AWifeSays: We have four children, With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform- I used three bottles of Mother's Friend before our last child came, which is a strong, fat and htalihy boy, doing my housework up to within two hours of birth, and suf fered I ut a few hard pains. This lini ment is the grand est remedy evei made." Mother's Friend will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering. Mother s Friend equips the patient with strong roay ana ciear intellect, wnicn in turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand. It relieves morning sickness and nervousness. It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour, so that the actual labor is short and practically painless. Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided, and recovery is merely a matter of a few days. Druggists sell Mother's Friend for $1 a bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Send for our free illustrated book. 'I have been using CAKCAKETSror Insomnia, with whtcli I have been iifllicted for over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets have given me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as beinp all they are represented." Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. Plfiasftnt,. Pnl.ita.hlf Potent, Good. Uood, Never Sicken. WeaUen. or Gripe. 10c, 2jc, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... 8trliii(r Remedy Company, ChiraKO, Montreal, Sew York. 318 NO-TO-BAC Sold and (rnarahteed by all drug gists to CUItE Tobacco Habit. Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901. Ever since the first appearance of my menses they were very irregular and I suffered with great pain in my hips, back, stomach and legs, with terrible bearing down pains in the abdomen. During the past month I have been taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford's Black-Draught, and I passed the month ly period without pain for the first time in years. Nannie Davis. I What is life worth to a woman suffer ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet there are women in thousands of homes to-day who are bearing those terrible menstrual pains in silence. If you are one of these we want to say that this same will bring you permanent reiief. Con sole yourself with the knowledge that 1,000,000 women have been completely cured by Wine of Cardui. These wom en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular menses, headache, backache, and bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui will stop all these aches and pains for you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui to-day and take it in the privacy of your home. For advice and literature, address, giving symp toms, "Ihu Ijuiies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Wood's Seeds FOR FALL SOWING. T. W. Wood & Sons Fall Catalogue, Issued in August, tells all abont GRASS and CLOVER SEEDS, Vetches, Crimson Clover, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Rape, etc. Also Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Hya cinths, Tulips, and all Bulbs, Seeds and Plants for Fall planting. The Information given In our Fall Catalogue about different crops is from our customers' and our own practical experience. We are constantly in re ceipt of the most gratifying expressions as to the great value and the help that our Catalogue proves to Farmers and Gardener3 everywhere. Catalogue mailed on request. Write for It and prices of any seeds desired. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed Growers & Merchants. O RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. A. HI'JKS. 8. W. XIKOB. Attorneys -at-Law, OJLFOKD, K. C. Associate Counsel: rp t. Hints, HXHD2RSON. N.C. Will nrartirp mcrpthpr In the courts Of Gran ville, "Vance. Franklin and Warren counties, and In all matters requiring their joint attention. ) We hope by prompt, diligent and faithful atten ion to bQsl&ees to deter ve and receive porter f tt) la bursts . i vfiU ' J SplS CANDY f I LJJ CATHARTIC TRADE MARK M8ITORID 0 1 OXPORD PUBLIG LEDGER. JOHN T. BRITT. OWNER AND EDITOR. THURSDAY, - - - OCT. 31,1901 It is all right to joke about a "nig ger in the woodpile," but a "nigger" at a white man's dinner table is no joke. Greensboro Record. Those "commercial" democrats who believe so strenuously in free thought and free speech and free ac tion, should not criticise the president for eating with a negro. Charlotte News. The negroes in Georgia seem to be doing pretty well. According to of ticial reports they now own .f 15.62S, 811 worth of taxable property, an in crease of more than a million dollars over last year. The Methodist preachers of Phila delphia endorse KooseA'elt's dinning Booker Washington. That's th sort of thine: that prevents a uniou , of the southern and northern churches. News & Cbserver. Swain now has an iron and steel trust modeled on American trust principles. The shooting up which was given to Spain three years ago seems to have convinced her this good country to imitate. Fortv-vear-old James Meridy, of Barboursville,Ky.,was divorced from his thirteenth wife on October 16 and married his forteenth the same day. Four of his wives are dead, nine have been divorced and the fourteenth was a widow. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pratt, of Whitewater, Wis., have offered to iiive a brick block in that place val ued at 30,000 to the National Spirit ualists' Association of the United States, provided the property is de voted to the cause of spiritualism. The director of the Iowa Crop Bureau estimates tne corn crop of the State this year at 223,000,000 bush els, which is ou.uuu.uuu more than in dicated by the September report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, but 33,000,000 less than the average for twelve years. Nothing teaches charity toward the short-comings of others, like the lowledge of one's own moral limi tations. iever to criticize a fallen brother without feeling that you could, and probably would have yielded to the same temptation, had you been in his place this is applied religion. The death penalty for murder has been restored in Colorado and Iowa. In both states the imprisonment for life experiment resulted in a largely increased list of homicides. There are now only four states in which the death penalty is not inflicted Wis consin, Michigan, Maine and lihode Island. Greensboro Telegram: It does not pay to be absent from the court room when you are a witness before Judge Shaw. He imposed a fine of eighty dollars upon several persons includ ing the chief of police of High Point for their failure to be present when their names were called they could not be found. The biggest snake story of the sea son is told by a sea captain just ar rived at New York from Java. When about 43 miles off Ceylon his ship ran into a colony of snakes, two miles wide and fifteen miles long, snakes of an unknown species about three eet long which seemed to be feeding on some substance thrown up by some volcanic upheaval. A Coffeyville, Kas., woman has brought suit against five j oint keepers for $10,000 damages on the ground that they sold liquor to her thirty-two-year-old son against her protest. She alleges that during .the past three years her son was drunk on 810 days so drunk that she .had to take care of him. On the remain ingiV) a ays he was only partly so ber. The mother demands $4,050 or ") a day for her services in caring for her son S10 days, and the remain der of the loss of her son's support, etc. He Is The Man. We are for Judge Clark for Chief and because he deserves the honor and because he is not a man in the state better equipped for the place. He has made the state his debtor along many lines and the honor to which he worthily aspires will be a small recompense for the service he has done and is doing for his beloved Carolina. He will not be sacrificed to gratify a few soreheads who can not spell the first sj'llable of loyalty. They are for Hoke, Justice, Connor or Long, not they love them more, but Clark less. We have no warfare to make upon those good democrats, who deserve well of their party, and have been honored by it, but we pro test that Judge Clark deserves fair treatment and that they cannot af ford to lend themselves to any scheme of his enemies to humiliate him for having refused to bow the knee to the railroads and cigarette trust. Webster's (Iteidsville) Weekly. Two cars salt in all size sacks from 25c to $1.25c a sack at Crenshaws. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infante and children, and see that it Bears the Rlcnatare of o : W i la Ue For Over 30 Tears. H Slnd You, Have Always Bougbt, Civil Rights Question Why should not a Republican pres identmind you, a republican presi dent dine with a negro? Have not the republican heelers locally in the south, t)een the great clamorer for civil rights for forty years? Has the republican heeler3 locked arms with the brother in black and march ed solid phalanx to every voting pre cinct in the South, since the civil war and patted him on the back and told him he was as good as a white man? We feel a delicacy in criticising the action of gentlemen in their exchange of social courtesies, and especially do we feel a delicacy in saying anything that might appear to be a critical scrutiny of Professor Washington's conduct upon this particular occasion but it seems to us that the proper thing for Prof. Washington to have done would have been to decline the invitation and withdraw. Charlotte News. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stim ulant to tired nature. It affords the stomaeh com lete and absolute rest by digesting tl tood vou eat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy all the good food you want. Kodo' lyspepsia Cure instantly relieves that dis tressed teelmo alter eating, giving you new lite and vigor. A Brooklyn man lived without missing: his stomach for fourteen months after the surgeons had re moved it. But the New York World thinks this is not nearly so remark able as the fact that some men live right along for years without know ing that they are without brains. A Typical South African Store. O. R. - Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River, Cape Colony, conducts a store of South Africa, at which can be purchased anvthine from the prov rbial -'needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valle'j nine miles ironi the nearest railway station aud about twenty live miles from the neares town. Mr. Larson says: "I am tavore wilh the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles to many of whom Lhave sup uhed Chamberlain's remedies. All testily o then value in a household where a doc. or s advice is almost cut of tne question Willi in one mile ol my store the popu ation is. perhaps xty. Of those within the past twelve months, no less than iourreen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This must surely be record." For sale byj.i. Id ail. The largest chinquapin tree in the world is said to be on the farm of Dr. W. W. Parks, near Seven Springs It is said to be 30 years old, ten feet in circumference and to yield an av erage of two bushels a j ear. Cures and ltcning Humors through the Blood Costs Nothing to try It. U is. is. (tsotanic iilooa isalm) is now recognized as a certain and sure cure for Ec zema, Itching bkin, Humors, bcabs, Sc-les, Watery blisters, 1 imples, Aching .Hones or Joints. Eoils, Caiuuncles, Prickling Fain in the Skin, Old bating bores. Ulcers, etc. tsotanic Jslooa lalai taken internally, cures the worst and mot deep-seated cases by enriching, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin, botanic Blood Balm is the only cure to stay Cured, for these, awful au noying skin troubles. Uther remedies may relieve, but B. B. B. actually cures, heal every sore and gives the rich glow of health to theskin. B B B. builds up ihe broken down body and makes the blood red and nourishing. Druggists, $1. Trial treat ment free and prepaid by writting Blood Balm Co , Atlanta t a. ' A Deserved Honor. Raleigh News and Observer: The speech of General Julian S. Carr at the meeting of the Confederate Vet erans last night is said to have been by those who heard it very fine effort. Gen. Carr declined re-election but the camps announced that they had been instructed to vote for him and so he was re-elected by acclamation. He is never too engrossed with business to respond to the calls of his com raues in arms wno noia him m affectionate regard. Stricken With Paralysis. tienaerson onmmett, ct tirs place, was stricken with partial paralysis and complete ly lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent physician fo quite a whi'e without relief, my wife rocom mended Chamber ains Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of it he is almost entirely cured. Oeo. R. McDonald, Man, Logon county, W. Va Several other very remark able cures of part paralysis have been effest ed by the use of this liniment. It is most widely known, however, as a cure for rheu matism, sprains and bruises. Sold by J. G. Hall. On Wednesday of last week a negro stole a horse in Orange county, was tried, convicted aud sentenced before noon Thursday and on Friday was taken to the penitentiary to serve fifty years. Tbls Will interest Many. To quickly introduce B. B. B. (Botenic Blood Balm), the famons Southern blood cure, into new homes, we will send, abso lutely free, lo,ooo trial treatments. Botanic Blood Balm (B B. B ) quickly cures old ulcers, scrofula, eczema, itching skin and blood humors, cancer, eating, festering sores, boils, carbuncles, pimples or offensive erup tions, pains in bones or joints, rheumatism catarrh or any blood or skin trouble. Bo tanic Blood Balm (B B. B ) heals every sore or pimple, makes the blood pure and rich and stops all aches and pains. Botanic Biood Ba m (B. B B .thoroughly tested for 30 years in hospital and private practice, and has cured thousands of cases given up as hopeless. Sold at drug stores, $1 per large bottle. For free treatment write to Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta Ga. For sale by