GRIT, ENERGY, FAIR DEALING AND PERSEVERENCE TO MY Friends AND ( 8 hTwn , t i We are headquarters for all kind of CLOTHING n FURNISHING GOODS. WE WANT TO SELL YOU YOUR FALL CLOTHING AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Yours to please everytime, LONG BROTHERS, OXFORD, N. C. W. GRAHAM, Attorney at Law, OXFORD, N. C. Practices In State and Federal Courts. All business entrusted to my care will be promptl attended to IuItM. A, A. HICKS. B. W. X1NOB. jjICKS A MINOR, Attomeys-at-Law. OXFORD, N. C. Assooiatb Counbbl: rp t. HICHS, HJBNDSRSON, N.C. Will practice together in the courts ol Gran ville, Vance, FranKlin and Warren counties, and In all matters requiring their joint attention. We hope by prompt, diligent and faithful atten ion to business to deserve and receive a portion f tha law bnslnsat r.f thl-- mm. ffir S. BOTSTER, Attorn ey-at-Law, COOPER BANK BUILDING, OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Will practice wherever his services are want ed, and promises his best efforts in behalf of hie clients. 9Settlement of Sstates a Bpeciatv T1 iv Knap of Reeds Knots. Miss lleckie Peed Is visiting her sister .Mrs. Cussam Tilley. Air. ('has. .1. Koberts made a busi ness trip to Durham Friday. Dr. I, a Fayette Farington, of Win ton, visited his nephew, Dr. Atwater here last week. Air. (). J. Veazey has gone to Rich mond to live. Airs. AI. F. Peed, and daughter, Aliss Myrtle will leave this week for Durham, where they will make their future home. Airs. Frank Kelly and daughter, will leave for Nash county where they will visit relatives. LITTLE LAMB. V. B. SHAW, II. M. SHAW, Henderson. Oxford. SHAW &SHAW, Attorney & Counsellors at Law, OXFORD. N. C. We offer our professional services to the citizens of Granville and adjoining counties, and solicit a share of your patronage, pro mising, to give to the smallest as well as the largest case our most lidligent attention and best efforts. Our fees are moderate. Refer you to any one in Oxford or J3en derson . Excursion Rates to Buffalo, Via Seaboard Air Line Railway. On accoiint of the Pan-American Exposition, the Seal oard Air Line Railway is selling tickets from sta tions on its lines to Buffalo at very low excursion rates. This Company offers the choice of two routes, with the fastest and most convenient schedules ever enjoj-ed to Buffalo' either via all rail route through Richmond and Washington, or through Portsmouth and Norfolk, thence a delightful sea trip to the east where connections are made with the great Trunk Lines direct to the Rainbow City. These routes are positively the most convenient and attractive to Buffalo and it will in terest and benefit you to call on Sea board Air Line Railway Agents be fore completing arrangements for your trip. OASTOniA. Bears th 9 ThB Kind You Have Always Bougtt Signature of You will be sorry if you fail to see our lines of fine pants they are equal to tailor made at Crenshaws. As vaccination prevents smallpox, and quinine chills and fever, so TEETHINA prevents and counteracts the effects of the summer's heat, much dreaded by mothers with small children. TEETHINA relieves the many troubles incidents to teething and the hot summers, and no mother is excusable for not giving it, for it costs only 25 cents at druggists; or mail 25 cents to C. J. Mof fett, M. D., St. Louis, Mo. TAR HEEL GLEANINGS. Prohibit the Killing of Game in Granville County between certain Serson. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Sec 1. That it shall be unlawful to kill any mocking bird or blue bird at any time. Sec. 2. That it shall be unlawful to kill or shoot, trap or net any par tridges, quail, doves, robins, larks or wild turkeys between the first day of March and the fifteenth day of October in each year. Sec. 3. That any person violating the provisions of this act shall be fined or imprisoned, or both at the Court. Sec 4. That this act shall apply only to Granville county. Sec. 5. That all laws and clauses of of laws in conflict with this act be and they are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 4th day of March, A. D. 1901. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. axtive Biomo Quinine Tablets cure's cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cent Mens and boys heavy ribbed fleece underwear 25c a pair at Crenshaws. Outing 6 worth 8c at Crenshaws. A great line of childrens clothing at Crenshaws. Strauce & Bros, high art clothing equal to tailor made, none better or finer at Crenshaws.' Heavy yard wide white cloth 5c by single yard or bolt at Crenshawrs. Deputy Sheriff R. C. Hunter, of Kernersville, was shot Tuesday morning by Ado Walker, i bad and dangerous white man. The olficer was trying to arrest Walker, who shot him with a shot gun, CO or more shot taking effect in Hunter's face, back and arm. The injuries are not considered dangerous. Walker was finally arrested and lodged in jail. Wilkesboro Chronicle: Noah Woody, one of the firm of Andrews and com pany, at Pee Creek, Ashe county, ae cidently shot aud killed himself on last Thursday morning. He and a friend Were examining a pistol, at the