1 : ' i' ". PUBLISHED ' XKLY-TOWN WILL REACH OXFORD SUNDAY AT 2:15 O'CLOCK. 1 - - . ; iTHE EXHIBITS TRAIN ' A PROeiAMAflON VOLUME XXXIII. Tfl LIBERTY LOAN DRIVE r-rFRYTHIXG MOVING AT WHIRL. EU WIND RAPIDITY. Hiwtlreds of Automobiles In Line Beady to Penetrate the Entire County The Start Will Be Made From he Court House Early Next Wednesday Morning. Bv reference to the Proclamation, v-hich we carry again in the middle of this page, will be seen that Chair man Yancey and his assistants -plan to put the Fourth Liberty Loan over in Granville county on one day, Oc tober 2. For that purpose, we may qov without exaggeration, that Jhe finest organization has been perfect ed that ever undertook a job in this county. The tobacco warehousemen and buvers, the bankers, the .busi ness and professional men are enthus iatieally behind this .. loan and are determined to put it over. Every day at the luncheon hour the committee ineats for a conference. Every day these busy men give an hour of their valuable time to this work. If pos sible, the Woman's Committee, is busier and more enthusiastic. The whole organization is working night -uid day and the activity will increase from day to day until the final .great drive on October 2. The nlan is to visit every home in the county on that day. This does not mean 95 per cent of the homes; it means all of them. The whole countv has been mapped by rural routes and teams of workers assign ed to these routes. Every team will know where it is to go and the terri tory it is expected to cover. Teams have been assigned to the various routes as follows: Oxford No. 1, car No. 1: Dr. E, B. Meadows, Jack Howard, T. G. Cur rin. S. H. Pritchard. Car No. 2 : C. M. Knott, B. F. Hes ter, Andrew Jamison, H. M. Mobgood E. M. Currin. - w Oxford No. 2r Car No. 1: J. W. Dean, A. D. Pitts, Jno. G. Hall, W. B Dixon, J. Robt. Wood. Car No. 2: Dr. J. A. Morris, L. E.Adcock, E. B. Mangum, A. P. Hobgood, W. TT. Brummitt. Oxford No. 3, Car No. 1: B. E. Par ham. N. G. Crews, C. H. Cheatham, V. T. Cheatham. Car No. 2: W. E. Dorsey. R. M. Hight, T. W. Winston, J. W. Wrenn, R. M. Ray. ' Oxford No. 4, Car No. 1: B. F. vie s r. Morton. Jr. S. V. Morton B. F.! CurrinrCar No. 2rH. S Hartl Wm. Thorpe, Wm. Landis, J. F. Meadows. ' - Oxford No. 5, Car . No. 1: W. B. Ballou, J. R. Perkinson, O. B. Breed love. E. M. Hart. Car No. 2: Wm. Barker, -T. L. Woody, L. F. Perkin son, H. F. Holman. Oxford No. 6, Car No. 1: J. T. Av erette, W. L. CurTin, C. D. Ray. M. P. Chamblee. Car No. 2 : E. N. Clem ent. C. G. Daniel, John Webb, F. B. Blalock. Oxford No. 7, Car No. 1: Herbert Greporv. T, Lanier. J. D. Newton, H. A. Hart. Car No. 2: R. C. Wat kins, M. M. Nelson, L. D. Blackwell, J. B. Elliott, G. B. Phillips. Kit.t.rell No. 2: W. S. Howell. Jas. W. Horner, L. T. Harris, A. P. Over ton. W. H. Unchurch. Northside, Car No. 1 : C. H. Cozart Hugh Fleming, John R. Roycroft, Jno. E. Hart. Car No. 2: Ralp Cur rin. Walter Fleming, J. P. Harris. Virgilina No. 2, Car No. 1: R. A. Adcock, G. C. Hobgood, S. M. Wat kins. Cor No. 2: R. A. Lovd. W. L. Clark, Jno. R. Hall, C. H. Breedlove. Virgilina No. 5. Car No. 1: G. B. Royster, W. H. Stovall. J. S. King, A. H. Powell. Car No. 2 : C. A. Stov all. Willie Royster, J. D. Brooks, R. T. Blackwell. Nelson Route, Car No. 1 : D. T. Winston, H. G. CooDer, A. A. Hicks, R. T. Pittard. Car No. 2 : C. H. Tim berlake. Will Allen. J. S. Watkins. Stovall: Dr. W. L. Taylor, J. B. Powell. Ciarkville No. 3: T. A. Royster, B. W. Parham, H. W. Davis, J. M. Baird. Bullock: C. G. Royster, W. H. Hunt, G. H. Faucette. Berea No. 1: G., T. Sherman, W. A. McFarland, B. K. Lassiter, Pete Bullock. Moriah. No. 1: L. T. Williford. L. S. Russell, C. H. Easton, W. D. Bry an. Hester No. 1, Car No. 1: A. E. Bohbitt, H. C. Floyd. C. W. Bryan, Walter Crews. Car No. 2: R. G. Stem. Jno. W. Hester, S. A. Fleming, Dr. W. B. Bullock. . Stem No. l: w. L. Umstead. Sim Bullock, E. B. Cozart, J. M. Farish, J- C. Cooper. Stem No. 2: