I PUBLIC LEDGER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, i9l8 PAGE 4 or if; i i I 1 i'k w Mi ! if 1: it m m i ll- m i B 1. Cm if If Hi: IP to -ME IIP III ft! :il i'l' ' "I n I A m 3 ' -I I lis POTEJC LEMEK AND OXFORD aBANNER PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE EDITOR AND MANAGER Entered at postoffice in oxford, N. C. as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION-RATES ONE YEAR $1.50 EIGHT MONTHS l-O SIX MONTHS 75 POUR MONTHS 50 - - This paper has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war INTERN THE WOMEN SPIES Washington has awakened from its position of gallantry, and the House has extended the espionage act to include women as well as men. Under the provision of the act women suspects may be arrest ed and interned or deported, as the authorities see fit. This step should have been taken long ago. A wom an spy is just as' dangerous as a man spy. In the European spy sys tem her scope is regarded as the greater. But there is another question, that of entertainment. The male Huns now interned are satisfied with good food, a soft climate and a lit tle tennis, but the ladies may prove more exacting. Auction parties, dansants and other social functions may have to be provided by Uncle Sam to brighten their hours. WILL CAN WIN WAR. Shortly after the battle of the Masurian Lakes, von Hindenburg stated in an interview with an American newspaper correspondent that "will" would win the war and that the nation possessing the most mental courage would survive to dictate peace term. Von Hindenburg's words apply to the Allies of today. With the pat riotic fervor of France, is mingled the bulldog stubbornness of the British. And both are flavored by the indomitable courage and Yankee engenuity of America. We must win the war. There is no other way out. We must will to win it as there no other way out. Willing to win, we will win! Will will win the war! SOLDIERS RESENT PACIFISM. As Wm. J. Bryan learned at To ronto, there are some thing that a man does that cannot be undone, some things that cannot be blotted from the memory of others by any kind of subsequent behavior. Pacifism is one of those things pacifism which is blind to righteous issues and deaf to the cry of human ity pacifism which, however, is not dumb, and in Brayn's case was ac companied by the stultification of statesmanship. According to the Shakespeare, "the evil that men do lives after them," while "the good is oft interrred with their bones." Bryan found himself a dead one when he essayed the oth er evening to educate an audience, part of which had been educated in the most terrible war in all history a war that pacifists like Bryan have made as costly as possible. Aiier soiaiers nave faced for months the cannon of their enemies, they have no patience with the piffl ing talk dt pacifists. The Austrian people may have reached a state of anger over the shortage of food, but it is very doubtful if they succeed in getting their teeth in the Kaiser's personal supply of pretzels. The women of New York voted last week for the first time, and in the performance of that duty they seem neither to have dropped a stitch nor to have fallen a row be hind in the sweater they were knit ting. - The fact that women marks men shot the target to smithereens plainly shows that the modern wom an can do more with her eyes than merely speak. -The German occupation of Fin land is another evidence that as long as the old Hun hen is permitted to retain her present nest she will try to hatch every egg in sight. Sousa's new inarch will un doubtedly be a masterpiece, but it is ouite safe to say that it will not make the Sammie step any more livelv than the democracy music - v - that Uncle Sam is now playing. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted to me on the 24th day of January, 1907, by S. C. Cash and wife, and duly recorded in Deed of Trust Book 69, page 246, of the of fice of the Register of Deeds, of Granville county and at the request of the holder and owner of the bonds secured thereby, default having been made in the payment thereof, I shall, on SATURDAY, APRIL. 