NOVEMBER 7, 1917 PUBLIC LEDGER PAGE 7 11) AUTOMO BILE OWNER it REM i Automobile News AVE HAVE ON HAND' NOW SIX NEW SMAMj CHEVROIETS THAT WE HAVE JUST UNLOADED AND OWING TO THE RAILROAD SITUA TION YOU KNOW THEY ARE HARD TO GET. COME EARLY BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. TOO MUCH CANNOT BE SAID OF THIS CAR, FOR WE HAV7 SOLD TWENTY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS AND THEY ARE ALL GIVING GOOD SERVICE. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR WHAT HE THINKS OF HIS. WE ARE NOW RUNNING OUR BUSINEESS QN A GASH BASIS AND THIS BE1N8 THE CASE YOU KNOW THAT WE CAN DO BUSINESS FOR LESS MONEY AND WE ARE GIYIN6 OUR CUSTOMERS THE BENEFIT OF IT. C03IE TO SEE US AND SEE IF THIS IS NOT TRUE. UNITED STATES TIRES AND GOODRICH AS WELL. WE HAVE THEM, FOR LESS. ALWAYS AT "YOUR SERVICE. AVE ARE HERE BOTH DAY AND NIGHT. BEST MECHANICS THAT MONEY AVILL HIRE. So 4 COME EARLY FOR YOUR C A mm DR. V. N. THOMAS, Prs.; W. L. MITCHELL, Sec.-Treas.; J. M. BLALOCK, Mgr.; i;.- .v i 1 1 niiii in mil i i m'winia n ini i i wippi m iwmiiii m p mmn urn m mi in w m i i ipwmiim i i pii hi ihhwi in n n i in hum w i. m. mi tHU:v. N;&.W-5LiMQiaBaiwWiW m t mi mm wwiMtw .,r A. H. A. WILLIAMS, Salesman. Kg Iron Is Greatest of All Strength Builders, Says Doctor A Secret of the Great Endurance and Powers of Athletes Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Deli cate, Nervous, Rundown People 100 Per Cent Strong-er In Two Weeks' Time In Many Cases. NEW YORK, X. Y. Most people fool ishly seem to think they are goins to get renewed health and strength from some stimulating medicine, secret nos trum or narcotic drug, said Dr. E. Sauer, ft Boston Physician who has studied widely both in this country and In Great European Medical Institutions when, as a matter of fact, real and true strength can only come from the food you eat. Eut people often fail to get the strength Put of their food because they haven't nough iron in their blood to enable It to change food into living matter. From their weakened, nervous condition they Know something Is wrong but they can't tell what, so they generally commence Sectoring for stomach, liver or kidney trouble or symptoms of some other ail ment caused by lack of Iron In the Tri?i Tnls thing may go on for years, wniie the patient surfers untold agony. ou are not strong or well, ycu owe ilpc.t0 yourself to make the following test, bee how long you can work or how tirLyoV can walk without becoming rTf Ted- ext take two five-grain tablets nLrdlnaiT nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then v" 5"r strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I iloi seei? dozens of nervous, run-down People who were ailing all the while. The Soldier's Funeral. (Charlotte Observer) Charlotte is becoming sadly fa miliar with the sight of the military uneral. Four times since the estab jnient of Camp Greene . it has oared its head to the passing out and away of a soldier boy, its emo tions stirred by the funeral dirge, ne draped burden of caison, and the soltenen tread of the escort of com- aaene. it is all solemnly impres sthe opend ranks at the church (0r, the passing through of the casket, the seats filled with soldiers uniform, the olive drab figure of ne chaplain in the pulpit, the pro fession of soldiers by the open CHICHESTER S PUTS t hl ches-ter's Diamond ISra. box- 1 c S?2 Wold nietal alv tilt nka. T j. l, , V ui your " 1 ,T nRA, for 85 r SOLD CY D21GG15TS EVtuWi'HERE double their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dys pepsia, liver and other troubles In form teri to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the oia forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimi lated like nuxated iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an ath lete or prize-fighter has won the day simply because they knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before he went into the affrav, while many another has gone down to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron. NOTE. Nuxated Iron, recommended abora by Dr B Sauer, is one of the newer organic iron com pounds. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, it, is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach: on the contrary, it Is a most potent remedy, in nearly all forms of indigestion, as well as for nervous, run down conditions. The manufacturers have such great confidence in Nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit $100 00 to any charitable institution if they cannot take any man or woman under 60 who lacks iron and increase their strength 100 per pent, or over in four weeks time provided they have no 6erious or ganic trouble. They also oer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and en durance in ten days' time. It Is dispensed to thli city by all good druggists. casket at the close of the service, the dropping of tears and the plac ing nf flowers above the stilled form by the women, the march from the church and the slowly moving jour ney to the depot, from which anoth er boy is sent back to his mother. These last farwells to the soldier boy. are ocasions which touch the hearts of the people at home. They a tinir thnt be mav have been spared a death of agonly on the bat tlefield. They only know that he was s mebody's boy who died far from faces that were familiar and loved, that he is going where great heartaches are awaiting his coming, and they put a bunch of violets in the whitened hands and they hide the flag under a covering of flow er! toft breathe of ' tenderly loving affection. And trembling fingers that go through these mute yet elo quent appealing tokens from the distant friends, may find here a sprig of