PUBLIC T.P.nnp ....cnAV. AUGUST 14th, 1918. - & Zwr Hoouer Wonder LADE Here are some economy values for you. We have just six (6) Kitchen Cabinets left from our last car that we will sell for seven dollars less on each cabinet than the prices on same cabi net today. Two No. 1830 $25.00 each. Two Xo. 174 $35.00 each, aluminum table. Two Xo. 1752 $37.50 each, porcelain table. ECONOMY SALE SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ONLY . -SRMW FURU'CO GENERAL NEWS. Hot water is supplied in Paris ho tels only on Saturdays and Sundays According to a Vienna r-nnrt than 40,000 people in B Ct barefoot for want of shoes w,f. new u&stitute for oats made Zt tnT 86 tr?a iS beinS served out to horses in Paris. A woman of 62 in Kent, England was awarded the first prize medal in open competition for general farm Officials representing 20 Austral ian trade unions propose to form an other executive body in order to dis sociate themselves from "peace at any price" proposals. A Dutchman who has arrived here after several years' residenee in Spain says: "The Spanish people don't care a rap about the war. They are more absorbed in bullfights." Florence Mayor, aged 23, has been fined $25 for writing love letters to a German prisoner in an internment camp. She is egaged to a British soldier at the front. 3 Producers and refiners of copper liave agreed with the price fixing com j A PROCLAMATION. For striking a match in the street at midnight, a violation of the light ing regulations, John Fisher, of Leigh, Lancashire, was fined 12 shil lings. - - THE NEW CAIiOirlEIi IS HARMLESS AND DELIGHTFUL All Sickening and Dangerous Quali ties Removed Medicinal Virtues Vastly Improved. New Variety Called "Calotabs.' Science has given us smokeless powder, colorless iodine and taste less quinine -now . comes nausealess calomel, a new variety known as Cal otabs, that is whollyclellghtf ul in ef fect, yet more effective than the old style calomel as a system-purifier and liver-cleanser. Your doctor prefers calomel above all other midicenes, as it is the best and only sure remedy for bilious ness, indigestion and constipation. Now that calomel is . delightful to take, everybody is asking for the new variety, Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime, a swallow of water that's all. No nausea, no griping, ho dan ger. Next morning you wake up feel ing fine, your liver cleansed, your system purified. Eat what you please no restriction of habit or diet. Calotabs are sold only in original, sealed packages, price thirtyfive cents. Your druggist recommends and guarantees Calotabs.- (Advt.) FACE POWDER AND CHEWING GUM ANNOYS AN OLD TIMER The sultan Of anzibar has sent $100,000 as his country's contribu tion for 1918 to the winning of the I war. He sentithe same amount last year. Enrico Caruso, the tenor, has near ly $250,000, the esavings of his nine seasons of opera and concerts in Ger many and Austria, tied up in securi ties in Berlin, it has been learned. Instead of sending flowers to popu lar actresses, Londoners now send "ration parcels," which are finding themselves welcome. One musical comedy actress has nine men saving their sugar rations for her. mittee of the war industries board j nn a rriee of 2 6 cents a DOUnd fori the Period from September 1 to Nov- thrilled when the news flashed over Help For The Helpless. Last year the whole - world was ember 1, it was said today by raem- the wires that Jerusalem had been bers of the industry, price now in force. This is the dlivered from the hands of the Turk. -Greece, under the command of the The feeling was universal that the i Holy City should be restored to the In the comman council Councilman people .who had builded it and with Redding protested against permitting whose history it is forever associated, society girls to drive German priso- This is a fine sentiment, but finer ners through London in their motor and vastly more important than the cars and providing the Hun captives restoration of the Holy City is the Tritli tennis rr.ckets and other luxur- salvation of millions of Jews from ies while British prisoners in Ger- hunger and disease and death. 