13, 1918 at about 1 o'clock P. M. sell to the highest bidder, by public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Ox ford, the following described two lots or parcels of land:e FIRST LOT Beginning at a stake in Curl's line running thence by his line N. 18. E. 20 chs., to Curl's corner in Braggs line; thence N 35 W. 11 chs. to Ledge Creek to Milton's and Bragg's corner; thence down Creek to an elm in corner of lot No. 2; thence along line of No. 2. N. 7.36 chs. to the beginning, con taining 13 acres, more or less, known as Plat No. 1, in the division of the j Dean land. SECOND LOT Beginningat a large post oak, Bragg's corner, running I thence by his line N. 34 W. 2.61 chs. to an iron stake, Cash and Bragg's corner; thence by Cash's line S. 19 W. 8.12 chains to an iron stake, Curl's line, Cash's corner; thence N. 37 E. 6.92 chains to the beginning, and contains 85(100 of an acre, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to said S. C. Cash by T. P. Curl. This March 12, 191.3. J. T. AIKEN, Trustee. B. S. ROYSTER, Attorney. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order and decree of the Superior Court of Granville County made on the 11th day of March, 1918 in a special proceeding therein pending wherein Louisa Jones, Lundy Spencer and others are Palintiffs and Emily and Elijah Hunt and others are Defendants I shall, on MONDAY, APRIL 15TH, 191S sell at public auction to the Highest Bidder for cash at the Court House Door in the town of Oxford a cer tain tract or parcel of land situated i in said county in Sassafras Fork Township bounded and described as follows: , Beginning at a planted stone Os borns Harts corner; thence along his line East lOchs. ; thence North 6 chs. to a pile of stone. Thence East 10 chs. to a pile of stone; thence North 6 chs. to the beginning containing 6 acres more or less. For a further description of said lands see Deed from M. A. Gregory to Lucy Hart dated the 14th day of February, 1889 and recorded in Book 44 at page 352 in the office of the Register of Deeds for said coun ty. Time of sale 12 o'clock M. T. LANIER, Commissionre. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the powder of sale contained in a certain Deed of J Trust executed on May 15, 1914, by Helen Pugh, which said Deed of Trust is of record in Book 111, page j 3d, registry of Granville County, de- foult having been made in the pay ment, of the bond thereby secured and at the request of the holders of said bond, I will on THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1918 offer for sale to the higest bidded by public auction, for cash, at the Court House Dood in Oxford, that certain tract of land lying in Brass field Township, described and de fined as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. L. McGhee, on the south by the lands of Wm. Harris, on the West by the lands of Fielos Homes, containing 20 acres, more or less, and known as the Thomas May place. See also Deed Book 62, page 184. This March 11, 1918. W. D. GOOCH, Trustee. D. G. BRUMMITT, Attorney. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby given to all per sons not to harbor my minor son, David Whitfield, and not to' furnish him any support, and not to honor any check he may present with my name appearing on it. I have not issued any check to him. I have not authorized him to sign my name to any paper. I refuse to be bound by any paper he has signed, and if he hereafter signs any paper in my name I shall refuse to be bound by it. This February 27, 1918. 3-9 2tx J. W. WHITFIELD. WHEN YfEAK OR RUN DOWN by chronic cr acute throat and lung troubles -which often decrease efficiency and menace lifo itself, try -" ECKMAN3 ALTERATIVE This is a Calcium preparation possess ed of marked tonic value hi addition to Its remedial qualities. Contains no Al cohol, Karcotic or Ha'oit-Forming Druff. $2 size, now $1.50. $1 size, bow 80c Price includes war tax. All druggists. Eckman "Laboratory. Philadelphia. m I FOUR NEW WAR DECORATIONS ORDERED BY UNITED STATES. New decorations and insignia for American soldiers, ordered by the War Department in or der of their value, are a distin guished service cross, distin guished service medal, war ser vice chevrons and wound chev rons. Women are eligible to receive both the cross and the medals. The "D. S. C." of the Ameri can Army is to be a cross of appropriate "bronze design, and ribbon to be worn in lieu thereof," to be awarded by the President or by the commander-in-chief of the American expe ditionary forces for "extraordi nary heroism" in ' connection with military operations against an armed enemy of the United States under circum stances which do not justify the award of the "medal of hon or." I BUSINESS LOCALS THE READERS OP THE PUBLIC LEDGED SCRUTINIZE THIS COL UMN VERY CL.OSEL.X. THIS CLASS OF ADVERTISING IS A VERY EF FECTIVE WAY OF SECURING RE SULTS. THE RATE IS 5 CENTS A LINE EACH INSERTION, AVER AGE SIX WORDS TO THE LINE. STRICIvLY CASH WITH ORDER UNLESS THE ADVERTISER RUNS A REGULAR ADVERTISEMENT WITH THIS PAPER. NONPARELL READING. NOTICES AT BOTTOM OF COLUMN ON FRONT PAGE 10c. A LINE. