.it: ti:.: VI ffVl:: 1. ' 1. f '! i v E.I t?v;r i. PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEJZLY--TOWN ANXjQo UNTY OFFER B RILLIANT OPPORTUNITIES AIL HOME PRINT. X; H.-i i ' i ,f .'. NUMBER 76 OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA Wednesday, - September 25,1918. Tro BTHj- GIVE . . a oeveral committees THere bnu5 before the end of .SSfrf to see sou oeio wim to Se fear. One oUtside of a liv tQe Vn that lie n Ho should ? WS wSout "dodging, inS' siiins to paj, w- 1aTP(4. to in- Sar Varies giving but loan Jest ('"Unl v miking money by :c" mid is lea" j . . PVftrv cent lanS uP forf iWin and the Scan spaie noisgj ur conduct m , ive all taai uc o.i i.wuses-suclas the Across, the 'Hf -only a K If one aes foi h modest The people m ine cause for tliaak.. d that Tney fl-ar zone uc" lost ail- rriv and legit- "to make n?hey war is not a mat iiately dWS'fo uses the mon- ev thus .ma,a tn make money out of t f he strives to niaKe umulate war condiuo"m eYf7'proflting. by tne ith ior.u.llur: 'whmit rJoinsr any- country's dres. ag he thing, or at least a he Wlth. tn help the coding. . deserve ?l?rin ajree country. . . nn:i; DAVIS SE R ETUR X S TO AMERICA Was iVouncKMiruTe Battle of the fts JC Davis, Vired Uis. pa ints Saturday that he had arrived in New iorK. 0f H?i. Sd "as" taken to a ho.pl- tal in Pans, u i ,p n tt,a mature ot me "uuu' , " J .u oarents -a few weeks ago vised hib paieuia n riCht. that he was geiui B states Goro-t nnvis ieiUiiiD fnr medical treatment and " recrea for metl habiv did not know to tion. He propaDO am .es?n.d which hospita u taVnmNew when he wireu ma yRpTrtain Ws pfreSSwffl WpSS! ea nis PV nrommpnt. Will trn tn SPP nllll. 1L tile uu'v I?ant a permit, or ie may return to Oxtora in iCV w THE COMMUNITY FAIRS. It Creeumoor, Stovall and Culbreth The Public Ledger is highly pleas-. . . " ,v. Jntorest Tnarufest- ed in the approaching f irs at StO- van, ureeuuiuui an. " j v.o Here we uuu.,y uy j : e co Dest proQuets any Tv uAi cial efforts on the part of the indi viduals in the community out it is r.iuin r titivp rprsonal conier- uusaiuic l'j , , -t ...i- v. ntVior arm Ifit. tne ences vviiu eacu Vv oinofl rASllltS tell man wnu naa uuicwuvu just how he did it for the, benefit of These conferences should he ar ranged and in charge of s0.e before hand. The exhibits will show what has been done let tne little heart to heart conferences tell -how these things were done. We like to hear a man or woman talk who has done something. At tiiese iairs it can oe auduscu . that the man or woman who has done something can tell how it was done rather than that which we so often hear tell us how to do some thing. Tl , . Ji.. fm'KCi TTTO Vl H VP iut iiiuie eum iu unity tano in the countv, the greater will be tne big county fair in Oxford during the- last weeK m uctODer. EXEMPTION BOARD ITEMS. Call Comes For Several Limited Service Men. , -Each day the local exemption board is mailing out 10 per cent, -of the questionnaires to the registrars in the county of 19 to 36 years, in- Elusive. jvii inose receiyiug 1 tionnaires are requested to fill them nn ; c..i-, i V - niipe- vut in i un, leaving uuuc ui tii hv" 4" 1 f i-fc r J nutisi unuiiswereu. A call has been received by the 1 Alnl . .1 J J? A MmTM! 1 iuv.di exemption Doaru iui white men to be furnished for limit- u military service at i on, xuuux Ky., between the dates of Septem ber 30th and October 4th. The nam of these men will be announced lat- Cif er. UNITED WAR WORK CONFERENCE IN RALEIGH The following from Granville coun ty attended the United War Work Conference in Raleigh Friday of last f eek: Miss Nette