PAGE 6 PUBLIC LEDGER " FEEL that I must write and tell -u- you the great benefit I have ex perienced from using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. I had always suffered from indigestion but since taking Syrup Pepsin I am no longer troubled in that way, and I cannot praise it too highly as a laxative." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Mrs. Geo. Schaeffer, 1103 West Ave. Utica, N. Y. Dr. Caldwell's yrap Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere. 50 cts. & $1.00 A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, mild and gentle in its action, that re lieves constipation quickly. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. Mer&'eiice of Governments (Charlotte Observer.) The proposition to consolidated the governments of New Hanover county and city of Wilmington into one has been revived and evidently with the intention of presenting it to a. successful conclusion. It is based on the practical in modern govern ment. A similar situation prevailed in Jacksonville and the Florida county of which it was the capital. Town and county were brought under one government and the results have snore than justified the experiment. For one thing, the city streets have Been extended to the bounds of the county in all directions, thus giving the county the same character of 3tiads that exist and are maintained in the city, and likewise, the county has been provided with school facili ties exactly similar to those in the city. In other words, county and city became one in benefits under a consolidated government. The Jack sonville plan has excited admiration from all who have been made ac quainted with its operations. We should think that nothing better for the future development of town and county along lines of modern prog ress could happen than for the pres-! ent proposition to be made of adop-! tion by Wilmington and New Han over. Oi Course They Will. Colonel Roosevelt says we didn't do near as much to win the war as i our Allies. Won't our brave sol diers love him when they hear that! OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS Science says that old age begins with Weakened kidneys and digestive organs. frlls being true, it is easy to believe UQebI by keeping- the kidneys and di tS&stive organs cleansed and in proper SKB7&ing order old age can be deferred maoA life prolonged far beyond that en joyed by the average person. over 200 years GOLD MEDAL JUaarlern Oil has been relieving the weaknesses and disability due to ad nntneing years. It is a standard old trim home remedy and needs no intro duction. '-GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil is Enclosed in odorless, tasteless capsules vostaining aibout 5 drops each. Take as you would a pill, with a small swallow of water. The oil stimulates the kidney action and enables the organs to throw off the poisons which cause premature old age. New life and strength increase as. you continue the treatment. When completely restored continue taking a capsule or two each day. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap sules will keep you in health and vigor and prevent a return of the disease. Do not wait until old age or disease have settled down for good. Go to your druggist and get a box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money refunded if they do not help you. Three sizes. But remember to ask for the original imported GOLD MEDAL brand. In sealed packages. WHAT BOYS SAY ABOUT RED GROSS Since the soldiers overseas have been informed by their officers that the Amerifkn Red Cross will play San ta Claus this Christmas for all the boys in khaki who have no relatives in the United States, Red Cross Head quarters at Washington has been re ceiving hundreds of appeals. Inci dentally the men at the front have taken this time to express their ap preciation for the work done by the Red Cross "Over There." Following are a few excerpts taken at random from letters inclosing Christmas Package Coupons: "Dear Mr., Miss or Mrs. Red Cross. I would appreciate It tremendously If you would send me a Xmas package. I have no relatives, and a little something from the good old U. S. A. would be appreci ated beyond words. The Red Cross has done so much for us over here, and you don't know just how we appreciate it beyond everything else." An Italian thus addresses his Christ mas appeal : "To Whom It May Concern. I am In service in France and, having no people in the United States, would like to re ceive a little package from the Red Cross on Xmas. I am in No Man's Land in a big woods, and ,it is raining." "I have been informed the Red Cross will send Xmas packages to any soldier who sends them his Xmas package cou pon. I have received so much tobacco and other things from the Red Cross in my fourteen months in France I scarcely like to write again. I am in the hospital recovering from wounds, and the Red Cross furnishes us with daily papers, writing material, tobacco, fruits and rec reation." "I have no one else to send my Xmas coupon to, so am sending it to you, as per notice on our bulletin board. If you send a package I would appreciate it if you would inclose a bill for same, for I would gladly pay it. I don't want to im pose on you. The Red Cross is the best friend we have." One Red Cross nurse writes: "Am inclosing the coupon, but please be sure all the boys at the front get their packages first, then if one is left I will appreciate it, as I suspect all the others will have something from home which will make me a little lonesome. Words cannot express our appreciation for the Red Cross." "The Red Cross is a great help and blessing to the soldiers any and every where." "We of the A. E. F. are constantly being shown evidences of the