11 f.l in i ' U I if:'. tr' t : I 4 ' i R f J M f i k L i - i ' 4 1 if) I lit S i I I" it 1 PAGE 4 FUELEC LEDGER -AND- OXFORD "50 BANNER PUI1I.IS1IEU SJJII-"WREKJLY DAN A. COBLE EDITOR AND .MANAGER Entered at postoJTiee In Oxford, N. C, mm second-clasH mall matter. SUIISCIUPTIOTV PRICE Payable In Advance ONE YEAR fl.50 EIGHT MONTHS 1.00 SIX MONTHS 75 FOUR MONTHS . . 50 NOTICE Subscription are payable trlctly in advance. WATCH THE DATE ON YOUR liAREL! AIS Communications, Checks and Money Orde - should Ie made payable and addressed to the Public Ledger. TAKE AUSTRIA OUT OF WAR - President Wilson's address to Congress is a great war message and at the same time a great peace mes sage. It is a war message for Ger many and a peace message for Austria-Hungary. What Germany has achieved by lies and tricks in detaching Russia from the war. America should match by broad and generous diplo macy in serving vassal Austria from her master, Germany. Is it possible to do that? The beginning has been made. Austria is war-weary. The German news papers admit it and express their annoyance. Hungary is hungry fr food and peace. Austria-Hungary is tired of her" vassalage to Ger many. From peasant to prince the yoke of bondage wears heavy and sore. Germany's "Mittel-Europa" policies offer to Austria-Hungary nothing but deeper and more galling bondage in the future. This morning comes a report of an address in which Emperor Char.- les declares his desire for a peace which will guarantee Austria-Hungary against disembarkment and oppression, and restore the peoples of Europe to a state of reconcilia tion and mutual trust. Plainly enough, he is seeking to escape from the war and a way to join a right-minded community of nations. "The peace we make," said the President "must deliver the people of Austria-Hungary, the peoples of the Balkans and the people of Tur key, alike In Europe and in Asia, from the alien and impudent dom ination of the Prussian military and commercial autocracy." Austria Hungary need not wait for the final destruction of Kaiserism to join us in making that peace. President Wilson has given the Austrian Government and people re assurance of just and honorable terms, promised countenance and support in their need and aspiration for free pathways on the sea, and declared plainly: "It is no affairs of ours what they do with their own life, industrially or politically. We do not purpose or desire to dictate to them in any way. We only de sire to see that their affairs are left in their own hands, in all matters, great or small." If American statesmanship shall accomplish the deliverance of Austria-Hungary, in the manner shown by the President, it will thereby deal such a blow to German power as inevitably will bring the war to a speedy close. GET THEM OUT OF THE WAY. Prohibitionists and women suf fage advocates are inviting Congress from its larger duties long enough to have constitutional amendments on these pressing war issues passed over to the several States for adop tion or rejection. Little time should be consumed in disposing of these questions. If Congress concludes to take them up there should be no tiresome de bate. Everybody knows precisely what would be said either for or against either proposition; no mem ber's speech would convert any other member. There is not a man on the floor of either House who does not know just how he expects to vote if the qestion comes to that stage. Men, why allow more important matters to be delayed by everlasting talk, to the possible embarrassment of urgent war legislation? The argu ment in favor of leaving both pro hibition and woman suffrage to the individual States to decide for them selves independently, is a strong one. But they won't stay there. They are dragged into Congress, no matter what else is pressing. If there is a two-third vote in each House favoring them the pro posed amendments can be passed; if there is not such support for them they will be defeated. In any event, a vote should be taken with out a lot of windy preliminaries. Get them out of the way of the na tion's war work. PUBLIC LEDGER I WILL DO YOUR TIRING AND Shrinking cheaper than any one can do it. I have four old and experineced men. T. R. Frazier Mgr. blacksmith shop, Garnian Wheel Co. . Decl4tx LOST CHILD'S SMALL PURPLE leather handbag containing visi ting card of Little Miss Louise Smith. . Finder will please