J. G. Hall. Newton Enterprise: Mr. John Howard, of Drumsville, tells us that cotton is turning out better than was expected in his section- It is opening very fast and people are in much better spirits over it. W. T, Wesson, Gholsonville, Va. drug gist writes: "Your One Minute lough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My custom eis say it is the best remedy for coughs.colds, throat and lung troubles. J Han. Outing 6 worth 8c at Crenshaws. TUn V'mA Unn Umrn Alurouo Dmtrrfcf Signature The United States Gov ernment Report shows Royal Baking Powder to be stronger, purer and better than THE BEGINNING OF THE END. Member of Louisburg League Resigns Be cause He Opposes Social Equality. To the jCditor News & Observer: A few months ago, being favorably disposed toward the National policies of the Itepublican party, I consented to join the liepublican League at this place. I was a Democrat until the disfran chisement of the negro, as I thought, made our State institutions safe whichever party was in power. I re garded the taking of the ballot from the negro as the most important step ever taken in North Carolina's polit ical history. Social equality is a thousand-fold more menacing to us and ourinstitu tions than political equality. The Democratic party has always been bitterly opposed to social equal ity in North Carolina: it proved its sincerity along this line by courage ously disfranchising the negro. It remains for the President of the United States, the actual and nomina head of the Republican party, by one act to go further in undoing the work accomplished by disfranching the negro, than any one nas ever gone before, or it is to be hoped, will ever go again. By inviting a negro to his home to dine with him on terms of perfect so cial and civil equality. Mr. Itoose velt has struck directly at the South and her best-loved traditions. There were many of us of what is called "The New South," who were hopeful of a better sectional feeling under his administration. If by this act, he undertakes to interpret the attitude of his party and administration to the South and especially to North Carolina, I, for one propose to resent it. 1 hereby publicly and openly sever my connection witn the itepuDiican League and party. I shall certainly remain with that party which made the tight for clean government and White Supremacy. Others may con strue Mr. Roosevelt's conduct as they please. For me I hold that White Supremacy is inconsistent with social equality. Very truly yours, R. T. CARLYLE Louisburg, N. C, Oct. 21, 1901. Judge Winston's Speech. Raleigh Post: Former J udge Rob t, W. Winston never performed a great er public service than in the really able and aggressive speech which he delivered last night before the Liter ary and Historical Society. He gives a glowing account of the splendid public school work and interest there in in his, Durham county, and was felicitous in his tribute to the county superintendent and those who co operate with him in the great work confined to them. But lie goes farth er and deals heroically with subject of public education as related to all the people of all the counties of the State. Like the honorable, patriotic citizen, loyal North Carolinian that he is, he dismissed with a pardonable impatience the methods and mischiev ous influences of the demagogue, and rose to the occassion by demanding the active energy and preseverance of the patriotic statesmen in behalf of the cause. It is a speech that should be read by every North Caro linian, for it cannot be read by one sincerely desirous of the welfare of the State without arousing interest, and it is to be hoped, action. It is a. straight shot from the shoul der in behalf of the people, and meets the issue involved in the public school system as becomes an honest patri otic citizen. Railroad Men's Prayer. An old railroad man, having been converted, was asked to lead in prayer. The following was the re sponse: O Lord, now that 1 have flagged thee, lift up my feet from the rough road of life and plant them safely on the deck of the train of sal vation. Let me use the safety lamp known as prudence, make all the couplings in the train with the strong ink of thy love and let my hand lamp be the Bible, and, heavenly Father, keep all switches closed that lead off the sidings, especially those with a blind end. O Lord, if it be thy pleasure have every semaphore block along the line show the white line of hope that I may make the run of life without stopping. And, Lord give us the Ten Commandments for a schedule, and when I have finished the run on schedule time and pulled into the great dark station of death may thou, the Superintendent of the universe, say,;" Well done, thou