wonderful work the Red Cross is doing and are ex tremely thankful." "Dear Red Cross Workers. After we left dear old America we thought we were traveling away from your kindness, but we did not. We cannot praise you too highly for your work. I have no folks at home to send me a Christmas package." "Words cannot express the obligation we are under for the work you are doing to help us along." "I know they would greatly appreciate any little remembrance. I wish to most sincerely thank the Red Cross for all the kindnesses and benefits they havt be stowed upon our boyn." Return Address On Letters Under instructions issued by Post master General Burleson, no letter mail will be accepted by postoffices in the United States for delivery to members of the American expedi tionary forces without a return ad dress on the envelope. The order was issued at the request of the war department so that proper disposi tion may be made of mail reaching France for members of the expedi tionary forces returned to the United States. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 iqiq --Miss Margaret ymo!eT of President Wilson, arrived at St Nazaire, France, Sunday, and san before 3,500 American soldiers who will sail for home ,in a few days Miss Wilson will sing at different cities along the seaboard while wait inS toe arrival of President Wilson" Our minds are like certain ve hicles when they have little to Mr ry they make much noise about it" but when heavily loaded they run quietly. j juu Taking Punishment. Whenever the G. O. P. comes to grips with Woodrow it gets a solar plexus blow that makes it dizzy. It is now taking the count at Washing ton, while the President sails blithe ly across the Atlantic. When it re vives sufficiently to get on its feet again the results of the peace confer ence are likely to send it reeling. A Pleasing Result. (Detriot Free Press.) Restoration to the ranks of produc tive toilers of the men hitherto "laid on the shelf" because they were past 60 years old is one of the pleasing results of the war. The Asheville city sealer of weights and measures reports that, according to estimate, consumers, ex clusive of hotels and cafes, lost an nually $2,400 through the purchase of short-weight butter. He estimates now that 85 per cent of the butter being offered is full-weight. SUBSCRIBE TO PUBLIC LEDGER. Ideal Electrical Christmas Gifts Make it an Electrical Christmas by giving electrical gifts, which will be useful to all members of the family. These elegant devices are luxuries no longer they insure economical and convenient methods of living and are within the reach of all. We invite you to examine our stock of the latest G-E Electric Heating and Cooking Devices. Every ; one a leader of its kind practical in every way, of beautiful design and finish, and fine workmanship. Carolina Power & Light Company. j - , , H-63 QMliMlDnDnnDDDDDDDIIinDDDDD 1101 HWES II CAUSE or me mm A Constitutional Remedy That We Guarantee 1-agrange, N. C. 'Tor years I suffered with a chronic cough, so I could not sleep nights and continued to lose flesh. My druggist asked me to try Vinol. It cured my cough, X can sleep nights and have gained twelve pounds. Vinol is the best tonic and tissue builder I have ever taken." W. D. Ren, Lagrange, N. C. We guarantee Vinol for chronic cvaghs, colds and bronchitis. Not a patent medicine. Formula on every bottle. Your money back if it fails. J. G. HALL., Druggist. E3onu II ents & To mbstones When buying a monument, or tombstone, ' had you not rather put your money in the hands of experien ced men, than to spend It with little or no regard for value received? Monumental manufacturers, of Dur ham, N. C, have experienced men in every department. We know how to buy, and what to buy; how to make, how to arraie the lettering, and what would be suitable and appropri ate. Can give you the information you want about material. We know how to crate, ship, and erect monu ments. And best of all, we know how to render appreciable service. We shall be glad to wait upon you at your home, or at our office and yard. Or we can help you by mail to make a satisfactory selection. Write or call to see BAIN-KEMBALL CO., For Monuments and Tombstones of any size from $10.00 to $10,000 00 Main Street, Durham, N. C. On account of tne- scarcity of skilled labor and raw materials in the large Optical Grinding Plants and the rapid growth of my Optical Business, it has become necessary for me to install ma- I chinery for grinding and drilling my own Lenses that I may be able to give my trade better and quicker service. Thanking my friends aixd the public for their liberal patron age and soliciting a continuation of the same in the future, I am yours for best service, J. W. KNIGHT. THE OPTEMETRIST. 6 College Street, Oxford, N. C. 1 GO TO 1 Y 0 N 9 FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES 4 Frank F. Lyon's "Is the Place," COLLEGE STREET, OXFORD, N. C. Pilli I teomcemeiit ! On and after the first of December, 1918, all work will be strictly cash. All work guaranteed satisfactory. W. M. Diuunifford PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER. IN THCE The undersigned will sell the mill and all the mill fixtures, also the mill house and lot, known as the Mayes & Jones prop erty, same being at Stem, N. C, and nicely located on the rail road siding." This sale will be made at Stem, N. C, on Satur day, the 7th day of December, 1918, at 3 o'clock P- M. Terms of said sale one-half cash, balance on easy terms and stated at the time of sale. This sale is made for partition among the tenants in common. The house and lot and mill property will be offered sepa rately. J. B. MAYES, HALLIE M. JONES, Executrix of W. H; Jones, Deceased. This November 26th, 1918. LL