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 20 CENTS. OXFORD ORPHANAGE SHOE SHOI will repair your shoes nicely. Will send for them and return them, promptly. Call Phone 24 jan27tf YOUNG MEN THREE SHIP- ments of Hart-Schaffner & Marx Clothes, all wool for spring have reached us. Let us show you. The selling will be easy. Horner Bros. Company. M6tf m :i" bl- mljw m I 1 ill R oyster's Farmer's Bone for i m p Our Sales Have Thribbled That of Former Seasons on This Brand of Fertilizer, and We Continue to Book Orders. i . m H p$1 I hM o I JD est 7 per ill Fertilizer, Acid Phosphate, 150 Bushels Seed Irish Potatoes, Fertilizer Distribu tors, Corn Planters, and a Large Line of AGRICULTURE LABOR-SAVING IMPLE MENTS. Oxford Chase Buggies and Sur ries, With Harness to Match. Handsom est Turnouts Made in the South. Wagons and Harness. m .2 $? S3 n lis 4 .1 s 4 OLD Royster's Farmer's Bone for Tobacco. Zell's Special Compound for Tobacco. Potapsco Planter's Favorite for Tobacco. We Want Your Business. II I I u u WANTED A GOOD RELIABLE settled or middle age woman, white or colored, to keep house. Can make home with the family. Apply to Box 355, Burlington, N. C. F20tf FOR SALT: PURE BRED WHITE Wyandottes eggs 15, $1.50 deliv ered. Mrs. E. E. Hicks, Route 1, Box 38-A, Oxford, N. C. M62tx SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN eggs, $1.25 for fifteen, the old price. P. B. FARMER., Rt. 5. M9tf WANTED AT ONCE ONE HUN dred barrels of nice corn; either shelled or on cob; will pay. $10.00 per barrel delivered at the mill. OXFORD ROLLER MILLS, by W. A. Parham. F66t WANTED SHARE CROPPER ON good productice land. See E. G. Crews at the First National Bank. Feb-16tf Pay Your Taxes .Now. Please settle your 1917 State and County Taxes at once. All real es- 1 tate upon which taxes is not paid will be advertised soon and collec tion forded on personal property. Please settle now and save me XT - V7 trouble and yourself the cost. tf S. C. HOBGOOD, Sheriff Gran. Co. WANTED TE 3HLLION LBS. OF scrap iron, all grades at fancy prices. Also yarn and cotton rags. I also handle the very best makes of guanos, and will sell on time or for the cash either. T. N. BUR- j WELL. M64t IF IT IS DUMBER Oil BUILDING material of any kind you want, such as flooring, ceiling, siding, mouldings, windows, doors, blinds lime, cement, plaster, laths, terra cotta pipe, wire fencing etc., see or write, C. D. Ray and Son. mchl7tf TOBACC AMD IUN W ,4 cent. Cotton Seed RELIABLE BRANDS YOURS TRULY, ,(U)I c WANTED ALL SORTS 0p sacks", especially five-bushel oat sacks. Will pay good prices t N. BUR WELL, Ml64t WANTED COLORED MEN OVFP SIXTEEN YEARS OLD TO SACK AND TLE ON AUTOMATIC PACK ING MACHINES. GOOD WAGFS BEGINNERS PAH) WHILE LEARNING. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM BRANCH, DURHAM, N. Gm 2-20tf BEST OF COTTON SEED MEAL 75 tons of best 7 per cent, cotton seed meal. 150 bu. finest kind Cobbler and Bliss seed Irish Po tatoes. Lyon-Winston Co. tf IT WLLL PAY YOU TO KEEP this one; Resolved, That durin the year 1918 I will send my ort ders for P R I N T I N G to the Printing Department of the Oxford Orphanage. There's a reason. Ring Phone 24 and we will all. Jiotf YOUNG MEN THREE SHIP ments of Hart-Schaffner & Marr M . - Clothes, all wool for spring have i cdtiicu us. uei us - snow vnn . The selling will be easy. Horner Bros. Company. M6tf FORD FOR SALE CHEAP SEE Frank E. Youngs. F16tf The Kinston Free Press says that rt -J- rt 1 3 X1 j. -r-k - yen county, March 26, 1901, was de- putcu caru written ai uover, ura- lievered to the Kinston man to whom it was addressed a few days ago nearly 17 years after it was writ ten. Dover is nine miles distant from Kinston and where the card was during the 17 years was not re lated. The man who wrote it is dead. CO Tobacco Meal, Corn r rz: , ;