re turn to Mrs. E. L. Smith, Gilliam street. Decl21tx Camp Logan. (Houston Post.) We do not know what the record is, but Camp Logan, in operation for three months, with 32,800 soldiers at the present time, reports its first death from natural cause. It is certain no civilian community con taining like numbers ever had a re cord like that. The Cure. (Indianapolis Star.) The real cure for those poor de luded pickets at the White House would be a Federal statute making it a misdemeanor to print their pic tures or mention their names in any paper. IF IT IS LUMBER OR BUILDING material of any kind you want, such as flooring, ceiling, siding, mouldings, windows,' doors, blinds lime, cement, plaster, laths, terra cotta pipe, wire fencing etc., see or write, C. D. Ray and Son. mchl7tf FOR SALE ONE 7 -PASSENGER . . Studebaker car, in perfect condi tion. Price right, let . me demon strate it to you. LEO E. BYRUM. Dec8tf IP YOU WANT FIRE AVOOD, CALL LEO E. BYRUM, the contractor, specifying the kind wanted and it will be supplied on short notice for cash. Phone 181-J. Dec8tf Government loans to farmers in October amounted to $7,374,044, practically double the amount paid out during the previous month. Ap plications for loans in the hands of the 12 Federal banks total $193, 250,945. . , WEDNESDAV 191T According .L-, . - Agriculture, Fats ,,Departrat , each year prorer,v m'ce eb Attention! All members of th ! orin. Carolina Hom r. Mnv The food administration TiQ dersd in, . :.e '-uard nrQ ' seized 16,000 tons of sugar which ; drill on Thurdav - Armory for was held in New York. i the 13th, 19 17 ' December UI VV. LANDIS P- nr.- - 0r S. M. WTTRPTTPtfiI1- xn, 1st Sergt. SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LEDGER. 31 NICE VACANT LOT FOR SALEON Broad street, I want to sell my va cant lot on the East side of Broad street, between Mr. T. N. Burwell's residence, and Mr. J. H. Myers residence. The lot is 72y2 by 200 feet i3 on a splendid eleva tion, and is an excellent lot. Mr. A. A. Hicks will take -pleasure in showing and giving information about it. Mrs. J. B. Minor. D84t LAND FOR SALE IN OXFORD AT the Court House door on Decem ber 17, 1917 at twelve o'clock, I will offer for sale a valuable tract of land belonging to the children of J. B. Tunstall, known as J. V. B. Tunstall's place at Bullock station in Granville coun ty N. C. This tract of land con tains 28 acres, one five room log house, good well, one flue curing barn, cabin, stables and feed room, also convenient to Graded school. His widow holds posses sion of 6 acres at once but all will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. E. B. TUNSTALL, agt. Dec45tx Christmas Jewelry; L At attractively low prices, Such won derful things that will make his or her heart glad. HIT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO MENTION THE DIFFFUFvr KINDS AND PRICES OF THE WONDERFUT nnrl - WE HAVE FOR YOUR INSPECTION, WHICH 4tt ? BEAR THE CLOSEST INSPECTION LL MOUR LINE OF WATCH BRACELETS, LAVILT tfdq FANCY BROOCHES, ATTRACTIVE BAR vi" p NUM FRONT, ALSO PLATINUM LAVILLIERS In viting Prices: MWE HAVE THE SILVER WARE, ANYTHING rnn - WANT AT THE PRICE TO SUIT YOUR POCKET OTTT? SILVER WARE WAS BOUGHT IN TIME TO S 4VF thp LAST ADVANCE WHICH YOU ARE INTITLD TO AND WE ARE GLAD TO GIVE YOU THIS ADVAN TAGE. Novelties: HAYES, WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF NOVELTIES ALSO MAHOGANY TRAYS, NUT SETS, AND SOME SOLID MAHOGANY CANDLE STICKS. At YOU ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO STOP IN ND TAKE A LOOK, WE WILL ' DO OUR BEST TO PLEASE. CI TV OXFORD JEWELRY COMP E. H. JOHNSON, Mgr. OXFORD, N. C. -it Mud LOCALS THIS ISEAIUOltS OK TUB PUBLIC LKiiGfciK SOiiLTI.MZLl THIS COL-L;M- VERY' CIiOSF;i,Y. THIS CLASS ADV1RTSIXJ IS A VKli EF FECTIVE H'A OF SECUHIAiti It.E S? I.TS. THE RATE IS 5 CENTS A LINE EACH l.SEU'iTON, AVER AGE SIX WORDS TO THE LINE. STRICTLY CASH WITH OKDEIt UNLESS THE A 13 VE-RTISER RUNS A REGthAIl ADVERTISEMENT WITH THIS i A PER. NONPARELL READING NOTICES AT BOTTOM OF1 COLUMN ON ERONT PACE 10c. 2 A LINE. ISO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS I THAN W CENTS. OXI Oil!) OUFITAXACJTC J? HOE SHOP will repair your shoes nicely. Will send for them and returD them promptly. Call Phone 24 jan27tf ffChris tma i , . I ... fa I! at a- . : 3 With Austria and Bulgaria alienated by the Allies, the Kaiser wouldn't have