TO MY Friends AND GRIT, ENERGY, FAIR DEALING AND PfcRSbVbKfcJNLfc We are headquarters for all kind of furnishm I P-ATROns mTTTTvTn. A T "POPi?iT"RTE PRICES W.lP-fWKF ' ' GOODS. m W CLOTHING Ma WE WANT TO SELL YOU YOUR VJu . Yours to please everytime,. IQNG BROTHERS. OXFORD, N, C. tarheelgleS Wood's Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. m ut snns T?all Cataloirue, Issued "in August, tells all about GRASS and CLOVER SEEDS, Vetches, Crimson v,iover, octu Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Rape, etc. Also Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Hya cinths, Tulips, and all Bulbs, Seeds and Plants for Fall planting. The Information given In our Fall Catalogue about different crops is from our customers' and our own practical ; oi-a pnnstAiitiv in re- eiucririiuc. i . " - . as to the great value and the help that 77. .r., T.mTOO t.n Farmers and Gardeners everywhere. Catalogue n reouest. Write for it and prices of any seeds desired. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Merchants. RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. i namatfe For Being Egged How much damage should a man t .-r. o pontine: 01 siaie T, o.otoirti' Hawaii. aItep-Pop,tmnks he ought to have $50,000 ana xna Seaboard Air Line should pay A m-nrft saVSZ " Attorney o. . Ollfiuj ' , , ftldnev was appointea uy Court of Moore county, er tO tilKB Ut-luo." snVioard Air ljine court of the Third Judicial district. Judsre Palmer is a native of this I pnnntv an d has a brother and sister Franklinton is to have electric lights hiving at Liberty nnd water works. I TriraU (.nrresnnndent of News & The town of Albemarle sold its observer Sept. 12, says: It is rumor o-rndrtd school bonds for 101. Ud that a large sum of gold has re 0 inoiw ail t.hA newspapers m ptmtlv been found in uran vine coumy W- 13-1 I I ll 1. 1 I W Ull W - - " A the State have now declared in favor not very farfromthis place. Emmett nf a compulsory education. Woodliel is given as tne uam ui v 1 I .i . i l . . . CJmiVi farm Excursion Rates to Buffalo, Via Seaboard Air line Railway. On account of the Pan-American Exposition, the Seaboard Air Line Railway is selling tickets from sta tions on its lines to Buffalo at very low excursion rates. This Company offers the choice of two routes, with the fastest and most convenient schedules ever enjoyed to Buffalo either via OF GRANVILLE AND OTHER COUNTIES. You have raised your tobacco to sell for money 1 have reduced my warehouse expen ses to the very lowest point compatible with good business methods I want a large quan tity of tobacco lor my own use, therefore I can afford to push every pile of your Tobacco to the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE We have the strongest corps of buyers we have had in vears with strong demands for all all rail route through grades OI DO DaCCO. and Washington, or TTYlfiaTl BUSINESS. It VOU Want tUe UlCSt Sewell against Seaboard Air Line. TheMounuuiiiu as the place It is said to be in half Richmond and Washington, or I mean 15 U SIN -BOO. II yOU Wani llie lilUSl The deposition were taken here This ty was sold at public sanrtra J eagles and to amount to $50,000, less through Portsmouth and Norfolk, money for yOUr tObOCCO bring it tO me at the case growsoutoitheeggingat depot d &t Dalla and -Rocked g thpnceadeligntful 8ea trip to the WarehOUSe and yOU Shall have my f enroll who had previous!? down to the attorney lor tne uuuu rna rrh(1 pasit where connections are made JUUUDUU "r'IO"w u J.1 -tt mniAVimioa o-nH frnn aViall Ti n TTO ttitt hownf Sewell, who nwi.iiCuuv uowul(U , H11Trir, in the WOods. The tin east wnere coimecnuus luauu I - . . m -ril r.-Kci oon rl a roH n thntdav spoken in the court nouc noiaers ax ji.u. . had been with the great Trunk Lines aireci xo v 01 y kjvv noninst the adoption of constitu- At the great educatignal rally at Q dugfc The the Rainbow City. These routes are on my nOOr. m "1 . mi.. . 