rosemary, placed for re membrance, and there a cluster of pansies which will tell of thoughts! Only a Brakeman. Folowing a railway accident re cently, there was great relief in of ficial circles when the report was made that only a brakeman had been killed. Only a brakeman! And there were hundreds of others waiting to fill his shoes. Only a brakeman! His name was not given in the telegraphic report of the accident. He had not made a name to which the world would pay tribute. There were only a few friends who knew him in the rail way Y. M. C. A. and a brother and sister in Russia. Home, family, friends he had left in the land of oppression to come to America, the country of opportunity. Alone, ig norant, untrained in American ways, he was only a brakeman in the of ficial report telling of his death. Only a brakeman! Yet it is such as he who are moving our freigh, trucking the meat that supplies our tables, hauling the coal that heats our homes, bringing the milk with which we feed our babies. Standing on top of their freight cars, leaning against the wind with the dust of the reserts in their faces, the roar of the engines in hteir ears, and the grime of the nations of their hands, wherever you find cars, engines, freight, soot, danger, there you will find the brakeman, toiling sleepless- ly, hopefully, uncomplainingly, with death stalking ever at his side, to give up comforts and make our homes happy. Yet when the car ronnlers ninch him within their giant jaws or the wrecked train crushes out his life beside the rail way track, the reports that the pub lic reads record the death of only a brakeman. THE IOG P. C. Barker ,of Greensboro died Sunday morning in a hospital at Mt. Airy, the result of his skull being fractured when he was thrown from an automobile. He was 38 years old and unmarried, was an active work er in religious causes and when he received the fatal injury was en route to a sunrise prayermeeting. This ia a prescription prepared etpeciH? for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will no Return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel &nd does not gripe or sicken. 25t (Our Dumb Animals.) There are approximately 3 000 dogs in the various departments of j the German army. They have been trained by the German Red Cross Dog Society. These war dogs have learned to obey commands given both by word of mouth and by pistol shots. They act as camp guards, trench sentries, scouts, and aids on the battlefiels. The sronger are used i for hauling. The French use many dogs for these same purposes. They also found the dogs of the greatest ser vice for drawing sleighs carrying supplies through the mountain snows of the Vosges wThen there seemed no other method of trans portation. After the snows melt the dogs draw heavy loads up the steep grades on a narrow gauge light railway. Some of these dogs have been so trained that in traversing a field i after a battle they wholly ingnore a dead soldier but bark loudly when they discover one wounded, return- i ing to their gennels for assistancs and leading the way back to the in jured man. Surgeons and strecher- j bearers follow them back. , i Not all of the most valuable dogs in this present war have been of high degree. Thousands have just been "plain dogs." It's wThat he can do, not whence he came, that makes a dog or a man worth while. To mount guard in a trench at listening posts for long hours at a stretch, ignoring danger, alert every moment this is what many dogs are doing fo rthe armies they serve. Some dogs have saved whole com panies, especially in fogs, revealing by their growling the nearness of the enemy. Perhaps when this war is over and our American dog-haters have learned the part these faithful an imals' have played in serving the cause of humanity and the various countries which have employed them, there will be less demand on tjie part of these people for the dog's extermination. It was out of a long past age that one deemed himself answering the basest insult by the exclamation: "Is thy servant a dog!" LEMONS BRING OUT THE HIDDEN BEAUTY Make this lotion for very little cost and just see for yourself. . By all means, girls, prepare a lemon lotion to keep your skin flex ible and young looking. You will soon realize that true loveliness does not mean the powedry-look of wax en colorlessness of some hot-house flower, but is typified by the velvety softness of your skin, your peach like complexion and rosy-white hands. At the cost of a small jar of or dinary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most won derful lemon skin softener and com plexion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bot tle containing three ounces of or chard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and re move such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan, and is the ideal ekin softener, smoothener and beau tifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lotion and mas sage it daiiy into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should natur ally help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the roses and hidden beauty of any skin. It is, simply marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. adv AN IDEAL LIME TREATMENT for those suffering from chronic or acute pulmonary and bronchial troubles, or coughs or colds, is ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE The Calcium preparation which may be taken by the average person without dis turbing digestion. An efficient tonic and tissue builder. Contains no Alcohol, Nar cotic or Habit-Forming Drug. $2 size, now $1.50. $1 size, now 80c Sold by all leading druggists. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. i t.