good and faithful servant; come , and sign the pay roll and receive you check for eternal happiness." Railroad Ga zette. An Indiana institution is "Harrison Day," when the school teachers give ten and the pupils five cents to the fund for erecting a monument to the late Ex-President Harrison, anv other. THE MAN WHO WON. He kept his soul unspotted As he went upon his way, And he tried to do some service For God's people day by day, He had time to cheer the doubter Who complained that hope was dead; He had time to help the cripple When the way was rough ahead; He had time to guard the orphan, and one day, well satisfied With the talents God had given him he closed his eyes and died. He had time to see the beauty That the Lord spread all round; He had time to hear the music In the shells the children found; He had time to keep repeating As he bravely worked away; 'Tt is splendid to be living In "the splendid world today!" But the cords the cords that hurry After golden prizes said That he never had succeeded, When the clods lay o'er his head He had dreamed "He was a failure," they compassionately sighed, Nor the man had little money in his pockets when he died. State Fair a Succes. The management of the State Fair were delighted, with the unprecedent ed attendance, the fine exhibits, with fits quality higher than ever before, and with the satisfaction of the pub lic. The fact is that the State Fair is a great reunion time for North Caro lina. Public men said that they be lieved every county was represented. It is the people who make the fair, after all good and valuable as are the exhibits. There were 20,000 people at the fafr grounds Thursday. In the great grand stand wTere 8.000 and over the 40 acres of the grounds they were in immense masses. Gen. W. R. Cox, the efficient President, having declin ed to serve any longer, Mr. L. Banks Holt, of Alamance county, was elect President of the State Fair. News & Observer. It Was a Mistake. Augusta Cnronicle: While encourag ing the people in the hope that the negro is to be largely eliminated from office in the south, President Roosevelt throws the fat in the fire by giving countenance to the negro's claim for social equality by having one to dine in the White House with himself, Mrs. Roosevelt and children. We concede the fact that he could not have had a nioTe decent negro. Presi dent Booker T. Washington is the representative man of his race, a use ful citizen and an able leader of his people. But he represents the negro, race and between his people and the w hites there can be no social equality. This is not simply local southern pre judice, but it is an ineradicable racial fact. Judge Reagan, of Texas, the only survivor of the confederate cabinet, is dangerously ill. Get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and I iver Tablets at Halls drug store. They are easier to take and more pleasut in effeet than pills. Tnen their use is not followed by constipation as is often the case with pills. Regular size, 25c per box. There was an inch and a half of , Friday mora- snow at Rome, N. Y. ing. consum 1 a disease of civilization. When the Indian was a stransrer to the white man he had no name in his vocabulary for this dreaded malady. Without -argTiinsr as to the curability of consumption, it may be stated posi tively that Doctor Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery cures weak lungs, hemor rhages, bronchitis. deep-seated and stubborn cough, aud other diseases which if neglected or tin skillfully treated find ratal termination in consumption. There is no alcohol in the " Discovery." and it is entirely free irom opium, cocaine. and all other nar cotics. Persons sufferine- from chronic dis ease are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is conducted under the seal of sacred secrecy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. In a little over thirtv vears. Dr. Pierce.. assisted by his medical staff of nearly a scpre or physicians, nas treated and cured thousands of men and women who had been given up as incurable by local physicians. " Your medicine is the best I have ever taken." writes Mrs. Jennie Dingtnan, of Rapid City. Kalkaska Co., Mich. "Last spring I had a bad cough , got so bad I had to be in bed all the time. My husband thought I had con sumption. He wanted me to get a doctor but thought we would try Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, and before I had taken one bottle the cough stopped and I have since had no si$m of its returning." 