FRIDAY, bECEMBEB 13, 191& A Stmdar Wedding' : o Mr. William Bullock and Miss Clyde .Thomas of the western part of tfte county were united in-;. marriage m, Creedmoor Sunday-afternoon at the. home of the officiating Justice, Mr. John E. Hart, who performed the ceremony, the young people were accompanied by a number of their friends who. join fs in wishing them a life of happiness and usefulness. TZ34r36F 8 91011121314 151617182021 :2930l31i I I I ; fEOPLE AND THINGS Keep Your Eyes Ope: Two pretty girls slyly entered the Register of Deeds office yesterday and in a whisper asked Miss Mar garet Capehart, the valuable assis tant, the price of marriage license. . Smart Young Jjady Miss Martha Frazier, of Surl, Per son county, sold a load of tobacco at the Johnson warehouse last Tuesday for $331.40 clear check. Miss Fraz ier also bought a handsome buggy from Lyon-Winston Company. How xibout Shopping? Are you shopping in the middle of the day, when the salespeople have the time to wait on you, or are you waiting until the shank of the after noon when the clerks are rushed and tired out? Lets get down early, while the day is young, and get home in time to have supper ready for Father and Bubba, when they get in from a hard day's work. PECANS. For this section Stuart and Schley are the two best varieties. Stuart will do well under more varying con ditions, but Schley is really the best quality and may be expected to pro duce satisfactorily results in the sou thern part of the county, at least. For the northern part of the county, and similar sections, Indiana should be planted. That varieyt origitaned in the state for which it is named, and will do well even further north, though the nuts are not quite so large as theother two named; Stuart is the larger of the three. Prices:. 2 to 3 feet at $1.00 each, 3 to 4 ft. at $1.25 each, 4 to 5 ft. at $1,50 each. We recommend the larger size. 10 per cent, discount for cash with order on half a dozen lots. HOWARD NURSERY CO., Stovall, N. C. Fine Dutchville Boys . The boys are beginning to come in from the training camps, schools etc. Messrs. Edward Floyd, and Macon Lawrence who have been attending the A. &. E. College at West Raleigh have, been discharged. Also Mr. Frank Parrott who has been in training camp in Georgia, has arrived home, Haying been mus tered out of the service. The friends of these young men are glad to see them home again. Creedmoor Tim es. . ., ..." " Sefty First When the influenza first came a-lonfc- the Public Ledger printed sev eral suggested -'cures" and methods of treatment. This week ., a friend sent in another "effective remedy," but we have decided that it is best not to print it. Someone, making dependence upon it, might believe the attendance of a competent doctor unnecessary and making dependence on the remedy, lose his life. Should we hear of any person being sent to the cemetery who had relied on the Public Ledger to the exclusion of medical advice we would feel uncom fortable over the thought that we had been a party to the loss of that rrriciilpr life. Perhhaps the "safety first" policy of consudting he doctor is the better plan. . Can k Found at the . Biggest Little I . Store in &anville. , : 1 We have something suitable for every member of the family. A gift that will not be only ap preciated this Xmas but something that you can and will appreciate many years in the future. Sensible gifts for ladies: Cameo Brooches. - Diamond Bar Pins. Fancy Brooches, Lavilliers. Diamond Cluster Rings. Diamond Solitaire. - Bracelet Watches. Card Cases. Mesh Bags. - Genuine French Ivory Toilet Sets. Sensible Gifts For Men: Watches, any make you want. Waldemar Chains. Cuff Buttons. Scarf Pins. Signet and Stone Rings. Fountain Pens. Genuine Leather Bill Books. Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases. Sterling Silver Belts, Military Set. n Card of Thanks. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends for every kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our fath er. Sam. H. Usry and family. STTRCRIBE TO PTJBUC LEDGER DARTING, PIERCING SCIATIC PAINS For Sale FIVE THOUSAND POtXDS PURE HOME - MADE CAN DIES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. King's Cash Bakery Give way before the pene-' trating effects of Sloan's Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin-aches of lumbago, the nerve inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. , The ease of applying, the quicknes9 of relief, the positive results, the clean liness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. Why not get mother; a nice dinner set, 100 piece for $80.00 or a casserole, baking dish, mahog any tray, or something in table ware. s . . We have just received a large assortment of Sheffield goods, also, the pyrex fidass casseroles. Have you seen the eversharp pencil in sterlin g silver and gold. This I? the bej pencil in Ameri ca, and you will say so when you see it. You don't have to use any knife and still it is always ready to write. ' ' .' All merchandise bought from this store will be engraved free. Oxford Jewelry Company 1917 FORD ROADSTER FOR SALE Al condition; cheap. See T. R. Lanier. Dec. 13 2t-x. BUY KING'S PURE CANDIES For sale by all dealers. Dec. 13 tf. TAX PAYERS. Please take notice that a penalty of 1 per cent per month is being ad ded to all taxes not paid by Decem ber 1st. Better pay now, and save any further penalty. R. B7 HINES, Town Tax Collector. Dec. 6 24. FOR SALE I HAVE A NICE large barn in good condition I will sell at a bargain. Please call and see me if interested. H. J. COUNCIL. Dec. 6 tf. BUY COAL NOW WE lOLVEPOV cahontas, Splint, and Anthracite. C. D. RAY & SON. Nov. 22 tf. There are many ways of cutting the cost OUR 'EXPERIENCE IN THIS LINE OF BUSI NESS HAS TAUGHT US THE LESS EXPEN SIVE WAYS OF SECURING THE JVIORE DE SIRABLE RESULTS. WHEN YOU ARE FORMULATING PLANS FOR BUILDING AND NEEI EXPERT BUILDING ADVICE WE INVITE YOU TO CONSULT US. V.vv---ti4:4Siiffll Red Cross Call. The campaign is for members, not money. There will be no more money drives. All yon need is a HEART and a dollar. You will get a button for 1919 like this red cross, white ground, blue border it is your receipt. . Wear your button be sure to wear your button. To Red Cross Workers: Remember that you are not to solicit anyone who wears the new 1919 button. He joins once, and once only. Don't solicit him again he's a full-fledged member for, 1919. , Everybody is helping -all servit-es are voluntary. Advertising space is donated, and. paid for by donated fluids. J. Rofot. Wood gives the headquarters and so it goes, everybody is helping. Granville county generous, affectionate, en thusiastic and touched to the heart, this time for "The Greatest Mother in the World," must go over. Join. Join once. Join next week. R ed Cross Christmas Roll Call December 16th to 23rd. Till1! IS A PART OP THE SPACE PAID FOR BY Horner Brothers Company.