W. S. Gooch, E. P. Mansrum. J. H. Gooch. D. K. Taylor. Stem No. 3: Car No. 1: W. R. Man gum , W. Z. Mitchell, Milton gragcg, j. f. Webb. Car No. 2 : R. C Jno. A. Williams. Creedmoor No. 2 : Dr. G. T. Sikes, J- E. Harris, B. S. Royster, H. D. AI? n arum. Creedmoor No. 1: N. J. Boddie, O. . Allen, S. C. Lyon, I. W. Mangum. Creedmoor No. 2, Car No. 1: Dr. p. T. Sikes, I. E. Harris, B. S. Roys Jer, H. D. Mangum. Car No. 2 : M. P- York, F. W. Hancock, Jr., C. E. Lyon, L. V. Peace. . Creedmoor No. 3: W. H. Fleming, J- F. Veasey, R. H. Rogers, J. H. Per ry. Youngsville and Wake Forest Routes: J. Ennis Davis, D. C. Hunt,, A C. O'Neal, W. Howard Garner. Franklinton No. 1: W P. White, Jr., Dr. e. T. White, J. R. Gooch, S. - Hobgood. This is the list of names as at pres 5 ent made up. It is possible that oth- (Continued On Page Elffht) AND COUNTY OtfFER B R1LLIANT OPPORTUNITIES- OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINaIsaturday. September : -" ''il i ' ALL HOME -PRINT. 28, 1918. NUMBER 77 "A: Liberty Bond WiMverp Hand In Every Home In Granville County.'' ,1 - TO THE PEOPLE OF GRANVILLE COUNTY : THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN BEGINS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1918thM GOVERNMENT IS ASKING . ITS CITIZENS FOR A LOAN OF SIX BILLION DOLLARS, IT IS ASK ING FOR FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM GRANVILLE COUNTY. THIS MONEY IS TO Blp USED IN PROVIDING THE FOOD AND THE CLOTHING, THE SHIPS, THE SHELLS AND THE GUNS THAT THE BOYS FROM GRANVILLE COUNTY MUST HAVE IF THEY ARE TO WIN AND COME BACK TO US. TO RAISE THE AMOUNT ASKED FOR FROM GRANVILLE COUN TY WILL REQUIRE NO SACRIFICE FROM ANY ONE. IT REPRE SENTS NOT MORE THAN 10 PER CENT OF THE VALUE OF OUR TO BACCO CROP FOR THIS YEAR THE COMMITTEE DOES NOT EX PECT TO CONDUCT A SPEAKING CAMPAIGN. THE TIME FOR THAT HAS PASSED ; THE TIME FOR AC 1 10 HAS COME. IT IS PROPOS ED TO RAISE OUR SHARE BY A DIREQT, PERSONAL CANVASS OF TO THAT END WE HAVE, AND DO HEREBY DESIGNATE AND SET APART v s WEDNESDAY , OCT. 2, 1918 LIBERTY as LOAN DAY IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANVILLE, AND, DO HEREBY PRO CLAIM SAID DAY AS A HOLIDAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELLING AND BUYING BONDS OF THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. ON THAT DAY LET EVERY BUSINESS ACTIVITY OF THE COUNTY BE SUS PENDED. WE CALL UPON THE HEADS AND MANAGERS OF EV ERY SCHOOL, BANK, WAREHOUSE, AND STORE TO CLOSE ON THAT DAY, AND. UPON ALL OUR PEOPLE GENERALLY TO DEVOTE THEIR TIME AND THOUGHT TO THE PURPOSE SUGGESTED. ON THAT DAY EVERY HOME WILL BE VISITED AND EVERY CITIZEN ASKED TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE LOAN. ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,' LET EVERY PASTOR AND SUN DAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT CALL THE ATTENTION OF THEIR PEOPLE TO THIS PROCLAMATION, AND LET THE SAME BE DONE BY THE TEACHERS IN OUR SCHOOLS ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. Loaded With American and French Soldiers, and Relics From the" Front-fTwo Speakers of National Reputation Train Will Remain - At Southern Station Two Hours. "A Liberty Bond In Every Hand In Home In Granville County. " Every W. T. YANCEY, Chairman Fourth Liberty Loan Committee. MRS.. CANDACE R. E. BROWN, Chairman TV Oman's Committee. ' E. C. HARRIS, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. W. Z. MITCHELL, Mayor of Oxford. F. J. McDUFFIE, Mayor of Creedmoor. J M. BULLOCK, Mayor of Stem. ; C. L. LEWIS, Mayor of Stovall. The most interesting feature of the campaign for the Fourth Liber ty Loan will be the War Exhibits Train sent out by the Treasury De partment. This Train, will reach the Southern Railway station at Oxford 011 Sunday afternoon. SfrtjTn 20. at 2:15 o'clock and remain here for two nours. - . American nl Frnph from the front, two speakers of na tional reputation and many war tro- pmes win ne on tnis U'ain. Tnere will be speaking and other