6 Doctor Pierce' Pleasant PelleU cuxr; constipation. prion The most overworked word in the earthly vocabulary is the short est "I." To change our lives, we have but to change our desires; our lives are only a more or less complete embodi ment of our desires. A talent for art is many times not nearly of so much benefit to the neighborhood as a talent for minding one's own business. Merrily we light our little Lamp of Hope, and think to keep it trimmed and burning; then comes the ill-wind of unfavoring Fortune, and we sit in darkness! Mens suits from $3 to f 25 at Cren shaws. What's in a name? Mrs. Isabella Toothaker, of Argentine, Kan , writes poetry; Rainey Day is running a livery stable in an Iowa town; Brand New Is one of the oldest men in Washing county, Ohio. Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it Very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catar rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading dry-goods mer chant of Spartanburg, S. C, writes : " For yean I had a severe case or nasal Catarrh, with all the disagreeable effects -which belong to that disease, and which make life painful and unendurable. I used medicines prescribed by leading physicians and suggested "by. numbers of friends, but without getting any better. I then began to take S. S. S. It had the desired effect, and cured me after takine eiehteen bottles. In my opinion S. S. S. is the only medl cine now in use that will effect a permanent curt of Catarrh." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known, aim the great est of all blood medi cines and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't w ait until il becomes deep-seated and chronic, but De- gin at once the use of S. S. S., and send tor our book; on uiood ana bicin uiseasej and write our physicians about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Don't tie the top of your Jelly and preserve jars in theold fashioned way. Seat them by tho new, quick, aDsolutciy sure way ty a tnin coating or iure fie lined Paratline. lias no taste or odor. la air tight and acid proof. Easily applied. Useful in a dozen other ways about the bouse. Full directions with each cake. . Sold everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. t 1 8 Attractive Store. Is a thing of beauty. She is just back from an extended trip tnrough the Northern markets where with an eye for the interest of her numerous friends. She has the choice of a varied stock of Hats. Gainsborough, Napoleon Draped Turbons, etc.. Sty ish Walking Hats all colors. Misses Hats and school caps, all styles, also Misses School Leggings and Mitts, Misses cheap Union Suits, beauties at 37 1-2 cts Misses and Children's fur sets very dainty. A specially pretty line of Infants Caps in all delicrte shades and pure white caps to add to the blue eyed or black e) ed queen of the baby. Ladies and Childrens Singerie in cotton, wool or Oneida Union Suits aguarantee against co?d, Handsome line Velvet and cloth wraps, Gloves. Kid, Jersey, Silk and Cotton. Corsets and Girdles, beauties for 50 cents. Vel vets in Paon, Panne and AJirrowed a 1 shades. GOING OUT OF P 0 I have decided to go out of business on Jan. 1st, 1902.. I most earn estly request that all parties owing me will come forward and set tle promptly. From now until that date ail whiskies, tobacco and cigars will be sold for cash only. Don't ask for credit as you will not get it. Bear in mind all who owe me I want Tthem to settle up. win i6 11 u Kzar mi Day Bui USRY, j rust's Cotton Root- fflENNYROYAL ILLS0 1 Walwaya reliable ai,d W,afe. LAm M always ek for Dr. I Root and Pennyroyal u-t'e cotton Femal rney never lau and Mailed to any address on receipt of i t fale ov J. P. Stedman. Oxford. N O. or CAN BK PRESERVED, YS YOUR KYKS apr PROPERLY CARBilJ UK. If you are unable tn visit our optical office and consult our epec'a'iat we will send you a simple method of U'BMrjo your eyes at home, on receipt of a poeta! card t)R. e. KAPPOhT, ' ept.30. DnrhMtn N. c. Gentlemen, Get the New Novel Discovt-ry" RIGEON MILK In ection. Care fOEorrboea and Gleet in 1 to 4 day-, it action is magical. P'events stricture. All com plete To b carried in- vest pocket Sure ;re ventative. Sent by mail in plain package pre paid, on receipt of price. $i per box; 3 for fi 50 For sale by J, P. Stedman, druggist, Oxford, n C Womanly Beauty, SPARKLING EYES AND BRIGHT FACES Are the Fruits of Sound Nerves. T3 TMTlTPn THK GREAT FKI X, H JtlJ. Ui-.J NJbRVK TONIC anjj VITALIZKR Cures Nervous Exhaustion, liys I teria, Dizziness, Headache, Bockache and 1 e ' ..ale Weakness so common attending he ironthly periods, rla Paeaing thr ugh the tryinz change ; Ull AO from Oirlhood to Womanhood wmi una u s wuiiutsnui iciiei nuu ueueui, it quiets and strengthens the nerves, cleanses the blood clears the brain and tone np the whole syfU-m' WAKES A WOMAN LOOK YoUNU AND Fii iCL YOUNG. Price 50c. 12 boxes 5 Sent by n ail to any address Sold Dy J. P. Stedn an d'Vggiwt., Oxford N. C ' VIGOR OF MEN f Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored ! mamrU (Pari!)GRlAT FRKNC'H TONIC AJN I VI1ALIZKK is sold with writ ten guarantee to care Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Falling Memory, Fits, Dizziness, Hys teria, stops ali drains on. the nervous system caused by bad habits or excessive use of To bacco, Opium, Liquors, or ' Living the I'ace that Kills." It waras otf insanity, consumption and death. It clears the blood and brain, imiidB up the shattered nerves, restores the lire of youth. nd brings the pink glow to pale cheeks, and makes you young and strong again. 