anybody to consort with except the Turks, which would seem to reduce things to their prop er classification. America has some virtues. For instance, one of them is indicated by the fact that in hundreds of cartoons examined last month in the office of the Review of Reviews there was not a single direct of indirect reflec tion on the President. The British war revenue laws have taxed so many of the theatres out of existence that the Govern ment isn't getting the income it ex pected from that source. Taxa tion is something that must be im posed with discrimination; too much Is worse than not enough. WA-XTED LOAN FOU $500, 12 months time, real estate secur ity. Address "LAND" care Pub lic Ledger. Dec54t FOR 11ENT THE DUDLEY BUL- lock residence on Broad street, seven rooms and modern improve ments. The Horner House under the Large Oak tree in Ridely Park. This place has a good well and a large garden. J. N. Tilley, Guardian; A. A. Hicks, Guar dian. Dec84t We have on display a big stock of Christmas something suitable for every body, old or young. We invite your inspection. Bring the Childrdn in to see what Santa Claus has for them. lMVi SI 5g FOIt SALE TWO HOUSES JUST beyond the corporate limits, one a two story six-room house, the other a new five-room cottage both now rented. Good reason for selling. Advantages of both town and county. For further particulars apply to No. 59 Asy lum street, Oxford. Decl7t FOR SALF MY HOJIF ON HIGH Street. Two thousand dollars Cash. J, N. PITTMAN. Dllm JT. N. NORWOOD WILL SFLL A fresh milch cow Thursday at 12 o'clock at the court house door. Decl21t BUY YOUR FURNITURE NOAV BE fore any advance in price. We have full stock yet awhile. Up church & Currin. N24tf FOR RENT TWO NICE HOMES for rent. F. W. Hancock Home Place, situated on Hancock street, Mrs. E. T. Rawlin's Home Place, situated on Main street. Both houses have all modern conven iences. Terms reasonable. Also several coal and wood stoves for sale. Apply to F. W. HANCOCK, Jr. N28tf "SEED COTTON WE WILL BUY or gin your seed cotton, delivered to Horner Brothers Co, Oxford or at C. W. Bryan's gin on his farm, Edgewood." Horner Bros. Co. Novl4tf. WE HAVE A NICE LINE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS AND WANT YOU TO COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SE LECTIONS. WE ONLY MENTION A FEW THINGS BELOW BUT YOU WILL FIND IN OUR STOCK MANY MORE ITEMS EQUALLY AS APPROPRIATE FOR GIFTS. FRENCH IVORY GOODS Manicure and Toilet Sets . .50c to $18.00 Military Brushes $1.50 to $6.00 Brushes $1.00 to $3.50 Mirrors . . . 50c to $3.25 Combs, Trays, Puff Boxes, Files, Button Hooks, Cuticle Knives, etc. YOU CAN SELECT A FEW USEFUL ARTICLES AT A VERY SMALL COST. STATIONERY OUR LINE OF CHRISTMAS STA TIONARY IS COMPOSED OF SYMPHONY LAWN AND LORD BALTIMORE, LINEN PAPERS. SYMPHONY LAWN IS A VERY FINE QUALITY OF PAPER. REGULAR BOXES COc UP. IN VERY ATTRACTIVE HAND PAINTED BOXES 75c to $5.00. WHEN YOU GIVE A BOX OF THIS PAPER YOU GIVE THE BEST YOU CAN BUY. KODAKS A KODAK MAKES AN APPROP RIATE GIFT FOR YOUNG OR OLD PRICES $1.25 to $30.00 MEN'S LEATHER PURSES AND CARD CASES 50c to $2.00. k 'i St. ri CIGARS IF YOUR HUSBAND OR FRIEND SMOKES HE WILL APPRECIATE A BOX OF CIGARS TO SMOKE DURING THE HOLIDAYS. $1.35 to $7.50. FOUNTAIN PENS WATERMAN OR MERCANTILE PLAIN OR FANCY SELF FILLING PENS. A VERY USEFUL GIFT. $1.00 to $8.00 TOILET WATERS, PERFIDIES. CREAMS, FACE POWDERS, ETC. YOU WILL FIND IN OUR LINE MANY VREl ARATIONS FOR MY LADY'S TOILET. TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN SANTA CLAUSE BROUGHT Hlft WAGON FULL THIS YEAR HE HAS SEVERAL MORE LOADS TO BRINJ YET, BUT HE IS SO BUSY TRYING TO GET TOYS TO ALL THE LITTLE CHIL DREN IN THIS COUNTRY AND SOME TO THE LITTLE HOMELESS CHILDREN IN BELGIUM AND FRANCE THAT HE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO GET ALL ItIS TOYS HERE. JUST TELL MAMA OR PAPA 0 SEE SANTA CLAUSE AT HALL'S DRt' STORE AND TELL HIM WHAT Oh WANT RIGHT AWAY SO YOU CAN GL YOUR'S OUT OF HIS FIRST LOAD. Hr HAS LOTS OF PRETTY DOLLS, TI SETS, PIANOS, TRICYCLES, WAGON -1 AIR RIFLES, DOLL CARRIAGhN TRAINS, BALLS, HORNS, DRUMS, TOOL BOXES, MONKEYS, HORSES, AUTOMO BILES, ENGINES, TRUNKS, TABLE, CHAIRS, GAMES AND HUNDREDS OI OTHER THINGS. Those holding cash coupons, will please keep them until after Christmas. We can't count them during the rush. Come on now and get your gifts. TT TT IniSlil II