5 4- !a trl" I . J4A.Tooh onnntv I I ... , , i i S , .1 1 tional amendment, me bu.l ,o Rogers' cross iioauB,m-vwU-v , iven for what it is worth, positively tne most convenient n( for o-ettina his clothes soiled . wllicll Gov. Aycockand Treasurer f rl,mnr iH a. stent one. attractive to Buffalo and it will in- v.,,wv,v. .j V.5a I i. i 1 wot. lUUUfiu 1 " 1 I . . A ... i c,ii orrca inBieau ui "'" i nv enntp MAiiT,. z. uaiutxirc " i l u. i, ms one hpnptir. vmi in tail uu aea- witn goou iixx r - - , , it is generally ueneveu luaum . r a oria Ka. , - r.ATTnfi i (if iiiS;i,Mii iimjux. i- i i wi!i T- i n r liiirr ilojII h u.t stomach." ServeuLUBC- been thus found. i7o. .rp.nimfinta for A cloud uursi eanj ouuuaj v our trip. A A T I . I in"- wrought havoc among xne riAi,pps in the most fashionable sec tion of Cleveland, Ohio, the aam.alioU8 directions from which a thun- be benefited by using Chamberlain's btomach Yours very truly. Z. W. LY0ii. Valuable Farm for Sale Containing 99 acres adjoiningthefaHns of Balnh Currin. K. P. Aiken and W. G- Waller, one mile north of Bennenan station and adapt ed eeciaily to growing of fine tobacco, corn, wheat, etc. Has ane rturlancL Apply to J. L. Lyon, Agt, Northside, N. C. V. B. SHAW, Henderson H. M. SHAW, Oxford, SHAW & SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law OXFORD, N. C. We offer our profe-sional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising to give to the smallest as well as the largest case our most lidligent attention and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or Hen Fresh Groceries Are arriving daily at -r ....ih freah int. Bade Mills water ground mnoi; old Oovernment Java Coffee, P Portica corn meai; oiu uutciuiuvm Vt - - - , Molasses 'Pigs Feet, Tripe, Flo Unedm Biscnlt. wranam waiiern, juu uui STc Cockers, City Soda Salted Crackers Z. i innAH onnHa Ph!nnd Beef. EC ..r onn omit ffi rat. Class fresh onrTics at the lowest market price. Highest prices paid for country P'odnce CABROUj Don't be Behind the Times. rrv.iaH n. rla.v when everybody reads v,Q a nnvbodv. It is out of the question to keep in line if behind the Tftrmle not only read the lo- noia onrl contributed matter m the nphut they look over ana reaa the snappy advertisements. Some few merchants occasionally get the idea that advertising does not pay but this class argue from the wrong point of view. Buying newspaper space is the best investment a mer chant can make if he has the right c11ff on the shelves. Experience has niio-lit those who believe and prac tice this doctrine that invariably the vJo-hT. stuff also will find its way to their cash register. Charles Austin Bates has wisely remarked, that a wn rfitmlated hen always cacKies i lava a ii pes'. WhV. Be- VV llC-Ll euc AAij kj " or use she has done something gooa for humanity. Afresh egg is fine in Bipknpss or in health, in poverty s en.lft or abounding in wealth, l nen If you have something good on your hPlvfts for the folks tell 'em about it In your town paper says the Durham Herald. n V. Dixon spoke at iiuuiuvi - Smithfield, at the annual reunion of the Johnston county Confederate veterans last Thursday. Lewis Musgrove, of Wayne county, appeared at Goldsboro in a suit of clothes woven at home and made by his mother 20 years ago. Claud Lackey, a farmer of Sharps- burs: townsnip, killed 20 snakes In one roppntlv. Thev were oi the spreading adder variety. t c Cn.rm. the man captured at Norwood for holding up the Yadkin train, has confessed to Deing i-aui W'insell who was convicted at Salis bury of larceny and of having escap ed from the penitentiary before ser ving out his term. He has 3 and a half years yet to serve. 