50c. 13 Boxes $5 By niaifto any address. For sale by J. P. btedman, druggist, Oxford, N. C. CHlCHESIEH'S ENGLISH ENNYROYAL PILLS 1 10 ana loia metallic boxes setied with blue ribbon. Take no ot her. Ki-ruw I Dangerous HubHtitutlona and Imlta, Uoiim. Huy of your Druggist or senl 4e. ia Btump for Pnrtloulura. Testimonial, and Relief for Larileit, tn letter, bj 1 .11 nr..i... . 11 .' . . . ' Mention tbit paper. Madinoo bquare, I'lllLA., Pi. Dyspepsia Dure Digests what you cat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food. Itgives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevent? formation of gas on tho stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. rit can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. PeWitt Co., Chirac rih& $1. bottle contains iY times the &0c. si J. G. Hall Notice of Sale. By virtue of the power and authority given by a certain deed in trnst executed by A. M Over ton anl wife Emma Khodes . verton to Gen ge B Hams', Trustee, wbich ia recorded in the of fice of Bf-gifter of Deeds for the county of Gran ville, in book of Deeds No 41 page 158 etc the following properly will be told at public auction at he Court House door in Oxford 01 MONDAY, NOVEMBEK 11th, 1901. at 12 o'clouk, m One tract f 52 acre more or leee in FiehiTig Creek Township. d.ioiniiig the lands of Kl-'jih Av-rett, John H Averett, Morila gne f-nS others, a'so one other t.r- c' containing 9 acres more or le-s pdjoining the lurdpof W illiam Kenn. -J H Averet c and o hers, the ea'd two tracts of land beine son e boujjbt bv saiit Emma Kboi'es Overton of Mrs A IS Harris by deed dated Dec 4 1893. See deed on Kecord 'V Granville county Kcgisters office Teimn of sale cash GWOROE B HARRIS, Truette Henderson, N C, Oct 7th 1901 Sale of Personal Pro perty. By virtue of authority conferred upon ne by the will of Fieldirg Knott, di ceased, we will on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1901 ofl'er for sale at public auction to the hithest b.adeT for cash the personal property belonging ' o said estate c nsisMng ' f Corn. Fodder, W li at, Horses, t ow, v agons, Fanning lmpli iin-i.ts and othe'personalty Place of sale, the late residence of fald Field ing Knott. Sale to begin at 10' a m SALLIE A KNOTT, J'S B KNOTT, CRAWFORD M KNOTT. Executors WILLETT NEST. Patented. Begin using now with Pullets. Don't lose a yeai. My pedegrced W. P. Rocks pullets begin laying July 4. English Orpingtons a specia ty. bee circu'ar. VV. P, VVillett, East Orange, X. J. Valuable Farm ior Sale Containing 99 acres adjoining the !arm? of Ral h Currio. K. P. Aiken and W. G Waller. one mile north of I'ennehan station and adapt ed e-pecially to growina of fine tobacco, torn, wheat, etc. Has fine 1 a-tnre land L.IZ.Z.IK A IKKJN Apply to J. L. Lvou. Aet. Nori hsid'-. N- Executors Notice The undeisissed haviner ouililled af execu tors and executrix of the last will and tecturnent of Fielding Knott, deceased, hereby Hive notice to all parties indebted to the retail their test tor to come forward and make rM ele ment of tne samo Ail parties holding claims against said estate are notified to preeent tn" same within one year from ihis date or thu notice will be pleaded in br of their recovery This 2nd day of October 1901 SALJ.11S A &OTT, J B KNOTT, C M KNOTT, BKecutors, Admins trators Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of 'he estate of J. C. Terry, notice is bertby given to all persons indebted to said estate to one fr' ward and settle same at once Parties hoH'.ip? against said esato will present them r me for payment on or before the 13th day of rnbef 1901 or this notice will be plead in bar of t t;r recovery. A. A Hicks, Administrator This 8ept. IJJt.h 1901 Notice to Creditors. Kotice i hereby given to all persons holding claims against inst the firm of J. C. and L. V. rea at Creedmoore, N. O. to present them to me ror payment vu fore the 29th day of August, 1902, or this uotic wm ue uieau lu uai 01 men iciuicij- 8Hh. 1901. Surviving Partner. f fi 3 ( Ot J lC