WEDNESDAY. JULY -AND PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY DAN A. COBLE EDITOR AXD 3IAXAGER be J in ! Entereil at postoll'ice in uxford, X. C. as second-class mail matter. SUBSGRirTlOX OXE YEAH EIGHT 3IOXTITS SIX 310ZVTHS KOUK 3IOXTHS RATES .$1.50 , 1.0O , .it . .50 NOTICE Subscriptions are payable HtrirtU in advance. WATCH THE DATE OX YOUIt LABEL,! 1I Communications, Clieclis and Honey Orders should Ie made payable and addressed to the Public Ledger. V v.! - This paper has enlisted with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war HOW MUCH. MONEY. Money is a funny thing:. A year ago there was in circula tion $45 of actual money for each one of us. During the year we have each bought an average of $100 Liberty bonds. We paid for them with mon ey. How much money is left? A lit tle mere than we had a year ago. FLOOD OF HITMAN IT Y. Here is a startling fact! More persons now cross the Atlantic Ocean a week than ever crossed it in any one week prior to the war. That is fact number one, but it is fact number two which has start ed over Germany a wave of terror. Fact two is this: Nearly every person who crosses the Atlantic Ocean now wears the uniform of the United States. This flood of humantiy is headed for Berlin, and no wonder the Post dam Gaing trembles. CONGRESS OF NATIONS. There are about seventy-five in dependent nations in the , world. Each has a capital and a flag. Since thirty-knot ships, mile-a-minute trains, telegraph, telephone, aeroplanes and wireless have woven the people of the world into closer communication than were the Thir teen Colonies during the Revolution, a congress to represent at all times these seventv-nve Powers seems reasonable. t Such a congress would prevent any Teutonic bull in future from playing havoc in the china shop. THE LEGAL RUBE. Ceasar said he would rather first in a village than second Rome. Except when absent on official business Washington always lived on a farm. For a little while Jefferson prac ticed law in a village, but like the j Man of Mount Vernon the author of j the Declaration of Independence was a farmer. j Madison, another Virginia Presi dent, lived on a big farm not far from his mentor, Jefferson. Adams, Franklin and Hamilton were city men, but John Marshal, our country's most illustrious judge, never saw as big a city as Raleigh prior to the time he became .Chief Justice of the United States. Lincoln managed to become the coiintrv's foremost statesman of h:s century on a farm and practicing law in villages. Gladstone loathed London and preferred to be known as a country gentleman. But a few of our Presidents have come from large cities. McKinley went to the White House and so did Garfield and Hayes go there from Ohio during the last forty-one years and not one of the three lived in the biggest Buckey towns Cincin nati, Cleveland and Columbus. President Wilson is not a city man, and "Any ' Jackson preferred farming to any other business, and he died admidst his beloved fields at the Hermitage. For almost half a century the most conspicious men in tne Amer ican Congress were Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Daniel Web ster. Clay and Calhoun were typical Southern farmers and derived none of thoir vast and varied abilities from the cities. Of the big men in Congress dur- after the Civil War a very lUSiESS LOCALS THE HEADERS OF THE PUBLIC LE13GEI3 SCRUTINIZE THIS COL LA1X VER Y CLOSELY, THIS CLASS OF" ADVERTISISC IS A VERY EF FECTIVE WAY OP SECURING RE SULTS. THE RATE IS 5 CENTS A LIXE EACH INSERTION, AVER AGE SIX WORDS TO THE LIXE. STRICKLY CASH WITH ORDER UNLESS THE ADVERTISER RUNS A REGULAR AD VERTISE3IEXT WITH THIS PAPER. NOXPARELL READING NOTICES AT BOTTOM O COLU3IN OX FRONT PAGE 10c. A LIXE. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS Til AX 20 CEN TS. I OXFORD ORPHANAGE SHOE SHOP will repair your shoes nicely. Will send for them and return them promptly. Call Phone 24 jan27tf IT WILL. PAY YOU TO KEEP this one: Resolved, That during the year 1918 I will send my or ders for PRINTING to the Printing Department of the Oxford Orphanage. There's a reason. Ring Phone 24 and we will 10 Per Cent Brings this Columbia Grafonela to Your n call. J16tf LOST BETWEEN 3IY MAIL BOX and Oxford, one buggy robe, very Suitable reward for its to OSCAR YANCEY. June294tx heavy, return i ! or Lnd large majority were from little towns. Turkey is now demanding seession of the Russian Black fleet, which shows how little Turkish hired man knows his pos Sea the boss. - The conscientious objector who would rather go to jail than fight will probably regret his decision when he hears the victory jubilee parade coming up the street. WANTED A COOK, APPLY TO 60 King street or Andrew Jamieson, W. A. Adams Company factory. June292tx FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER Ford in good condition. Bargain to quick buyer. K. L. Street, at Lyon-Winston's. J54tx vJtt IS U JJuUlJx vi UP IT IS LUMBER G material of any kind you want, such as flooring, ceiling, siding, mouldings, windows, doors, blinds lime, cement, plaster, laths, terra cotta pipe, wire fencing etc., see or write, C. D. Ray and Son. mchl7tf STRAY PIG BLACK BORE PIG White spot in;: face. Please no tify Chief Hobgood or R. J. Wood, at BlackwelFs - store. Jn262tx FOR RENT BAY WINDOW ROOM for rent over Union