'In many are starving. j Turkey, in Palestine, in Luthania, in Of 12,900 Italians in Great Brit ain 700 are serving in the British ar my, 1805 in the Italian army, 3854 are exempted, 308 unfit, and of the remaining 6233, some are under call and others under investigation. German newspapers predict an ear ly off ensive by the Bulgarians against German general, Liman Von Sand ers and the Bulgarian commanderin-chlef. Stomach and Liver Troubles. No end of misery and actual suffer ing is caused by disorders of the stom acli and liver, any may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. CHICHESTER S PTCCS j.auios: ask your Urugglst for Ak ! !a-ohes;ter's Diamond "randVVl 1 111 :n Red and iold metailic roxes. sealer! xri&i Tll x:kk WX lake Yin nKA. T B 1,1A,AM- nn.iM pills, for sf IT J jacbc, saiest. Always Keiiabla 1 SOin BY DRUGGISTS B'ERYWHERE Russia, in Poland and in Galica star vation stare the children of Abraham in the face. Daily Jewish husbands see their wives grow thin and pale and fade away into the Great Silence. Daily Jewish babies tug frantically at breasts that are withered and dry; and above the din of battle is heard once more the voice of Rachel weep ing for her children and refusing to be comforted because they are not. I call upon the good people of North Carolina to hearken to this cry, to rally to the help of the helpless and once again to show themselves wor thy of the high service they are pri vileged to render. The hounded, Hi Jew can well afford to die. cannot afford by indifference and H mm ! inaction to have his blood on our HH j hands. !H ' Therefore, I, Thomas Walter Bick iH ) ett, Governor of North Carolina, do U I hereby set apart Monday, the 19th ill j day of August, as Jewish Relief Day. j I ask all newspapers to give wide !H ! publicity to this day, and especially 1H ask thaton Sunday, the 18th day of HI August, notice be given in allchurch- es in the-13tate thatahe following n,. : Monday will be observed as Jewish umg to the inability to jj j Relief Day, and the people will be secure nr. Hi! given an opportunity to help this uie iaor, we will not stricken race. " rake any deliveries of ice ( n Monday, the 19th day of Au f , m ' gust, I beg all our people to give to r bePtember 1st, except B this most worthy cause generously I . t 3 rinnlla ia 2f!f, iK ux. and gladly, Lei jew auu we regret H touch elbows and work together for HI ! these millions in distress, and may Si tto who made and loves us all, bes- Ili tow upon every giver, and every gift NOTICE iCfjo fUSiUai Irn nn nn rn r S r-n Rr r There are 6,500 Germans still at liberty in England, said Joynson Hicks, M. P., in an address on "The Alien Peril." They are holding the fort for eGrman commerce- after the war and should be interned, he added. What is though to be: a world's record for long distance flying was made by Lieutenant Bartlett, who flew from Scott Field to Payne Field, J West Point, Miss., 341 miles, in 3 hrsrand 5 min., averaging 110 miles and an hour. At times a speed of 150 miles per hour ras attained. CountT-JFood Administrator Parham Is on the Right Road. Editor Public Ledger: I was somewhat amused at a short squib I saw in the Public Ledger last week in reference to Mr. B. W. Par ham, food administrator of Granville county, being in favor of suppressing the muncing of chewing gum . and the daubing of powder on the face. You will notice that as a general thing that those who are late at church use considerable more pow der than those who are on time. One must admit that the' painting of the face isn't always a nice ex hibition. The wor?k, for the most part, is badly done. The technique is immature and hasty. There are depressing suggestions of a futuris tic tendency in the present aspects of the art of face painting. The vo gue for this sort of thing, now at its height, is, of course, regrettable. It is sure to pass. But it might be more profitable to consider its im pulse and origins. Obviously, the artist in self-painting wishes merely to be beautiful. Now, to wish to be beautiful is not to be wicked. " A very gifted 1 man, with two or three hours for discourse might be .able to prove conclusively! that the girls who carry handbags full of paint and lipsticks and such savage accouterments are merely . trying to do with defective means , what any good-looking blossom does j when it turns upward a glowing face , to brighten a gray world. : Girls and women are more beauti ful- without paint and powder. But j you must not tell them this. They j believe nothing that they do not think out" for themselves. It is their fate and their misfortune to learn only by experience. Mr. Parham is on me right road. i If he can stop the munching of chew ing gum in public he will have ac complished wonders. OLD TIMES. Save The Old Iron. (Indiana Farmer.) The prices of iron and steel are such that it will pay farmers to re trieve all the metal from their junk piles and sell it. Around nearly every farm there is considerable