Gregory, Mr. C. E. Maynor, Gen. B. S. Royster, Mr. B. J. Parham, Dr. J. A. Morris, Mr. N. J- Bodis, of Creedmoro, and Mr. R. H. Lewis, Jr. The outstanding fea ture fif tVio nr-nim-nlrn Tiro O an . fl.d- dress in the auditorium Friday night trypsy Smith, the world noted e vangelist of London, on the subject: Behind our fighting forces m France." The conference vwas very largely attended and was pronounc ed the most successful yet held m afly o$ the Southeastern States. DR. WATKINS GETS A FALL In The Good Doctor's Arm Is T, Sling. . Dr. WatTrinc VnTxro Tirvmr it feels tO ave a broken arm. He was always yumeuc, Dut alter nis iuiuuw OWn tbft RtrireoTio lact wftfilt. SUS" taming a broken arm, he will be 'uut; so. Ve will wnwr tnnt if nne of Dr Weill's pateints break a bone he A PROGL AMATIGN IJberty Bond to In Every Home In Granville County. '' TO Tfl" PEOPLE OF GRANVILLE COUNTS: THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN BEGINS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1918. THE GOVERNMENT IS ASKING ITS CITIZENS FOR A LOAN OF SIX BILLION DOLLARS. IT IS ASK ING FOR FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM GRANVILLE COUNTY. THIS MONEY IS TO BE USED U THE FOOD AND THE CLOTHING, THE SHIPS, THE SHELLS AND THE GUNS THAT THE BOYS FROM GRANVILEE COUNTY MUST HAVE IF THEY ARE TO WIN AND COME BACK TO US. ' . TO RAISE THE AMOUNT ASKED FOR FROM GRAN VILLE -COIJN-TY WILL REQUIRE NO SACRIFICE FROM ANY ONE. IT REPRE SENTS NOT MORE THAN 10 PERrOENT OF THE. VALUE OF OUR TO BACCO CROP FOR THIS YEAR ?THE COMMtTTEE DOES NOT EX PECT TO CONDUCT A SPEAKING CAMPAIGN. THE TIME FOR THAT HAS PASSED; THE TIME FOR ACTION HAS COME. IT IS PROPOS-. -ED TO RAISJE OUK &ELARE TOA lSCRSpNAL CANVASS OF EVERY CITIZEN IN THE COUNTY.' " , TO THAT END WE HAVE, AND DO HEREBY, DESIGNATE AND -SET APART -' ; ' - ;--':y . - WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 1918 as LIBERTY LOAN DAY IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF GRANVILLE, AND DO HEREBY PO CLAM SAID DAY AS A -HOLIDAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELLING BUYING BONDS-OF THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. ON THAT DAY lS EVERY BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF THE COUNTY BE SUS FENDED WE CALL UPON THE HEADS AND MANAGERS OF EV- BANK WAREHOUSE, AND STORE TO CLOSE ON JuIt DAY AND u5)N ALL OUR PEOPLE GENERALLY TO DEVOTE E AND THOUGHT TO THE PURPOSE SUGGESTED. ;0N SD&'toM AND EVERY CITIZEN - ?LT SUPERINTENDENT CALL THE ATTENTION OF THEIR DAY ! TSSSmON; AM.IiKT THH SAME BE DONE CHERSShOoLs ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. A Liberty Bond In Every Hahdjn Every Home In Granville County v. - - W T. YANCEY, - . Chairman Fourth Liberty Loan Committee. MRS. CANDACE R. E. BROWN, Chairman Woman's Coinvtee E. C. HARRIS, : . . ' Chairman Board of County Commissioners. - W. Z. MITCHELL, Mayor of Oxford. . - :l- ' j.;McDUFFIE,:;;' ; 'y --j - . Mayor ol Creedmoor. j. M. BULLOCK, " . V Mayor of Stem. ' ' ' - n Ti TiEWIS. " Mayor: of Stovall. - I r.Rtyni.i.K soldiers staxb Major Stem and Lt. B. S. Royster Train Long Range Guns on Metz. " - ; - . -In his weekly review with newspa per men. General March stated that the First American Army, oiv the Lorraine front, has completed its "operation to eliminate the St. Mihiel salient. , , , General March read, a cablegram citing an order issued by Major Gen- eral Keea praising tne armieij' "14 gades in wnicn tne xxortu vaiunua troops tooK part. J Ti Major Tnaa U. stem anu j-. o. Royster, Jr., are in the artillery, and so far as we recall they are the on ly two men from Granville county in that branch of the service. The American army, which is witn in ten miles of . Metz, is shelling