Bank. Apply to J. T. BRITT. June263t As for sending that many sol diers an average of 4,000 miles by land and sea from their homes to the battlefront- well, it is another world's record for Uncle Sam. BATTLES ON SUNDAY. It is a curious thing that many of the hardest battles of the present world war, as in former ones, were fought on the Sabbath. The fiercest battle of the War of Rcses was waged on Palm Sunday, 1451. Ten years later the Battle or Barnet was fought on Easter Sunday. Ramillies was fought on Whit Sunday, 1706." It was on Sunday that Wellington issued his famous order, "Ciudad Rodrigo must be carried by assault, this ev ening." Napoleon lost at Waterloo on the Sabbath .Washington won the Battle Monmouth on Sunday, June 28, 1778. Both the Battle of Bull Run and the Battle of Shiloh were waged on Sunday. War knows no holiday and re spects no holy day. The kaiser may be rushing troops to save Austria, but the time has come when no matter how swiftly he runs from one gate to the other he won't be able to keep his Nemesis on the outside. GERMAN KULTUR. This is wholly true. It could be appropriately asked when there has ever been under the present dynas ty a time when Prussia had a re sponsible civil government a gov ernment not subsewient to the mil itary clique which has ruled with the mailed fist and the sword and finally plunged a score of nations in to war to satisfy its military ambi tion and greed of dominion? It is declared in the Reichstag that "everybody cheats, steals, grabs, from jailbird to Court Cham berlain, who cheats the needy home worker out of his scanty earnings and pockets millions; poor people can only buy clothes at the official clothing department by bribing the salesmen with tips or food." No one. denied these remarkable statements? which were only a part of what was said concerning general criminality. The "Navy Department says that no enemy submarines have been sunk off the American coast, but Mr. Daniels must admit that the fiction writers have done a nice piece of bombarding in that direction. 240 BUSHELS PEAS. 400 BAGS RED DOG. 250 BAGS BROWN 3HDDLING S. TOBACCO, CORN AND POTATO GUANO. LYON-WINSTON CO. J12tf LATE CROP IRISH POTATOES for July plantings "delivered by parcel post $3.00 per bushel. L. M. Simpson, Oxford, Rt. 7. June264t Tomorrow you can have a chance to get a genuine Col umbia Grafonola at rock bottom prices and on very easy terms. For 10 per cent, down we will deliver to you at once this handsorile Grafonola complete, and any fiverecords. You can pay the balance in small weekly sums at your convenience. Think what you get: A Genuine Columbia Grafonola With 5 Records, in small weekiy payments. The Columbia Grafonola is everywhere j-eeognized as the supreme instrument for the home. Columbia records are inexpensive but they give you all the best of popular and operatic music. Of course you have always wanted a phonograph in your home, and here is your chance to get a gneuine Grafonola on easy terms that you ian easily afford. 1 fc4rLfc3?ii...';i-..7r-- Columbia Grafonola. Latest Model Grafanola, ex actly as illustrated. Powerful Silent Motor, Bayonet Faint Tone-Ann, Exclusive Colum bia Tone Leaves, Graduated Dial, Speed Regulator. This Special Offer for To-morrow Only AS OUR STOCK OF GRAFONOLAS AT THIS RE MARKABLY LOW PRICE IS LIMITED, WE AD VISE YOU TO COME EARLY TO AVIOD DISAP POINTMENT. Hughes - Smaw OXFORD, -:- -:- N. CAROLINA. C. A. REECE; Manager. II MPBMMMMBlmSMSS!SS!??l'aMMlit'it-1J'l'' Ill I H lllll'lll ' I ' ! I FOR SALE HALF DOZEN WHITE j NO SOOT, DIRT, SMOKE, ODER OR Chester pigs, two months old. Goodrich Wilson, Stovall. N. C. June 262t Ashes, Clean, Cool The Electric Range these problems. Convenient, solves all Jltf iHMimi mum il!iii!!u.:i!i!,ilHMi.i i The Best By Test This country is about to ex change prisoners with Germany, but it is quite likely that were the Hun troops given a voice in the matter in the matter they would vote in the negative. More man 69,000 masters, of ficers, and seamen on American merchant vessels traversing the war zones have been insured by the United States Government. .This insurance totals more than $115, 000,000. Claims under the insur ance are so far a little more than $180,000. 0 Reimer R. Regan, an automobile mechanic of Greensboro, received injuries in a wreck Sunday that caused his death. In passing an other machine his car went into a ditch and turned over, the steering wheel striking him in the stomach. He was about 30 years old and leaves a wife and two small chil dren. BARGAIN BARGAIN ONE wheat and oat thresher purchas ed last season and used only day or so and as good as new and guaranteed to be absolutely al right at a bargain to quick buyer. The advance in price of separa tors since last season places this' machine at a great sacrifice in price. See LYON-WINSTON CO. CASTOR DA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of (C EVROLET 53 Valve-In-Head Motor Spells Mechanical Efficiency Car load latest models just received. We can save yon fifty dollars if you purchase now. The price of the car will be advanced $50 by the manufacturers August 1st. Let Us Demonstrate THE CHEVROLET THE OLDSMOBILE. THE STUDEBAKER PARTS FOR ALL CARS IN STOCK BLALOCK MOTOR COMPANY mmmmmmmmummmm lUlililillm'l-""11"""'

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