scrap iron, left from discarded machinery and wornout farming implements. This is useless as it is but if gathered up and sold it will reach the channels of trade and be melted up and made into new machienry and thus become useful again. When the rush work of harvest is over, take a day and collect the old scrap iron. Then call in the local junk man or haul it to town yourself to the dealer who han dles this class of junk. Besides real izing some extra cash, the premises will look better. Notice to Druggists Price Advance For over a year now we have succeeded in main taining Qur old prices, principally by virtue of a big - increase in sales, which reduced our over head cost. For our fiscal year end ing July 1, 1918, our sales amounted to over a million dollars an in crease of 58 per cent, ov er the nreceding year. We had hoped to bridge the war period without a change in prices on Vick's VapoRub but we find that our ocon omies do not keep pace with ovx rising costs. It is with sincere regret, therefore, that we are fore ed to announce an in crease, effective August 1, which will make it nec essary to retail VapoRub at ' - 30c, 60c and $1.20 The Vick-Chemical Co. Greensboro, N. C. a - In remaining in the air for 30 hours and 30 minutes, Ensign P. I. Barnes, attached to the naval air forces in European waters, establish ed a new world's record for sustain ed flights,' the Navy Department has announced. Gas masks for carrier pigeons is the latest protection for our fighter the HUN. Even food con tainers are Dut through a parafin can be carried through the gas zones at the front. 300 lb. lots. j uu mis out c:r- cumstances compel us. Af- 1 ter above catP mQf n S -his Heavenly benediction. . . Uate mentioned all g Done at our City Gf Raleigh, this W1J1 sold at plant. Pn nan r Word ice co. oa Aw nf Aiierust. in the year nf our Lord one thousand nine,hun- wm ! aa ip-Tit.een. and in the one B 'hundred and forty-third year of our American Independence. THOS. WALTER BICKETT, - Governor. 1 EMS!!!. i Bv the Governor; ' 1 SANTFORD MARTIN, I'ilHIiii-'iiiliili.hl'iiiiiMi'iiii.:. t-.. CoorotarV. A large quautitw of clothing, con sisting of underwear, woolen vests, and socks has been sent by the pope Ttaiinn nrisoners of war -in Ger- many. A new multiple camera with which pictures at the rate of one per sec ond can be takeni s a new weapon of allied airmen. With a single load ing 750 exposures can be made and a film for a new exposure is tured au tomatically. A Belgia has been sentenced to sev en-and-a-half months' imprisonment at Remscheid ((Prussia) for tearing down a German War Loan poster dis played in the work whese his was em ployed. There is immediate need for fifty expert seenographers .and PJ for foreign service, the United States employment office announced today. Only men are wanted. The minimum entrance salary is $2,000 a yea, j; examinations are necessary as results are desired at once. Monthly exports of beef to the al lies are over 92,000,000 pounds as against a pre-war average of 1,000, 000 pounds, the food administration announced today. Pork exports have jumped from 41,500,000 pounds a month to 169,000,000 pounds based on June shipments. Restrictions on j bacon in England have been lifted! through this increase in pack ship ments. ' ... TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEI; Starts Your Liver Without Making You Sick and Can Not Salivate v Every druggist in town your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling-off in the sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it. while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large oottie costs little, and if it fails to give easy re lief in every case of liver sluggish ness and constipation, you have only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasteing, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night --and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness; sick headache, acid stomach or constipa ted bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of cal omel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. INVITING PRICES.- Porch Swings, Porch Shades, with anchor cords, and Porch Rockerrj At a Bargain during the month of August. 9II1!H !!l!!!liH Upchurch & Currin Furniture Dealers, Funeral Directors and Embalmers. COAL MM MIL See or telephone us about your winter supply, C. P. Say 1 Son i : I ; ; ' ft ' 1 I I I' I i I t f I ! : i i it 1 i ' ? ' ; i i ; I ! I f 11 i k 1 f x: t " t I ' 'i 5 t ; . i . , & v . i i i. (i : li 1 t s i t . . i " i I 'I . i i si :.; ;