store, when it fired, taking effect in his heart. He died immediately. He was about 25 years old and a splendid young man. Newbern Journal: Tuesday's elec tion, held by the city, to vote on the matter of an issuance of $14,000 of bonds, to build an electric plant, was exceedingly uuiet, few votes being cast, there seeming to be a general ignorance on the question, therefore no interest and a disinclination to cast a vote. " No figures of the vote obtainable Tuesday night, and as a majority of the registered vote was necessary to carry for bonds, the few votes cast fell far short of being suf ficient Judge Robinson, in charging the jury in Wake superior court denounc ed some divorces, particularly Flag ler's. He said "Perhaps a man sends his Avife to an asylum, then debauches a legislature, as w as done in Florida, gets a bid through by which he can secure a divorce and goes off and marries another woman. The hounds who pass such a law ought not to be in any legislature. Thank God no legislature has ever done such a thing in North Carolina and if such should happen I should want to pack my clothes and leave the state. Yet such a divorced man gets a so-called minister of the Gospel to perform the ceremony." Executors Notice. The undersigned having qualified a execu tors and executrix of the last will and testament Ij1 : 1 . 1 t . .1 1 1 1 ' 1 rimming auubt, uctcuscu, uertJuy SJ'.B notice to all parties indebted to the estate of ment of the samo All parties holding claims against eaid estate are notified to present th ' same within one year from this date or this notice will bepieaded in br of their reovery 2'his 2nd day of Octoberl90I SALLIES A KNOTT, J B KNOTT C M KNOTT, .Executors W A Bevin, Attv Application for Pardon. NOltm CAKOU1NA, tilt ANN ILLS COTNTY. Notice is hereby given to the public that ap plication will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pnraon of Tom Parke, of Gran ville county, who was convicted at pril Term 1901 of tne Superior Court of Granville couctv, for the crime of Assault with deadly Weapon, upon Edward Short, and sentenced to the pnblic roads of Orange connty for a term of 12 months. This October 1st, 1901. B S ROYSTER, County Attorney WILLETT NEST. Patented. Begin using now with Pullets. Don't lose a yeai. My pedegreed W. P. Rocks pullets begin laying July 4. English Orpingtons a specialty. See circular. VV. P. Willett, East Orange, N. J. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of la Use For Over 30 Tears. The Kind You Have Always Bought Two cars salt in all pize sacks from 2oc to $1.2.")C a sack at Crenshaws. Two thousand bushels winter seed oats wanted at !0c in trade at Cren shaws. Will pay $3 per. bbl. for new corn in trade at Crenshaws. Mens suits from .ft 3 to .f 2." at Crenshaws. Cures Eczema and Itching Humors through the Blood Costs Nothing to try it. B B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as a certain and sure cure for Ec zema, Itching Skin, Humors, Scabs, Scales, Watery Blisters, Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints. Boils, Carbuncles, Prickling Pain in the Skin, Old Eating Sores, Ulcers, etc. Botanic Biood Balm taken internally, cures the worst and most deep-seated cases by enriching, purifying and vitalising the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure to stay cured, tor these, awful an noying skin troubles. Other remedies may relieve, but B. B. B. actually cures, heals every sore and gives the rich glow of health to the skin. B. B. B. builds up the broken down body and makes the blood red and nourishing. Druggists, jsl. Trial treat ment free and prepaid by writting Blood Balm.Co , Atlanta a. m, o :;L;y. 'Will llVfV VlHivSl dinner time, any JLf W ' u iRwMti tnat3 ricn nd bru- isvjn- IUUvvYMm "ant. No odor. KidQSor i W Many styles. Sold rJfl A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Col lier of Cherokee, Iowo, that nearly proved fatal. It came through his kidneys. His back got so lame he could not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Electric Bitters which effected such a wonderful change that he Writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at Hall's drng store. The American Sugar Refining Com pany will issue $15,000,000 of addition al stock. Tot Causas Night Alarm. "One night my brothers baby was taken with Croup," writes Mrs J. C Snider, of Crittenden, Ky. , it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and W hooping Cough. It enred me Of a chronic bronchial troub e that no other ramedy would relieve." Infallib e for Coughs. Colds, Throat and Lung troubles 50c and $ 1. Trial bottles free at H all's drug store Only six men were killed In the the explosion in Colorado In which it was at first thought 100 lost their lives. This Will Interest Many. To quickly introduce B. B. B. (Bottfnic Blood Balm), the famons Southern blood cure, into new homes, we will send, abso lutely free, trial treatments. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) quickly cures old ulcers, scrofula, eczema, itching skin and blood humors, cancer, eating, festering sores, boils, carbuncles, pimples or offensive erup tions, pains in bones or joints, rheumatism catarrh or any blood or skin trouble. Bo tanic Blood Balm (B B. B.) heals every sore or pimple, makes the blood pure and rich and stops all aches and pains. Botanic Biood Ba m (B. B B , thoroughly tested for 30 years in hospital and private practice, and has cured thousands of cases given up as hopeless. Sold at drug stores, $1 per large bottle. For free treatment write to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga. For sale by J. G. Hall. John Henry Leak, a negro, died at Hamlet as the result of a kick from a horse. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets the remedy that cnrci a cold In one day . . . Gov. Aycock offers $200 reward for Victor Hilliard, a noted horse thief who hires horses,them long distances and sells them to farmers. He offers $400 reward for Pleasant McDaniel, a white man who is charged with outraging an 11-year-old orphan girl in Iredell county. Stepped into Live Coals. '"When a child I burned my foot fright fully' writes W. II. Eads, of Jonesville, Va., ''which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything e'se failed." In fallib'e for barns, scalds, cuts, sores, bruises and piles. Sold by J. G. Hall. HEW be HI HIE Ffl 3 CR6NSHHWS, m Searched Markets rad Brought for You THE GHDIGES GOODS & THE BEST VRLUE TO BE HAD. We are now ready to supply your fall and winter wants and propose todiso at the smallest passible cost to you At no previous time have we been able to show a better n i. . . . 1 ITT 1 . i 1 j .1 j l l 1 f u 1 . c ibui iiuciii or greater vatues. we nave witn as same 01a in me cause auu &uuic who uac icucuuy icil 11 Dest 10 We cone where they might be in position to best serve their friends and patrons. They extend to you their best wishes and heartiest congratulation and an invitation to command them when in need of goods They are L. E. Wright, B. F. Hobgood, E. L. Smith, Walter Allen A. A. Williams, Jno. A, Williams. TCK1R5 VERT TKULT, Er. H, CRENSHHM CO. PATROns OF GRANVILLE ADD OTHER COUNTIES. You have raised your tobacco to sell for money. I have reduced my warehouse expen ses to the very lowest point compatible with good business methods I want a large onnr, ixujr ui tuuauuu iui uj.y uwu UB, tuereiore I can afford to push every pile of your Tobacco to the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE CT We have the strongest corps of buyers we have had in years with strong demands for all grades of tobacco. I mean BUSINESS. If you want the most money for your tobocco bring it to me at the Johnson Warehouse and you shall have mv very best efforts on every pile of tobacco placed on my floor. Yours very truly. Z. W. LYON. DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY IN THE FIRST !IP OF OXFORD, N. C. 1 mat nniA nn IMNUIilnLOn General deposits are solicited and will be appreciated. VV e pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent on time deposits. You can always rest easy that your money is in safe keeping. Our Capital is $25,000. You are secured also by additionnl lia bility of our stock holders in the amount of $25,000. If thieves break through and steal, your are protected by' burglar insur ance. If the officers go wrong they have given bond. It is known that we issue our own currency, secured by a de posit of bonds with the Treasurer of ihe United State. Our first installment of currency is now on hand. Come and see what you never saw before, a bill of money with the name of an Oxford Bank on it, and signeu by its officers. We are bene fitting this community by bringing more money into circulation, In benefitting the community we are benefitting you. What is yours, vou have a ri&-ht You are under no obligations to any bank, on the other hand U the bank you patronize is under obligations to you. H Come right on and open your account with us. We will ap- U preciate it. y Respectfully. R. W. LASSITER, President, O. D. RAY, Vice-President. W. H. HUNT, Cashier, S3 6SSSSSSS6SSS m 1 WAR ssssssssssss (A VI llUIUbl I s 8 S FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO, OXFORD, N. C. j This old and reliable house greets its hosts of farmer friends I again this season with a determination that our business for the 1 new crop shall eclipse any if possible our former endeavers. We congratulate ourselves on being able to say that our past business record stands without a blemish, and a never failing 1 desire to secure the highest averages for all grades put on our floor. We are now ready to sell your TOBACCO for you at advanced Prices. VV e solicit your trade and promise to give you a good, clean sale on every load sold on our floor. ! With increased number of buyers and the advance in prices 1 Oxford market promises to be the liviest in many yean,, and ( you will find if you want to reach the cream of prices that the Banner Warehouse is the place to get them. ' Thanking our farmer friends for past patronage and with an I earnest desire to sell their new crop. j We are yours to solicit, ( BULLOCK & MITCHELL. J

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