1 1IUIIUE.1 -JIV71 ill iiauiuuim i - I i-Too wnii n sense of tullness in the reeion Here is an old rhyme about the va- 0f V(ur stomach after eating? If so you will $1,000,000. from Asheville says that Mai. H. C. Hunt's handsome Doaru- in"- house, "Mountain cottage, was burned Wednesday night, l ne oc cupants barely escaped witn tneir ives leaving in their nigut ciotue, or wrapped in blankets. a wilmimrton lunacy commission uaa riPflflred a young white man of - that place crazy because he coum not nvownraea maddening lmaiuatiun w for pretty girls. That fellow is not cxr- lift knows a goou iumg v Ja it. remarks the Charlotte News. Here's a snake story proper, told bv the Sampson Democrat: "Last an old mother moccasin was s Bridee. As she Kiueu au was expiring thirty-five young moc casins, varying in length from ten to 15 inches marched out of her mouth. It was a snaky time in that vicinity, but this is no joke," The State pension board continues ia work of sifting the deserving pen- 1UO w sloners from the great mass of those ir iintv hoa rds, in ox a auuruvcu "j " . few of the county boards exercised hnt little judgment, merely endorsing favorably all applications. The old est pensioner thus far lound is in Jones county, his age being 101. There are many of 90 and over. Asheboro Courier: Some twenty years or more ago Bascom H. Palmer t law in Asheboro under Hon. M. Tiobbins. He obtained his license lorn ted in Lexington, N. C, ahft nracticed a short while. Ho went to LakeCity.Fla., seventeen years ago and has since then served as State's Attorney, twice a member of the State Senate. Last week he was appointed judge of the Circuit derstorms comes: "If it sinks from the North, It will double its wrath; If it sinks from the South, It will open its mouth: If it sinks from the West, It is never at rest; If it sinks from the East, It will leave us no peace." Winter thunder augurs no good, so superstition says, proven declares it is "rich man's food and poor man's hunger." According to the Dutch, "Early thunder, late hunger " An old English saying declares, "Thunder in spring Cold will bring." Numerous proverbs relate to April thunder which, according to their de clarations, bring good-luck. One says, "If it thunders on AH Fools Day It brings good cropaof corn and hay." Another, "When it thunders in April, You must clean up the barrels." anA livf-r Tablets. Thev also cure belching and sour stomach. They regulate. the bowels too. Price, 25c. Sold by J. G. Hall. A never failing cure for cuts, burns, scalds, ulcers wounds and sores is DeWitt's Witch A most soothinc and healing remedy for all skin affections. Accept only the genuine. J. I. Hall. n W Pnrsell Kinterrville. Pa., says he suffered 26 years with piles and could obtain rfiipf nniii 1 e Witts witcn nazei oaxvc effeded a uermanent cure. Counterteits are worthless. J. o. Hall. DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY IN THE FIRST MATin Lil II II EI II II I m ui l! a W. Lane. Powamo. Mich,, writes:'- Your iCnHoi i ivsnenria Cure is the best remedy! stomach trouble that 1 1 c-rr ci For vpnrs I suffered from dys pepsia at times compelling me to stay in bed and causing me untold agony. I am com pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. In riunmmpnrtlnT It 1(1 IriellQS WHO SU11C1 llVi" i ......w.. " t . . . . i indioestion 1 alwavs offer to pay for it if it fails. Thus tar 1 nave never paia. o. j. Hall. OF OXFORD, N. C. ration for a fine apple crop The French are also oi tne. opinion that April thunder predicts a plenti fnl vield from vineyard and held. A thunderstorm on Sunday means bad luck. Stood Death Off. -it "R TVTimdav. a lawyer oi .Henrietta m ' tooled a erave-digeer. He saVs i ex.. vjn 1 . j ', ,ac vprv low with malarial "My Dromes . , fever and jaundice. 1 persuaded him to try . . ann he was soon much Het- Klectric dh.i-" . .. ter continued their use until he was wholly I.J-a T am sure Electric Bitters saved his :r ' This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs and purifies the blood; aids digestion regulates liver, kidneys and bowels cures constipation, dyspep-a, nervous dis eases kidney troubles, female c:mplaints. gives perfect health. Only5ocatJ G Hall's Admin&trators Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. O. Terry, notice is hereby given to i in auiri ABt.atK to rome lor- waru and settle same at once Parties holding against said estate will present taeui iumoiv iaoi or this notice will be plead in bar of tteir recovery. . , .uli.. This Sept lath 1901 )) I )) Sale of Valuable Real Estate. wt 1 A r-f a ilia PATI inined In a certain uiiuer a uunci v - a in,t to me