5.000 each. The pub Pnfrhad been ntifled by the 7?Ce DePartment to show cause roH V eir paper should not be bar form the mails. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. J. p. Patterson, born May 2 1854, dearly loved wife and mother of Mr. J. p. Patterson and six chil dren. Her sweet gentle spirit pass ed into heavenly rest, August 1 1917. A shadow dark against the sum mer sky; A murmuring of angels up above The sound of wings, as little birds that fly, away from earth, In spite of all that love. You bore us, still you could no lon ger stay. The years fly swiftly on, now we see The coming of a once so happy day. It seems as if your presence ought to be Here on earth to hear the earth's good will Your birthday! Oh, I can see you in your place! Your gentle loving voice, I hear it still; And smiles kiss tear drops as I dream your face. Although your soul has gone ta rest above The world still knows the sunshine of your love. FAN. Remarkable Prophecy. (Asheville Citizen) Putman's Monthly Magazine, pub lished in 1853, alludes to 'a strange prophecy, publishing in the Almanac Prophetique printed in Paris, in 1608 by Abram Sawgrin, nearly three hundred years ago. The pre diction made was: That the United States would seperate from England the Mother Country, that the "new son" would rise in political power on the earth; that after a time the "Mother and son" would be completely reconciled and enter into an alliance that would cause their sovereignty to extend over all na tions; that after the world's subu gation, peace plenty, commerce and industry will flourish throughout the earth; that a new era will come on the earth when these nations will not only govern, but actually possess the entire globe; that justice is eter nal. Civilization can only rise from the destruction of barbarism. That barbarism and idolatrous worship will forever disappear before the "United Mother and Son." That they will together establish Chris tianity over Jihe whole face of the earth. NO USE TALKING SAMUEL Davis has the best engines ,ever run and the slickest feed cutters on the market. He will save you money. Call him up or come to see him now. Strategy and Tactics. (Boston Monitor) Military operations are, after all, simply a colossal game of chess, with human being substituted for ivory pieces. Strategy consists of the movements of armies or fleets in such a way as to impose the oppos ing commanders the conditions of battle preferred by oneself. Tactics on the other hand, are summed up in the movements of troops in actual fighting. The great qualifications for ia general are a natural eye for coun try, a power of rapid decision, and a supreme common sense. Marl borough had these, Frederick thei Great had them, Napoleon had them, and General Lee had them. To hide your own aim from an opponent, to read him entirely astray, to strike him with your fullest force, while perplexed, hesitating, or unprepar ed, is the chief object of a comman der, and it is the power to do this which distinguishes a great gener al, which won for Frederick the great battle at Leuthen. TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL. 5 . i SAL.E OV ItAXD Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by a decree of the Superior Court of Gran ville County in a special proceeding therein pending entitled "S. W. Rob ards and others vs. Sidney L. Coley and others." I shall on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1917. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in Oxford, a certain tract or par cel of land lying- and being in Dutcn ville Township, adjoining the lands of Thomas Brinkley, the Cameron estate and others, described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of Thomas Brinkley, on the South by the lands of M. L. Coley, Aiken Bros, and the Southern Railway, and on the West by the lands of the Paul Cam eron estate, containing 100 acres, more or less, and known as the William Green Homestead, it being the land conveyed to Mrs. Mary J. Robards by J. B. Beck bv deed of record in "Rru-ilr 49, page 509, registry of Granville i County; See also Deed Book 49, page 78, registry of Granville County for j further description. xinie in saie auuui me nour or 1Z o'clock M. This October 11, 1917. D. G. BRUMMITT, Commissioner. SORE THROAT Starts Your Liver Without Making You Sick and Can Not Salivate IF YOU CAN'T COME CALL HTM UP over phone or telegraph him, if you want to buy your engines, sawing outfits and wheat drills at ess money than most dealer's Prices. He will do it, and save ;ou mney and give you machin- try that he will bank his reputa- "on on. Samuel Davis is this Plan. IP HARDWARE, IMPLE- ents, Wagons, Buggies, Har erJCk stoves Ranges, Heat can'f S and Doors then yu stl afEora 10 miss figuring with miel Davis, Clarksville. Va., he 111 saye you money. Every .. druggist in town your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling-off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it. while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver xone is person ally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy re lief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasteing, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or constipa ted bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like yiolent calomel. Take a dose of cal omel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don t lose a day's work! Take Dodson s Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. . j G Hall recommends Dodson s Liver Tone to take the place of dalo cnel. adY IP IT'S HARDWARE, JMPLE ments, Wagons, Buggies, Har ness, Cook Stoves, Ranges, .Heat ers Windows and Doors, then you can't afford to miss figuring with Samuel Davis, Clarksvilie, Va., he will save you money. r i Colds, Coughs, Croup and Catarrh Relieved in Two Minutes. Is your throat sore? ' Breathe Hyomie. Have you catarrh? Breathe Hyomie. Have you a cough? Breathe Hyomie. Have you a cold? Breathe Hyomie. Hyomie is the one remedy for all nose, throat and lung troubles. It does not contain any ! cocaine or mor phine and all that is necessary is to breathe it through the little pocket inhaler that comes with each out fit. A complete outfit costs but little at druggists everywhere and at J. G. Hall's and Hyomie is guaranteed to banish catarrh, croup, coughs, colds, sore throat and bronchitis or mon ey back. A Hyomie inhaler lasts a lifetime and extra botltes of Hyomie can be obtained from druggist for only 50 cents. . adv MOWERS, HAY RAKES, DISC Harrows, Peg Harrows, and corn Planters, will be next spring, con servately speaking 25 per cent higher than now. If you would save money and can do it, buy now either of the above and lock it Up, and you will thank Samuel Davis next spring for this kindly, advice. I have the stuff and am making the price while it lasts. Samuel Davis, the Hardware man. Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally . 25c The Handsomest andMost Economical Car Lai r3 BEST BY TEST. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND SELF STARTER CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED. THE MOST DURABLE, ECONOMICAL AND HANDSOMEST CAR ON THE MARK ET. LET US DEMONSTRATE ITS SUPERIORITY. 3 dmi A EMM (GARAGE ON HILLSBORO STREET, IN FRONT OP EXCHANGE HOTEL.) High-Class Mechanics Open Day and Night. fireliiB Some of the Averages for the Past Week. ft BRYAN & RIGGAN Pounds Price 230 29 92 34 394 38 182 40 56 38 80 30 90 23 L. J. SMITH Pounds Price 34 26 60 39 30 40 70 40 62 39 44 31 f r I J. H. MORRIS Pounds Price 322 30 190 : 37 180 39 192 37 70 . 20 E. F. CURRIN Pounds Price - 40 24 82 36 98 70 164 41 72 29 Average $43.07 I " ' . r ., . STEM & BULLOCK Pounds ' Price 54 26 96 39 180 40 60 33 54 28 12 25 W. S. COZART Pounds Price 198 31 96 40 50 33 12 40 88 24 8 Bring Us Your Next Load and Share in the Cream of the Market. Your Friends. W. Z. MITCHELL & SOWS.