exercises Hon. A. A. Hicks has' been selected to preside and a eommittep- rnmnn. ed of Messrs. Jas. W. Horner, F.W. iancocK, ana Jno. K. Hall has been appointed to have general charge of tiie exercises. The exhibits and thv rwlriii will be worth coming miles to see and to hear. It is expected that a large crowd will 'eive this Train a pnnsini reception at the time and place stat- eu. . H03D3 SERVICE CONFERENCE. Call of County Auxiliaries Showed Fine Representation. The Court House was well filled by an audience who came to the op ening service "of the Home Service. Conference. This is the first county conference held in this State and was very encouraging. The meeting jwas opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Willis, after -which a patriotic song was rendered tDy tne; audience, after which .Mr. Jtirummitt made an address of wel come. Mr. A. H. Powell presided and introduced Miss Bell Cooper, repre sentative of the Oxford Chapter, who read a vTy interesting report of the work accomplished in Oxford. The roll call of the county auxiliaries showed fine representation. Mr. Powell then -introduced the vis iting speaker, Miss Thompson from Greensboro, who came in place ' of Dr.. Logan, of. Atlanta, ; who was ex pected,. .The address .of ;CMissThomp son was especially instructive and'en tertaining and bore principally on the subject of the necessity: of an of fice fitted up for the work, in charge of a trained worker. The establishment of an office with a trained manager, is the main object in view in this meeting. LIBERTY LOAN TROUBADOURS. To Anpear on the Streets In Associa tion With Speakers. During the . Fourth Liberty Loan campaign here Saturday, there will be a group of Liberty Loan Trouba dours to appear on the streets in as sociation with the speakers and sales men and saleswomen wherever a spe cial appail for the sale of bonds is to be made. " The services to be given will be voluntary,, but,, as with all Government work, it must be relia ble. The musical department of the Council of National Defense invites all choir members and members of the musical club to take the initia tive in a practice of patriotic songs Friday night at the rooms below the surgical dressings rooms. MRS. A. A. HICKS, Chm'n. PRIVATE TINNY B. WEST FUlVA KILLED IN ACTION Lived On Oxford Route Seven. ' Mrs. T. B. West, who resides on Oxford Route 7, received a message from the War Department Tuesday evening stating that her. husband, Private Tinny B. West, was killed m action overseas on August 31st. Private West was married shortly before entering the service. He was among the first men to leave Gran ville county for Camp Jackson. Ev erybody here speaks of him as hav ing been a model young man. SALErT"o13IUNITY" FAIR. October 15th Bir Day In Eastern orr uie. Arrangements for. the Communi on October 15. ' ern Granville ar with the Salem ( this one of the b ty. Field and imTilfimfints. DO'i household exhib e going forward .Fair to De neia e people of east . urged to exhibit munity and make .fairs of the coun rden crops, farm y, livestock and are called tor. iv special feature i the fair prill be a War Service exniDu puif iu uy Woman's Committeeof the Council of National Defense of the commun ity, in co-operation with the -county committee. ' For special information regarding the Salem Fair, apply to Mr. Ed Hunt President, or Mr. Roy Crews, Secre tary. OVEBTHERE BOOK. Unique Plan of St. Stephen's Church A small book to be called the Over there Book, containing the addresses of the twenty-eight young men in service, has been placed in the choir room of St. Stephen's Church. This book is in charge of Miss Net. Greg ory, and the addresses will be chang ed, and dated anew, as neqessary. Anyone wishing to write to any of those in service will be able to find the correct address. - f v : i v " 1 : t i f i : i .'f t ' $ . 5 ',' : si:. : " St- !'j 1 , I - i : V -I : I: ! i -

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