on the lTtn A . I ,U1U1 ll IT I I 1 1 1 1 M H 11(1 V I1C auU Qav Ul A Lll 1 if .low, wj " - - , . . i dniv recorded in the office of the Register of .Deeds of Uranville couuty, having been request ed BO '.O QO, J. bnaii uu ratuHDAY. OCTOBER 19th, 1901, . . .i. - ,i tl -.nail Annr in Oxford, to the Shes Vtett? described "'S . i a lirinir and hftitis' pituaie in Tally Ho Township, &!anville county, bounded on! Ho JL i..,iinfWm .Clement, deceas ed on the east by the lands of a. Clement; ttJtMA tiTbo Fly toi ana ou nnwn a the Dlace on eoutains ain acres mur- U o cioca, iu x "s0ytbr TruBtee General deposits are solicited and will be appreciated. V e pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent on time deposits. You can alwavs rest esy that your money is in safe keeping Our Capital is $25,000. You are secured also by addmonnl lia bility ol our stock holders in the amount of 25,000. lf thieves break through and steal, your are protected by burglar insur onre. If the officers ero wrong they have given bond. It is known that we issue our own currency, secureu uy a. uc- i posit of bonds with the Treasurer of ihe United State. Our II H. Come and see If nrst msiaiiiiicuL ui tuiiuuv,; what you never saw before, a bill of money with the name ol n tvfnrrt Knn 1st on it. ana sierneu ov its umt-cio. w n -. . 1 1 1 I rttiair mtrt irrn mi uiTl. 1 k fitting this community uy uriugmg muic uxwujr vi In benehtting the community we arc ucucmuug jw. , , . V. n rr-Ut- f - rl. oc irnil nlfinse With. w nnr is vtiurs. vuu iiavc 1 it; in. n- - 7 " i- You are under no obligations to any bank, on the other hand . v its-Hi natrnni7P is linnpr ( 1 r 11 it' tiLiuiia lu vu. . . .;.u ..o A 1171 nn Come right on ana open your awuum wim uo. ?t v" preciate it. Respecttully. R. W. LASSITER, President, 0. D. RAY, Vice-President. W. H. HUNT, Cashier, if )) 1 )) )) Wei tmmm Kb ir Tl NBW'unn H FK0QKC5J JSSSSSSSS n ssssssssssss WAR c S rtures and New Policies These are some of the new things which have awakened new life in Oxford along old and new Unes. ine most ,mportant Mrau .... FRLL STOCK OF MERGHFUVJDISE ARRIVING DAILY AT CRGNSHM'S. THIS STOCK OF SEASONABLE ffu lBil ages on all M. s 8 S 8 murium n COnrRiCMf DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, ETC., t ,0,tt,;nff to eat and wear. The stock is virtually complete, what few things needed i,a8 Keen selected with great care and embraces everytmug . - . r 1 ... 1 . 4-J-. o iirjflr rn lllC IIOI UIEIII ilia. 1 . ov-".i.-i"i - - r 1 L7 lT "rSfsToCK weW ever befir; T shown. No firm in the county can boast of a greater volume of business for the past 6 the 112.3 . -! , r. i m.nPv nr more satisfied customers. years. More goods oi tne same quanty ""ui ,iP when we buy and eive you all FOR YOUR DOLLAR it will buy when FoTpat patronage we are eT"1'- theTssuesnd wili contend for your patronage along the line that interest you most. Fairdealing, Honest, re- FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO OXFORD, N. C. ! This old and reliable house greets its hosts of farmer ric" again this season with a determination that our business for tne in i : it nncciKia mil- fnrmpr endeavers. new crop sna.n ctnpc xuy ii pwooiui- vi , We congratulate ourselves on being able to say that our pa ( business record stands without a blemish, and a never fail n i . . 1 1. : .1 m. tnr- oil rri-nrlpo flllt Ot) OU aesire to secure me uigiie&i avciagca iui an &. t floor. We are now ready to sell your TOBACCO for you at advanced Prices. W e solicit your trade and Vro to give you a good, clean sale on every load sold on our iicu witn increasea numoer ui uuycia a.uu r Oxford market promises Xo be the liviest in many yearb, ... . . , i a nnrPS thai i-wi lci. o , - , x i .Iminpct nnrp. . i :n r.A it ,,,-int n r-vnr-Y. tVie rrcam of nrices that tn yuti win ii ii ix yyiix wi. "vu L ranner warenousc is u; uia, w g-- n.v,.. Thanking our iarmer irienas ior past pu.nuiis earnest desire to sell their new crop. Hid ll an v 1 BULLOCK & UITCHELL-U fnce the same goods can X purs iruiy, E. H. CRENSHAW COMPANY. De lldU 1U1 . t . t