the stronghold of the Germans. .With the fall of Metz, Germany will lose all of her ore and fuel deposits. Metz is a city of seventy-nve moub and .inhabitants, and the fort, which is said to be one or tne strongest m the world, is reached by a tunnel ten miles long on the eastern approach. Military writers say mat n ia evi dently the intention of Gen. Foch to take the fort by strategy. A glance - at tne map-will snow mat iue ymcj. is already torming. It is a glorious tnougut tu jvhww that the eagle-eyes of Major Stem and Lt. B. S. Royster, two Granville county men, are trained on Metz, and we pray tnat tney may oe syctx ed to tell us. how the fort was cap tured. , AN ENEMY GRAVE YARD IS CAUSING WORRY The "Americans Discussced It In Lorraine. Speculations is rife in the Ameri can army at to what will be the dis position of the German graveyard found just north of Vignuelles road, Lorraine, and which, though elo- no?mninr tr cifrvn an reeara for their dead, may easily be offen sive to the French. The chief fea tro k that, the graves have been marked with marble tombstones with inscriptions concerning the ne v . !. 1,- i-nvaprs. There are some thirty graves in all, and a , i iu v.o o lnr Rtnne over eacn ui mem um . xo- , it .except six, which Have wooden crosses. Tne graves ."T tr bodies of the men who lost their lives when the St. Mihiel salient was occupied. " ' NEWr BOND ISSUE TO REACH 6 UlljijiurN Fourth Liberty Loans WJJ ?ear - interest 01 rum Percent. Washington, Sept. 23. All terms of the fourth Liberty Loan except the sizfandUthen maturity were.-announc- ed toaayDy iue - fi nno 000 - mnnnt nrobably near ?b,uuu,uuu, nuni' cP h ol ri on but announce- ment.was withheld. - . - A G The interest rate will -be 4 1-4 per cent, the same as .Out :of -the third loan. Bonas win ue u. vVv,o eh. five days after the c ose of the sUb scrintion penou aim -" 1 , -T -Tcr SEE" fm be -ade neXt Aprjl 15. vSnlng Thereafter semi-anbual pay ments will be October 15 and April mentb win v first inter- 1 s on a sou ouuu "i aV cordingly. - LETTERS FROM SOLDIER BOYS. Horse Shot From Under Lt. Hugh A letter from Lt. H. B. Hester to -his brother, Mr. John W.. Hester, stat es that he was in the drive at Chau tOQ11 Thierrv from the first ot June SSl ThemTddle of Jug at Sois- SJS frHe 'slyshatTe inel the fi?st divSin on ite arrival in France ?2wf SiVbeen with it in every en and has neen avhu horse IThTfroSVndeThim: b5t he did M AaHTcfsW?eceivedra letter Sunday from Major Thad G. Stem, who his just waded through the St. Sihiel salient, and is now near the German trontier. . ,r g?emed Mr. Hicks to remember. Mm kindly to his many friends in Gran ville. THE LADIES WILL LEAD. . Thoroughly Organized For the Lib- -r-r-ri v rotiims 3ta in from Vv 11 till an v- . the Liberty Loan drive-in GranvUle county it will be seen that the wo- man are in ine icau. a "v j most enthusiastic-meeting in Oxford Library last saiuruay i v, o A t down to business and clinched it with the most fervent prayer heard in many a day. Mrs. Candace Brown s Committee iea iue men wuim.v in tire last iiioeity it wm do the same thing again un less the men. hustle. I TR MOREHEAD EMMTTT ti- irn. -.'o TrtiTnitt. , Medical Corps, United States Navy, is spend ing a few days in Oxford with his mother, Mrs. oauuavo ' Dr. Emmitt is a member -of the Dr. McGuire Unit and will sail from an American .port this week He gave up a "TrE mono two yeai ofew been stationed at Quantico, Va. 'ti . ' i t i..V -1 . iv,.v ,v ! f K 1 r,-i ' ! i ( i, ill ir i: v V v. V '(); ';-;V;i Wi put him to bed, but it is interesy jng to note that he is on the go al the time. ;

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